Abortion and Gay Marriage

Ok, so lets accept the left's premise homosexuality is genetically predetermined, and there is no environmental component. What if at a future date, we could determine this gene while a fetus is still in the womb. Would those of you on the left support the right of a woman to abort her gay fetus?

Well it's not, we already know this. The question then becomes...why do people raise their children to be homosexual?

"Angelina Jolie has revealed her four-year-old daughter Shiloh wants to be a boy."

Read more: Angelina Jolie: Shiloh wants to be a boy | Mail Online
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This sort of thing is applauded by the homo bloc, who like their kids gender confused.

My daughter spent a couple of months running around telling people she was going to marry our dog. I had to EDUCATE her that humans do not MARRY animals, or relate to them in that way.

That's called PARENTING.

My son went through a stage where he wanted to wear high heels and tutus...I had to tell him that little boys don't wear those things, they are particular to little girls. Because I don't want him to be a flaming queen in junior high.

That's how PARENTING works.

Another determining factor in homosexuality...exposing children to sexual predation. If you don't want homosexual children, I recommend you don't take them to visit Uncle Michael Jackson and leave them for a week or so....don't invite the homeless guy into your home, and leave him to *babysit* while you run out for a fix.

Homosexuality isn't genetic. This is not even questionable anymore. It's a myth perpetrated by the homo bloc who is highly motivated to convince parents they have "no control" over their child's sexuality.
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Wrong, 50% of births to women under 30 are to single mothers. But yea, everything is cool with all the bastard kids being born. No problems here...

Liberals accept the changing structure of the American family and seek to change policies to accommodate the challenges that have grown out of this trend. So many problems in education, social welfare, and healthcare flow out this the trend. Conservative see the solution is to reverse this trend or ignore it. In my opinion, that's just no possible.

You don't understand how these trends came about...

No, we think we kind of do.

And it wasn't because of a government program.
Liberals accept the changing structure of the American family and seek to change policies to accommodate the challenges that have grown out of this trend. So many problems in education, social welfare, and healthcare flow out this the trend. Conservative see the solution is to reverse this trend or ignore it. In my opinion, that's just no possible.

You don't understand how these trends came about...

No, we think we kind of do.

And it wasn't because of a government program.

Keyword, you think.

But yea, keep giving those dumb whores tax dollars, that is solving the problem, lol.

Take your crap somewhere else down boy. Go suck your thumb in the corner or something.
Ok, so lets accept the left's premise homosexuality is genetically predetermined, and there is no environmental component. What if at a future date, we could determine this gene while a fetus is still in the womb. Would those of you on the left support the right of a woman to abort her gay fetus?

Well it's not, we already know this. The question then becomes...why do people raise their children to be homosexual?

"Angelina Jolie has revealed her four-year-old daughter Shiloh wants to be a boy."

Read more: Angelina Jolie: Shiloh wants to be a boy | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

This sort of thing is applauded by the homo bloc, who like their kids gender confused.

My daughter spent a couple of months running around telling people she was going to marry our dog. I had to EDUCATE her that humans do not MARRY animals, or relate to them in that way.

That's called PARENTING.

My son went through a stage where he wanted to wear high heels and tutus...I had to tell him that little boys don't wear those things, they are particular to little girls. Because I don't want him to be a flaming queen in junior high.

That's how PARENTING works.

Another determining factor in homosexuality...exposing children to sexual predation. If you don't want homosexual children, I recommend you don't take them to visit Uncle Michael Jackson and leave them for a week or so....don't invite the homeless guy into your home, and leave him to *babysit* while you run out for a fix.

Homosexuality isn't genetic. This is not even questionable anymore. It's a myth perpetrated by the homo bloc who is highly motivated to convince parents they have "no control" over their child's sexuality.

So what you are saying is that it's okay to browbeat kids into a sexual orientation?

I had an aunt who was a lesbian. Of course, because my German immigrant grandparents were really devote Catholics, they just weren't going to have any of that. So they browbeat her into marrying a guy she left a year later (but not before they had a daughter who was a complete basket case) and she spent the rest of her life being alone and miserable.

