Abortion and Gay Marriage


A person without knowledge of straight and gay or sex in general can't choose whether they're gay or straight.

I think you are getting a little closer here. Sexuality is hard-wired into the brain. If you raised a child with robots, and didn't introduce him to his first human being until he was 16, he'd find out then if he was gay or straight.


Life begins when it is scientifically feasible for a human to mature and grow.

Which again, would be a zygote. Except 90% of them either don't cling to the wall, fall to some kind of contraception or abortion.


There are enormous swaths of land on this planet that are wasted and underutilized.

No, there's too much of it dedicated to supporting human beings to the exclusion of other species that have been either hunted to extinction or to the brink of extinction.

[ If I sound like I've taken some kind of class it's only because I educate myself. Your arguments are still twisted words and slanted arguments any child could dream up after watching Fox or CNN. Continue to troll if you will..

Guy, you really don't sound that smart.

I took all those same kinds of courses. Of course, that was back in the 1980's when you actually had to prove you could READ before they let you into a university.

Then I had 30 years to have real life experience.

Get back to me when you get some.

Yeah I educate myself without taking classes filled with left wing professors. I actually read. And as far as life experience I've traveled more of the world than most people ever will. I'm good.
Except there is no such thing.

And no, it's not our dream, since we know that homosexuals aren't made in the womb.
Hmm...selective eugenics. Nice work there, Adolph!

So you oppose abortion all together or just of gay fetuses?

I believe in a woman's right to do what she wants with her body. Destroying gay genetic markers is a right wing homphobic dream.

Yes of course, women should get to choose what to do with their body. Leaving men no decision in the process, right? If a man wants an abortion but the woman doesn't then it's ok for her to make up whoever she wants in court as the father and they'll have to pay child support if they break up. Women's rights!

No one mentions how men are being screwed by this argument waged by the left. I don't support abortions, under any circumstances. But I do know what it's like to have the system leave you hanging just because you're a man.

Did you know that if you have a court order that allows you visitation rights and you are denied those rights there is nothing the police can do to enforce the law. If state code dictates that you are allowed two phone calls a week and those are denied that there is nothing the police can do. Go back to court, go back to court they say. You end up paying three grand every six months to see your child once or twice and the whole cycle starts over again.

American 'justice system'. Take your 'woman's right to choose' elsewhere. Given the choice they'll screw over men and take their check and throw the court costs at them to boot.
In case you were wondering..this is the rate of illegitimacy here:

"In mid-1960s America, the nation's out-of-wedlock birth rate (which stood at 7.7 percent at the time) began a rapid and relentless climb across all demographic lines, a climb that would continue unabated until 1994, when the Welfare Reform Act put the brakes on that trend. Today the overall American illegitimacy rate is about 33 percent (26 percent for whites). For blacks, it hovers at near 70 percent—approximately three times the level of black illegitimacy that existed when the War on Poverty began in 1964."

Breakdown of the Black Family, and Its Consequences - Discover the Networks
I think the overall rate is about 40%. Mississippi, Louisiana, and New Mexico are probably still over 50%

CDC: U.S. Birth Rate Hits All-Time Low; 40.7% of Babies Born to Unmarried Women | CNS News
The whole system in general, child support laws, divorce laws, shaft men.
In favor of the child. What part of that don't you get?

Why should children have to suffer because of Conservative deadbeat dads who don't want to financially raise their own children??

Question for you. Why should children die because of Liberal notion of convenience? Why should they suck off the government teat and not know the real benefit of self reliance? And where do you get off labeling all the baby daddys as conservative? Without any factual evidence to support that, you're talking out of your backside.
A) there are no children dying over your "liberal notion of convenience."

B) I did not label all baby daddies as Conservative. I labeled all the deadbeat dads who want to be able to "opt out" of financially raising their own child as Conservative. And when the day comes that I hear a Liberal spout the idiocy of wanting to legally opt out of his personal responsibilty of financially supporting his own child[ren] because he feels such an option balances out legalized abortion laws, I will cease calling them "Conservative deadbeat dads." But that hasn't happened yet.
In case you were wondering..this is the rate of illegitimacy here:

"In mid-1960s America, the nation's out-of-wedlock birth rate (which stood at 7.7 percent at the time) began a rapid and relentless climb across all demographic lines, a climb that would continue unabated until 1994, when the Welfare Reform Act put the brakes on that trend. Today the overall American illegitimacy rate is about 33 percent (26 percent for whites). For blacks, it hovers at near 70 percent—approximately three times the level of black illegitimacy that existed when the War on Poverty began in 1964."

Breakdown of the Black Family, and Its Consequences - Discover the Networks

Only Gentiles care about that. No concept of illegitimate births in Judaism, in the out-of-wedlock sense at any rate. "Children born out of wedlock are not mamzerim in Jewish law and bear no stigma." - Judaism 101: Marriage

Adam and Eve weren't married afterall. If you'd argue they were ok, who performed the ceremony? And why is no ceremony mentioned? :)
They also have higher rates of cohabitation as opposed to marriage. Not exactly the same thing as being born to a single mom without a father around.

Most "Illegitimate" births are to families that co-habitate as well, so that duck won't fly.

Maybe at the time of the birth.

but not long term. And generally, not even at the time of the birth.

Long term, 50% of marriages end in divorce. So frankly, all you guys going apeshit about gay marriage destroying the family, maybe you need to look at hetereosexual divorce, that seems to be a much bigger problem.
Homosexuality is like any other paraphilia.

Again, gotta ask the question.

Why do you care?


It would seem to me that the big corporations demolishing our industrial infrastructure and moving it overseas while driving down wages in this country would be a MUCH bigger deal than who is sticking their dicks where.

Time to stop thinking with the little head and start thinking with the big head, Cleetus.

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