Abolish drunk driving laws.

Abolish Drunk Driving Laws - Reason.com

He makes a good argument.Please read the article before making asinine responses to what it says.

What is his solution? Nothing based in reality.
Focus on impairment? He wants to switch from physical evidence to officers making judgment calls. Due to the winters here by Spring the whole town is pot hole wasteland, Police officers would have better look trying to find people who were not swerving to miss pot holes. This is just one example.
This man essentially wants to put human error back in the DUI business.

And we won't get into how much time and money I spent on my DUI.
Anarchy isn't freedom.

Course not when you think what you have now is freedom. Anarchy is life without government,life without someone telling you how to spend your money,do with your life,who you can marry,what you can put in your body etc...of course its not freedom if you think the statist society we live in now is freedom.

If anarchy was freedom, why did our Founders establish a Constitution?
We actually had something Pretty damn close to anarchy it was called the Articles of Confederation and is something we need to go back to 100%.
Do traffic laws actually stop people from breaking them? Uh no...just like laws against smoking weed or killing someone doesn't stop pot smokers or murderers...its just another racket by the federal mafia.

Anarchy isn't freedom.

Course not when you think what you have now is freedom. Anarchy is life without government,life without someone telling you how to spend your money,do with your life,who you can marry,what you can put in your body etc...of course its not freedom if you think the statist society we live in now is freedom.

But you are a pro lifer?
No need for drunk driving laws, you only need one law that would contain that particular offense:

"No one shall drive recklessly, endangering the life and well-being of others."

Bang, we just solved drunk driving and 6000 other reckless driving offenses.
Abolish Drunk Driving Laws - Reason.com

He makes a good argument.Please read the article before making asinine responses to what it says.

I have lost five good friends to drunk drivers over the years. FUCK THEM! They aren't punished enough in my opinion. If you are convicted the first time you lose your license for one year, lose your car and a hellacious fine. I want it to really hurt. The second time you go to prison and break rocks because you are clearly to fucking stupid to be allowed out in the world.
Ignoring the obvious violation of the 4th and 5th Amendments, drunk driving laws are only good for fattening municipal coffers, putting people in jail who do not belong there, wrecking families, causing people to lose their jobs, enriching trial lawyers, and embarrassing decent people.
And somehow making the highways safer is not a consideration?!? What political ideology says that any laws are restrictions on individual rights and NOT there for public safety? What political ideology champions the 'right' of the individual over the actual rights of the public?

Short sighted, imbecilic and utterly selfish.
I agree those caught driving drunk or killing someone in a wreck while drunk need more severe penalties but the dui laws aren't working...we need one law...that encompasses ALL distractions while driving.
Course not when you think what you have now is freedom. Anarchy is life without government,life without someone telling you how to spend your money,do with your life,who you can marry,what you can put in your body etc...of course its not freedom if you think the statist society we live in now is freedom.

If anarchy was freedom, why did our Founders establish a Constitution?
We actually had something Pretty damn close to anarchy it was called the Articles of Confederation and is something we need to go back to 100%.

You've got to be kidding. The Articles of Confederation were so effective that the Colonists overwhelmingly abolished them and established our Constitution.
No need for drunk driving laws, you only need one law that would contain that particular offense:

"No one shall drive recklessly, endangering the life and well-being of others."

Bang, we just solved drunk driving and 6000 other reckless driving offenses.

Define recklessly. define endangering. Define well-being.

Not exactly as clear cut as you might think
Statistics can mean anything you want them to mean. There are more fatal accidents involving people with .03 or lower blood alcohol level than .1 or higher simply because there are more people on the road with one drink in them than there are intoxicated people. If a person dies behind the wheel with .03 or less alcohol in their system it can be used for statistical purposes but it doesn't mean that the cause of death was impairment due to alcohol consumption.
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No need for drunk driving laws, you only need one law that would contain that particular offense:

"No one shall drive recklessly, endangering the life and well-being of others."

Bang, we just solved drunk driving and 6000 other reckless driving offenses.

Define recklessly. define endangering. Define well-being.

Not exactly as clear cut as you might think

Obviously that would be defined dipshit, you want me to write an eight page law on an internet forum?

Also, the law would make explicit that the Jury has the right to judge the law, the facts and the application of the law in the particular offense.

Not everyone who drinks is impaired. It's bull shit. I'm 57 and have been drinking and driving since I was 17. Never gotten a ticket, never got stopped, never hurt anyone or even had a fenderbender with an inanimate object. Hell, my driving record under the influence is stellar compared to my driving record sober.

