A world with out GOD

"God" did his/her thing 13.8 billion years ago.

200,000 years ago, modern Homo sapiens showed up on this Goldilocks Planet in the Milky Way galaxy and eventually convinced everyone to forsake themselves and their home world in order to expend their time energy and resources paying homage to something/someone who is now only represented in the physical universe.

The "spiritual" world suddenly became some sort of "salvation" for Homo sapiens based upon an antiquated book written by... Homo sapiens.

That said, it's okay to have Faith. But we have obviously failed ourselves in losing Faith in ourselves by focusing on Faith in the human-made image of a singular event that took place nearly 14 billion years ago and that we believe is today omnipresent and omnipotent and worthy of worship.

It's such bullshit. :slap:
Wrong dumbass eons ago unmeasurable time
Yet, we have so far managed to quantify that time by using... science.

But the issue here isn't time, but common sense. And you appear to be sorely lacking. :slap:
WOW what is time to GOD the eternal that which lives in all time past present futures
Well, assuming that we are identifying "God" with the maturation of spirit into the physical universe... time is the motion of a particle of matter through space. Matter was condensed from pure spirit 13.8 billion years ago (according to the science of the day). If God is truly the "spirit" that is eternal, then the creation of time (as previously described) is irrelevant.

...which makes you my bitch. :slap:
You are forgetting the existence of GOD BE FOR TIME CAME INTO EXISTENCE
which makes you my c.u.n.t.
First dimension thought, space.
Second flat, linear, length beginning of time, and energy.
Third, fourth fifth dimensions feeling height and width depth, first of the physical multi dimensional (multiverses) realities that created multiple realities with every choice made there after.
Let's see how much hell I catch for this explanation of string theory and multiverse ( universe "all that is created ") GOD
"God" did his/her thing 13.8 billion years ago.

200,000 years ago, modern Homo sapiens showed up on this Goldilocks Planet in the Milky Way galaxy and eventually convinced everyone to forsake themselves and their home world in order to expend their time energy and resources paying homage to something/someone who is now only represented in the physical universe.

The "spiritual" world suddenly became some sort of "salvation" for Homo sapiens based upon an antiquated book written by... Homo sapiens.

That said, it's okay to have Faith. But we have obviously failed ourselves in losing Faith in ourselves by focusing on Faith in the human-made image of a singular event that took place nearly 14 billion years ago and that we believe is today omnipresent and omnipotent and worthy of worship.

It's such bullshit. :slap:
Wrong dumbass eons ago unmeasurable time
Yet, we have so far managed to quantify that time by using... science.

But the issue here isn't time, but common sense. And you appear to be sorely lacking. :slap:
WOW what is time to GOD the eternal that which lives in all time past present futures
Bitch, that is irrelevant.

Time is a thing meant for the physical universe.

God blew his/her wad 13.8 billion years ago when his/her spirit manifested itself into physicality.

God done left the building along with Elvis. Stop spinning your fucking wheels pining over the past.

Get your fucking head into the present.
First dimension thought, space.
Second flat, linear, length beginning of time, and energy.
Third, fourth fifth dimensions feeling height and width depth, first of the physical multi dimensional (multiverses) realities that created multiple realities with every choice made there after.
Let's see how much hell I catch for this explanation of string theory and multiverse ( universe "all that is created ") GOD
Actually, I kind of dig that shit.
First dimension thought, space.
Second flat, linear, length beginning of time, and energy.
Third, fourth fifth dimensions feeling height and width depth, first of the physical multi dimensional (multiverses) realities that created multiple realities with every choice made there after.
Let's see how much hell I catch for this explanation of string theory and multiverse ( universe "all that is created ") GOD
Actually, I kind of dig that shit.
We're cool then ? Friend?
First dimension thought, space.
Second flat, linear, length beginning of time, and energy.
Third, fourth fifth dimensions feeling height and width depth, first of the physical multi dimensional (multiverses) realities that created multiple realities with every choice made there after.
Let's see how much hell I catch for this explanation of string theory and multiverse ( universe "all that is created ") GOD
Actually, I kind of dig that shit.
We're cool then ? Friend?
Fuck yeah. Just wish I still dropped acid like back in my day LOL.
Phenomenal Phantasm

When we ask if God exists or not or has power/authority or not, it seems we are curious about the release and/or harnessing of energy and foresight.

