ABC News..Brian Ross says Batman shooter has tea party page.

Such blubbering by the far right extremists pretending to be cons.

They're not, most Americans know they're not.

They are weaker in this election cycle than any time since 1980 and will continue to grow weaker as America grows younger, darker, better educated, and more forward looking.
It's a win win for the liberal controlled media.
If Brian Ross is right they get credit for beating everyone to it.It's a chance to stick it to the
Republicans\Conservatives\Tea Party.

If he's wrong which he was he catches a little flak maybe but the WH for who these people
work for are pleased that they had someone in the media take a shot at the righties.

When people like myself talk about the liberal media and how they do things I hope people remember
just what happened with ABC here.

What happened was they made a mistake just like Fox made a mistake when it identified Tim Foley as a Democrat when he got caught hitting on the pages.

oh yeah good, it was a mistake but the damage was already you would be saying this if they said the guy was a Democrat member of the OWS
what do they care they succeeded in planting the seed..the media has become a danger to us people

There is a reason why polls show the US people do not trust the press and do not identify with liberalism.

The real danger ...
While the extreme Left tries to cover for their own radicalism, which they know would be rejected by the American voter,
by trying to push the template of violence only comes from the right and ignoring the violence of the left, it will create a future that no one would want

[ame=]Oakland General Strike clashes: Masked youths smashing windows - YouTube[/ame]

The MSM and the Left ignoring their own violence could make for a very bleak future

In the words of Papa Obama's radical preacher for 20 years, we may end up with a situation where "The chickens are coming home to roost."

Indeed, the left and Papa Obama are offering very little of a good future by pushing their radical agenda
Then again, the Left historically always ends up with violence and misery

No doubt some of the more extreme loons on the left must think this is just great, "progressive" and "forward looking"

Thank God, Papa Obama and the extreme left are weak enough to be defeated, come next election.

For the left is offering a future that the majority of Americans do not want


Here boy
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They're nothing of that sort and you're still a narrow-minded bigot.

Better you than me.
Here's the fake Libertarian sticking up for the extremist fringe of the far Right, once again.

Give it up, Oddball - you're a wingnut, through and through. You just claim to be a LP convert in order to run from your responsibility for voting for and supporting the failed Republican Congress and POTUS, from 2001-2009.
ok, the bullshit accusations about this nuts political affiliatons continue with a jab from the right;

Exclusive: Contra ABC News, Dark Knight Shooting Suspect James Holmes Could Be Registered Democrat

How much intelligence does it take to realize that a nutcase is a nutcase regardless of political stripe?

I agree with you, except the difference is, Breitbart is a political agenda driven entity, like "Move On" is for the left... ABC News is "suppose" to be non-bias news reporting. . But we all know ABC, NBC and CBS are all irresponsible hacks for the left (in most cases)
ok, the bullshit accusations about this nuts political affiliatons continue with a jab from the right;

Exclusive: Contra ABC News, Dark Knight Shooting Suspect James Holmes Could Be Registered Democrat

How much intelligence does it take to realize that a nutcase is a nutcase regardless of political stripe?

I agree with you, except the difference is, Breitbart is a political agenda driven entity, like "Move On" is for the left... ABC News is "suppose" to be non-bias news reporting. . But we all know ABC, NBC and CBS are all irresponsible hacks for the left (in most cases)

The major networks ABC CBS NBC are liberal bias sorry if you feel like a fool for believing them.
The extremist far right are not conservatives, they are wack reactionaries.

Jake, Sweetie, you can't complain about them when your weird Mormon Robot embraces their worst impulses to get votes.

Even Bush had the balls to stand up to the extremists in his party, calling himself a "compassionate conservative" to their chagrin.
I am as much a left winger as you are a normal mainstream American, California Girl, hiding out in Europe. Whether your type take me seriously is immaterial to my truth telling, ms silliness. You are stuck with the truth. Tuff.

Americans threaten other Americans internally as terrorist threats. Cyber Crime and Al-Quada are the external threats. Oh, communism is the external threat to Crusader Frank alone.

In particular, the FBI is concerned about the American sovereignists. FBI warns of threat from anti-government extremists | Reuters

(Reuters) - Anti-government extremists opposed to taxes and regulations pose a growing threat to local law enforcement officers in the United States, the FBI warned on Monday.

These extremists, sometimes known as "sovereign citizens," believe they can live outside any type of government authority, FBI agents said at a news conference.

The extremists may refuse to pay taxes, defy government environmental regulations and believe the United States went bankrupt by going off the gold standard.

QWB gets it wrong again.

Perhaps you left wing hacks should quit referring to every conservative as 'extremists'? Then... maybe... some of us might take you seriously. Until then, y'all are just cannon fodder for jokes.

Yea, I expected a whine about the evils of foreign travel. Idiot.
They're nothing of that sort and you're still a narrow-minded bigot.

Better you than me.
Here's the fake Libertarian sticking up for the extremist fringe of the far Right, once again.

Give it up, Oddball - you're a wingnut, through and through. You just claim to be a LP convert in order to run from your responsibility for voting for and supporting the failed Republican Congress and POTUS, from 2001-2009.
Last time I looked he was living in a free country. he feels he was failed, and he's not voting for the other side either. My sweet talkin' failed. I ought to have called AquaAthena, I guess. :D
Joe, your Obama embraces all the wacks on the left; it's how it is done.

The issue is not about Right or Left, it is about your HATRED because of a religion.

The extremist far right are not conservatives, they are wack reactionaries.

Jake, Sweetie, you can't complain about them when your weird Mormon Robot embraces their worst impulses to get votes.

Even Bush had the balls to stand up to the extremists in his party, calling himself a "compassionate conservative" to their chagrin.
bigrebnc, there is an ATF guy behind you! Boo!!!

The only internal problem from the left is a few wannabee NBPP dudes.

The militia mutts and the Islamists from the extremist right are far more scary.

Frank is fearful for sure. Frank, there is a black commie behind you!! Boo!!!

Your handlers must be so proud! You infiltrated the Republican Party and USMB

Jake naturally has no hardliner words for anyone on the left, wonder why?
CF is shriveling up from the fading of the extremist right's power. This is ongoing and unstoppable from now on.
CF is shriveling up from the fading of the extremist right's power. This is ongoing and unstoppable from now on.

Let's check the record since your boy Obama got into the White House shall we?

Kennedy Seat
VA Governor
NJ Governor
2010 Midterm Elections
Walker recall

Yeah. Someone is fading fast and it's not us.

If Obama allows an election in November you can kiss POTUS, the Senate and half the remaining Democrat state houses goodbye! (Rather than face certain defeat, there's a good chance Obama cook up some fake terrorist attack or assassination attempt by the Tea Party to cancel the election in November)
CF is shriveling up from the fading of the extremist right's power. This is ongoing and unstoppable from now on.

Let's check the record since your boy Obama got into the White House shall we?

Kennedy Seat
VA Governor
NJ Governor
2010 Midterm Elections
Walker recall

Yeah. Someone is fading fast and it's not us.

If Obama allows an election in November you can kiss POTUS, the Senate and half the remaining Democrat state houses goodbye! (Rather than face certain defeat, there's a good chance Obama cook up some fake terrorist attack or assassination attempt by the Tea Party to cancel the election in November)

But now it's going to be different and jake means it.

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