A vote for any democrat is a vote to end your ability to own a gun to protect your family...

There is no doubt, there is no more lying...we saw it at the CNN 2 minutes of hate against gun owners......the democrats will destroy the 2nd Amendment if they are given the power to do it.......

Oh Look, Another Reason Why We Should Be Skeptical Of Democrats On Gun Control

Now, YouGov has a poll showing that 82 percent of Democrats want to ban semiautomatic firearms, while they’re evenly split on a total handgun ban.

This is where the party stands on gun rights, our civil right to own firearms. They want to shred the Second Amendment and the gauge of Democratic Party members offers a dark vision of what could come if enough of these people are elected to Congress. Allahpundit broke down the numbers:
Australians and Canadians seem to be happy. Happier than us.

What makes American society so violent? 4 essential reads
Paranoid Schizophrenia ^^^, or too dumb to write anything of substance, thoughtful or thought provoking.
If you're not a commie, why do you faithfully vote for commies?

Republicans are brainwashed to think that their way is the best but just look at what they're way produces. More murder than every other country.

And don't blame us liberals because all those other countries who are less violent are more liberal than us.
There is no doubt, there is no more lying...we saw it at the CNN 2 minutes of hate against gun owners......the democrats will destroy the 2nd Amendment if they are given the power to do it.......

Oh Look, Another Reason Why We Should Be Skeptical Of Democrats On Gun Control

Now, YouGov has a poll showing that 82 percent of Democrats want to ban semiautomatic firearms, while they’re evenly split on a total handgun ban.

This is where the party stands on gun rights, our civil right to own firearms. They want to shred the Second Amendment and the gauge of Democratic Party members offers a dark vision of what could come if enough of these people are elected to Congress. Allahpundit broke down the numbers:
dude, all semi automatic guns would include hand guns.

There is usually a distinction made between long guns and handguns
Paranoid Schizophrenia ^^^, or too dumb to write anything of substance, thoughtful or thought provoking.
If you're not a commie, why do you faithfully vote for commies?

Republicans are brainwashed to think that their way is the best but just look at what they're way produces. More murder than every other country.

And don't blame us liberals because all those other countries who are less violent are more liberal than us.
So only republicans commit murder?

Our murder rate is skewed by just a few urban shitholes.

2% of all the counties in the US accounted for more than half of all murder
54% of all counties in the US had a murder rate that was virtually zero

Most murders are criminals killing other criminals

These are all facts that you people love to ignore
There is no doubt, there is no more lying...we saw it at the CNN 2 minutes of hate against gun owners......the democrats will destroy the 2nd Amendment if they are given the power to do it.......

Oh Look, Another Reason Why We Should Be Skeptical Of Democrats On Gun Control

Now, YouGov has a poll showing that 82 percent of Democrats want to ban semiautomatic firearms, while they’re evenly split on a total handgun ban.

This is where the party stands on gun rights, our civil right to own firearms. They want to shred the Second Amendment and the gauge of Democratic Party members offers a dark vision of what could come if enough of these people are elected to Congress. Allahpundit broke down the numbers:
dude, all semi automatic guns would include hand guns.

There is usually a distinction made between long guns and handguns
they are both firearms, and that was the language used.
There is no doubt, there is no more lying...we saw it at the CNN 2 minutes of hate against gun owners......the democrats will destroy the 2nd Amendment if they are given the power to do it.......

Oh Look, Another Reason Why We Should Be Skeptical Of Democrats On Gun Control

Now, YouGov has a poll showing that 82 percent of Democrats want to ban semiautomatic firearms, while they’re evenly split on a total handgun ban.

This is where the party stands on gun rights, our civil right to own firearms. They want to shred the Second Amendment and the gauge of Democratic Party members offers a dark vision of what could come if enough of these people are elected to Congress. Allahpundit broke down the numbers:
Australians and Canadians seem to be happy. Happier than us.