Although I personally am not worried about GM Motor Company trade indices plummeting (maybe it can piggy-back on the relative stability of Ford Motor Company), everyone is concerned that economic markets plunged this week and the DJIA, while soaring at near 18K in June this year is now approaching the below-15K level.

I remember watching the vigilantism-hysteria urbanization-paranoia (comic book adapted) animated film "Batman: Mask of the Phantasm" (1993) and thinking, "Why are we so curious about punishing instincts?"


Batman: Mask of the Phantasm (Film)

"God" did his/her thing 13.8 billion years ago.

200,000 years ago, modern Homo sapiens showed up on this Goldilocks Planet in the Milky Way galaxy and eventually convinced everyone to forsake themselves and their home world in order to expend their time energy and resources paying homage to something/someone who is now only represented in the physical universe.

The "spiritual" world suddenly became some sort of "salvation" for Homo sapiens based upon an antiquated book written by... Homo sapiens.

That said, it's okay to have Faith. But we have obviously failed ourselves in losing Faith in ourselves by focusing on Faith in the human-made image of a singular event that took place nearly 14 billion years ago and that we believe is today omnipresent and omnipotent and worthy of worship.

It's such bullshit. :slap:
Wrong dumbass eons ago unmeasurable time
Yet, we have so far managed to quantify that time by using... science.

But the issue here isn't time, but common sense. And you appear to be sorely lacking. :slap:
WOW what is time to GOD the eternal that which lives in all time past present futures
Well, assuming that we are identifying "God" with the maturation of spirit into the physical universe... time is the motion of a particle of matter through space. Matter was condensed from pure spirit 13.8 billion years ago (according to the science of the day). If God is truly the "spirit" that is eternal, then the creation of time (as previously described) is irrelevant.

...which makes you my bitch. :slap:
You are forgetting the existence of GOD BE FOR TIME CAME INTO EXISTENCE
which makes you my c.u.n.t.
OK, you are very weird.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
First dimension thought, space.
Second flat, linear, length beginning of time, and energy.
Third, fourth fifth dimensions feeling height and width depth, first of the physical multi dimensional (multiverses) realities that created multiple realities with every choice made there after.
Let's see how much hell I catch for this explanation of string theory and multiverse ( universe "all that is created ") GOD
Actually, I kind of dig that shit.
We're cool then ? Friend?
Fuck yeah. Just wish I still dropped acid like back in my day LOL.
You two can always get a room.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
First dimension thought, space.
Second flat, linear, length beginning of time, and energy.
Third, fourth fifth dimensions feeling height and width depth, first of the physical multi dimensional (multiverses) realities that created multiple realities with every choice made there after.
Let's see how much hell I catch for this explanation of string theory and multiverse ( universe "all that is created ") GOD
Actually, I kind of dig that shit.
We're cool then ? Friend?
Fuck yeah. Just wish I still dropped acid like back in my day LOL.
You two can always get a room.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
A B conversation C. Your way out of it you heathen God worshiper. Any one that says they know the true Name of GOD ONLY BELIEVES IN God of earth the first created
And not GOD the universe.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hysteria: Helix

The Halloween-spirit horror film "Hellions" (2015) looks at cruel trick-or-treaters from hell testing a young teenager's faith about community.

How does God, or an all-knowing being, watch over our anxieties towards anarchy?

When Orson Welles' famous radio broadcast of "The War of the Worlds" (H.G. Wells) was mistaken by countless people as a news broadcast about a real alien species invasion on Earth in 1938, there was panic in the streets.

How can we coordinate mob psychology with media?




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