Sorry, people are who they are.... and magic sky pixies don't change that.
Joe doesn't pay taxes, or work. Nobody will hire a dishonest puke who was fired for being dishonest.
You don't understand how these trends came about...

No, we think we kind of do.

And it wasn't because of a government program.

Keyword, you think.

But yea, keep giving those dumb whores tax dollars, that is solving the problem, lol.

Take your crap somewhere else down boy. Go suck your thumb in the corner or something.

NOw, you see, I think you need to go to Stormfront where you'd be a lot happier. Just remember, they don't allow swastikas in the Avis...

You do realize that most women on WIC, SNAP, etc. are only on it for a year or two, right.

No, the real reason why we have so many dependent people is because we've put our economic priorities in the wrong places - making the 1% rich rather than making sure the 99% have good job oppurtunities.
No, we think we kind of do.

And it wasn't because of a government program.

Keyword, you think.

But yea, keep giving those dumb whores tax dollars, that is solving the problem, lol.

Take your crap somewhere else down boy. Go suck your thumb in the corner or something.

NOw, you see, I think you need to go to Stormfront where you'd be a lot happier. Just remember, they don't allow swastikas in the Avis...

You do realize that most women on WIC, SNAP, etc. are only on it for a year or two, right.

No, the real reason why we have so many dependent people is because we've put our economic priorities in the wrong places - making the 1% rich rather than making sure the 99% have good job oppurtunities.

Though I would say the thinking part is even debatable. You clearly don't think too much.

Look, Wall Street and the FED is to blame for a lot of shit, but they aren't to blame for dumb whores. That is the fault of feminism and state subsidization of the single mother.

You are passing the buck from these women. I thought feminism was all about equality, lol. You are coddling them. Stop being a white knight liberal bitch.
No, we think we kind of do.

And it wasn't because of a government program.

Keyword, you think.

But yea, keep giving those dumb whores tax dollars, that is solving the problem, lol.

Take your crap somewhere else down boy. Go suck your thumb in the corner or something.

NOw, you see, I think you need to go to Stormfront where you'd be a lot happier. Just remember, they don't allow swastikas in the Avis...

You do realize that most women on WIC, SNAP, etc. are only on it for a year or two, right.

No, the real reason why we have so many dependent people is because we've put our economic priorities in the wrong places - making the 1% rich rather than making sure the 99% have good job oppurtunities.

What claptrap.

Though I would say the thinking part is even debatable. You clearly don't think too much.

Look, Wall Street and the FED is to blame for a lot of shit, but they aren't to blame for dumb whores. That is the fault of feminism and state subsidization of the single mother.

You are passing the buck from these women. I thought feminism was all about equality, lol. You are coddling them. Stop being a white knight liberal bitch.

Wow, why do I get the feeling you have serious issues with women?

Okay, try to play along at home here, the problem is, the only thing that changed is that when a girl finds herself knocked up today, she isn't under a moral obligation to marry the sperm donor unless she really wants to.

This is frankly a positive development.

The real difference is, thanks to feminism, women can earn their own way if they are smart enough and work hard enough. Oh, not as easy, thanks to the 1%ers trying to replace all of us with machines or Chinese... but really, it has nothing to do with "the government" occassionally lending a helping hand.

Now, if you wanted to talk about welfare reform and replacing welfare with workfare for those who are abusing the system, heck, I'm totally down with that.

It's just not the huge number you think it is.
Homosexuality is a behavior, rooted in emotions. There is no gene. It is a decision people make, as all our behaviors are choices. Those that do argue it is genetics are shirking responsibility of choice. Free will.

Abortion: when a man's 23 chromosomes combine with a woman's 23 chromosomes that organism scientifically matches the chromosomes of another human. A fetus is a person. Scientifically abortion is murder, and any argument contrary to that is shirking responsibility of one's actions. Free will.

With the obvious exemptions of rape and health concerns, abortion is wrong.