There are people, lots and lots of them, who can drink and drive. It's an inconvenient truth.

somehow, I suspected that you drive and drink.
there is nothing in constituional law giving anyone the right to drive drunk. when you get your driver's license, which is a voluntary act, you give implied consent to testing for impaired driving. nobody is putting a gun to you head to agree to that. just go out and buy a bicycle, instead.
Abolish Drunk Driving Laws - Reason.com

He makes a good argument.Please read the article before making asinine responses to what it says.

I have lost five good friends to drunk drivers over the years. FUCK THEM! They aren't punished enough in my opinion. If you are convicted the first time you lose your license for one year, lose your car and a hellacious fine. I want it to really hurt. The second time you go to prison and break rocks because you are clearly to fucking stupid to be allowed out in the world.

The problem is that you can get convicted of DUI without actually being impaired or even drunk at all.
Not everyone who drinks is impaired. It's bull shit. I'm 57 and have been drinking and driving since I was 17. Never gotten a ticket, never got stopped, never hurt anyone or even had a fenderbender with an inanimate object. Hell, my driving record under the influence is stellar compared to my driving record sober.

There are people, lots and lots of them, who can drink and drive. It's an inconvenient truth.

somehow, I suspected that you drive and drink.

I be sure to drink first, then drive. I don't want to spill my drink.
there is nothing in constituional law giving anyone the right to drive drunk. when you get your driver's license, which is a voluntary act, you give implied consent to testing for impaired driving. nobody is putting a gun to you head to agree to that. just go out and buy a bicycle, instead.

This is true. It does not preclude illegal search and siezure protections though.
After being a cop for 20 years, I have a little insite into drunk driving. Let me first say that driving a vehicle on the roads is a PRIVILEDGE, not a right. So don't give me this crap about it being the same as owning a gun. It isn't and the Supreme Court has upheld that opinion.

I cannot tell you how many families I have had to contact at one in the morning to tell them that there father, mother, son, daughter, etc. isn't going to come home due to a drunk driver. I have had to have cars jacked up so I can pull two-year old babies out from underneath them while the parents stand there and watch me scoop up whats left of their little baby. I've seen entire families literally wiped out by drunk drivers who claw there way out of the twisted metal and then walk away wondering what happened? I've seen a beautiful young woman and her fiance literally smashed through the front window of a mini van when all they were doing was walking down the sidewalk.

In my opinion a drunk driver is one of the lowest forms of life on this planet. They kill randomly and maliciously, for no apparent reason and by one simple action on their part, they could have prevented it completely. And I've seen drunk drivers who are working on their tenth, eleventh, or even more DUI. The amount of mayhem, death and property damage caused by drunk drivers is inexcuseable and completely preventable.

You drink alcohol or ingest drugs and then drive a car, you deserve JAIL TIME... or your ass kicked. Preferably both. I don't care what they lower the limit to, what ever helps stop this madness I am completely supportive of and the sooner the better.

You drink a couple glasses of wine at dinner, you better be taking a taxi or let someone else drive. If you don't like cops taking you in because you "only had a couple", then you can go to hell. That cop just saved someone elses life. If you drink and drive, we don't care about yours...

P.S. One more thought. I would even support forfeiture of a vehicle, confiscation and forfeiture of license plates, and definately license. I would also support direct notification of the infraction to all insurance companies BEFORE any trial.
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My father was a drunk and my step father was a drunk..... I have seen these men get in a car drunk and drive....It was a fucking miracle they never killed anyone. We have laws like these for a reason.... The reason is because stupid fucks are around and I would applaud a cop that arrests a drunk driver cause chances are he saved a life. Yes I can drink a beer at dinner and drive.... Do I? No I let my wife drive me instead... Or like a responsible person I do my drinking at home. ..

The OP is a fucking idiot who seems to think all laws are inherently wrong cause they MIGHT annoy him in the future....You dont want to get arrested drinking and driving???? Don't drink and drive you selfish asshole!
Abolish Drunk Driving Laws - Reason.com

He makes a good argument.Please read the article before making asinine responses to what it says.

I have lost five good friends to drunk drivers over the years. FUCK THEM! They aren't punished enough in my opinion. If you are convicted the first time you lose your license for one year, lose your car and a hellacious fine. I want it to really hurt. The second time you go to prison and break rocks because you are clearly to fucking stupid to be allowed out in the world.

The problem is that you can get convicted of DUI without actually being impaired or even drunk at all.

I agree that someone who is sleeping in their car (engine off and cold) should NEVER be charged with DUI. However if you are at .08 you are impaired. I don't care how much of a fish you are. It's just a fact.

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