Abortion: A Political Discussion

Roe v wade was a mistake. Liberal justices found a "right to privacy" that did not exist in the Constitution and expanded it to the "right" to hire someone to murder the unborn life inside a woman. The fact that the discussion is in the political forum indicates that it is indeed a political issue rather than a medical one. My guess is that young women are secretly relieved that they can't be easily pressured by boyfriends or husbands into consenting to the murder of the unborn life inside them and possibly living with mental problems similar to PTSD for the rest of their lives.
Roe v wade was a mistake. Liberal justices found a "right to privacy" that did not exist in the Constitution and expanded it to the "right" to hire someone to murder the unborn life inside a woman. The fact that the discussion is in the political forum indicates that it is indeed a political issue rather than a medical one. My guess is that young women are secretly relieved that they can't be easily pressured by boyfriends or husbands into consenting to the murder of the unborn life inside them and possibly living with mental problems similar to PTSD for the rest of their lives.
Roe was the compromise. They should have left well enough alone. Now the GOP has to deal with millions of pissed off women.
Roe v wade was a mistake. Liberal justices found a "right to privacy" that did not exist in the Constitution and expanded it to the "right" to hire someone to murder the unborn life inside a woman. The fact that the discussion is in the political forum indicates that it is indeed a political issue rather than a medical one. My guess is that young women are secretly relieved that they can't be easily pressured by boyfriends or husbands into consenting to the murder of the unborn life inside them and possibly living with mental problems similar to PTSD for the rest of their lives.
Roe vs Wade never attempted to answer when a human being becomes a human being.

They side stepped it by screaming right to privacy!!

But now with the Left offering Constitutional amendments in red states to make abortion legal again, they continue to sidestep the issue by allowing the doctor and patient determine if an abortion, any abortion, is "good" for the health of the mother.

To be honest, when all said and done there will be less regulation on the abortion industry than under Roe vs. Wade.
Roe was the compromise. They should have left well enough alone. Now the GOP has to deal with millions of pissed off women.
When human like begins is a conversation all the states need to have.

Unfortunately, it is being sidestepped by Constitutional amendments to blindly allow abortion across the board.
True, the Left never wants to discuss anything since they already have all the answers.
Everything has been said about abortion already. Now all that's left for you is to wait until the hammer drops.
Roe was the compromise. They should have left well enough alone. Now the GOP has to deal with millions of pissed off women.
Actually the segment of society that benefits most from abortion is the liberal male who sees his future responsibilities eliminated at the stroke of a scalpel. Left wing radicals often underestimate the opinions and values of American society. Most women might be relieved rather than pissed off when it is no longer easy for aggressive men to force them into houses of horror like the Gosnel clinic in Philadelphia.
My views on Abortion don't matter, because I'm an old guy and I don't want them to matter. The people who ought to have their opinions given the most weight are 1) The Young; and, out of that cohort: 2) the Women.

I am asking about their views, as I am confused.

Most of the Young and the Women most exercised by this Abortion Issue are from Blue States like California/New York--all the usual.

Do they understand the the recent court case will have absolutely effect on them? The Court said States should decide, on the very valid grounds provided by the 10th Amendment. So, Arkansas and Kansas and a few others may get more restrictive on Abortions if they wish.

But the way the Lasses in the Blue states act, they don't know this. Either they are Ignorant, or they are Control Freaks (Marxist Inclination #2) who live in California yet insist on telling people in Arkansas they must behave the way California does---precisely what the 10th Amendment is designed to keep Control Freaks from doing.

Which is it?

The control freaks are the capitalists with their totalitarian workplaces and crony capitalism/plutocracy (i.e. a government controlled by the wealthy capitalist elites). The control freak-hypocrites, are those who whine about government enforced mask mandates in the middle of a deadly, nationwide pandemic, because they don't want the government forcing them to put something on their bodies, while forcing women through the government's authority, to remain pregnant, carrying an embryo long enough to become a fetus and then a human person and infant.





These religious conservative hypocrites and control freaks, who are supposedly "pro-life", are the first ones to defund all government programs that help poor single mothers raise their children, providing needed services and assistance, like food, housing, job training and employment opportunities for single moms, daycare, school lunches, school supplies..etc. You pretend to care for the lives of fetuses in other people's bodies, but then when those fetuses become infants, outside of the womb, you could care less about them. They can go F themselves, for all you care.

Do you "pro-lifers" really care about the life of fetuses in other people's bodies and the women that carry them? NO YOU DON'T. You're just a religious puritan who hates the idea of women having premarital sex, hence in your rancor against those "harlots", you use the government to force them to remain pregnant. You whine about government mask mandates in the middle of a deadly, nationwide pandemic, that has killed over a million Americans, then turn around and use the government to force women to remain pregnant, by criminalizing abortion. If that wasn't enough hypocrisy, you even go further and defund government programs that help impoverished single mothers and their children survive.

You "pro-life" control freaks, are actually pro-death, increasing all of these deadly societal ills:



That's "pro-life"? No, you're pro-death and government control freaks. It's not us Marxists, it's you who are the pro-death control freaks who undermine family values.


