ABC reporter pleads guilty to child porn

The MSM was infiltrated by anti-American scum how many decades back? CNN MSNBC is loaded with these perverted pigs. They hire only the worst, once in place. Same in FED GOVT, Bad State GOVT. They stuck homeO in school, Catholic Churches.

It's a slow bleed.
What exactly are you blabbering about?
Check the OP link. Some guy right wingers were complaining about being hounded by DOJ to silence, but turned out he was an admitted and now confessed kiddy porn guy, awaiting sentencing for up to 40 year, so looks like the right wingers were upset, not knowing, they were jumping to the defense of a kiddy porn guy and distributor. Haven't heard or read, but I guess the ones that had been defending have a better opinion of DOJ and FBI now. Always fun to attack DOJ and FBI, but hard to defend child porn people, even if they are critical of Democrat administration.


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