A Young Woman Stoned for Adultery

Uh, no, guy, there's no context where smashing in the heads of babies is ever a good thing.

Not gonna redo the research if you're just gonna cling to your stories. Who is killing who? Who has the culture of murder? It sure as hell ain't the Jews. I could care less about your moral relativism.
the Q'ran is explicit about the justified murder of kaffir and Jews as a way of life


:lmao: Like that's some sort of secret.

Didn't think so.

Ah, life in Duh Bubble. Where "facts" are annoyances other people have to deal with.
Must be bliss, like they say.

Catering to your willful denseness is an annoyance that I learned to not indulge.

Translation: You can't link it because you pulled it out of your ass.

Lotta mining goes on in there. Do you have one of those hats with a light on it?

:lmao: If you think the Q'ran is a book of peace, go for it. I'm not going to waste time trying to convince you that the sky is blue.
Looks like you can't substantiate the previous point either.

Very prolific, that ass. Just keeps pumping out bullshit, expecting different results.
Looks like you can't substantiate the previous point either.

Very prolific, that ass. Just keeps pumping out bullshit, expecting different results.

I have no doubt that you've been shown the abhorrent language that is in the Q'ran many times over. I'm not gonna spin my wheels for you, a-hole.
What we should do if fights in a way where they no longer have the ability to hit back.

Yes, we are totally going to subdue 1.3 BILLION of them. You can go out and take them out yourself, you and the rest of the Billybob Bubba Redneck Militia. That would be amusing.

It wouldn't need to be all. Just enough to prove to the rest not to fuck with us anymore.

Actually that number would be greater as it needs to include all those like you willing to bend over and take one to appease those barbarians.

You presented this before; and we discovered it was something you had taken out of context;

Uh, no, guy, there's no context where smashing in the heads of babies is ever a good thing.

But whereas you find some historical text, the Q'ran is explicit about the justified murder of kaffir and Jews as a way of life. But let's not get wrapped up in semantics;

Again, I'm betting you are taking this out of Context. frankly, historically, the Muslims tolerate non-believers pretty well, which is why you have Jews, Christians, Samaritans, Mandean, Ba'hai, Zoroasterians all across the Middle East throughout most of history.

Meanwhile, you won't find a worshipper of Zeus or Odin or Quezacoatl. Nor will you find an Arian, a Monophysite, or an Albigensian... because the Christians either killed them or forced them to convert at swordpoint.
Not gonna redo the research if you're just gonna cling to your stories. Who is killing who? Who has the culture of murder? It sure as hell ain't the Jews. I could care less about your moral relativism

Really? The Jews killed 2000 Palestinians last year. Most of them women and children. BUt I'm sure you think they all had it coming.

Fact is, there's more truly fucked up shit in the Bible than the Koran. If you "Christians" didn't treat the bible like a software agreement and click "I Agree" without reading it, you'd know this.
What we should do if fights in a way where they no longer have the ability to hit back.

Yes, we are totally going to subdue 1.3 BILLION of them. You can go out and take them out yourself, you and the rest of the Billybob Bubba Redneck Militia. That would be amusing.

It wouldn't need to be all. Just enough to prove to the rest not to fuck with us anymore.

Actually that number would be greater as it needs to include all those like you willing to bend over and take one to appease those barbarians.

How is not getting involved in their part of the word "appeassing" them.

In addition to the criminal Zionist occupation of Palestine, we've invaded, bombed or occuppied 14 countries in the Middle East. We've been fighting over there for 25 years now. Maybe, just maybe, military solutions aren't a solution.

But I'm totally willing to take the Billy-Bob red state voters and sending the lot of you over there to prove me wrong.
What we should do if fights in a way where they no longer have the ability to hit back.

Yes, we are totally going to subdue 1.3 BILLION of them. You can go out and take them out yourself, you and the rest of the Billybob Bubba Redneck Militia. That would be amusing.

It wouldn't need to be all. Just enough to prove to the rest not to fuck with us anymore.

Actually that number would be greater as it needs to include all those like you willing to bend over and take one to appease those barbarians.

How is not getting involved in their part of the word "appeassing" them.

In addition to the criminal Zionist occupation of Palestine, we've invaded, bombed or occuppied 14 countries in the Middle East. We've been fighting over there for 25 years now. Maybe, just maybe, military solutions aren't a solution.