There was a time in America when 1/3rd of the workforce was fully unionized. You could support a family with one blue-collar income. The highest paid CEOs in America made no more than 30 times the lowest wage in their companies. Today Fortune 500 CEOs, make 400x, 600x, 1000x more than the average worker in their companies.

The United States was the manufacturing base of the world, with the largest and highest paid middle-class.

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unions 3-31-13.jpg


It was relatively good for working-class Americans in this country, until the 1980s, when America began gutting its manufacturing base and workforce, replacing a "production-economy" that would export its HIGH QUALITY goods around the world, to a Wall Street/Finance/Retail economy, importing cheap, shit products from China. All of this resulted in increased inequality, stagnant wages, less worker-rights and benefits, higher living costs, a nation dependent upon China for practically all of its goods, two parents having to work outside of the home (even grandma has to get a job), lachkey kids...





How are you "pro-life" and for family values? You're pro-death and pro-capitalist-elites, at the expense of a single mother trying to raise a child herself, because you forced her to remain pregnant, and at the cost of the working-class (those who need to work to eat and have a roof over their heads). You're not pro-life and pro-family.



You're anti-family, anti-single mothers who are trying to raise a child on their own, you're anti-American, because you're against the backbone of our economy, i.e. The Working Class. You're against everything that made this country great. You serve the rich at the expense of the poor and working class families. You're not pro-life or pro-family, you're pro-death and pro-China. You're Pro-Mexico:

The Carrier plant in Indiana closed down and moved to Mexico, a year into Trump's presidency. Did Trump do anything to punish Carrier, for practicing economic cannibalism? Moving factories to the third world, for its dirt cheap labor and then shamlessly turning around and selling those same products, that were once manufactured here in America by American workers, to the American consumer (WHO IS ALSO THE AMERICAN WORKER WHO GOT FIRED/LET-GO AND REPLACED BY A FOREIGN WORKER PAID PEANUTS - THE AMERICAN WORKER = THE AMERICAN CONSUMER, WHO NEEDS A JOB TO CONSUME).

You "pro-lifers" and "family oriented" Republicans are all a bunch of hypocrites. You're not patriots, nor are you pro-life or for the family. You undermine life and its economy. The economy of the country is handed in a silver platter to the people at the top who want to exploit it for short-term profits at the expense of the long-term success and health of our economy and country. You could give a rats ass about America and its working class, the people who need to work to survive. All you are worried about is this:



That's all you conservative Republican Evangelicals care about. You don't give a shit about the future of America, about the world, it's all about flying up to the clouds with baby Jesus. You don't care if America has been stripped of its manufacturing base, you don't give a hoot if all of the wealth is at the top and working class families are struggling. You don't care about nothing, but escaping this world, to planet Jesus. You're not pro-life, you're pro mammon worship, you're pro government mandates forcing women to remain pregnant, even if they're in danger of losing their jobs and becoming homeless. You don't give a rats ass, because this world is "evil" and you want to escape in the rapture.....with baby Jesus.
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Actually the segment of society that benefits most from abortion is the liberal male who sees his future responsibilities eliminated at the stroke of a scalpel. Left wing radicals often underestimate the opinions and values of American society. Most women might be relieved rather than pissed off when it is no longer easy for aggressive men to force them into houses of horror like the Gosnel clinic in Philadelphia.
No. Wrong

No. Wrong

This ought to be a board for legitimate discussion. The moderators had that in mind, I do believe, even though some of them (Coyote) showed totalitarian tendencies.

But, I left for years, not because of censorship, but because of child-like posts like this. Like we are on the Elementary school. Playground. It is impossible to have a mature discussion with Progressives on this board. Look at your response:

"No. Wrong. Next."

This IS NOT adult discussion; it is pure childishness and exposes more than you know about your temperament, education, emotional state. I am putting you on Ignore now---people like you must always have the last word---I won't see it.
My views on Abortion don't matter, because I'm an old guy and I don't want them to matter. The people who ought to have their opinions given the most weight are 1) The Young; and, out of that cohort: 2) the Women.

I am asking about their views, as I am confused.

Most of the Young and the Women most exercised by this Abortion Issue are from Blue States like California/New York--all the usual.

Do they understand that the recent court case will have absolutely no effect on them? The Court said States should decide, on the very valid grounds provided by the 10th Amendment. So, Arkansas and Kansas and a few others may get more restrictive on Abortions if they wish.

But the way the Lasses in the Blue states act, they don't know this. Either they are Ignorant, or they are Control Freaks (Marxist Inclination #2) who live in California yet insist on telling people in Arkansas they must behave the way California does---precisely what the 10th Amendment is designed to keep Control Freaks from doing.

Which is it?
Because there are zero liberals in Arkansas and Kansas. But of course there are plenty of republicans that dont want as restrictive abortion laws as the taliban wing of the republican party.
This ought to be a board for legitimate discussion. The moderators had that in mind, I do believe, even though some of them (Coyote) showed totalitarian tendencies.

