Abolish drunk driving laws.

To be clear, I don't think that that they should abolish drunk driving laws, I just think that they should abolish road blocks and DUI spot checks. They should only stop and test you if they have a reason to.
Abolish Drunk Driving Laws - Reason.com

He makes a good argument.Please read the article before making asinine responses to what it says.

I wouldnt abolish them, what I would do is set up the BAC trip at around 0.12-0.14 for stops, and if you get into an accident that is your fault, AND you are over 0.08 or so, bye bye liscense for a year at a minimum, and jail if someone is hurt/dies without the mitigation for alcohol.

You should be a lawmaker. Good guidelines.
Correction I've been drinking and driving for 40 years not 30. Started at 17 and I'm 57 now. I can't do math when I'm sober.

What a upstanding person you must be! You endanger all on the road just because YOU think you drive just as well drunk as sober.....

I've never endangered anyone. I wasn't impaired so how can that endanger anyone.

Every time your stupid ass drinks and drive you endanger people your ego doesn't make that untrue.
Does anyone believe that after pouring alcohol over your brain you are capable of making sound, responsible and safe decisions? Does alcohol impair or denigrate the thought process? After a few drinks, does anyone believe that their ability to know when they've had enough is strong enough to subject the driving public to their abilities?
Keep the drunk driving laws, abolish the DUI roads blocks as they appear to be unconstitutional, and make ALL laws for impairment the same, drunk driving, texting while driving, eating while driving, doing your hair while driving, etc, because personally, I think I'd rather drive down a road full of drunks than a road full of people texting. Impaired is impaired, period.
Disagree. That's what you are told is true.

30 straight years of drinking, no tickets, no stops, no traffic violations, no accidents. Not even near misses. If you were following me you would never even know I'd been drinking, and I'm not talking a few beers, I'm talking about times just like last Saturday night and a boatload of margaritas.

Sorry, there are people, lots of people, who can drink and drive. Unfortunately, one of us could get caught by a DUI road black even though no one is in any danger from us. They have road blocks for the sole reason of catching people they wouldn't by observing them. The people who can drink and drive. They do that not to save lives, but to increase the city coffers.

Certainly there are people who cannot drink and drive. I've seen them. They are the ones you see on TV trying to pass sobriety tests, or the ones you hear about who have had multiple DUI convictions. They are not everyone.

I disagree with you. A good friend of mine is a DUI expert with Richmond PD. in the Bay Area. I was on a ride along with him one night and we pulled over a lady who looked fine to me. He took his time and did a very thorough examination of her. I was concerned that by the time he Breathalized her she would be below the legal minimum.

I need not have been. She was calm till she was informed she was going to jail. Then she became mildly belligerent. She was able to walk and talk fairly normally but by the time she was tested (over an hour later) she blew a .244. I asked my friend how he spotted her and he gave a good description of how her response time to outside events was slower than normal and how she reacted to those events. Eventually she would have been in a position where her natural response would have led to a collision with something. It's called reaction time. Hers and yours is impaired. You have been lucky but believe me, you ARE impaired.

He spotted her because she was impaired. I'm not trying to say that everyone can drink and drive. I know that that is definitely not true.

I can drink and drive. I do not easily get impaired. I can drink enough to get impaired, but that takes a lot of alcohol. At 57, I don't drink that much very often. But, according to the current laws, I could get arrested at any time simply because of the one-size-fits-all laws.

I have not been lucky, I'm simply able to drink and drive. I'm not alone or special in any way. Lots of people can do it. It just isn't talked about.

No, you have been lucky. Pure and simple.
Does anyone believe that after pouring alcohol over your brain you are capable of making sound, responsible and safe decisions? Does alcohol impair or denigrate the thought process? After a few drinks, does anyone believe that their ability to know when they've had enough is strong enough to subject the driving public to their abilities?

Yes. I believe that because it's true.
Keep the drunk driving laws, abolish the DUI roads blocks as they appear to be unconstitutional, and make ALL laws for impairment the same, drunk driving, texting while driving, eating while driving, doing your hair while driving, etc, because personally, I think I'd rather drive down a road full of drunks than a road full of people texting. Impaired is impaired, period.

Perfectly reasonable and rational.
I disagree with you. A good friend of mine is a DUI expert with Richmond PD. in the Bay Area. I was on a ride along with him one night and we pulled over a lady who looked fine to me. He took his time and did a very thorough examination of her. I was concerned that by the time he Breathalized her she would be below the legal minimum.