What makes American society so violent? 4 essential reads

Australian gun crime is going up...you doofus....

Gun city: Young, dumb and armed

The notion that a military-grade weapon could be in the hands of local criminals is shocking, but police have already seized at least five machine guns and assault rifles in the past 18 months. The AK-47 was not among them.

These are just a handful of the thousands of illicit guns fuelling a wave of violent crime in the world’s most liveable city.


Despite Australia’s strict gun control regime, criminals are now better armed than at any time since then-Prime Minister John Howard introduced a nationwide firearm buyback scheme in response to the 1996 Port Arthur massacre.

Canadian gun crime is going up....you doofus..

Gun violence isn't just a U.S. problem—and Canada isn't immune - Macleans.ca

In terms of absolute numbers, no other Canadian city comes close to the number of shootings and shooting victims, and shootings in Toronto increased 41 per cent between 2015 and 2016; this year’s numbers are on par with the previous year’s, too.

But when year-over-year changes in gun violence are taken into account, there are other Canadian cities whose problems are at least just as bad.

Local officials in Surrey, Edmonton, Calgary, Regina, Ottawa, and Halifax have all publicly lamented the rise of gun violence in their cities, and with the absence of provincial and federal support, they have found themselves scrambling to implement their own initiatives.

In Regina, there has been a 94-per-cent increase in violent offences involving guns over the five-year average, and a 163-per-cent increase in the number of victims of firearms offences between 2015 to 2016. This prompted the city to conduct a two-week gun amnesty program in February.

Confidence in the federal government’s ability to tackle gun violence in Surrey, B.C. is so low that many residents have contemplated severing ties with the RCMP and setting up their own municipal police force. Surrey Mayor Linda Hepner recently announced the city would be creating its own task force to address gang and gun violence.

Our gun crime rate is going down....as more Americans own and carry guns...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Paranoid Schizophrenia ^^^, or too dumb to write anything of substance, thoughtful or thought provoking.
If you're not a commie, why do you faithfully vote for commies?

Republicans are brainwashed to think that their way is the best but just look at what they're way produces. More murder than every other country.

And don't blame us liberals because all those other countries who are less violent are more liberal than us.

No......parts of our country controlled by democrats have high murder rates....the other parts..the parts where people own guns...our murder rates are as good or better than Europe.
There is no doubt, there is no more lying...we saw it at the CNN 2 minutes of hate against gun owners......the democrats will destroy the 2nd Amendment if they are given the power to do it.......

Oh Look, Another Reason Why We Should Be Skeptical Of Democrats On Gun Control

Now, YouGov has a poll showing that 82 percent of Democrats want to ban semiautomatic firearms, while they’re evenly split on a total handgun ban.

This is where the party stands on gun rights, our civil right to own firearms. They want to shred the Second Amendment and the gauge of Democratic Party members offers a dark vision of what could come if enough of these people are elected to Congress. Allahpundit broke down the numbers:
Hmmmm....sounds pretty high, but that would be great.
I guess you should be afraid, Guy. If you continue to fight every reasonable suggestion to control the weapons madness in this country, I think EVENTUALLY you will be steamrolled.
Paranoid Schizophrenia ^^^, or too dumb to write anything of substance, thoughtful or thought provoking.
If you're not a commie, why do you faithfully vote for commies?

Republicans are brainwashed to think that their way is the best but just look at what they're way produces. More murder than every other country.

And don't blame us liberals because all those other countries who are less violent are more liberal than us.
So only republicans commit murder?

Our murder rate is skewed by just a few urban shitholes.

2% of all the counties in the US accounted for more than half of all murder
54% of all counties in the US had a murder rate that was virtually zero

Most murders are criminals killing other criminals

These are all facts that you people love to ignore
Those people's deaths don't matter? They do to me.
There is no doubt, there is no more lying...we saw it at the CNN 2 minutes of hate against gun owners......the democrats will destroy the 2nd Amendment if they are given the power to do it.......

