A Vote For Bernie Is A Vote To Allow Boston Marathon Bomber Terrorist to Vote In US

Bernie has no problem letting pedophiles, rapists, murdered, and terrorists vote in US elections...

So much for the idea of assimilation, being good citizens, etc....

This dude is a dangerous whack job, not to mention a hypocritical millionaire.
Things must be really great in America today if this nonsense is what the dems have to bitch about...Felons in prison voting?....I guess its just another dumbocrat grab at new voters.....
Its like they are trying to let trump win.
I wonder if they secretly wear MAGA hats
Is that what Socialist Democrats and snowflakes really want?

Have you and the Democrats gone that damn far off the cliff?

Since Omar, an America-hating terrorist supporter is now a representative in the US govt as a Democrat and now this, the answer is obviously 'YES'!

Meghan McCain and Whoopi Goldberg clash over voting rights for Boston bomber: 'He is a terrorist!'

What a really stupid argument. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was given the death penalty. He's not getting out of prison.

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