A Young Woman Stoned for Adultery

Emily-----you are playing the "ALL" game that is a characteristic of propagandaists-----are you a propagandaists? I have never met a single person in my life who blamed ALL CHRISTIANS for the slavery that was practiced in the pre civil war USA------you are ALL GAME is a libel. Libels are for lynch gangs

I presume you mean "labels" on the end there...

What you're trying to describe here is a blanket generalization fallacy -- yet that's exactly what your position here is based on, ascribing this, that and the other thing to "Islam" in spite of evidence presented to the contrary ---- stoning in the OT.... FGM in the BCE era and performed by American and European doctors.... HBV in India and around the world -- that disprove your blanket statements. All you've given us in lieu of links is a grand Composition Fallacy. And that's intentional ignorance.

Oh blah, blah, blah. The bottom line is that this one religion is responsible for most of the violence that is happening in the world today. There are multiple terror attacks, honor killings, etc. every day in the name of this one religion. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it. You want to keep denying the truth, that is your prerogative, but I'm not going to join you.

fpr the record----that which has very rarely been done in the practice of European and American medicine is not FGM----it is clitorectomy----more accurately reduction of the clitoris in cases of incessant masturbation which some Christian
sects saw as a sin and reduction of abnormally enlarged clitoris ---a RARE congenital anomaly POGO is desperate

Yuh huh. "When we do it it's 'clitorectomy' -- when they do it for the same purpose it's barbarism"...
"When we do it it's 'freedom fighting' -- when they do it it's "terrorism"....
"When we do it we're or 'spreading the good news of the gospel' -- when they do it they're 'taking over the world' ....

etc etc etc.... Having it both ways: Priceless. Euphemisms-R-us.
Emily-----you are playing the "ALL" game that is a characteristic of propagandaists-----are you a propagandaists? I have never met a single person in my life who blamed ALL CHRISTIANS for the slavery that was practiced in the pre civil war USA------you are ALL GAME is a libel. Libels are for lynch gangs

I presume you mean "labels" on the end there...

What you're trying to describe here is a blanket generalization fallacy -- yet that's exactly what your position here is based on, ascribing this, that and the other thing to "Islam" in spite of evidence presented to the contrary ---- stoning in the OT.... FGM in the BCE era and performed by American and European doctors.... HBV in India and around the world -- that disprove your blanket statements. All you've given us in lieu of links is a grand Composition Fallacy. And that's intentional ignorance.

Oh blah, blah, blah. The bottom line is that this one religion is responsible for most of the violence that is happening in the world today. There are multiple terror attacks, honor killings, etc. every day in the name of this one religion. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it. You want to keep denying the truth, that is your prerogative, but I'm not going to join you.

Yeah yeah, and "Jews control the media" and "Irish are drunks" and "black people are lazy". Heard it all before. Do you learn nothing from history??

Try a simple exercise here. Let's say you're a Muslim, and a devout one.

(it's worth noting here, "Muslim" doesn't automatically mean "devout" any more than "Christian" or "Jewish" etc do....).

--- but let's say you are devout, and poor, and lean heavily on your local tribal religious leader for guidance. Let's say that religious leader also believes, as you seem to here, that HBV, for example, is an "Islamic" thing and is sanctioned and even prescribed in Islam and leads you to believe that....

(I understand we've already demonstrated the above is bullshit but for the example let's say both you and he believe that...)

-- Now onto the scene come people like us in the real world, wishing to get the barbaric practice stopped....

Are we -- the anti-HBV movement -- going to have more success convincing you by:

(a) telling you your religion is all fucked up and you have to dump everything in your lifestyle and start over? or
(b) explaining -- and demonstrating as I have here -- that HBV is in fact NOT a part of your religion and never was?​

Which one's more likely to liberate you?

-- You see the hole you dig yourself into, running on myths?

lets say that I have known lots of muslims. (true) Lets say that some of them were "devout" more or less and some "not" more or less. Lets say that I have
discussed many issues with muslims------true. Lets say that I know how muslims
feel about comments about their religion offered to them by non muslims. <<true.
I learned LONG ago that muslims have no interest in what a non muslim has to say about islam or the customs of people from muslim countries....... so I say nothing about it---------which is why I know so much--------I do not openly judge
Emily-----you are playing the "ALL" game that is a characteristic of propagandaists-----are you a propagandaists? I have never met a single person in my life who blamed ALL CHRISTIANS for the slavery that was practiced in the pre civil war USA------you are ALL GAME is a libel. Libels are for lynch gangs

I presume you mean "labels" on the end there...

