ABC Panel Erupts Into Chaos After Chris Christie Dismantles the Credibility of Jan. 6 Committee

In the mean time, the event is still being used as a benchmark to assault the very fabric of the electorate's freedoms by those who are supposed to be representing it.

But lets all worry about Trump. lolol....

Even Liz Warren and Sanders has spoken out against the LEGAL and physical abuse of those rounded up and held in the D.C. jail.
And yet in the TRIAL this week of the Oath Keepers the prosecution had to admit that NO movement of those weapons occurred during the Capitol occupation or mere hours AFTERWARDS when Congress reconvened. That forces the prosecution into a REALLY WHACKY theory that the Oath Keepers didn't care that the Capitol went back to business that evening and the REAL PLAN was the group intended a LATER insurrection.

That's how deranged this whole show trial is. That the Oath Keepers were standing by to RE-ASSAULT the Capitol BY THEMSELVES -- maybe the following day.

MAYBE???? Maybe if a frog had wings..........
Bullshit. The stockpile, and the purpose for it is a proven fact. Not sure about the other bullshit you were spouting, but that doesn't matter. They had weapons stored to use in an insurrection, That's all that matters. I am constantly amazed at the childish crap you are willing to say to defend trump and his MAGAs
Bullshit. The stockpile, and the purpose for it is a proven fact. Not sure about the other bullshit you were spouting, but that doesn't matter. They had weapons stored to use in an insurrection, That's all that matters. I am constantly amazed at the childish crap you are willing to say to defend trump and his MAGAs
That's an FBI claim, not a fact. It was never presented in a court of law.
There's a problem here that is insidious with Jan 6th committee and that's the FACT that witnesses are PREPPED and VETTED -- AND -- there is NEVER any critical systematic cross-examination ALLOWED. It's NOT a trial -- it's a self declared "narrative". And like with other Jan 6th witnesses -- like the gal who claimed that "Trump tried to grab the wheel of his limo from Secret Service agents" -- that CLAIM was ROUNDLY squashed OUTSIDE of the Jan 6th hearings.

We dont know if that's the ONLY witness. Whether it's FIRST hand or 3rd hand -- like the fable of Trump wrestling control of the Prez limo from a couple Secret Service agents. We dont know the CONTEXT of the statement -- whether it was an ORDER or a COMMENT and nobody will ever know UNTIL there is a TRUE investigation -- not a 3rd world banana republic Inquisition.
But how is whether or not he really freaked out in the limo really relevant to anything that happened that day?
It's not.
But it probably did happen.
The Jan. 6th investigators only got Cassidy Huchinson to give this testimony because it speaks to Trump's mindset on that day.
A crazed megalomaniac intent upon leading hus own "army" into the Capitol in a coup to derail democracy.

You are right.
These hearings have not been a "fair trial."
Not at all.
That is because this hasn't been a trial.
It is an investigation. A gathering and assembling of evidence and testimony to build a case against Trump.

The trial will come once the Department of Justice files charges (indictments) against Trump based upon the evidence put together by this committee in addition to any evidence discovered in the DOJ's own separate investigation.

Think of tge Jan. 6th Committee as the "cops" building a case against a suspect.
This isn't kindergarten.
Your expectations of "fairness" aren't really realistic here.
Most of the evidence assembled by this committee is straightforward.
It is a matter of analyzing video and audio and written records and sworn statements.

I think what is pissing off most Trump apologists is tge committee's focus.
You guys are pissed off because the committee is not allowing "cross examination" of witnesses who want to get up there and muddy the waters with ridiculous questions about the nature of reality itself.....with "alternative facts," "my reality vs. your reality," and "that depends upon what the meaning if "is" is" bullshit.
And the committee is not having any of this.

The stakes are too high.
Our democracy is at stake if we don't hold Trump and his enablers accountable.
Bullshit. The stockpile, and the purpose for it is a proven fact. Not sure about the other bullshit you were spouting, but that doesn't matter. They had weapons stored to use in an insurrection, That's all that matters. I am constantly amazed at the childish crap you are willing to say to defend trump and his MAGAs
Stockpile of what? Your link says gun cases.
That's an FBI claim, not a fact. It was never presented in a court of law.
What civil rights has been repealed? I've never made any false statement about gun control? Why does ban want to ban 9mm?
Gee, how about R v. W? Or the ability of every person in the U.S. to have a firearm is a violation of the rights of those who are murdered or maimed and their loved ones do to "shall not be infringed".

Or your support for the attack on the Capitol Bld. on January 6, 2021!
Or the ability of every person in the U.S. to have a firearm is a violation of the rights of those who are murdered or maimed and their loved ones do to "shall not be infringed".
Mindless nonsense - but, par for the course.
Gee, how about R v. W? Or the ability of every person in the U.S. to have a firearm is a violation of the rights of those who are murdered or maimed and their loved ones do to "shall not be infringed".

Or your support for the attack on the Capitol Bld. on January 6, 2021!
Roe was nothing more than reversing a bad decision from decades ago. Nobody has the right to not be murdered in this country. It's a crime like all other crimes.
Gee, how about R v. W? Or the ability of every person in the U.S. to have a firearm is a violation of the rights of those who are murdered or maimed and their loved ones do to "shall not be infringed".

Or your support for the attack on the Capitol Bld. on January 6, 2021!
Dipshit abortion is not a right.
Democrats are the ones restricting to right to self-defense fucking imbecile
No such attack happened well the game call of duty that you play may be confusing you.

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