A vote for any democrat is a vote to end your ability to own a gun to protect your family...

Paranoid Schizophrenia ^^^, or too dumb to write anything of substance, thoughtful or thought provoking.
If you're not a commie, why do you faithfully vote for commies?

Republicans are brainwashed to think that their way is the best but just look at what they're way produces. More murder than every other country.

And don't blame us liberals because all those other countries who are less violent are more liberal than us.
So only republicans commit murder?

Our murder rate is skewed by just a few urban shitholes.

2% of all the counties in the US accounted for more than half of all murder
54% of all counties in the US had a murder rate that was virtually zero

Most murders are criminals killing other criminals

These are all facts that you people love to ignore
Until columbine, sandy hook, Vegas country music concert, black churches, white churches, republican charity softball games.

Clearly the gun industry needs to be regulated better.
None of those incidents changed the statistics

1% of all murders take place in mass shooting events
There is no doubt, there is no more lying...we saw it at the CNN 2 minutes of hate against gun owners......the democrats will destroy the 2nd Amendment if they are given the power to do it.......

Oh Look, Another Reason Why We Should Be Skeptical Of Democrats On Gun Control

Now, YouGov has a poll showing that 82 percent of Democrats want to ban semiautomatic firearms, while they’re evenly split on a total handgun ban.

This is where the party stands on gun rights, our civil right to own firearms. They want to shred the Second Amendment and the gauge of Democratic Party members offers a dark vision of what could come if enough of these people are elected to Congress. Allahpundit broke down the numbers:
Hmmmm....sounds pretty high, but that would be great.
I guess you should be afraid, Guy. If you continue to fight every reasonable suggestion to control the weapons madness in this country, I think EVENTUALLY you will be steamrolled.

You guys keep saying "reasonable" as if that means something......at this point, I have shown how each and every one of the new laws you guys want, won't do anything to stop criminals or mass shooters from getting guns.....and they simply make it harder, more expensive and legally dangerous for law abiding gun owners....but we are the ones being unreasonable?

We may get steam rolled.....but it won't because you are right.....you will have just lied to uninformed voters to push laws that do nothing.....
I don't believe that, Guy. I think gun control laws that mean business will make a difference. We got a background check system that (1) isn't applied to all gun purchases and (2) doesn't include all the information it is supposed to. Doesn't surprise me it isn't working so great, right now. So fix it and see.
You are making lots of predictions, including that the fascist government would overtake us if there were less AR-15's in the country, so why should I believe any of your predictions?
Paranoid Schizophrenia ^^^, or too dumb to write anything of substance, thoughtful or thought provoking.
If you're not a commie, why do you faithfully vote for commies?

Republicans are brainwashed to think that their way is the best but just look at what they're way produces. More murder than every other country.

And don't blame us liberals because all those other countries who are less violent are more liberal than us.
So only republicans commit murder?

Our murder rate is skewed by just a few urban shitholes.

2% of all the counties in the US accounted for more than half of all murder
54% of all counties in the US had a murder rate that was virtually zero

Most murders are criminals killing other criminals

These are all facts that you people love to ignore
Those people's deaths don't matter? They do to me.

Then why aren't you out working in those urban areas to actually address the issue instead of telling people who don't commit murder that they shouldn't have guns?
Why aren't you?
There is no doubt, there is no more lying...we saw it at the CNN 2 minutes of hate against gun owners......the democrats will destroy the 2nd Amendment if they are given the power to do it.......

Oh Look, Another Reason Why We Should Be Skeptical Of Democrats On Gun Control

Now, YouGov has a poll showing that 82 percent of Democrats want to ban semiautomatic firearms, while they’re evenly split on a total handgun ban.

This is where the party stands on gun rights, our civil right to own firearms. They want to shred the Second Amendment and the gauge of Democratic Party members offers a dark vision of what could come if enough of these people are elected to Congress. Allahpundit broke down the numbers:
Hmmmm....sounds pretty high, but that would be great.
I guess you should be afraid, Guy. If you continue to fight every reasonable suggestion to control the weapons madness in this country, I think EVENTUALLY you will be steamrolled.