But I'm totally willing to take the Billy-Bob red state voters and sending the lot of you over there to prove me wrong.
I willing to to send your ass down the the South Side of your city to save thugs as a way of showing my liberalism and compassion for black people. I would go there myself you understand, but here I am thousands of miles away from where the blaction is. Go in my stead.
Not gonna redo the research if you're just gonna cling to your stories. Who is killing who? Who has the culture of murder? It sure as hell ain't the Jews. I could care less about your moral relativism

Really? The Jews killed 2000 Palestinians last year. Most of them women and children. BUt I'm sure you think they all had it coming.

Fact is, there's more truly fucked up shit in the Bible than the Koran. If you "Christians" didn't treat the bible like a software agreement and click "I Agree" without reading it, you'd know this.
Guy...you need to recognize who is the aggressor and who is not. Who is willing to live in peace and who is not.

This will be difficult for you and your kind.
Guy...you need to recognize who is the aggressor and who is not. Who is willing to live in peace and who is not.

This will be difficult for you and your kind.

The Aggressor is the guy who comes from somewhere else and takes someone else's land.

The person who is not is someone who is defending his own land.

Now, the Zionist SHIT STAINS didn't come from there, they came from Europe. They came from Europe and stole land from the people who lived there. They then crowded them into little ghettos and then are wondering why they are fighting back.

The Zionists definition of "Peace" is "We get to keep all the nice parts of the country and you get to live in the slums". and for some crazy reason, the Palestinians are no more keen on that idea now than they were 70 years ago.
Guy...you need to recognize who is the aggressor and who is not. Who is willing to live in peace and who is not.

This will be difficult for you and your kind.

The Aggressor is the guy who comes from somewhere else and takes someone else's land.

The person who is not is someone who is defending his own land.

Now, the Zionist SHIT STAINS didn't come from there, they came from Europe. They came from Europe and stole land from the people who lived there. They then crowded them into little ghettos and then are wondering why they are fighting back.

The Zionists definition of "Peace" is "We get to keep all the nice parts of the country and you get to live in the slums". and for some crazy reason, the Palestinians are no more keen on that idea now than they were 70 years ago.
We don't you leave this country then...you stinking invader?
What we should do if fights in a way where they no longer have the ability to hit back.

Yes, we are totally going to subdue 1.3 BILLION of them. You can go out and take them out yourself, you and the rest of the Billybob Bubba Redneck Militia. That would be amusing.

It wouldn't need to be all. Just enough to prove to the rest not to fuck with us anymore.

Actually that number would be greater as it needs to include all those like you willing to bend over and take one to appease those barbarians.

How is not getting involved in their part of the word "appeassing" them.

In addition to the criminal Zionist occupation of Palestine, we've invaded, bombed or occuppied 14 countries in the Middle East. We've been fighting over there for 25 years now. Maybe, just maybe, military solutions aren't a solution.

But I'm totally willing to take the Billy-Bob red state voters and sending the lot of you over there to prove me wrong.

Now I get it. You hate Israel.

What are the solutions, baking cookies and singing songs?
What we should do if fights in a way where they no longer have the ability to hit back.

Yes, we are totally going to subdue 1.3 BILLION of them. You can go out and take them out yourself, you and the rest of the Billybob Bubba Redneck Militia. That would be amusing.

It wouldn't need to be all. Just enough to prove to the rest not to fuck with us anymore.

Actually that number would be greater as it needs to include all those like you willing to bend over and take one to appease those barbarians.

How is not getting involved in their part of the word "appeassing" them.

In addition to the criminal Zionist occupation of Palestine, we've invaded, bombed or occuppied 14 countries in the Middle East. We've been fighting over there for 25 years now. Maybe, just maybe, military solutions aren't a solution.

But I'm totally willing to take the Billy-Bob red state voters and sending the lot of you over there to prove me wrong.

Always willing for someone else to do the job you're either incapable or too much of a pussy to do yourself. More like a combination of both with varying degrees of inability and pussy fluctuating day to day.
I dont' give a fuck that you think forms of murder existed before Islam. That's obvious to anyone with half a brain. The reality is Islam fosters these killings. So, save us your dumbass history lesson, sparky.