What you're trying to describe here is a blanket generalization fallacy -- yet that's exactly what your position here is based on, ascribing this, that and the other thing to "Islam" in spite of evidence presented to the contrary ---- stoning in the OT.... FGM in the BCE era and performed by American and European doctors.... HBV in India and around the world -- that disprove your blanket statements. All you've given us in lieu of links is a grand Composition Fallacy. And that's intentional ignorance.

Oh blah, blah, blah. The bottom line is that this one religion is responsible for most of the violence that is happening in the world today. There are multiple terror attacks, honor killings, etc. every day in the name of this one religion. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it. You want to keep denying the truth, that is your prerogative, but I'm not going to join you.

fpr the record----that which has very rarely been done in the practice of European and American medicine is not FGM----it is clitorectomy----more accurately reduction of the clitoris in cases of incessant masturbation which some Christian
sects saw as a sin and reduction of abnormally enlarged clitoris ---a RARE congenital anomaly POGO is desperate

Yuh huh. "When we do it it's 'clitorectomy' -- when they do it for the same purpose it's barbarism"...
"When we do it it's 'freedom fighting' -- when they do it it's "terrorism"....
"When we do it we're or 'spreading the good news of the gospel' -- when they do it they're 'taking over the world' ....

etc etc etc.... Having it both ways: Priceless. Euphemisms-R-us.

we do not do it "for the same purpose" IN THE PAST------like 100 years ago
some very few people did it for "excessive masturbation" ------congenital enlarged
clitoris is an ABNORMALITY ------the enlarged clitoris makes the infant look like a
BOY-----Not reducing its size would be a handicap for the child------it is a very rare anomally I have seen babies born without a brain (no brain at all) but never
did I see in real life a congenitally enlarged clitoris---------I have seen pictures in
I do deny that it applies to "ONE particular religion", yes. That makes me the one with his head OUT OF the sand.
That's because I don't just swallow every meme the media tries to sell me without putting it through a smell test.

An approach you might be well advised to try.

And it does not go unnoticed that your last two words are "it seems". "It seems" just ain't good enough.

Well if you deny that most of the honor killing violence you hear about is not usually related to ONE particular religion, then I am going to call you "ostrich boy." :D

Dear ChrisL
With the honor killings, how many of these come out of Pakistani families?
I asked a Muslim friend of mine, and he said it is tied to Pakistani culture.

I would compare "honor killings" to equally tragic reports from India
of women burned alive on the funeral pyres of their husbands

Yes, it's illegal to do this.
But "some people" are still carrying out old traditions, because of their social conditioning.

For these illegal acts coming out of India, is it fair to blame this on "Hinduism"?
It may be part of the old CULTURE,
but of course it isn't part of the law or religious beliefs that are AGAINST such acts.

If you are looking for an easy answer to blame it on,
I don't think this is going to solve the problem.

The conditioning goes deeper.

Burning a widow on the funeral pyre of her husband is DEFINITELY a rite linked to
Hinduism. I have never met a HINDU who denied that fact. I have known lots of educated hindus-----it has been made illegal in India and was probably restricted to
WEALTHY UPPER CLASS hindus even in ancient times. Lots of hindu girls find it
"romantic" There is a belief that burning together will give the couple ---eternal togetherness in the reincarnation game. Muslims who deny that FGM is
linked to islam are lying. There have been a few cases of hindu wives PREVENTED from jumping on the funeral pyre who committed suicide in order
to accomplish the custom. "BLAME"??? why say "blame" an honest
evaluation is the answer. ---------sati >>>HINDU FGM >>> islam -----out dated
and in some places illegal. Sati is illegal and-----seems to be not done in India---
FGM is done in Pakistan-----and thruout the Islamic world ----in some places
it is illegal. Anthropology is a real social science-----liars do it poorly

Complete bullshit. With the customary lack of any link at all.

Part the first: castes

>> Some scholars of caste have considered jāti to have its basis in religion, assuming that in India the sacred elements of life envelope the secular aspects; for example, the anthropologist Louis Dumont described the ritual rankings that exist within the jāti system as being based on the concepts of religious purity and pollution.[25] This view has been disputed by other scholars, who believe it to be a secular social phenomenon driven by the necessities of economics, politics, and sometimes also geography.[24][25][26][27]
Jātis have existed in India among Hindus, Muslims, Christians and tribal people, and there is no clear linear order.[31]
<< --- Caste system in India: Origins (Wiki)

--- and from the intro paragraph on that page:
>> Although the varnas and jatis have pre-modern origins, the caste system as it exists today is the result of developments during the collapse of Mughal era and the British colonial regime in India.[2][11] The collapse of Mughal era saw the rise of powerful men who associated themselves with kings, priests and ascetics, affirming the regal and martial form of the caste ideal, and it also reshaped many apparently casteless social groups into differentiated caste communities.[12] The British Raj furthered this development, making rigid caste organisation a central mechanism of administration.[2][11][4][13][page needed][5][14] Between 1860 and 1920, the British segregated Indians by caste, granting administrative jobs and senior appointments only to the upper castes. <<
-- which explains that the caste system as it exists today is partly a European-incited structure. But again, derived from politics, not religion.