You guys keep saying "reasonable" as if that means something......at this point, I have shown how each and every one of the new laws you guys want, won't do anything to stop criminals or mass shooters from getting guns.....and they simply make it harder, more expensive and legally dangerous for law abiding gun owners....but we are the ones being unreasonable?

We may get steam rolled.....but it won't because you are right.....you will have just lied to uninformed voters to push laws that do nothing.....
I don't believe that, Guy. I think gun control laws that mean business will make a difference. We got a background check system that (1) isn't applied to all gun purchases and (2) doesn't include all the information it is supposed to. Doesn't surprise me it isn't working so great, right now. So fix it and see.
You are making lots of predictions, including that the fascist government would overtake us if there were less AR-15's in the country, so why should I believe any of your predictions?

You haven't really thought about this...

1) criminals do not get their guns by going through background checks. Do you understand this fact? They get people who can pass background checks to buy their guns from gun stores...not gun shows.....or they steal the guns. This means that their straw buyers can pass any background check anywhere you put them....

2) This is the fault of the government since we already have laws that should have kept this guy from getting a gun.

You should believe me because history shows us it can and does happen, and it is happening right across our own border in Mexico. They have all the gun laws you want....and the drug cartels use the police and the military, with fully automatic weapons, to murder Mexican citizens.....

And as I posted....the democrats are going to stop the fixing of the background check system...care to explain that?
Paranoid Schizophrenia ^^^, or too dumb to write anything of substance, thoughtful or thought provoking.
If you're not a commie, why do you faithfully vote for commies?

Republicans are brainwashed to think that their way is the best but just look at what they're way produces. More murder than every other country.

And don't blame us liberals because all those other countries who are less violent are more liberal than us.

So only republicans commit murder?

Our murder rate is skewed by just a few urban shitholes.

2% of all the counties in the US accounted for more than half of all murder
54% of all counties in the US had a murder rate that was virtually zero

Most murders are criminals killing other criminals

These are all facts that you people love to ignore

Until columbine, sandy hook, Vegas country music concert, black churches, white churches, republican charity softball games.

Clearly the gun industry needs to be regulated better.

None of those incidents changed the statistics

1% of all murders take place in mass shooting events

One must infer the mass murder of innocents is less a concern to you than is a more common murder, is that correct?

Murder is the illegal taking of a human life, therefore all murders are committed by criminals. Maybe the insane do not act with a Mens rea (i.e. the intention or knowledge of wrongdoing); yet the act itself is illegal and immoral In the hearts and minds of most human beings.

It seems your effort to justify gun ownership, if restricted makes a criminal out of law abiding citizens, something which you have argued repeatedly which borders on the absurd. For those who murder are not always criminals until they commit the act of murder.

A gun is a popular choice when one seeks to safely take the life of another! Of course a knife, an ax, a baseball bat, a car, a bomb, etc. can be effective tools to, but all of them put the actor in jeopardy, or are difficult to wield or can be easily tracked down by LE. Suicides too are usually successful and immediate, and accidental discharge while rare is tragic, especially when a child is the victim.

If you're not a commie, why do you faithfully vote for commies?

Republicans are brainwashed to think that their way is the best but just look at what they're way produces. More murder than every other country.

And don't blame us liberals because all those other countries who are less violent are more liberal than us.

So only republicans commit murder?

Our murder rate is skewed by just a few urban shitholes.

2% of all the counties in the US accounted for more than half of all murder
54% of all counties in the US had a murder rate that was virtually zero

Most murders are criminals killing other criminals

These are all facts that you people love to ignore

Until columbine, sandy hook, Vegas country music concert, black churches, white churches, republican charity softball games.

Clearly the gun industry needs to be regulated better.

None of those incidents changed the statistics

1% of all murders take place in mass shooting events

One must infer the mass murder of innocents is less a concern to you than is a more common murder, is that correct?