Any argument that is brought up to take responsibility away from the individual for their actions is by definition an excuse. No more excuses. Be gay, I'm not here to judge. Don't kill children. That's wrong. Our children should not be less protected than bird eggs or fish eggs.
Though I would say the thinking part is even debatable. You clearly don't think too much.

Look, Wall Street and the FED is to blame for a lot of shit, but they aren't to blame for dumb whores. That is the fault of feminism and state subsidization of the single mother.

You are passing the buck from these women. I thought feminism was all about equality, lol. You are coddling them. Stop being a white knight liberal bitch.

Wow, why do I get the feeling you have serious issues with women?

Okay, try to play along at home here, the problem is, the only thing that changed is that when a girl finds herself knocked up today, she isn't under a moral obligation to marry the sperm donor unless she really wants to.

This is frankly a positive development.

The real difference is, thanks to feminism, women can earn their own way if they are smart enough and work hard enough. Oh, not as easy, thanks to the 1%ers trying to replace all of us with machines or Chinese... but really, it has nothing to do with "the government" occassionally lending a helping hand.

Now, if you wanted to talk about welfare reform and replacing welfare with workfare for those who are abusing the system, heck, I'm totally down with that.

It's just not the huge number you think it is.
Not every woman is a single mother, thankfully, so no, I don't hate women. I don't even hate single mothers, I just call it how it is.

No one says they have to marry the guy. They are dumb for sleeping with a guy who wouldn't marry them or a whore for not caring. They can be both as well, that happens alot. Pretty simple.

Most of feminism is a smoke screen for misandry advocated for by bitter ugly leftist women(see affirmative action for women in the workplace and the university, as one example). Also, women under 30 are more gainfully employed than their male counterparts. So no, the 1% is not opposed to Feminism, at all. If anything, they want more women in the workplace. This means more tax revenue for the system and lower wages overall as an increased labor supply decreases wages.

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And the 1% is not the problem. It is elements of the .01%, if that. Some professional making $500,000 or some small businessmen making a couple million is not conspiring to keep you down Joe.
Homosexuality is a behavior, rooted in emotions. There is no gene. It is a decision people make, as all our behaviors are choices. Those that do argue it is genetics are shirking responsibility of choice. Free will.

So the obvious question... when did you CHOOSE to be straight? I mean, where you on the fence about it for a while and then decided, "Oh, heck, I really like girls!"

Abortion: when a man's 23 chromosomes combine with a woman's 23 chromosomes that organism scientifically matches the chromosomes of another human. A fetus is a person. Scientifically abortion is murder, and any argument contrary to that is shirking responsibility of one's actions. Free will.

The problem with that logic is that 60-80% of zygotes that are conceived never attach to the uterine wall. Are you suggesting we hold funerals over tampons?

With the obvious exemptions of rape and health concerns, abortion is wrong.

But what makes those exemptions okay? It strikes me that we don't execute children for crimes their parents commit, if you are insisting that abortion is murder, than aborting a rape fetus (I'm talking about the Legitmate, Gift from God Rape fetuses, of course) is just as much a murder as the girl who has an abortion because she was planning to attend State U next spring.

Any argument that is brought up to take responsibility away from the individual for their actions is by definition an excuse. No more excuses. Be gay, I'm not here to judge. Don't kill children. That's wrong. Our children should not be less protected than bird eggs or fish eggs.

YOu are confusing conservation with contraception.

If a bird or fishes eggs are being protected, it's beause that entire species is on the brink.

The problem with homo sapiens is that there are just too many of them for the world to feed.
Not every woman is a single mother, thankfully, so no, I don't hate women. I don't even hate single mothers, I just call it how it is.

No one says they have to marry the guy. They are dumb for sleeping with a guy who wouldn't marry them or a whore for not caring. They can be both as well, that happens alot. Pretty simple.