Not to mention this, from the same intro:

>> The caste system has been challenged over time by Buddhists, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, and many reformist movements in Hinduism.[18] However, aspects of the caste system continue to exist in India in all these religions.[18][19][20] <<

Part the Second: FGM

>> The origins of the practice are unknown.[161] Its east-west, north-south distribution in Africa meets in Sudan, leading Gerry Mackie to speculate that infibulation originated with the Meroite civilization and imperial polygyny, before the rise of Islam, to increase confidence in paternity.[162]

The proposed circumcision of an Egyptian girl, Tathemis, is mentioned on a Greek papyrus from 163 BCE in the British Museum:

Sometime after this, Nephoris [Tathemis's mother] defrauded me, being anxious that it was time for Tathemis to be circumcised, as is the custom among the Egyptians. She asked that I give her 1,300 drachmae ... to clothe her ... and to provide her with a marriage dowry ... if she didn't do each of these or if she did not circumcise Tathemis in the month of Mecheir, year 18 [163 BCE], she would repay me 2,400 drachmae on the spot.[164]

The Greek geographer Strabo (c. 64 BCE – c. 23 CE) wrote about FGM after visiting Egypt around 25 BCE.[n 19][n 20] The philosopher Philo of Alexandria (c. 20 BCE – 50 CE) also made reference to it: "the Egyptians by the custom of their country circumcise the marriageable youth and maid in the fourteenth (year) of their age, when the male begins to get seed, and the female to have a menstrual flow."[169] It is mentioned briefly in a work attributed to the Greek physician Galen (129 – c. 200 CE): "When [the clitoris] sticks out to a great extent in their young women, Egyptians consider it appropriate to cut it out."[170]

Another Greek physician, Aëtius of Amida (mid-5th to mid-6th century CE), offered more detail in book 16 of his Sixteen Books on Medicine, citing the physician Philomenes. The procedure was performed in case the clitoris, or nymphê, grew too large or triggered sexual desire when rubbing against clothing. "On this account, it seemed proper to the Egyptians to remove it before it became greatly enlarged," Aëtius wrote, "especially at that time when the girls were about to be married": <<
Once again --- linear time rears its head. ALL of the above citations were recorded before Mohammad or Islam existed. Moreover this cultural artifact is concentrated in Africa, and not in the greater Muslim world, including Christian nations.


(background, from the source above) >> Why would a mother be willing to have such a cruel, painful and highly risky procedure, which has no benefits for her at all performed on her daughter? The answer is often economic. In societies that practice FGM, daughters are an essential part of their parents “retirement plan” (which of course does not exist in most of the countries where FGM is being practices). Arranged marriages are a vital part of a family’s income, especially as the parents get older and may no longer be able to work. In societies where FGM is the norm, not mutilating one’s daughters would make it very difficult, if not impossible to marry them. This is a huge financial and social risk for a mother to take.<< --- FGM and Poverty

In fact it was used here and in "modern" Europe as late as the 19th century to control pseudo-conditions like "nymphomania" --- which is essentially also its ancient purpose in Africa.

Once AGAIN, he said to the wilfully blind, what this all has in common is not religion or language or race -- it's patriarchy. It's the social order and the way it's perceived within that community's values.

