ABC National Correspondent Pours Cold Water on Dem Midterm Hopes: 'The air went out of that balloon'

Most Republicans don’t want to see Trump again

That is one hundred percent false, and even you must know it.

In poll after poll the vast majority of Republicans still approve of Trump and want him to run for President.

Only in lefty nutjob fantasy land where you play fall guy for every piece of FAKE NEWS the corporations regurgitate - would that even have a remote chance of being a thing.

As you're about to find out in 4 weeks - most people don't live in fantasy land.
As we ease into October and the cooler, crisper air; the Democratic mid term hopes are going the way of the autumn trees.

They're dying.

And the truth is finally beginning to seep in with the FAKE NEWS.

Even "the polls" take their well deserved lashing in this ABC Meet the Groundchucktodd......eerr....Press panel.

Ouch. That's gonna leave a mark.

Hey Democrats:

Tick tock. :)
Wow. He didn't hold back AT ALL.

Polls are broken. Republicans (and independents) just don't want to answer polls anymore. If polls are close, it's a Republican win.
Until a better candidate comes along, Biden is the man

Most Republicans don’t want to see Trump again
That is partly true that many Rs don't want Trump again. That's good news for you.

The bad news is they want somebody like DiSantis, who is basically Trump, but smart and polished.

That's your worst nightmare. Get ready for 6 decades of R rule. Thor help us.

If Dems would just ditch the commies, all would be balanced.
What does allowing 5 million people to break our laws have to do with democracy? I guess you're good with the breakdown of the rule of law and a president ignoring his oath of office.

I don’t really care if people struggling to feed their families come to mow our lawns, pick our crops and make our beds.
I would give them all temporary work visas

The oath of office and defending the Constitution says nothing about hunting down Mexicans
Don't play dumb because I know you're not dumb.
You're a snake and a scumbag, but not dumb.
The DEMONCRAPS have been promising Blacks and other minorities success in the US since the 50s and still run on handing out welfare checks.

You continue to sell your soul.
Does it have anything to do with a member of your family needing their job?
He's pretty fucking stupid.
I don’t really care if people struggling to feed their families come to mow our lawns, pick our crops and make our beds.
I would give them all temporary work visas

The oath of office and defending the Constitution says nothing about hunting down Mexicans
Of course you would. Selling out their country is what progs do.
I don’t really care if people struggling to feed their families come to mow our lawns, pick our crops and make our beds.
I would give them all temporary work visas

The oath of office and defending the Constitution says nothing about hunting down Mexicans

"he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed," That means hunting down the people from more than 169 countries that are breaking our laws. It also includes stopping the drug smuggling and human trafficking that are also violations of law.

So shove your propaganda up your commie, lying ass.

I don’t really care if people struggling to feed their families come to mow our lawns, pick our crops and make our beds.

As long as they work for cheap for our hypocritical elitist Democrats.

On the other hand, they still shouldn't plan a vacation to Martha's Vineyard any time soon - amirite??

The lefties are getting hammered. They don't barely dare to show their faces around here anymore. :p

Don't worry people, it gets better. Part of my mission when I got here was to make leftards unpopular, but hell, they're doing a good enough job of it themselves, they don't even need me! :p :p :p
I don’t really care if people struggling to feed their families come to mow our lawns, pick our crops and make our beds.
I would give them all temporary work visas

The oath of office and defending the Constitution says nothing about hunting down Mexicans
how very demaklan thinking of you…wanting some brown people to pick your crops, and make your bed

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