Murder is the illegal taking of a human life, therefore all murders are committed by criminals. Maybe the insane do not act with a Mens rea (i.e. the intention or knowledge of wrongdoing); yet the act itself is illegal and immoral In the hearts and minds of most human beings.

It seems your effort to justify gun ownership, if restricted makes a criminal out of law abiding citizens, something which you have argued repeatedly which borders on the absurd. For those who murder are not always criminals until they commit the act of murder.

A gun is a popular choice when one seeks to safely take the life of another! Of course a knife, an ax, a baseball bat, a car, a bomb, etc. can be effective tools to, but all of them put the actor in jeopardy, or are difficult to wield or can be easily tracked down by LE. Suicides too are usually successful and immediate, and accidental discharge while rare is tragic, especially when a child is the victim.

Harris and klebolts parents should have been sued in civil court or criminal
There is no doubt, there is no more lying...we saw it at the CNN 2 minutes of hate against gun owners......the democrats will destroy the 2nd Amendment if they are given the power to do it.......

Oh Look, Another Reason Why We Should Be Skeptical Of Democrats On Gun Control

Now, YouGov has a poll showing that 82 percent of Democrats want to ban semiautomatic firearms, while they’re evenly split on a total handgun ban.

This is where the party stands on gun rights, our civil right to own firearms. They want to shred the Second Amendment and the gauge of Democratic Party members offers a dark vision of what could come if enough of these people are elected to Congress. Allahpundit broke down the numbers:
Hmmmm....sounds pretty high, but that would be great.
I guess you should be afraid, Guy. If you continue to fight every reasonable suggestion to control the weapons madness in this country, I think EVENTUALLY you will be steamrolled.

You guys keep saying "reasonable" as if that means something......at this point, I have shown how each and every one of the new laws you guys want, won't do anything to stop criminals or mass shooters from getting guns.....and they simply make it harder, more expensive and legally dangerous for law abiding gun owners....but we are the ones being unreasonable?

We may get steam rolled.....but it won't because you are right.....you will have just lied to uninformed voters to push laws that do nothing.....
I don't believe that, Guy. I think gun control laws that mean business will make a difference. We got a background check system that (1) isn't applied to all gun purchases and (2) doesn't include all the information it is supposed to. Doesn't surprise me it isn't working so great, right now. So fix it and see.
You are making lots of predictions, including that the fascist government would overtake us if there were less AR-15's in the country, so why should I believe any of your predictions?

You haven't really thought about this...

1) criminals do not get their guns by going through background checks. Do you understand this fact? They get people who can pass background checks to buy their guns from gun stores...not gun shows.....or they steal the guns. This means that their straw buyers can pass any background check anywhere you put them....

2) This is the fault of the government since we already have laws that should have kept this guy from getting a gun.

You should believe me because history shows us it can and does happen, and it is happening right across our own border in Mexico. They have all the gun laws you want....and the drug cartels use the police and the military, with fully automatic weapons, to murder Mexican citizens.....

And as I posted....the democrats are going to stop the fixing of the background check system...care to explain that?
criminals do not get their guns by going through background checks.
Really? All of these folks got their weapons legally:

Parkland, FL 2/14/18 --17 dead
Sutherland Springs, TX 11/5/17 -- 25 dead
Las Vegas, NV 10/1/17 -- 58 dead
Orlando, FL 6/12/16 -- 49 dead
Charleston, SC 6/17/15 -- 9 dead
Washington DC 9/16/13 -- 12 dead
Aurora, CO 7/20/12 -- 12 dead

I got sick of typing, so didn't go further. A few of these had their guns because of problems with the background check system. However, they "passed" and bought their guns legally. Imagine how the lives of those affected by these deaths (and we're not even counting the life changing trauma of the injured) might have been different -- not to mention those who would not be dead right now -- if these men had been refused a gun.
Among other detriments. Democrats destroy everything they touch. I don't understand why so many continue to vote Democrat. When Democrats seize a community, it becomes destined to be a miserable hellhole. A vote for a Democrat is a vote against your own best interests.