I need not have been. She was calm till she was informed she was going to jail. Then she became mildly belligerent. She was able to walk and talk fairly normally but by the time she was tested (over an hour later) she blew a .244. I asked my friend how he spotted her and he gave a good description of how her response time to outside events was slower than normal and how she reacted to those events. Eventually she would have been in a position where her natural response would have led to a collision with something. It's called reaction time. Hers and yours is impaired. You have been lucky but believe me, you ARE impaired.

He spotted her because she was impaired. I'm not trying to say that everyone can drink and drive. I know that that is definitely not true.

I can drink and drive. I do not easily get impaired. I can drink enough to get impaired, but that takes a lot of alcohol. At 57, I don't drink that much very often. But, according to the current laws, I could get arrested at any time simply because of the one-size-fits-all laws.

I have not been lucky, I'm simply able to drink and drive. I'm not alone or special in any way. Lots of people can do it. It just isn't talked about.

No, you have been lucky. Pure and simple.

Wrong. I have not been lucky for 40 years. It's simply because I can drink and drive.
As I type this, I am sure that i am legally drunk in the state of Florida. I have been drinking since 5 pm this evening. Eating dinner with pitchers of beer, then driving to a regular bar and playing pool and drinking more beer with the occasional pickle back shots. I drove home from the bar and arrived home just now. I did not endanger anyone at all during the whole night. How do I know this you might ask? Because when I drink, I don't lose control like many others do. I remember everything about my drive home.

Alcohol doesn't effect everyone in the same way and it doesn't effect my driving ability.

Those of you who have been brainwashed into thinking that anyone who drinks is impaired will probably be distressed to hear that I had an extra beer and an extra shot in your honor.

You're just wrong. There are truly people who can drink and drive. It's a fact, deal with it.
As I type this, I am sure that i am legally drunk in the state of Florida. I have been drinking since 5 pm this evening. Eating dinner with pitchers of beer, then driving to a regular bar and playing pool and drinking more beer with the occasional pickle back shots. I drove home from the bar and arrived home just now. I did not endanger anyone at all during the whole night. How do I know this you might ask? Because when I drink, I don't lose control like many others do. I remember everything about my drive home.

Alcohol doesn't effect everyone in the same way and it doesn't effect my driving ability.

Those of you who have been brainwashed into thinking that anyone who drinks is impaired will probably be distressed to hear that I had an extra beer and an extra shot in your honor.

You're just wrong. There are truly people who can drink and drive. It's a fact, deal with it.

There are loads of people who can drink and drive. Ask every one of them and they will tell you they were just fine right up till they killed that family. You too will be fine, until you aren't.

And then YOU'LL have to deal with it. I just hope you don't wipe out some poor family in the process.
As I type this, I am sure that i am legally drunk in the state of Florida. I have been drinking since 5 pm this evening. Eating dinner with pitchers of beer, then driving to a regular bar and playing pool and drinking more beer with the occasional pickle back shots. I drove home from the bar and arrived home just now. I did not endanger anyone at all during the whole night. How do I know this you might ask? Because when I drink, I don't lose control like many others do. I remember everything about my drive home.

Alcohol doesn't effect everyone in the same way and it doesn't effect my driving ability.

Those of you who have been brainwashed into thinking that anyone who drinks is impaired will probably be distressed to hear that I had an extra beer and an extra shot in your honor.

You're just wrong. There are truly people who can drink and drive. It's a fact, deal with it.

That alcohol effects people to different degrees is not really in question. Some people become more inebriated than others from the same amounts of alcohol.

However, the problem I have with your comments is your insistence that you are not impaired at all. That seems to assume that alcohol has NO impairing effect on you. I wonder, then, why you drink at all? Do you simply enjoy the taste, and you get no sensation from the drinking? Sure, you're not getting drunk, but if you're even drinking to get a buzz, I would imagine there is some amount of impairment. Perhaps it is minor for you, but it's not like the effects of alcohol are some great mystery, are they?

Your argument would be the same as someone who, in 30 years, claims that texting and driving is not dangerous for them because they have been doing it for 40 years and never gotten in an accident, never come close to one, etc.
Take a look at the statistics for deaths due to drunken drivers from the 60s.

Now compare those stats to today's stats.

The MASSIVE change is due to our decision to come down hard on drunk driving.

Those laws are probably saving about 30,000 souls a year now.

I have to estimate since the number of drivers and number of miles driven is so much higher today than it was 50 years ago.

But despite that the percentage of people killed by DRUNKS is down enormously.

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