A woman's place in the Far Right Trump world?

You are entitled to your opinion.

I do not see it that way. Having said that, I am not here to put you down (as you did with the word cuck). You do not know me but I am the total opposite of a cuck. I am far from a servile man and I do not consider myself progressive. I am a realist that knows what works and what doesn't. I base everything I believe in, on the Constitution and on human rights. We have followed that in the past and done well.

Trump and the far right want to change that and make us an autocracy and destroy the Democracy we believe in. If that is what you want, then it is you that is weak and servile.

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Did the woman tell you that?
You are one easily brainwashed sucker.
Coming from you, that is a badge of honor.

She said her father was showering with her
She said as a young child, she showered with her dad. (Which to me is weird) She never said he molested her, or sexually abused her....that's what you are lying about....and throughout her entire diary she never said her father was a creep....she spoke highly of him.... Someone who was abused by her father as a child, would not be praising him as the best dad ever.
Here is a parody that rings true in the Far Right Trump world

This comes in the wane of the recent Trump speech about how women can feel secure under his presidency

This is the Conservative world the Republicans want for us.

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The real parody is goofy leftist morons trolling YouTube for nonsense they can cut and paste.

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