A warning to the Trump lovers

To be fair that was preceded by 8 years of Cons doing the same....

How were the riots in your town when Obama got elected? The right had a few nutters but the whole left has gone nuts. The same happened after Bush was elected. The leftwing nuts are more emotional when they lose.

Not so. How many people were beat up in a Clinton rally?

That's because the Republicans didn't go to a Clinton rally to stir up shit. Now, the Democrats had to go to Trump rally's to stir up shit because they are emotional violent people.

Trump supporters did show up a Clinton rallies.

But the thing with your claim is that Trump supporters are the ones beating people up.

Like a the riots after the election? Lol! That is funny!

The riots instigated by Trump during his rallies seems to escape you.

I don't have a problem with the anger people showed because for the second time in this century a republican was given the office of the presidency when he did not win the election. You republicans don't care how you win, be it by hook at crook, and you think no one ha he righto be angry about it. Well you are wrong.
This is a republican ad. And you guys better start thinking real hard about what this man is doing and how you guys just fall for his every lie.

Very Strong Anti-Trump Ad

Edited. Its a CUCKservative RINO anti trump ad. To be expected Kasich doesn't remember very well because the REPUBLICAN VOTERS rejected his CUCKservative views last year.

Out of seventeen or so possibles you're going to get a couple of sore losers. Not many sorer than Sanders though...lmao


You think Sanders was a sore loser? I mean he did endorse Clinton and the dude WAS screwed royally by the DNC.

Good points. There's the public face of it and I guess we'll never know the full depth, or otherwise, of the animosity between the two camps but the law suits lead me to think that Bernie was very angry indeed. The forced resignation (Wasserman Schultz) to me is a sign of deep animosity. Perhaps Bernie feels vindicated.


What would Bernie feel vindicated for? He has lied about getting screwed when he was give a shot he never would have gotten from the republican party.
How were the riots in your town when Obama got elected? The right had a few nutters but the whole left has gone nuts. The same happened after Bush was elected. The leftwing nuts are more emotional when they lose.

Not so. How many people were beat up in a Clinton rally?

That's because the Republicans didn't go to a Clinton rally to stir up shit. Now, the Democrats had to go to Trump rally's to stir up shit because they are emotional violent people.

Trump supporters did show up a Clinton rallies.

But the thing with your claim is that Trump supporters are the ones beating people up.

Like a the riots after the election? Lol! That is funny!

The riots instigated by Trump during his rallies seems to escape you.

I don't have a problem with the anger people showed because for the second time in this century a republican was given the office of the presidency when he did not win the election. You republicans don't care how you win, be it by hook at crook, and you think no one ha he righto be angry about it. Well you are wrong.

He won the election in the United States of America using the laws that govern its people. If you don't like the law, then change it. You had 16 years to change it and did nothing, so Trump won the election, you are wrong.
Rubbish Trump won because his message resonated where it mattered.

That might have been one of myriad factors.

There were many factors of course but the one that broke Hillary in the rust belt was JOBS!! I don't know that he can but one thing is sure; he will bust his boiler trying whereas Hillary had already given that fight away. Hence President Trump.

you must have just emerged from a coma or something. Somehow you are not keeping up with the news. Obama left office and handed Trump a normal unemployment rate. Jobs wasn't an issue it all all in the automobile industry . All three automakers were rebounding and thriving, so the Rust Belt was doing pretty good during the campaign.

Obama left office and handed Trump a normal unemployment rate.

$9.3 trillion in added debt and the weakest recovery since WWII.
Awesome job!

Actually, contrary to your claims ,Obama has spent less than any presidents since Eisenhower. If any blame is to be cast for the multitrillion-dollar dept, throw it on the face of the Republican president who started two unfunded wars while giving the rich folks a hefty tax break. You're probably older than 12 so I'm sure you remember all of that.

Obama has spent less than any presidents since Eisenhower.