WATTA genius-----Pogo is pulling stuff out of his ANTHROPOLOGY 101
crème puff textbook ---------he imagines that no one else in the world did
those idiot electives. THE ORIGIN of FGM is interesting--------it is FUN---
when I was a student I considered courses like anthropology and the books
required to be stuff I did in BREAK TIME-------when calculus or organic
chemistry became tedious------I took a break-----and read my anthro. or soc.
books TO REST MY MIND. Pogo takes that past time course as being
ROCKET SCIENCE. Islam incorporated FGM into the CREED OF ISLAM ----
fairly recently since islam came to be fairly recently-----POGO MADE NO POINT.
Pogo reminds me of a now dead ARAB NATIONALIST activist of Iraqi origin.
Dr. M. T. Mehdi. He came to the USA to agitate for his friend Saddam way back
in the mid sixties and put his ass on TV and radio as much as he could------He ---
hated jews as much as did his friend SADDAM and somehow got all bent out
of shape that Israelis like PITA AND FELAFEL (believe it or not---really)
He gave an HYSTERICAL RANT ----ON RADIO screaming ----------
"PITAAAA IS ARRABBB" -----actually it is just a flatbread made with yeasted dough------that has existed thruout the middle east and into the far east for
thousands of years. The word itself is ----just a semitic word that shows up in
the Talmud--------SOPHISTRY POGO-------pita is flat bread----of a primitive kind
and FGM is a practice that likely began in EGYPT and is NOW-----overwhelmingly ISLAMIC and considered by muslims to be part and parcel
of ISLAMIC practice-------the big MO-----mentioned it somewhere in the koran/hadith thing Regarding clitorectomy as a "treatment" for
masturbation? so? weird but true. It was also used for treatment of CONGENITALLY ENLARGED clitoris The clitoris can be so enlarged at birth that it looks like a phallus---------is that not interesting? so? This fact has nothing to do with the routine practice of FGM in muslim populations. Pita is now
part of Israeli cuisine-------which makes it as jewish as the bagel-----
which is an adaptation of some thing made in Eastern Europe------however now
shows up on the tables of--------even Yemenite jews. Of course it is also
greek and ---------and New York City----but FGM IS NOT. You also remind me
of a Shiite muslim from India I knew long ago who tried to convince me that INDIAN cuisine------from chapatti and dal all the way to tandoori chicken and every spice
used in India was invented by the glorious MOGHULS

I have never brought up pita, speaking of sophistry, Sophie. But I do have some, and when I eat it I have a grand total of exactly zero-point-zero-zero thoughts about any kind of religion, nor has that association ever occurred to me.

Once AGAIN -- if my experience with pita was limited to Muslims, and if I were given to Composition Fallacies, then I might be inclined to conclude "pita is Muslim". Then again if my pita experience was entirely Jewish and given to easy fallacies, I might think "this is a Jewish bread".

Fortunately I don't think like that.

Dammit, now you made me hungry. I'm going for pita. It just seems the Christian thing to do.... :eusa_shifty:
Emily-----you are playing the "ALL" game that is a characteristic of propagandaists-----are you a propagandaists? I have never met a single person in my life who blamed ALL CHRISTIANS for the slavery that was practiced in the pre civil war USA------you are ALL GAME is a libel. Libels are for lynch gangs

I presume you mean "labels" on the end there...

What you're trying to describe here is a blanket generalization fallacy -- yet that's exactly what your position here is based on, ascribing this, that and the other thing to "Islam" in spite of evidence presented to the contrary ---- stoning in the OT.... FGM in the BCE era and performed by American and European doctors.... HBV in India and around the world -- that disprove your blanket statements. All you've given us in lieu of links is a grand Composition Fallacy. And that's intentional ignorance.

Oh blah, blah, blah. The bottom line is that this one religion is responsible for most of the violence that is happening in the world today. There are multiple terror attacks, honor killings, etc. every day in the name of this one religion. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it. You want to keep denying the truth, that is your prerogative, but I'm not going to join you.

fpr the record----that which has very rarely been done in the practice of European and American medicine is not FGM----it is clitorectomy----more accurately reduction of the clitoris in cases of incessant masturbation which some Christian
sects saw as a sin and reduction of abnormally enlarged clitoris ---a RARE congenital anomaly POGO is desperate

Yuh huh. "When we do it it's 'clitorectomy' -- when they do it for the same purpose it's barbarism"...
"When we do it it's 'freedom fighting' -- when they do it it's "terrorism"....
"When we do it we're or 'spreading the good news of the gospel' -- when they do it they're 'taking over the world' ....

etc etc etc.... Having it both ways: Priceless. Euphemisms-R-us.

Why are you so dishonest? Like Rosie said, when WE perform it here, it is because of a legitimate problem. Not because "Muhammed" thinks it's grand to "control" women by taking away their sexual pleasure zone.
Emily-----you are playing the "ALL" game that is a characteristic of propagandaists-----are you a propagandaists? I have never met a single person in my life who blamed ALL CHRISTIANS for the slavery that was practiced in the pre civil war USA------you are ALL GAME is a libel. Libels are for lynch gangs

I presume you mean "labels" on the end there...

What you're trying to describe here is a blanket generalization fallacy -- yet that's exactly what your position here is based on, ascribing this, that and the other thing to "Islam" in spite of evidence presented to the contrary ---- stoning in the OT.... FGM in the BCE era and performed by American and European doctors.... HBV in India and around the world -- that disprove your blanket statements. All you've given us in lieu of links is a grand Composition Fallacy. And that's intentional ignorance.