I was thinking about that the other day and I thought about how Saul Alinsky, the guru of left wing destroyers of society dedicated his book Rules For Radicals, to satan.....he actually did this....

I think they suffer from the concept of wanting to rule in hell, rather than live in heaven.........because every city they control turns into a hell hole.......
Why is it that most people on the left don't talk about or have never heard of Saul Alinsky but all the talk radio and Fox News bots do? I guess we have Glen Beck and the conservative echo chamber to thank.

Most Democrats are what Lenin called 'Useful Idiots.' They don't really understand what they're supporting. They're easily manipulated by the Communists. They delude themselves by referring to themselves as 'Socialists' or 'Progressives.' But they're contributing to advancing a Communist Agenda. They're Communists. Check out the film 'Agenda: Grinding America Down', when you get a chance. It's currently airing on Amazon Prime.

The Communist Agenda has been ongoing for almost 100yrs in this country. Once they seized control of the Democratic Party, they were able to get much of the Agenda accomplished. But they aren't done. Anyway, check out the film 'Agenda' some time. It's fascinating.
Check out the documentary 'Agenda: Grinding America Down.' It lays out the Communist Agenda very clearly. Disarming the populace is a major part of the Agenda. And the Communists seized control of the Democratic Party many years ago.

If you believe this ^^^, you are nuts. If not, you're a liar.
According to the Communist Manifesto and Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, disarmament is part of the agenda.

According to the Third Reich arming was the agenda, ethnic cleansing was the agenda and which is more applicable to TRUMP's agenda (it's never what he says, but what he does)?

Yes, the Nazis also advanced a Totalitarian Agenda. And disarming the populace is an important aspect of such agendas. That being said, Trump is not a Nazi.
There is no doubt, there is no more lying...we saw it at the CNN 2 minutes of hate against gun owners......the democrats will destroy the 2nd Amendment if they are given the power to do it.......

Oh Look, Another Reason Why We Should Be Skeptical Of Democrats On Gun Control

Now, YouGov has a poll showing that 82 percent of Democrats want to ban semiautomatic firearms, while they’re evenly split on a total handgun ban.

This is where the party stands on gun rights, our civil right to own firearms. They want to shred the Second Amendment and the gauge of Democratic Party members offers a dark vision of what could come if enough of these people are elected to Congress. Allahpundit broke down the numbers:
Hmmmm....sounds pretty high, but that would be great.
I guess you should be afraid, Guy. If you continue to fight every reasonable suggestion to control the weapons madness in this country, I think EVENTUALLY you will be steamrolled.

You guys keep saying "reasonable" as if that means something......at this point, I have shown how each and every one of the new laws you guys want, won't do anything to stop criminals or mass shooters from getting guns.....and they simply make it harder, more expensive and legally dangerous for law abiding gun owners....but we are the ones being unreasonable?

We may get steam rolled.....but it won't because you are right.....you will have just lied to uninformed voters to push laws that do nothing.....
I don't believe that, Guy. I think gun control laws that mean business will make a difference. We got a background check system that (1) isn't applied to all gun purchases and (2) doesn't include all the information it is supposed to. Doesn't surprise me it isn't working so great, right now. So fix it and see.
You are making lots of predictions, including that the fascist government would overtake us if there were less AR-15's in the country, so why should I believe any of your predictions?

You haven't really thought about this...

1) criminals do not get their guns by going through background checks. Do you understand this fact? They get people who can pass background checks to buy their guns from gun stores...not gun shows.....or they steal the guns. This means that their straw buyers can pass any background check anywhere you put them....

2) This is the fault of the government since we already have laws that should have kept this guy from getting a gun.

You should believe me because history shows us it can and does happen, and it is happening right across our own border in Mexico. They have all the gun laws you want....and the drug cartels use the police and the military, with fully automatic weapons, to murder Mexican citizens.....