Oh Look, Another Reason Why We Should Be Skeptical Of Democrats On Gun Control

Now, YouGov has a poll showing that 82 percent of Democrats want to ban semiautomatic firearms, while they’re evenly split on a total handgun ban.

This is where the party stands on gun rights, our civil right to own firearms. They want to shred the Second Amendment and the gauge of Democratic Party members offers a dark vision of what could come if enough of these people are elected to Congress. Allahpundit broke down the numbers:
Hmmmm....sounds pretty high, but that would be great.
I guess you should be afraid, Guy. If you continue to fight every reasonable suggestion to control the weapons madness in this country, I think EVENTUALLY you will be steamrolled.

You guys keep saying "reasonable" as if that means something......at this point, I have shown how each and every one of the new laws you guys want, won't do anything to stop criminals or mass shooters from getting guns.....and they simply make it harder, more expensive and legally dangerous for law abiding gun owners....but we are the ones being unreasonable?

We may get steam rolled.....but it won't because you are right.....you will have just lied to uninformed voters to push laws that do nothing.....
There is no doubt, there is no more lying...we saw it at the CNN 2 minutes of hate against gun owners......the democrats will destroy the 2nd Amendment if they are given the power to do it.......

Oh Look, Another Reason Why We Should Be Skeptical Of Democrats On Gun Control

Now, YouGov has a poll showing that 82 percent of Democrats want to ban semiautomatic firearms, while they’re evenly split on a total handgun ban.

This is where the party stands on gun rights, our civil right to own firearms. They want to shred the Second Amendment and the gauge of Democratic Party members offers a dark vision of what could come if enough of these people are elected to Congress. Allahpundit broke down the numbers:
Hmmmm....sounds pretty high, but that would be great.
I guess you should be afraid, Guy. If you continue to fight every reasonable suggestion to control the weapons madness in this country, I think EVENTUALLY you will be steamrolled.
it isn't what he wants to do. he like me wants the nutjobs properly indicted and put away for their lives. It's called deterring.
There is no doubt, there is no more lying...we saw it at the CNN 2 minutes of hate against gun owners......the democrats will destroy the 2nd Amendment if they are given the power to do it.......

Oh Look, Another Reason Why We Should Be Skeptical Of Democrats On Gun Control

Now, YouGov has a poll showing that 82 percent of Democrats want to ban semiautomatic firearms, while they’re evenly split on a total handgun ban.

This is where the party stands on gun rights, our civil right to own firearms. They want to shred the Second Amendment and the gauge of Democratic Party members offers a dark vision of what could come if enough of these people are elected to Congress. Allahpundit broke down the numbers:
Hmmmm....sounds pretty high, but that would be great.
I guess you should be afraid, Guy. If you continue to fight every reasonable suggestion to control the weapons madness in this country, I think EVENTUALLY you will be steamrolled.

You guys keep saying "reasonable" as if that means something......at this point, I have shown how each and every one of the new laws you guys want, won't do anything to stop criminals or mass shooters from getting guns.....and they simply make it harder, more expensive and legally dangerous for law abiding gun owners....but we are the ones being unreasonable?

We may get steam rolled.....but it won't because you are right.....you will have just lied to uninformed voters to push laws that do nothing.....
The only "reasonable" gun control is REPEAL of all gun laws.
Paranoid Schizophrenia ^^^, or too dumb to write anything of substance, thoughtful or thought provoking.
If you're not a commie, why do you faithfully vote for commies?

Republicans are brainwashed to think that their way is the best but just look at what they're way produces. More murder than every other country.

And don't blame us liberals because all those other countries who are less violent are more liberal than us.

No......parts of our country controlled by democrats have high murder rates....the other parts..the parts where people own guns...our murder rates are as good or better than Europe.

If we take out the gun deaths of Chicago, NYC and Detroit...suddenly, we aren't a nation with a high rate of gun-caused death.

