Abolish drunk driving laws.

Assevedo is a fascist pig.

He's one of the reasons I loathe the city of austin.

Besides all the bed wetting ovimit supporters.
Not everyone who drinks is impaired. It's bull shit. I'm 57 and have been drinking and driving since I was 17. Never gotten a ticket, never got stopped, never hurt anyone or even had a fenderbender with an inanimate object. Hell, my driving record under the influence is stellar compared to my driving record sober.

There are people, lots and lots of them, who can drink and drive. It's an inconvenient truth.
I'm not against DUI enforcement. I'm am however against how it's applied.
If the new .05 law passes it pretty much tells me it's about the money. I mean come on,TWO freaking beers and you get a DUI? Pure bullshit, Some people can down 10 or 12 beers and you wouldnt even notice.
If you're falling down drunk,you should be arrested. But the shits getting out of hand.
AcCap, every now and then you do not sound like a total kook. Mind you, that is rare. About 95% of the tme, you sound like someone who is typing on an Ipad that was smuggled in to Bellview. This in of the 95% variaty.

I have had no less than 5 freinds and familiy members killed by drunk drivers. I know a guy right now who has had 4 DWI's, and all he got was 30 days in the county slammer, under a work release program, so he would no lose his job (plus 5 years probation). He has never hurt anybody...yet. He is only 50, so he has plenty of tme to kill somebody. They took away his licence over a year ago. they put a breathalizer on his vehicle a year ago. He overcomes all obsticles to drink and drive. Yet our community is so small, that he could ride a bike anywhere.

Society is only safe if this guy is locked away.

I ride a motocycle. About 3 yeays ago, a guy who was high on meth, driving a dump truck, plowed through 8 motorcyclists stopped at a red light, killing 5 of them. Drunk motorists are motorcylists worst nightmare.

If the guy that I know ends up klilling somebody, he should end up serving his 5 year sentence wih the judge as his cell mate.

I am 100% for tougher sentences for people who harm others when driving drunk...absolutely. You kill someone driving drunk it should be no different than murder.
Abolish Drunk Driving Laws - Reason.com

He makes a good argument.Please read the article before making asinine responses to what it says.

Hey why don't we get rid of all the traffic laws while we're at it? Its not violating the traffic laws themselves that cause harm, its running into people and property that causes it! So if I'm swerving in and out of lanes and not hurting anyone - no problem!
Do traffic laws actually stop people from breaking them? Uh no...just like laws against smoking weed or killing someone doesn't stop pot smokers or murderers...its just another racket by the federal mafia.
Do traffic laws actually stop people from breaking them? Uh no...just like laws against smoking weed or killing someone doesn't stop pot smokers or murderers...its just another racket by the federal mafia.

Homicide laws don't stop people from breaking them either - ANOTHER federal racket.
I already mentioned that...it does no good,people don't follow laws if they did the prisons wouldn't be full..well yeah they would the federal mafia would just set up people.
Do traffic laws actually stop people from breaking them? Uh no...just like laws against smoking weed or killing someone doesn't stop pot smokers or murderers...its just another racket by the federal mafia.

Every driven a car in India? South America? That's why traffic laws are enforced in this country.

Ever driven in rush hour in a major city? Same damn thing....people don't follow traffic laws,hell off top of my head I either do these or see others do them every time I drive
No seatbelt
talking on phone
no turn signal
running red lights
driving to slowly
illegal u turn.

they just don't work...its a money making racket.
Do traffic laws actually stop people from breaking them? Uh no...just like laws against smoking weed or killing someone doesn't stop pot smokers or murderers...its just another racket by the federal mafia.

Anarchy isn't freedom.
Scrapping the DWI offense in favor of better enforcement of reckless driving laws would also bring some logical consistency to our laws, which treat a driver with a BAC of 0.08 much more harshly than, say, a driver distracted by his kids or a cell phone call, despite similar levels of impairment.

Poor innocent drunk drivers. Always getting a bad rap in this unfair society.


You apparently didn't bother to read the article did you genius?
Ever driven in rush hour in a major city? Same damn thing....people don't follow traffic laws,hell off top of my head I either do these or see others do them every time I drive
No seatbelt
talking on phone
no turn signal
running red lights
driving to slowly
illegal u turn.

they just don't work...its a money making racket.

I drive in rush hour in a major city every single day. Not even close to what I've seen outside this country. I feel ridiculous even comparing the two.
Do traffic laws actually stop people from breaking them? Uh no...just like laws against smoking weed or killing someone doesn't stop pot smokers or murderers...its just another racket by the federal mafia.

Anarchy isn't freedom.

Course not when you think what you have now is freedom. Anarchy is life without government,life without someone telling you how to spend your money,do with your life,who you can marry,what you can put in your body etc...of course its not freedom if you think the statist society we live in now is freedom.
Do traffic laws actually stop people from breaking them? Uh no...just like laws against smoking weed or killing someone doesn't stop pot smokers or murderers...its just another racket by the federal mafia.

Anarchy isn't freedom.

Course not when you think what you have now is freedom. Anarchy is life without government,life without someone telling you how to spend your money,do with your life,who you can marry,what you can put in your body etc...of course its not freedom if you think the statist society we live in now is freedom.

If anarchy was freedom, why did our Founders establish a Constitution?

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