And as I posted....the democrats are going to stop the fixing of the background check system...care to explain that?
criminals do not get their guns by going through background checks.
Really? All of these folks got their weapons legally:

Parkland, FL 2/14/18 --17 dead
Sutherland Springs, TX 11/5/17 -- 25 dead
Las Vegas, NV 10/1/17 -- 58 dead
Orlando, FL 6/12/16 -- 49 dead
Charleston, SC 6/17/15 -- 9 dead
Washington DC 9/16/13 -- 12 dead
Aurora, CO 7/20/12 -- 12 dead

I got sick of typing, so didn't go further. A few of these had their guns because of problems with the background check system. However, they "passed" and bought their guns legally. Imagine how the lives of those affected by these deaths (and we're not even counting the life changing trauma of the injured) might have been different -- not to mention those who would not be dead right now -- if these men had been refused a gun.

They are mass public shooters....a different type of criminal and they are responsible for 795 mass shooting deaths....over 35 years......

There are about 10,000 gun murders every single year by regular gang members and other criminals.....

Imagine how the lives of those affected by these deaths (and we're not even counting the life changing trauma of the injured) might have been different -- not to mention those who would not be dead right now -- if these men had been refused a gun

This is why we don't take you seriously.....you talk about improving background checks....cite mass shooters, and give a list of mass shooters who passed current, Federal background checks and would have passed any other background check as well.....

The one thing all of those have in common that you refuse to accept...they all happened in democrat, gun free zones....where normal gun owners can't bring their own guns....
If you're not a commie, why do you faithfully vote for commies?

Republicans are brainwashed to think that their way is the best but just look at what they're way produces. More murder than every other country.

And don't blame us liberals because all those other countries who are less violent are more liberal than us.
So only republicans commit murder?

Our murder rate is skewed by just a few urban shitholes.

2% of all the counties in the US accounted for more than half of all murder
54% of all counties in the US had a murder rate that was virtually zero

Most murders are criminals killing other criminals

These are all facts that you people love to ignore
Those people's deaths don't matter? They do to me.

Then why aren't you out working in those urban areas to actually address the issue instead of telling people who don't commit murder that they shouldn't have guns?
Why aren't you?
Because I don't think it's that big of a deal if criminals shoot each other but you said you care about them
Last edited:
If you're not a commie, why do you faithfully vote for commies?

Republicans are brainwashed to think that their way is the best but just look at what they're way produces. More murder than every other country.

And don't blame us liberals because all those other countries who are less violent are more liberal than us.

So only republicans commit murder?

Our murder rate is skewed by just a few urban shitholes.

2% of all the counties in the US accounted for more than half of all murder
54% of all counties in the US had a murder rate that was virtually zero

Most murders are criminals killing other criminals

These are all facts that you people love to ignore

Until columbine, sandy hook, Vegas country music concert, black churches, white churches, republican charity softball games.

Clearly the gun industry needs to be regulated better.

None of those incidents changed the statistics

1% of all murders take place in mass shooting events

One must infer the mass murder of innocents is less a concern to you than is a more common murder, is that correct?

Murder is the illegal taking of a human life, therefore all murders are committed by criminals. Maybe the insane do not act with a Mens rea (i.e. the intention or knowledge of wrongdoing); yet the act itself is illegal and immoral In the hearts and minds of most human beings.

It seems your effort to justify gun ownership, if restricted makes a criminal out of law abiding citizens, something which you have argued repeatedly which borders on the absurd. For those who murder are not always criminals until they commit the act of murder.

A gun is a popular choice when one seeks to safely take the life of another! Of course a knife, an ax, a baseball bat, a car, a bomb, etc. can be effective tools to, but all of them put the actor in jeopardy, or are difficult to wield or can be easily tracked down by LE. Suicides too are usually successful and immediate, and accidental discharge while rare is tragic, especially when a child is the victim.


You know I really don't care if criminals kill each other. IMO that just saves the taxpayer time and money.

All you people who constantly whine about the murder rate are the ones who refuse to look at the places where the murder rate is so high that it skews the rate of the entire country. Really think about it do we have this widespread murder problem or do we have isolated pockets of violence concentrated in urban areas?

