Abolish the Black Caucus


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Not good to have openly allowed racism in the US Congress. But that's what we've got with the House Black Caucus. What would liberals say, if we decided to have a House White Caucus, to defend whites from racism and unequal treatment (ex. Affirmative Action) ?

The book, Mugged by Anne Coulter documents a decades-long litany of abuses against white people, with liberal media firmly pandering, and biased in favor of blacks. And that book was written in 2012, before a whole slew of more of these cases, especially involving shootings of black people. With case after case, of shooters (mostly police) who fired their guns justifiably, nevertheless, the shooters were initially charged with murder or manslaughter, typically to avoid black rioting, to appease majority black electorates, or both.

Then there's the racism of Affirmative Action, maliciously, racistly discriminating against whites (and often other non-black races). Yet, after 50 years of this abomination, no White Caucus exists, and liberals would scream and holler if it did.

Maybe the answer is to treat all issues without putting them through he ringer of color conciousness. Color this ; color that. When many alleged abuses are shown to not be abuses, and have nothing to do wth color (race).
totally agree
all we hear is how bad the white nationalists are
well, these are black nationalists
Coulter is an idiot and i must include you in my idiot folder.

Congrats i guess :rolleyes:
Coulter is an idiot and i must include you in my idiot folder.

Congrats i guess :rolleyes:
Substance lacking mud-sling posts only revel one thing. That the idiot is the substance lacking mud slinger. In this case that's you. come back when you have something to say. Maybe that could be after you read Coulter's book, Mugged.and learn something.

In the meantime, here's a quiz to show you how much you don't know. You know who these people are ?...and their connection to decades-long litany of abuses against white people, with liberal media firmly pandering, and biased in favor of blacks ? You know in what cases they were involved ? You know anything ?

Eleanor Bumpurs - 1984.

Micheal Stewart - Sept. 15, 1983

Larry Davis - 1987

Lemrick Nelson - 1992

Kiko Garcia - 1992

Edmund Perry - 1985

Marla Hanson - 1986

Marion Barry - 1989

Edward Summers - January 1994

Robert Chambers - 1986

Michael Lasane - 1996

Howard Beach - Dec. 20, 1986

Evelyn Wagler - 1973

Ann Winer - 1987

Channon Christian & Christopher Newsom - 2007

White gangs at Columbia University - 1987

Sabrina Collins - 1990

Gilbert Moore, Jr. - 1993

Alicia Hardin- 2005

Tawana Brawley - 1987

Laurie Hecht - 1987

New York City hoaxes - 1992

Clinton's Nonexistent Church Burnings - 1996

Clinton's white Army Special Forces Hoax - 1996

Race Card > Jesse Jackson, Madonna Constantine, and Henry Louis Gates

Wisconsin (Mississippi Burning) attack - 1989

Melissa McLauchlin - 1992

Colin Ferguson - 1993

Charlie Rangel/Louis Farrakhan - 1972
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Coulter is an idiot and i must include you in my idiot folder.

Congrats i guess :rolleyes:
Substance lacking mud-sling posts only revel one thing. That the idiot is the substance lacking mud slinger. In this case that's you. come back when you have something to say. Maybe that could be after you read Coulter's book, Mugged.and learn something.

In the meantime, here's a quiz to show you how much you don't know. You know who these people are ?...and their connection to decades-long litany of abuses against white people, with liberal media firmly pandering, and biased in favor of blacks ? You know in what cases they were involved ? You know anything ?

at some point, aren't you embarrassed about being such a racist lowlife?
at some point, aren't you embarrassed about being such a racist lowlife?

I'm not a racist. Do you support racist Affirmative Action ?

And you can take the quiz of post # 4 also. You know about all those anti-white racism cases ?

You have a clue about all this ?
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at some point, aren't you embarrassed about being such a racist lowlife?

I'm not a racist. Do you support racist Affirmative Action ?

And you can take the quiz of post # 4 also. You know about all those anti-white racism cases ?

You have a clue about all this ?

Jillian is merely spouting typical Liberal blatherism for an answer.
at some point, aren't you embarrassed about being such a racist lowlife?

Remember when Republicans accused progressive "snowflakes" of suffering from racial guilt?

Now they are attempting to ACTUALLY make them feel guilty by playing victim - those darkies took all my candy and the lib-ruls helped - WAHHH! :(
Substance lacking mud-sling posts only revel one thing. That the idiot is the substance lacking mud slinger. In this case that's you. come back when you have something to say. Maybe that could be after you read Coulter's book, Mugged.and learn something.

In the meantime, here's a quiz to show you how much you don't know. You know who these people are ?...and their connection to decades-long litany of abuses against white people, with liberal media firmly pandering, and biased in favor of blacks ? You know in what cases they were involved ? You know anything ?

Clearly it is you who know very little.

There were about as many racist white perps on your list as black. By the time you finish mAnnie's book, you are likely to know even less.

Clearly it is you who know very little.

There were about as many racist white perps on your list as black. By the time you finish mAnnie's book, you are likely to know even less.

Only a sap could think that. Sounds like you're deeply programmed. I doubt you have the first clue about what's in the book (Mugged) -

wanna try to tell us who those people are (and were). ?
I'm guessing we'll hear cricktets.
Clearly it is you who know very little.

There were about as many racist white perps on your list as black. By the time you finish mAnnie's book, you are likely to know even less.

Only a sap could think that. Sounds like you're deeply programmed. I doubt you have the first clue about what's in the book (Mugged) -

wanna try to tell us who those people are (and were). ?
I'm guessing we'll hear cricktets.

They were all perps of racial crimes - some white some black.

And if you read or listen to mAnnie Coulter - please don't talk to me about deep programming.
Clearly it is you who know very little.

There were about as many racist white perps on your list as black. By the time you finish mAnnie's book, you are likely to know even less.

Only a sap could think that. Sounds like you're deeply programmed. I doubt you have the first clue about what's in the book (Mugged) -

wanna try to tell us who those people are (and were). ?
I'm guessing we'll hear cricktets.

They were all perps of racial crimes - some white some black.

And if you read or listen to mAnnie Coulter - please don't talk to me about deep programming.
I AM talking to you about it. And if you wave the invalidation card (about Coulter or anyone else) that just confirms more of your programming.

Invalidation is hard-wired into liberals.

And your statement about "all perps of racial crimes", shows you never read the book. Wanna tell us about Eleanor Bumpers ? Lemrick Nelson ? Edmund Perry ? Kiko Garcia ? Gilbert Moore, Jr ?
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I AM talking to you about it. And if you wave the invalidation card (about Coulter or anyone else) that just confirms more of your programming.

Invalidation is hard-wired into liberals.

And your statement about "all perps of racial crimes", shows you never read the book. Wanna tell us about Eleanor Bumpers ? Lemrick Nelson ? Edmund Perry ? Kiko Garcia ? Gilbert Moore, Jr ?

Clearly you've not heard the story of Pudenda Shenanigans!


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