Oh blah, blah, blah. The bottom line is that this one religion is responsible for most of the violence that is happening in the world today. There are multiple terror attacks, honor killings, etc. every day in the name of this one religion. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it. You want to keep denying the truth, that is your prerogative, but I'm not going to join you.

fpr the record----that which has very rarely been done in the practice of European and American medicine is not FGM----it is clitorectomy----more accurately reduction of the clitoris in cases of incessant masturbation which some Christian
sects saw as a sin and reduction of abnormally enlarged clitoris ---a RARE congenital anomaly POGO is desperate

Yuh huh. "When we do it it's 'clitorectomy' -- when they do it for the same purpose it's barbarism"...
"When we do it it's 'freedom fighting' -- when they do it it's "terrorism"....
"When we do it we're or 'spreading the good news of the gospel' -- when they do it they're 'taking over the world' ....

etc etc etc.... Having it both ways: Priceless. Euphemisms-R-us.

Why are you so dishonest? Like Rosie said, when WE perform it here, it is because of a legitimate problem. Not because "Muhammed" thinks it's grand to "control" women by taking away their sexual pleasure zone.

Yup, there's another one--- "when we do it it's "legitimate"; when they do it it's not.

Yammer yammer yammer....

Link to where Mohammad says that is where?
And how would Mohammad be talking about a practice ----- if it didn't already exist? He would have to be inventing it. Is that what you're saying? Mohammad invented FGM?

And just where the hell do you get off calling ME "dishonest"? Am I sitting here trying to sell FGM as "Islamist" even though I see Christians in Africa doing it? Am I sitting here trying to sell HBV as "Islamist" even though I see Hindus and Sikhs in India doing it? Am I the one denying linear time hanging religious labels on practices that not only sprang up in places the religion never touched, but are KNOWN AND RECORDED before said religion ever existed??

Yeah, tell us all about "dishonesty".
Last edited:
I presume you mean "labels" on the end there...

What you're trying to describe here is a blanket generalization fallacy -- yet that's exactly what your position here is based on, ascribing this, that and the other thing to "Islam" in spite of evidence presented to the contrary ---- stoning in the OT.... FGM in the BCE era and performed by American and European doctors.... HBV in India and around the world -- that disprove your blanket statements. All you've given us in lieu of links is a grand Composition Fallacy. And that's intentional ignorance.

Oh blah, blah, blah. The bottom line is that this one religion is responsible for most of the violence that is happening in the world today. There are multiple terror attacks, honor killings, etc. every day in the name of this one religion. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it. You want to keep denying the truth, that is your prerogative, but I'm not going to join you.

fpr the record----that which has very rarely been done in the practice of European and American medicine is not FGM----it is clitorectomy----more accurately reduction of the clitoris in cases of incessant masturbation which some Christian
sects saw as a sin and reduction of abnormally enlarged clitoris ---a RARE congenital anomaly POGO is desperate

Yuh huh. "When we do it it's 'clitorectomy' -- when they do it for the same purpose it's barbarism"...
"When we do it it's 'freedom fighting' -- when they do it it's "terrorism"....
"When we do it we're or 'spreading the good news of the gospel' -- when they do it they're 'taking over the world' ....

etc etc etc.... Having it both ways: Priceless. Euphemisms-R-us.

Why are you so dishonest? Like Rosie said, when WE perform it here, it is because of a legitimate problem. Not because "Muhammed" thinks it's grand to "control" women by taking away their sexual pleasure zone.

Yup, there's another one--- "when we do it it's "legitimate"; when they do it it's not.

Yammer yammer yammer....

Link to where Mohammad says that is where?
And how would Mohammad be talking about a practice ----- if it didn't already exist? He would have to be inventing it. Is that what you're saying? Mohammad invented FGM?

I already gave you links to that information.
Emily-----you are playing the "ALL" game that is a characteristic of propagandaists-----are you a propagandaists? I have never met a single person in my life who blamed ALL CHRISTIANS for the slavery that was practiced in the pre civil war USA------you are ALL GAME is a libel. Libels are for lynch gangs

I presume you mean "labels" on the end there...

What you're trying to describe here is a blanket generalization fallacy -- yet that's exactly what your position here is based on, ascribing this, that and the other thing to "Islam" in spite of evidence presented to the contrary ---- stoning in the OT.... FGM in the BCE era and performed by American and European doctors.... HBV in India and around the world -- that disprove your blanket statements. All you've given us in lieu of links is a grand Composition Fallacy. And that's intentional ignorance.