2% of all the counties in the country account for more than half of all murders
5% of all counties account for almost 70% of all murders

Why is that? It's not because people in the rest of the country have guns because more than half of all counties have an annual murder rate of near zero.

Mass shootings are tragic yes but dead is dead and it doesn't really matter if you gt dead alone or in a group does it?

And most murderers have prior offense and arrests.

67% of murderers have criminal records so 2/3 of all murders are not first offenses as you stated

And that just brings up another piece of flawed "logic" you people use: The you're not a criminal yet fallacy.
Last edited:
There is no doubt, there is no more lying...we saw it at the CNN 2 minutes of hate against gun owners......the democrats will destroy the 2nd Amendment if they are given the power to do it.......

Oh Look, Another Reason Why We Should Be Skeptical Of Democrats On Gun Control

Now, YouGov has a poll showing that 82 percent of Democrats want to ban semiautomatic firearms, while they’re evenly split on a total handgun ban.

This is where the party stands on gun rights, our civil right to own firearms. They want to shred the Second Amendment and the gauge of Democratic Party members offers a dark vision of what could come if enough of these people are elected to Congress. Allahpundit broke down the numbers:
Hmmmm....sounds pretty high, but that would be great.
I guess you should be afraid, Guy. If you continue to fight every reasonable suggestion to control the weapons madness in this country, I think EVENTUALLY you will be steamrolled.

You guys keep saying "reasonable" as if that means something......at this point, I have shown how each and every one of the new laws you guys want, won't do anything to stop criminals or mass shooters from getting guns.....and they simply make it harder, more expensive and legally dangerous for law abiding gun owners....but we are the ones being unreasonable?

We may get steam rolled.....but it won't because you are right.....you will have just lied to uninformed voters to push laws that do nothing.....
I don't believe that, Guy. I think gun control laws that mean business will make a difference. We got a background check system that (1) isn't applied to all gun purchases and (2) doesn't include all the information it is supposed to. Doesn't surprise me it isn't working so great, right now. So fix it and see.
You are making lots of predictions, including that the fascist government would overtake us if there were less AR-15's in the country, so why should I believe any of your predictions?

You haven't really thought about this...

1) criminals do not get their guns by going through background checks. Do you understand this fact? They get people who can pass background checks to buy their guns from gun stores...not gun shows.....or they steal the guns. This means that their straw buyers can pass any background check anywhere you put them....

2) This is the fault of the government since we already have laws that should have kept this guy from getting a gun.

You should believe me because history shows us it can and does happen, and it is happening right across our own border in Mexico. They have all the gun laws you want....and the drug cartels use the police and the military, with fully automatic weapons, to murder Mexican citizens.....

And as I posted....the democrats are going to stop the fixing of the background check system...care to explain that?
criminals do not get their guns by going through background checks.
Really? All of these folks got their weapons legally:

Parkland, FL 2/14/18 --17 dead
Sutherland Springs, TX 11/5/17 -- 25 dead
Las Vegas, NV 10/1/17 -- 58 dead
Orlando, FL 6/12/16 -- 49 dead
Charleston, SC 6/17/15 -- 9 dead
Washington DC 9/16/13 -- 12 dead
Aurora, CO 7/20/12 -- 12 dead

I got sick of typing, so didn't go further. A few of these had their guns because of problems with the background check system. However, they "passed" and bought their guns legally. Imagine how the lives of those affected by these deaths (and we're not even counting the life changing trauma of the injured) might have been different -- not to mention those who would not be dead right now -- if these men had been refused a gun.

Statistically insignificant
Check out the documentary 'Agenda: Grinding America Down.' It lays out the Communist Agenda very clearly. Disarming the populace is a major part of the Agenda. And the Communists seized control of the Democratic Party many years ago.

If you believe this ^^^, you are nuts. If not, you're a liar.

What don't you believe?

Q. What don't you believe

A. That Communism is a threat to our democratic republic, that Communism is an effective economic system as proposed in the Communist Manifesto, or has ever existed in practice, and that Communism has any relationship to Western Nations' Economic Policies in terms of health care, working conditions public educaton and aid to the aged, infirm and children.