Most of feminism is a smoke screen for misandry advocated for by bitter ugly leftist women(see affirmative action for women in the workplace and the university, as one example). Also, women under 30 are more gainfully employed than their male counterparts. So no, the 1% is not opposed to Feminism, at all. If anything, they want more women in the workplace. This means more tax revenue for the system and lower wages overall as an increased labor supply decreases wages.


Wow, guy, seriously?

I would agree that there are certain elements in the 1% that are happy that they can employ women at .72 on the dollar of what a man makes. But which party was it that tried its level best to defeat the Lily Ledbetter act?
Not every woman is a single mother, thankfully, so no, I don't hate women. I don't even hate single mothers, I just call it how it is.

No one says they have to marry the guy. They are dumb for sleeping with a guy who wouldn't marry them or a whore for not caring. They can be both as well, that happens alot. Pretty simple.

Most of feminism is a smoke screen for misandry advocated for by bitter ugly leftist women(see affirmative action for women in the workplace and the university, as one example). Also, women under 30 are more gainfully employed than their male counterparts. So no, the 1% is not opposed to Feminism, at all. If anything, they want more women in the workplace. This means more tax revenue for the system and lower wages overall as an increased labor supply decreases wages.


Wow, guy, seriously?

I would agree that there are certain elements in the 1% that are happy that they can employ women at .72 on the dollar of what a man makes. But which party was it that tried its level best to defeat the Lily Ledbetter act?
Yes, seriously, what a bitch response on your part.

Women under 30 earn more than men(as long as they remain childless, don't hear liberals complaining about this inequity though, lol).

Single Mothers(mothers in general) don't earn as much, but that isn't because of systemic discrimination against women, mothers aren't as productive as men or women without children.

If you force women with children to get an equal wage with men, all they will do is cut the wages of men. If this bill passed, it would be of no consequence to the corporate elite, nor would it hurt their profits. The more women in the labor pool to dilute wages, the better
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Homosexuality is a behavior, rooted in emotions. There is no gene. It is a decision people make, as all our behaviors are choices. Those that do argue it is genetics are shirking responsibility of choice. Free will.

So the obvious question... when did you CHOOSE to be straight? I mean, where you on the fence about it for a while and then decided, "Oh, heck, I really like girls!"

Abortion: when a man's 23 chromosomes combine with a woman's 23 chromosomes that organism scientifically matches the chromosomes of another human. A fetus is a person. Scientifically abortion is murder, and any argument contrary to that is shirking responsibility of one's actions. Free will.

The problem with that logic is that 60-80% of zygotes that are conceived never attach to the uterine wall. Are you suggesting we hold funerals over tampons?

With the obvious exemptions of rape and health concerns, abortion is wrong.

But what makes those exemptions okay? It strikes me that we don't execute children for crimes their parents commit, if you are insisting that abortion is murder, than aborting a rape fetus (I'm talking about the Legitmate, Gift from God Rape fetuses, of course) is just as much a murder as the girl who has an abortion because she was planning to attend State U next spring.

Any argument that is brought up to take responsibility away from the individual for their actions is by definition an excuse. No more excuses. Be gay, I'm not here to judge. Don't kill children. That's wrong. Our children should not be less protected than bird eggs or fish eggs.

YOu are confusing conservation with contraception.

If a bird or fishes eggs are being protected, it's beause that entire species is on the brink.

The problem with homo sapiens is that there are just too many of them for the world to feed.

I chose to be straight when I learned about sex. That should seem obvious to anyone that can think. Tampons don't hold 46 chromosomes in them, so there's another side argument not based on anything that could actually refute what I said.i personally am against abortion at all costs, but understand that realistically abortion will not become a non issue without some pandering.

There is enough food to feed everyone on earth. There is no danger of starvation due to overpopulation. That sounds like some kind of conspiracy theory. The amount of money spent on war and the military industry in one day could have been used to feed the world for a month. None of your arguments are based on any actual logic, but appear to be some kind of troll, or at best just more rhetoric from someone who fully supports linear politics.
Well it's not, we already know this. The question then becomes...why do people raise their children to be homosexual?