Oh blah, blah, blah. The bottom line is that this one religion is responsible for most of the violence that is happening in the world today. There are multiple terror attacks, honor killings, etc. every day in the name of this one religion. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it. You want to keep denying the truth, that is your prerogative, but I'm not going to join you.

fpr the record----that which has very rarely been done in the practice of European and American medicine is not FGM----it is clitorectomy----more accurately reduction of the clitoris in cases of incessant masturbation which some Christian
sects saw as a sin and reduction of abnormally enlarged clitoris ---a RARE congenital anomaly POGO is desperate

Yuh huh. "When we do it it's 'clitorectomy' -- when they do it for the same purpose it's barbarism"...
"When we do it it's 'freedom fighting' -- when they do it it's "terrorism"....
"When we do it we're or 'spreading the good news of the gospel' -- when they do it they're 'taking over the world' ....

etc etc etc.... Having it both ways: Priceless. Euphemisms-R-us.

we do not do it "for the same purpose" IN THE PAST------like 100 years ago
some very few people did it for "excessive masturbation" ------congenital enlarged
clitoris is an ABNORMALITY ------the enlarged clitoris makes the infant look like a
BOY-----Not reducing its size would be a handicap for the child------it is a very rare anomally I have seen babies born without a brain (no brain at all) but never
did I see in real life a congenitally enlarged clitoris---------I have seen pictures in

"100 years" huh?

>> "Indicative of the regard in which female circumcision is held is the decision made by the National Blue Shield Association on May 18, 1977, which stated that henceforth they would no longer pay for a number of procedures considered "obsolete or ineffective," such as ... female circumcision."

Wallerstein, Edward, "Circumcision: An American Health Fallacy", 1980, p. 185.

Circumcision in the Female: Its Necessity and How to Perform It
"The same category of diseases having their origin in nerve-waste, caused by a pathological foreskin in the male, may be duplicated in the female, from practically the same cause, and in addition, other diseases peculiar to females."

Benjamin E. Dawson, MD, Kansas City, MO
American Journal of Clinical Medicine, vol. 22, no. 6, June 1915, pp.520-523

He claimed to have cured colic in a 3 week old baby, masturbation in a 7 year old, nocturnal enuresis in a 16 year old, nymphomania in a 46 year old, among other "cures".

Circumcision of the Female
"If the male needs circumcision for cleanliness and hygiene, why not the female? The procedure is easy. The same reasons that apply for the circumcision of males are generally valid when considered for the female."

C.F. McDonald, MD, Milwaukee, WI
GP, vol.XVIII, no. 3, pp. 98-99
September 1958

Female Circumcisions, Indications and a New Technique
"Redundance or phimosis of the female prepuce can prevent proper enjoyment of sexual relations; yet some modern physicians overlook indications for circumcision. Properly carried out, circumcision shouFGM vs MGMld bring improvement to 85-90% of cases - with resulting cure of psychosomatic illness and prevention of divorces."

W.G. Rathmann, MD, Los Angeles, CA
GP, vol.XX, no.3, pp.115-120
September 1959

Women’s magazines in the mid 1970s promoted "female circumcision" to enhance women’s sexual pleasure. In October 1973, Playgirl published “Circumcision for Women: The Kindest Cut of All” followed in May 1975 by “$100 Surgery for a Million Dollar Sex Life”. << (all here).


see anything yet?​
I presume you mean "labels" on the end there...

What you're trying to describe here is a blanket generalization fallacy -- yet that's exactly what your position here is based on, ascribing this, that and the other thing to "Islam" in spite of evidence presented to the contrary ---- stoning in the OT.... FGM in the BCE era and performed by American and European doctors.... HBV in India and around the world -- that disprove your blanket statements. All you've given us in lieu of links is a grand Composition Fallacy. And that's intentional ignorance.

Oh blah, blah, blah. The bottom line is that this one religion is responsible for most of the violence that is happening in the world today. There are multiple terror attacks, honor killings, etc. every day in the name of this one religion. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it. You want to keep denying the truth, that is your prerogative, but I'm not going to join you.

fpr the record----that which has very rarely been done in the practice of European and American medicine is not FGM----it is clitorectomy----more accurately reduction of the clitoris in cases of incessant masturbation which some Christian
sects saw as a sin and reduction of abnormally enlarged clitoris ---a RARE congenital anomaly POGO is desperate

Yuh huh. "When we do it it's 'clitorectomy' -- when they do it for the same purpose it's barbarism"...
"When we do it it's 'freedom fighting' -- when they do it it's "terrorism"....
"When we do it we're or 'spreading the good news of the gospel' -- when they do it they're 'taking over the world' ....

etc etc etc.... Having it both ways: Priceless. Euphemisms-R-us.

we do not do it "for the same purpose" IN THE PAST------like 100 years ago
some very few people did it for "excessive masturbation" ------congenital enlarged
clitoris is an ABNORMALITY ------the enlarged clitoris makes the infant look like a
BOY-----Not reducing its size would be a handicap for the child------it is a very rare anomally I have seen babies born without a brain (no brain at all) but never
did I see in real life a congenitally enlarged clitoris---------I have seen pictures in

"100 years" huh?

