ABC Panel Erupts Into Chaos After Chris Christie Dismantles the Credibility of Jan. 6 Committee

Simple dumbfk, credibility of the soap opera Jan 6.
But I watched were told what to think.

Christie is full of xit.

We know what happened, we have the sworn testimony of those present.

Even the NYPost and Washington Examiner were obliged to acknowledge the Truth.
I’m actually eating a sandwich.

i know you are full of shit and got caught in a bold face lie and now are desperately trying to save face.
No...were that true you would have posted the relevant data.

You haven’t.

Sorry, but this is just a bunch of opinionated junk from college professors who spent their lives in school because the real world is just too tough for them. They ranked Trump last in integrity despite being fully investigated several times and found not-guilty each and every time. They should rank the Democratic Congress 45th, but that won't happen. Court appointments Trump was ranked 44th. Think there was any bias there? I mean he did appoint many judges and several SCJ, who were also subject to the Democratic spin machine. 43 for Trump in the handling of the economy? These people are clueless. Maybe they don't make enough money to have any investments or maybe they are just too indoctrinated to see the truth. Pre-COVID, the econoimy wa booming. The Democrats first called Trump a racists for trying to stop people from coming from China during the beginning of COVID and later they decided it would be beneficial to getting senile old Joe into office if they shut everything down to hurt a booming economy, which meant a sure loss. Only low IQ folks believe crap like this. BTW, a little tidbit on Siena College.

Siena College Is Unsafe For Conservative Students
You have no idea what you're talking about.

Get back to your pudding.

Maybe you should get a real job. If you had one, you wouldn't be stupid enough to vote for and support Biden. If you are in academia that explains your lack of is a sheltered Utopia where adults never truly mature.
But I watched were told what to think.

Christie is full of xit.

We know what happened, we have the sworn testimony of those present.

Even the NYPost and Washington Examiner were obliged to acknowledge the Truth.
I’m happy for you
Sorry, but this is just a bunch of opinionated junk from college professors who spent their lives in school because the real world is just too tough for them. They ranked Trump last in integrity despite being fully investigated several times and found not-guilty each and every time. They should rank the Democratic Congress 45th, but that won't happen. Court appointments Trump was ranked 44th. Think there was any bias there? I mean he did appoint many judges and several SCJ, who were also subject to the Democratic spin machine. 43 for Trump in the handling of the economy? These people are clueless. Maybe they don't make enough money to have any investments or maybe they are just too indoctrinated to see the truth. Pre-COVID, the econoimy wa booming. The Democrats first called Trump a racists for trying to stop people from coming from China during the beginning of COVID and later they decided it would be beneficial to getting senile old Joe into office if they shut everything down to hurt a booming economy, which meant a sure loss. Only low IQ folks believe crap like this. BTW, a little tidbit on Siena College.

Siena College Is Unsafe For Conservative Students
It's the Institute, not the college, dumbass.

And the survey is not exclusively of its faculty.


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