There were many factors of course but the one that broke Hillary in the rust belt was JOBS!! I don't know that he can but one thing is sure; he will bust his boiler trying whereas Hillary had already given that fight away. Hence President Trump.

you must have just emerged from a coma or something. Somehow you are not keeping up with the news. Obama left office and handed Trump a normal unemployment rate. Jobs wasn't an issue it all all in the automobile industry . All three automakers were rebounding and thriving, so the Rust Belt was doing pretty good during the campaign.

Obama left office and handed Trump a normal unemployment rate.

$9.3 trillion in added debt and the weakest recovery since WWII.
Awesome job!

We were staring a depression in the face, but ended up with less than 5 percent unemployment and about 7 consecutive years of economic growth. That was with republican obstruction to his every move.

No amnesia allowed.

We were staring a depression in the face

The recession ended in June 2009.
The crappy growth after that is on Obama.
No it isn't. Capitalism flourished under Obama despite his having an obstructionist GOP Congress to deal with. Behind the scenes the GOP was working to keep their promise to make the president fail. He succeeded anyway because he is brilliant.

Capitalism flourished under Obama

What did Obama do to encourage capitalism?
Give me some specifics.
Rubbish Trump won because his message resonated where it mattered.

That might have been one of myriad factors.
The biggest factor is the Democrat party rigged the nomination for Clinton and she lost. Should have been Bernie. A Socialist that profited from a capitalis
The democrats didn't fail.

You call 2016 success? LOL!
That was massive political destruction by a nefarious concerted effort by the formerly failed Republicans. Maybe it's me but I just don't see being the victim of theft as equating to failure.
Theft? Please elaborate.

Npthing was rigged. Sanders got his ass whipped.

That's why Debbie Wasserman Schultz resigned, because she didn't screw Bernie. DERP!

Bernie was not screwed. So let me repeat:

This is the trouble with you conservatives. You don't know shit. Bernie Sanders was allowed by the democratic party to run in the primary although he was not and still is not a member of the democratic party. That's why he did not get the superdelegates. The superdelegates wre primarily democratic party leaders or legislators. They wanted a democrat to represent their patty as presidential nominee, not a independent who would never have joined the party but was using the party to get exposure and funds he never would have raised as an independent. You republicans would NEVER have allowed this. So now shut up about how you think Bernie got screwed.

Bernie Sanders was allowed by the democratic party to run in the primary

Allowed? How nice of you guys to let him join your primary. LOL!

That's why he did not get the superdelegates.

Yes, that was one of the ways you screwed him.

They wanted a democrat to represent their patty as presidential nominee,

I know, why bother letting Democrat voters pick their candidate, when you could have party bigwigs do it in a smoky back room? Fuck them Dem voters, eh?

You republicans would NEVER have allowed this.

I agree, someone like Trump could never get the nomination, the party wouldn't allow it.
There were many factors of course but the one that broke Hillary in the rust belt was JOBS!! I don't know that he can but one thing is sure; he will bust his boiler trying whereas Hillary had already given that fight away. Hence President Trump.

you must have just emerged from a coma or something. Somehow you are not keeping up with the news. Obama left office and handed Trump a normal unemployment rate. Jobs wasn't an issue it all all in the automobile industry . All three automakers were rebounding and thriving, so the Rust Belt was doing pretty good during the campaign.

Obama left office and handed Trump a normal unemployment rate.

$9.3 trillion in added debt and the weakest recovery since WWII.
Awesome job!

We were staring a depression in the face, but ended up with less than 5 percent unemployment and about 7 consecutive years of economic growth. That was with republican obstruction to his every move.

No amnesia allowed.

We were staring a depression in the face

The recession ended in June 2009.
The crappy growth after that is on Obama.

Actually the recession didn't end in 2009. Furthermore republican obstruction is what slowed the growth.

Actually the recession didn't end in 2009.

Actually, it did.

How were the riots in your town when Obama got elected? The right had a few nutters but the whole left has gone nuts. The same happened after Bush was elected. The leftwing nuts are more emotional when they lose.

Not so. How many people were beat up in a Clinton rally?

That's because the Republicans didn't go to a Clinton rally to stir up shit. Now, the Democrats had to go to Trump rally's to stir up shit because they are emotional violent people.