But, I left for years, not because of censorship, but because of child-like posts like this. Like we are on the Elementary school. Playground. It is impossible to have a mature discussion with Progressives on this board. Look at your response:

"No. Wrong. Next."

This IS NOT adult discussion; it is pure childishness and exposes more than you know about your temperament, education, emotional state. I am putting you on Ignore now---people like you must always have the last word---I won't see it.
Go for it. You can't hold your own anyway
My views on Abortion don't matter, because I'm an old guy and I don't want them to matter. The people who ought to have their opinions given the most weight are 1) The Young; and, out of that cohort: 2) the Women.

I am asking about their views, as I am confused.

Most of the Young and the Women most exercised by this Abortion Issue are from Blue States like California/New York--all the usual.

Do they understand that the recent court case will have absolutely no effect on them? The Court said States should decide, on the very valid grounds provided by the 10th Amendment. So, Arkansas and Kansas and a few others may get more restrictive on Abortions if they wish.

But the way the Lasses in the Blue states act, they don't know this. Either they are Ignorant, or they are Control Freaks (Marxist Inclination #2) who live in California yet insist on telling people in Arkansas they must behave the way California does---precisely what the 10th Amendment is designed to keep Control Freaks from doing.

Which is it?
The USSC ruling does NOT ban abortions. This should have never been a federal issue.
Despite the dem's best efforts it's becoming a dead issue as more states hold vote on the utility of abortion and the pro-life crowd is losing big time.....Only 7% see it as a important issue.

At least it's holding up better for the dems than CC which has dropped to 2%.

It doesn’t seem to be a “dead issue”.

As more and more young women choose not to have kids(a brave and moral choice) abortion will go away on its own. Combine that with promoting contraception and the nation is better.
My views on Abortion don't matter, because I'm an old guy and I don't want them to matter. The people who ought to have their opinions given the most weight are 1) The Young; and, out of that cohort: 2) the Women.

I am asking about their views, as I am confused.

Most of the Young and the Women most exercised by this Abortion Issue are from Blue States like California/New York--all the usual.

Do they understand that the recent court case will have absolutely no effect on them? The Court said States should decide, on the very valid grounds provided by the 10th Amendment. So, Arkansas and Kansas and a few others may get more restrictive on Abortions if they wish.

But the way the Lasses in the Blue states act, they don't know this. Either they are Ignorant, or they are Control Freaks (Marxist Inclination #2) who live in California yet insist on telling people in Arkansas they must behave the way California does---precisely what the 10th Amendment is designed to keep Control Freaks from doing.

Which is it?
1) Many people who vote Republican, males and females, live in Blue States.

2) Many men and women who live in Red States are moving to Blue States exactly for the lack of freedom to Choose to have an abortion but many Republicans who are Trans and are not finding freedom in Red States.

3). Since the Roe vs Wade decision, Republican candidates have been losing elections because they are anti the right to Choose an abortion.

4) Since the Roe vs Wade decision many States, especially red States have had abortion on the ballot, trying to restrict or kill the right to an abortion, and the voters chose to vote to KEEP the right to Choose an abortion.

5) There is no "All the usual", NY and CA, as you chose to put it.
Women, and men, are choosing to keep their rights for a woman, their wives, girlfriends, daughters, etc, to mind what she needs, to have the proper health care in case of pregnancy .(Which Republicans are attempting to destroy with tragic results of pregnant women not being to get the health care in case of an emergency or anything else, be it in Texas or anywhere else where laws have been passed ).

6). You can keep thinking of them as "lasses" and control freaks all you like but women in ALL of the Red States are telling their State officials that they are not going to be putting up with their abhorrent need to control their lives.

Actions have consequences, and Alito's decision to end Roe vs Wade has already had its effect on elections and will continue to do so until the Supreme Court has the GUTS to reverse what they did and return women's rights where they belong.

In Women's hands, and not some religious fanatics who truly believe that the can control people's lives simply because they have been taught that EVERY single child must be born, NEVER MIND if the mother dies because of it, which has been the case forever before Roe vs Wade, and is the case now.

Mind your body, mind your rights.
Those are the only rights you have, no one else's.
Why do you think that women in Arkansas feel different about second class citizen status than women in California?
How are women second class citizens? Virtually every law tells men and women what they can and cannot do with their bodies. Women have the same access to abortion that men do. The fathers are really the second class citizens. They have no say in whether the mother gets an abortion or not, but are financially responsible for the child if the mother decides not to get an abortion. Equity means that fathers can abort their financial obligations as easily as mothers can abort their babies.
This ought to be a board for legitimate discussion. The moderators had that in mind, I do believe, even though some of them (Coyote) showed totalitarian tendencies.

But, I left for years, not because of censorship, but because of child-like posts like this. Like we are on the Elementary school. Playground. It is impossible to have a mature discussion with Progressives on this board. Look at your response:

"No. Wrong. Next."

This IS NOT adult discussion; it is pure childishness and exposes more than you know about your temperament, education, emotional state. I am putting you on Ignore now---people like you must always have the last word---I won't see it.
Sorry, but even mods have the right to their opinions, one likes the opinion or not.
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