Calling Democrats Communists is absurd, and doing so is a product of decades of fear mongering by those whose profits are marginalized by regulations; it is used by the power elites and by the ignorant members of the hoi polloi as a pejorative. This set increasingly include the set of entrepreneurs who benefit from and still hate paying taxes.
Check out the documentary 'Agenda: Grinding America Down.' It lays out the Communist Agenda very clearly. Disarming the populace is a major part of the Agenda. And the Communists seized control of the Democratic Party many years ago.

If you believe this ^^^, you are nuts. If not, you're a liar.

What don't you believe?

Q. What don't you believe

A. That Communism is a threat to our democratic republic, that Communism is an effective economic system as proposed in the Communist Manifesto, or has ever existed in practice, and that Communism has any relationship to Western Nations' Economic Policies in terms of health care, working conditions public educaton and aid to the aged, infirm and children.

Calling Democrats Communists is absurd, and doing so is a product of decades of fear mongering by those whose profits are marginalized by regulations; it is used by the power elites and by the ignorant members of the hoi polloi as a pejorative. This set increasingly include the set of entrepreneurs who benefit from and still hate paying taxes.

No offense, but you sound like an average Useful Idiot. The Communists seized control of the Democratic Party a long time ago. It is what it is.
There is no doubt, there is no more lying...we saw it at the CNN 2 minutes of hate against gun owners......the democrats will destroy the 2nd Amendment if they are given the power to do it.......

Oh Look, Another Reason Why We Should Be Skeptical Of Democrats On Gun Control

Now, YouGov has a poll showing that 82 percent of Democrats want to ban semiautomatic firearms, while they’re evenly split on a total handgun ban.

This is where the party stands on gun rights, our civil right to own firearms. They want to shred the Second Amendment and the gauge of Democratic Party members offers a dark vision of what could come if enough of these people are elected to Congress. Allahpundit broke down the numbers:

As long as people like 2aguy lie, and the NRA and the Republican Party enable lassiez faire gun policy, innocents will die, and at some point - and maybe it has has been reached - rational people will demand that more laws and more restrictions are imposed.

BTW, a new school shooting at Central Michigan St. U. is underway. Two people were shot (condition unknown) and the shooter remains at large.

You call for more new laws, so why the laws you already have fail so miserably?

Is it because criminals refuse to obey them?

I mean you are in law enforcement, so can you explain why criminals never obey laws?

I am sure more laws will get them to obey and if not pass more and more until you pass a law that bans humanity...

As the world becomes more complicated, the means used by those inclined to break the law increase far beyond the imagination. White collar crime, hacking, identity theft and the loss of intellectual property are just a few reasons why Penal Codes and other codes used to control the behavior of the human species are necessary.

People obey the law for fear of getting caught, punishment and because not to do so would violate the rules in which they are raised, i.e., respect for the the Golden Rule.

Oh, the officer that told me once they would use their badge to abuse me is giving me a lecture about following the law...

Now that is rich!

You already have laws on the books that could have stopped the shooter in Florida and yet those like you refused to do their job as usual and now want more laws so you can punish the innocent for those like you that failed to do their job from the FBI to the local LEO.

So as you preach to me about how the world changes the fact is there is a law against murder, so can you explain why that law is not enough to stop the criminal from killing innocent people!?!

So as you want more laws to revoke the innocent American their Constitutional Rights, well just maybe those like you should do your job for once instead of sitting there and collecting a check!
Also, a vote for ANY Dimocrat is a vote to weaken and eventually end the fight on illegal immigration.

Let's face it folks, the Dimocrat party of today doesn't stand for our nations sovereignty. Whoever makes it here, regardless how they got here and where they came from, should be able to stay if we left it up to this piece of shit party. The Dimocrat party IS the mayor of Oakland, people who openly work to disrupt our immigration enforcement.
This country is doomed thanks to these utter assholes, and the only thing we can do is try to slow them down as much as possible.

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