Weird, it's just black people, *immigrants*, and those living in gun-free cities that are responsible for the ridiculous high gun homicide rate in this country.
Paranoid Schizophrenia ^^^, or too dumb to write anything of substance, thoughtful or thought provoking.
If you're not a commie, why do you faithfully vote for commies?

Republicans are brainwashed to think that their way is the best but just look at what they're way produces. More murder than every other country.

And don't blame us liberals because all those other countries who are less violent are more liberal than us.

No......parts of our country controlled by democrats have high murder rates....the other parts..the parts where people own guns...our murder rates are as good or better than Europe.

If we take out the gun deaths of Chicago, NYC and Detroit...suddenly, we aren't a nation with a high rate of gun-caused death.

Weird, it's just black people, *immigrants*, and those living in gun-free cities that are responsible for the ridiculous high gun homicide rate in this country.

If we shit can the war on drugs, we can eliminate many murders in not only the three cities you singled out, but many other cities and urban areas. The war on drugs has been lost way before Nancy Reagan's effort to "just say no". Today more people died in Ohio from OD's than were murdered by a firearm.

You Koshergirl and others like you are Simple Simon's and Simple Sarah's, simpletons who echo what ever appeals to your biases without thinking.
Check out the documentary 'Agenda: Grinding America Down.' It lays out the Communist Agenda very clearly. Disarming the populace is a major part of the Agenda. And the Communists seized control of the Democratic Party many years ago.

If you believe this ^^^, you are nuts. If not, you're a liar.
According to the Communist Manifesto and Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, disarmament is part of the agenda.
There is no doubt, there is no more lying...we saw it at the CNN 2 minutes of hate against gun owners......the democrats will destroy the 2nd Amendment if they are given the power to do it.......

Oh Look, Another Reason Why We Should Be Skeptical Of Democrats On Gun Control

Now, YouGov has a poll showing that 82 percent of Democrats want to ban semiautomatic firearms, while they’re evenly split on a total handgun ban.

This is where the party stands on gun rights, our civil right to own firearms. They want to shred the Second Amendment and the gauge of Democratic Party members offers a dark vision of what could come if enough of these people are elected to Congress. Allahpundit broke down the numbers:

As long as people like 2aguy lie, and the NRA and the Republican Party enable lassiez faire gun policy, innocents will die, and at some point - and maybe it has has been reached - rational people will demand that more laws and more restrictions are imposed.

BTW, a new school shooting at Central Michigan St. U. is underway. Two people were shot (condition unknown) and the shooter remains at large.

Hell, he is probably an officer of the NRA he's not kidding anyone when he says I am not with the NRA, I've been on this board a little over a year and almost every thread started by 2aguy has been about guns and 2nd amendment.
The thing is....is it Russian communism or Chinese communism....? The clinton's sold out our country to both types of communism....so it is kinda hard to tell...
As long as it is a dead commie, I don't care if it is Russian, Chinese, North Korean, French, Venezuelan, or American Democrat.

I think you forgot the commies on the right that think it's ok to be in bed with Russia.
There is no doubt, there is no more lying...we saw it at the CNN 2 minutes of hate against gun owners......the democrats will destroy the 2nd Amendment if they are given the power to do it.......

Oh Look, Another Reason Why We Should Be Skeptical Of Democrats On Gun Control

Now, YouGov has a poll showing that 82 percent of Democrats want to ban semiautomatic firearms, while they’re evenly split on a total handgun ban.

This is where the party stands on gun rights, our civil right to own firearms. They want to shred the Second Amendment and the gauge of Democratic Party members offers a dark vision of what could come if enough of these people are elected to Congress. Allahpundit broke down the numbers:

Your guns didn't stop the shooter at the Florida school, or at Newtown. And your guns were no good at Vegas either. If people want to protect their families we need more gun control. Countries with strong gun control don't have a mass shooting problem. In fact they have much lower homicide rates and are clearly safer.

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