Trump supporters did show up a Clinton rallies.

But the thing with your claim is that Trump supporters are the ones beating people up.

Like a the riots after the election? Lol! That is funny!

The riots instigated by Trump during his rallies seems to escape you.

I don't have a problem with the anger people showed because for the second time in this century a republican was given the office of the presidency when he did not win the election. You republicans don't care how you win, be it by hook at crook, and you think no one ha he righto be angry about it. Well you are wrong.

for the second time in this century a republican was given the office of the presidency when he did not win the election.

I know you're bad at math, but the Republican won both those times.
It was in all the papers. You could ask an adult to read them to you.
This is a republican ad. And you guys better start thinking real hard about what this man is doing and how you guys just fall for his every lie.

Very Strong Anti-Trump Ad


There were a lot of stupid anti Trump ads before the election. What made you decide to post this one? Was there something special about it?
Give me some specifics, when did you see the Republican agenda rejected?

Tell me, if Pelosi retired tomorrow and a Dem won her seat with a 500%+ reduced majority

Wow, bad liberal math. How do you reduce a majority by more than 100%?

Rejected? how is the new health care bill going? What about stopping muslims at the border? how about that wall? When do they start building?

Maths is not my strong suit? You might want to try that again....
The left has done nothing but cry, whine and lie since Trump was elected.

To be fair that was preceded by 8 years of Cons doing the same....

How were the riots in your town when Obama got elected? The right had a few nutters but the whole left has gone nuts. The same happened after Bush was elected. The leftwing nuts are more emotional when they lose.

It's a very small portion of the left. But you have a valid point. Nobody does 'sore loser' better than the extreme left...
That might have been one of myriad factors.

There were many factors of course but the one that broke Hillary in the rust belt was JOBS!! I don't know that he can but one thing is sure; he will bust his boiler trying whereas Hillary had already given that fight away. Hence President Trump.

you must have just emerged from a coma or something. Somehow you are not keeping up with the news. Obama left office and handed Trump a normal unemployment rate. Jobs wasn't an issue it all all in the automobile industry . All three automakers were rebounding and thriving, so the Rust Belt was doing pretty good during the campaign.

Obama left office and handed Trump a normal unemployment rate.

$9.3 trillion in added debt and the weakest recovery since WWII.
Awesome job!

Actually, contrary to your claims ,Obama has spent less than any presidents since Eisenhower. If any blame is to be cast for the multitrillion-dollar dept, throw it on the face of the Republican president who started two unfunded wars while giving the rich folks a hefty tax break. You're probably older than 12 so I'm sure you remember all of that.

Obama has spent less than any presidents since Eisenhower.

The left has done nothing but cry, whine and lie since Trump was elected.

To be fair that was preceded by 8 years of Cons doing the same....

How were the riots in your town when Obama got elected? The right had a few nutters but the whole left has gone nuts. The same happened after Bush was elected. The leftwing nuts are more emotional when they lose.

It's a very small portion of the left. But you have a valid point. Nobody does 'sore loser' better than the extreme left...

The right is more subtle but this whole attack the party in power with trivial stuff is gotten old. Look at the time and energy wasted on where Obama was born. It was just plain stupid. It is the extremes of both party's that make way too much noise and waste everyone's time and energy.
The right is more subtle but this whole attack the party in power with trivial stuff is gotten old. Look at the time and energy wasted on where Obama was born. It was just plain stupid. It is the extremes of both party's that make way too much noise and waste everyone's time and energy.

The annoying thing about the fringe left though, is that the normal left have some good points. But what gets remembered? The good points or the whacko's rioting?
Huh? I recall Bush saying that Congress better get off its ass and do something about the recession that was looming. I recall that oddball Frank saying there wasn't a problem. Didn't realise it was going to be THAT big but there it was.

Trump will be a one term president

Maybe; then Pence or maybe Kushner. Such riches!!!


There will be no President Pence,

LOL! President Kushner? LOL! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

You said that about Trump ...


