A Whole New Definition of Blonde Bombshell

She is a bull shi# scam artist just like Donnie. Ya, when someone asks questions and runs away before you can answer, you know the scam in on.

Just because a Conservative asks a Liberal a question doesn’t mean we want or expect an answer. We neither respect nor care about the Liberal enough to listen to what the answer is.
And BOOM goes the dynamite!

The dumb broad does not know that Trump has also unmasked a lot of people. The tard bitch does not know it is not illegal. No wonder you tards like her. Trump counts on your ignorance.

The question she was asked was obviously pitched to her by an OAN retard.

Data obtained by Fox News shows that thousands of unmasking requests have been fulfilled every year across both the Obama and Trump administrations, reflecting the often routine nature of these requests in intelligence work. The practice is regarded as an important national security tool, a view reflected by these numbers.

Like all of Trump's claims, "Obamagate" is a hoax. Only the stupidest dregs of the remaining Trumptards are falling for it.

Trump has become so lame, he can't even come up with an original name for his fake scandal. But he need not worry since his tard herd has become dumber with each passing day and does not notice.

From your link, Dummy.

The information could typically be exploited to hack into an account. But the president’s account would likely have high-level protections to ward off theft.

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