>> "Indicative of the regard in which female circumcision is held is the decision made by the National Blue Shield Association on May 18, 1977, which stated that henceforth they would no longer pay for a number of procedures considered "obsolete or ineffective," such as ... female circumcision."

Wallerstein, Edward, "Circumcision: An American Health Fallacy", 1980, p. 185.

Circumcision in the Female: Its Necessity and How to Perform It
"The same category of diseases having their origin in nerve-waste, caused by a pathological foreskin in the male, may be duplicated in the female, from practically the same cause, and in addition, other diseases peculiar to females."

Benjamin E. Dawson, MD, Kansas City, MO
American Journal of Clinical Medicine, vol. 22, no. 6, June 1915, pp.520-523

He claimed to have cured colic in a 3 week old baby, masturbation in a 7 year old, nocturnal enuresis in a 16 year old, nymphomania in a 46 year old, among other "cures".

Circumcision of the Female
"If the male needs circumcision for cleanliness and hygiene, why not the female? The procedure is easy. The same reasons that apply for the circumcision of males are generally valid when considered for the female."

C.F. McDonald, MD, Milwaukee, WI
GP, vol.XVIII, no. 3, pp. 98-99
September 1958

Female Circumcisions, Indications and a New Technique
"Redundance or phimosis of the female prepuce can prevent proper enjoyment of sexual relations; yet some modern physicians overlook indications for circumcision. Properly carried out, circumcision shouFGM vs MGMld bring improvement to 85-90% of cases - with resulting cure of psychosomatic illness and prevention of divorces."

W.G. Rathmann, MD, Los Angeles, CA
GP, vol.XX, no.3, pp.115-120
September 1959

Women’s magazines in the mid 1970s promoted "female circumcision" to enhance women’s sexual pleasure. In October 1973, Playgirl published “Circumcision for Women: The Kindest Cut of All” followed in May 1975 by “$100 Surgery for a Million Dollar Sex Life”. << (all here).


see anything yet?​

That's you, Professor Ostrich, with your head in the sand again!
Damn Joey you really are losing it.

The State is the people...WTF!!!...you really believe our government is of the people, by the people, for the people???....oh please. What complete and utterly BS.

Yeah, actually, I believe that. Why don't you? I mean besides the fact you are an misanthropic mutant who hasn't left his basement since the Clinton years.
WATTA genius-----Pogo is pulling stuff out of his ANTHROPOLOGY 101
crème puff textbook ---------he imagines that no one else in the world did
those idiot electives. THE ORIGIN of FGM is interesting--------it is FUN---
when I was a student I considered courses like anthropology and the books
required to be stuff I did in BREAK TIME

Is this before or after you read the extensive Nazi Library somewhere in the Midwest?
WATTA genius-----Pogo is pulling stuff out of his ANTHROPOLOGY 101
crème puff textbook ---------he imagines that no one else in the world did
those idiot electives. THE ORIGIN of FGM is interesting--------it is FUN---
when I was a student I considered courses like anthropology and the books
required to be stuff I did in BREAK TIME

Is this before or after you read the extensive Nazi Library somewhere in the Midwest?

I have never been in the Midwest------in the USA----the Nazi enclaves during your HEYDAY-----to wit---the 1920s----40s existed in the north eastern part of the USA
I presume you mean "labels" on the end there...

What you're trying to describe here is a blanket generalization fallacy -- yet that's exactly what your position here is based on, ascribing this, that and the other thing to "Islam" in spite of evidence presented to the contrary ---- stoning in the OT.... FGM in the BCE era and performed by American and European doctors.... HBV in India and around the world -- that disprove your blanket statements. All you've given us in lieu of links is a grand Composition Fallacy. And that's intentional ignorance.

Oh blah, blah, blah. The bottom line is that this one religion is responsible for most of the violence that is happening in the world today. There are multiple terror attacks, honor killings, etc. every day in the name of this one religion. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it. You want to keep denying the truth, that is your prerogative, but I'm not going to join you.

fpr the record----that which has very rarely been done in the practice of European and American medicine is not FGM----it is clitorectomy----more accurately reduction of the clitoris in cases of incessant masturbation which some Christian
sects saw as a sin and reduction of abnormally enlarged clitoris ---a RARE congenital anomaly POGO is desperate

Yuh huh. "When we do it it's 'clitorectomy' -- when they do it for the same purpose it's barbarism"...
"When we do it it's 'freedom fighting' -- when they do it it's "terrorism"....
"When we do it we're or 'spreading the good news of the gospel' -- when they do it they're 'taking over the world' ....

etc etc etc.... Having it both ways: Priceless. Euphemisms-R-us.

we do not do it "for the same purpose" IN THE PAST------like 100 years ago
some very few people did it for "excessive masturbation" ------congenital enlarged
clitoris is an ABNORMALITY ------the enlarged clitoris makes the infant look like a
BOY-----Not reducing its size would be a handicap for the child------it is a very rare anomally I have seen babies born without a brain (no brain at all) but never
did I see in real life a congenitally enlarged clitoris---------I have seen pictures in

"100 years" huh?