Nobody raises their child to be a homosexual. The current body of evidence is that there IS a genetic component. As usual, you spout off before doing any sort of research on the topic.

Telling a child he can't wear high heels and tutus won't deter him from being a homosexual if that's what he was born to be, any more than sending a child for sexual reprogramming will change his/her orientation.

You can't make a straight child gay, any more than you can make a gay child straight. Children will grow up to be who they are and there is little that any parent can do to change that path. Did you make a choice to be straight? I certainly didn't and I don't know anyone who did. Being straight or gay is who they are, not who they chose to be.
I chose to be straight when I learned about sex.

You mean you realized you were straight when you hit puberty. That's really not the same thing. I mean, I know that pre-puberty, you probably thought girls were icky until they hit puberty and got breasts....

You just aren't very good at this, are you?

That should seem obvious to anyone that can think. Tampons don't hold 46 chromosomes in them, so there's another side argument not based on anything that could actually refute what I said.i personally am against abortion at all costs, but understand that realistically abortion will not become a non issue without some pandering.

Tampons hold zygotes that didn't cling to the uterine wall, and they are just as uniques genetically as the kidney bean sized fetuses that are terminated in abortions. So if you are taking the "life begins at conception" viewpoint, you get into a whole lot of tricky areas...

There is enough food to feed everyone on earth. There is no danger of starvation due to overpopulation. That sounds like some kind of conspiracy theory. The amount of money spent on war and the military industry in one day could have been used to feed the world for a month.

It's not a matter of the money spent, it's a matter of how much land do you set aside for food production vs. everything else you need for a healthy ecosystem. Right now, 40% of the land surface is dedicated to producing food for humans in the form of farms and grazing. The only reason why we don't use a lot more is that most of the world's 7 billion people aren't eating like Americans.

And agriculture isn't a zero-sum game. You have water run-off, soil erosion, etc.

None of your arguments are based on any actual logic, but appear to be some kind of troll, or at best just more rhetoric from someone who fully supports linear politics.

Wow, guy, Really? Honestly, you sound like someone who took a political science class and thinks he sounds smart repeating what his professors have said.
I chose to be straight when I learned about sex.

You mean you realized you were straight when you hit puberty. That's really not the same thing. I mean, I know that pre-puberty, you probably thought girls were icky until they hit puberty and got breasts....

You just aren't very good at this, are you?

That should seem obvious to anyone that can think. Tampons don't hold 46 chromosomes in them, so there's another side argument not based on anything that could actually refute what I said.i personally am against abortion at all costs, but understand that realistically abortion will not become a non issue without some pandering.

Tampons hold zygotes that didn't cling to the uterine wall, and they are just as uniques genetically as the kidney bean sized fetuses that are terminated in abortions. So if you are taking the "life begins at conception" viewpoint, you get into a whole lot of tricky areas...

There is enough food to feed everyone on earth. There is no danger of starvation due to overpopulation. That sounds like some kind of conspiracy theory. The amount of money spent on war and the military industry in one day could have been used to feed the world for a month.

It's not a matter of the money spent, it's a matter of how much land do you set aside for food production vs. everything else you need for a healthy ecosystem. Right now, 40% of the land surface is dedicated to producing food for humans in the form of farms and grazing. The only reason why we don't use a lot more is that most of the world's 7 billion people aren't eating like Americans.

And agriculture isn't a zero-sum game. You have water run-off, soil erosion, etc.

None of your arguments are based on any actual logic, but appear to be some kind of troll, or at best just more rhetoric from someone who fully supports linear politics.

Wow, guy, Really? Honestly, you sound like someone who took a political science class and thinks he sounds smart repeating what his professors have said.

A person without knowledge of straight and gay or sex in general can't choose whether they're gay or straight. Life begins when it is scientifically feasible for a human to mature and grow. There are enormous swaths of land on this planet that are wasted and underutilized. If I sound like I've taken some kind of class it's only because I educate myself. Your arguments are still twisted words and slanted arguments any child could dream up after watching Fox or CNN. Continue to troll if you will..

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