Trump won on a technicality that has happened maybe one other time in history. I doubt if Pence and especially Kushner are going to have that kind of luck.

A technicality?

Trump will be a one term president

Maybe; then Pence or maybe Kushner. Such riches!!!


There will be no President Pence,

LOL! President Kushner? LOL! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

You said that about Trump ...


Trump won on a technicality that has happened maybe one other time in history. I doubt if Pence and especially Kushner are going to have that kind of luck.

A technicality?


So winning the electoral college is just a technicality.

That's like hitting a 65 yard field goal with no time left, a technicality.

Bottom line, a win is a win is a win.
Give me some specifics, when did you see the Republican agenda rejected?

Tell me, if Pelosi retired tomorrow and a Dem won her seat with a 500%+ reduced majority

Wow, bad liberal math. How do you reduce a majority by more than 100%?

Rejected? how is the new health care bill going? What about stopping muslims at the border? how about that wall? When do they start building?

Maths is not my strong suit? You might want to try that again....

how is the new health care bill going?


What about stopping muslims at the border?

Any minute now. And just people from certain countries, not all Muslims.

how about that wall?

How about it?

Maths is not my strong suit?

Obviously. How does your winning margin shrink by more than 100%?
Use examples if it helps your thought process.
Original winning margin....75,000
Now reduce that by 500%.
There were many factors of course but the one that broke Hillary in the rust belt was JOBS!! I don't know that he can but one thing is sure; he will bust his boiler trying whereas Hillary had already given that fight away. Hence President Trump.

you must have just emerged from a coma or something. Somehow you are not keeping up with the news. Obama left office and handed Trump a normal unemployment rate. Jobs wasn't an issue it all all in the automobile industry . All three automakers were rebounding and thriving, so the Rust Belt was doing pretty good during the campaign.

Obama left office and handed Trump a normal unemployment rate.

$9.3 trillion in added debt and the weakest recovery since WWII.
Awesome job!

Actually, contrary to your claims ,Obama has spent less than any presidents since Eisenhower. If any blame is to be cast for the multitrillion-dollar dept, throw it on the face of the Republican president who started two unfunded wars while giving the rich folks a hefty tax break. You're probably older than 12 so I'm sure you remember all of that.

Obama has spent less than any presidents since Eisenhower.


You said, "Obama has spent less than any presidents since Eisenhower. "
Now you post info that refutes your own claim. Interesting.
how is the new health care bill going?
What about stopping muslims at the border?
Any minute now. And just people from certain countries, not all Muslims.
how about that wall?
How about it?

Maths is not my strong suit?

Obviously. How does your winning margin shrink by more than 100%?
Use examples if it helps your thought process.
Original winning margin....75,000
Now reduce that by 500%.

What do you mean 'How about it?' with the wall? That was one of his main planks. Where's it at?
He was gonna smash it with the health care. He was gonna repel it within the first 24 hours. Here we are six months later. Nada.

Original winning margin in Nov 2016: 75,000
Current winning margin in June 2017: 12,000.

A difference of 63,000. That is a reduction of 625%.

75,000 divided by 12,000 = 6.25 times 100 = 625%
What did Obama do to encourage capitalism?
Give me some specifics.
I didn't say anything about Obama encouraging capitalism or not. I said business flourished under him. I'm not going to give you specifics for something that I didn't say. What I will do is give you a point of reference with this link. Enjoy!

Oh, what the hell...here are some of your specifics:

Obama’s Economic Record: An Assessment
The Obama Administration finished the job, continuing the crisis measures that had been introduced, pushing through the rescue of the auto industry that Paulson had set in motion, and carrying out a set of stress tests that restored confidence in the big banks. The new Administration also boosted the over-all level of demand in the economy with an eight-hundred-and-forty-billion-dollar stimulus package, which featured temporary tax cuts and more federal spending. By the second half of 2009, the gross domestic product was growing again. By October, 2009, the unemployment rate had peaked, at ten per cent. If other policy decisions had been made, things could have been very different, and much worse.

At seven and a half years long, the Obama recovery now is one of the longest on record.

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