>> "Indicative of the regard in which female circumcision is held is the decision made by the National Blue Shield Association on May 18, 1977, which stated that henceforth they would no longer pay for a number of procedures considered "obsolete or ineffective," such as ... female circumcision."

Wallerstein, Edward, "Circumcision: An American Health Fallacy", 1980, p. 185.

Circumcision in the Female: Its Necessity and How to Perform It
"The same category of diseases having their origin in nerve-waste, caused by a pathological foreskin in the male, may be duplicated in the female, from practically the same cause, and in addition, other diseases peculiar to females."

Benjamin E. Dawson, MD, Kansas City, MO
American Journal of Clinical Medicine, vol. 22, no. 6, June 1915, pp.520-523

He claimed to have cured colic in a 3 week old baby, masturbation in a 7 year old, nocturnal enuresis in a 16 year old, nymphomania in a 46 year old, among other "cures".

Circumcision of the Female
"If the male needs circumcision for cleanliness and hygiene, why not the female? The procedure is easy. The same reasons that apply for the circumcision of males are generally valid when considered for the female."

C.F. McDonald, MD, Milwaukee, WI
GP, vol.XVIII, no. 3, pp. 98-99
September 1958

Female Circumcisions, Indications and a New Technique
"Redundance or phimosis of the female prepuce can prevent proper enjoyment of sexual relations; yet some modern physicians overlook indications for circumcision. Properly carried out, circumcision shouFGM vs MGMld bring improvement to 85-90% of cases - with resulting cure of psychosomatic illness and prevention of divorces."

W.G. Rathmann, MD, Los Angeles, CA
GP, vol.XX, no.3, pp.115-120
September 1959

Women’s magazines in the mid 1970s promoted "female circumcision" to enhance women’s sexual pleasure. In October 1973, Playgirl published “Circumcision for Women: The Kindest Cut of All” followed in May 1975 by “$100 Surgery for a Million Dollar Sex Life”. << (all here).


see anything yet?​

so ? some single idiot and probably neurotic WASP doc wrote a paper. There is no question----such people DID attribute all kinds of maladies to that which they
called "self-abuse" -----the very natural and normal and healthy act known as
Damn Joey you really are losing it.

The State is the people...WTF!!!...you really believe our government is of the people, by the people, for the people???....oh please. What complete and utterly BS.

Yeah, actually, I believe that. Why don't you? I mean besides the fact you are an misanthropic mutant who hasn't left his basement since the Clinton years.
Only proves how naive you are. You desperately want to believe government is good, even though all of civilized history proves it is not.

Your hypocrisy is clear...thinking government is only good, when a D is in charge. Government is bad when an R is in charge....even though it is clear that there is little difference between the parties.
Only proves how naive you are. You desperately want to believe government is good, even though all of civilized history proves it is not.

Your hypocrisy is clear...thinking government is only good, when a D is in charge. Government is bad when an R is in charge....even though it is clear that there is little difference between the parties.

I don't think it's "bad" when republicans are in charge, just inept.

Most of history proves that you need government to get roads, sanitation, law, order, commerce and so on. You know, the things you have when you have "Civilization".

The Libertarian is a spoiled child who expects those things without contributing to them.
What is more important?

The OP?

or the political discussion that followed?

This is an interesting question.
No, they are "radical" because they haven't changed or progressed in past thousands of years.

You go with that. You pretend that decades of war we've inflicted on the region has had nothing to do with radicalizing them.

Have you read the Q'ran. Their fundamentals are radical in the first place. Don't act like some war somewhere was responsible for stuff like happened in Paris the other day. That's Grade A BS.
No, they are "radical" because they haven't changed or progressed in past thousands of years.

You go with that. You pretend that decades of war we've inflicted on the region has had nothing to do with radicalizing them.

Have you read the Q'ran. Their fundamentals are radical in the first place. Don't act like some war somewhere was responsible for stuff like happened in Paris the other day. That's Grade A BS.

the muslims who enacted the recent "event" in Paris were EMULATING AL NABI-----
except-----as far as I know-----they did not indulge in rape

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