Fortunately, those of us with complete brains have a right hemisphere, which gives us the context, which tells us an ancient cultural artifact that has been recorded all over the world from ancient Rome to the Aztec empire, and still goes on prominently in the Subcontinent today (where its perps happen to be Hindus and Sikhs) cannot possibly have had any kind of roots in "Islam".

The Holey Babble story referenced in the OP --- in which Jesus walks up to stop a stoning about to take place --- in itself tells us it was already extant THEN --- some six centuries before Mohammad was even born.

Linear time, vacuum-brain.

Incidentally it's not a "history lesson" as much as Anthropology. But the fact that you regard such crucial background info as "dumb" and would rather run with hair-on-fire bigotry because your head isn't big enough to accommodate realities, just confirms my signline all over again.

You meant to deflect like a little bitch maggot that you are.

Hey Gasbag ----

36 simultaneous tsunamis have wiped out the city of Port Fart, Idaho. This opened up a crevice in the continental shelf that sent the entire slab of western North America out to the Pacific Ocean where it declared itself the independent country of Canadifornia and launched five nukes at your house three minutes ago.

I don't have a link though.

You buyin'? Or are you gonna "deflect" asking for "evidence"?

Better run, dumbass.

Who at any time said that stonings didn't take place before Islam? Is that issue? No. You want to make it the issue though to ignore the real issue(s). Just like you want to trifle over links (habitually) to avoid the issue(s). Your game is stale and old. If you don't like being called out, address the actual issue at hand for once.

Several of your fellow traveler ignorami have done so, and as noted they've been refuted repeatedly, but within the confines of this thread --- YOU did:

This thing has Islam fingerprints all over it.

--- which ironically was immediately followed by another sentence that shoots the first directly in the foot:

Who gives a sh** what you think the origin of this "custom" is.

-- and it ain't what "I think" the origin is -- it's what it IS is. Your burying your head in the sand pretending that some ancient tribal custom with no religious roots is "religious" -- doesn't make it so just because you choose a path of bigoted ignorance, that being all your tiny little mind can grapple with.

Once again, even in the OP you have the same thing going on in a biblical story..... six hundred years before Mohammad was even born. Does that event have "Islam fingerprints all over it"? Or was it Jewish fingerprints, and six hundred years later they traded it to Islam for cash and a player to be named later?

Dumb fuck.

the story in the NT has the fingerprints of Constantine all over it.
Executions could be ordered only by the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem---
according to jewish law and in the life-time of jesus ONLY BY ROME
according to the NT. ie----the story is not history. The nicest
thing that anyone could say about it is----it's a "parable" -----but
the reality is----more likely----it is a lie. However ---stoning is a method
of execution in jewish law (or was) for both men and women. There is
no actual record of any such executions-------none---except one-----
JAMES during the time that decrees of execution could be issued
only by ROME. It could have been a mob lynching

It is not a parable........it is an event that happened and recorded in the NT. You don't have to believe it, but you have no proof that it is a lie. And, your assertion that there is no record of any such executions......is the lie.

2 At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around him, and he sat down to teach them. 3 The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group 4 and said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. 5 In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?” 6 They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him.

But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. 7 When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” 8 Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.

9 At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. 10 Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”

The situation in Israel/Judea during the putative life-time of Jesus is WELL DOCUMENTED-------In fact Christian theologians have INSISTED for almost
the past 2000 years that ------the ONLY REASON THAT DA JOOOS did not execute Jesus is because the romans stripped DA JEWISH COURTS of the right to execute
ANYONE. However----beyond that assertion is the FACT that executions
for any person under jewish law at THAT TIME had to be adjudicated in the SANHEDRIN IN JERUSALEM------not a bunch of people in the gutter.
FURTHERMORE------by that time----execution for adultery was actually not
being DONE------especially when PHARISEES were involved-----their policy
was regarding "execution" FIND A LOOPHOLE. Adultery was not treated
like a lynch party------this stuff is WELL DOCUMENTED. Read the NT----if
you can actually READ----with discernment-------it is all there. What happened
to JESUS when he went to TRIAL BEFORE THE SANHEDRIN? was he
sentenced to death? I am generously willing to treat the story as a parable----
in fact-----it is a fraud


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