Abortion and Gay Marriage

Most single moms are democrats, they are an engrained constituency. A way to counter this is to make birth control more readily available to curb the growth of the Democrat party, or incentivize individuals to marry younger. Women who marry are far more likely to be conservative than their single counterparts.

Or we could repeal the 19th Amendment, that would be the most direct remedy
Most single moms are democrats, they are an engrained constituency. A way to counter this is to make birth control more readily available to curb the growth of the Democrat party, or incentivize individuals to marry younger. Women who marry are far more likely to be conservative than their single counterparts.

Or we could repeal the 19th Amendment, that would be the most direct remedy

So you think the US should deny women the right to vote?
Yes, you are so much better than liberals and liberal women. :lol:

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You know society is sick, when a political party celebrates single mothers as a prominent constituency. The culture is in decline folks.
You know society is sick, when a political party celebrates single mothers as a prominent constituency. The culture is in decline folks.

If it is, it isn't because of single mothers, it is because of losers like you.
Go back to scratching your ball sack.

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Most of the men in prison are of single mothers, for one example. Single motherhood is a social cost on society, yet it is viewed as a holy institution now, that deserves state subsidization. What a shame.
We are of course speaking in generalities, there are always outliers but exceptions don't change the rule. But those who support homosexual marriage and abortion tend to be left wing.

So what's your opinion on this issue. Would you support the right of a woman to abort her gay fetus?

If you are speaking in generalities, the people who are okay with homosexuality would not abort a fetus because if had the gay gene. The only people who would are people who don't like gays and are pro-choice, which you have just ruled out with this post. :lol:

the vast majority of those on the left are anti-gay - let them just get pissed - and their words tell everything about them :lol:

You speak for the vast majority of people on the Left, do you?
Here's the thing. Conservative, Republican and Christian women are JUST as likely to have abortions when a baby doesn't fit into their lives right now.

You wish.
A study by The Center For Reason (www.CenterForReason.com) finds that Christians have just as many abortions as their non-Christian counterparts. The study concludes that in the year 2000, Christians were responsible for 570,000 abortions. Catholics were found to be the worst offenders, with abortion rates higher than the national average.

Before abortions were legal, Christians made use of back alley abortions just like the infidels. I think less Christian turn to abortions today because there is less of a stigma attached to illegitimate births. However, the cost having children and raising them are well beyond the financial capability of many. The new healthcare law which requires all health insurance to have maternity benefits will bring the cost of child birth closer to cost of an abortion. Today the cost of maternity and prenatal care can easy run $15,000. An abortion can be had for less than $400.

Edward T. Babinski - Political Viewpoint: Christians Have as Many Abortions as Everyone Else, Catholics Have More
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You mean the far left who wants the government to control every aspect of your life, don't you?

It isn't the left who is trying to put restrictions on folks reproductive freedom.

And the far left talking point/propaganda comes out!

Yes that's right a woman walks into a clinic and is only given one choice, abortion. I image to the far left that having only one choice is "pro-choice".
Talk about limiting ones so called "reproduction" freedom.

Link to clinics offering no choices? Right wingers trying to eliminate clinics, picket existing clinics, add intrusive requirements is all for women's benefit?
It isn't the left who is trying to put restrictions on folks reproductive freedom.

And the far left talking point/propaganda comes out!

Yes that's right a woman walks into a clinic and is only given one choice, abortion. I image to the far left that having only one choice is "pro-choice".
Talk about limiting ones so called "reproduction" freedom.

Link to clinics offering no choices? Right wingers trying to eliminate clinics, picket existing clinics, add intrusive requirements is all for women's benefit?

What intrusive requirements?
Most of the men in prison are of single mothers, for one example. Single motherhood is a social cost on society, yet it is viewed as a holy institution now, that deserves state subsidization. What a shame.

Single mothers would exist with or without the Democratic Party. Please don't tell me you're going to go on a rant about how the Democrats created single mothers to have a voting block...
Most of the men in prison are of single mothers, for one example. Single motherhood is a social cost on society, yet it is viewed as a holy institution now, that deserves state subsidization. What a shame.

Single mothers would exist with or without the Democratic Party. Please don't tell me you're going to go on a rant about how the Democrats created single mothers to have a voting block...

Of course they would exist, both parties coddle them, but no one can deny they are a democratic party constituency.
Most of the men in prison are of single mothers, for one example. Single motherhood is a social cost on society, yet it is viewed as a holy institution now, that deserves state subsidization. What a shame.

Single mothers would exist with or without the Democratic Party. Please don't tell me you're going to go on a rant about how the Democrats created single mothers to have a voting block...

They think it's a conspiracy.
Most of the men in prison are of single mothers, for one example. Single motherhood is a social cost on society, yet it is viewed as a holy institution now, that deserves state subsidization. What a shame.

Single mothers would exist with or without the Democratic Party. Please don't tell me you're going to go on a rant about how the Democrats created single mothers to have a voting block...

They think it's a conspiracy.
No one ever said that, did you bother reading my response?

Of course they would exist with or without Democrats, both parties coddle this group. The point is, a society which has a political party(The Democrat Party) that proudly proclaims this group as a core constituency is a sick society.
Single mothers would exist with or without the Democratic Party. Please don't tell me you're going to go on a rant about how the Democrats created single mothers to have a voting block...

They think it's a conspiracy.
No one ever said that, did you bother reading my response?

Of course they would exist with or without Democrats, both parties coddle this group. The point is, a society which has a political party(The Democrat Party) that proudly proclaims this group as a core constituency is a sick society.

you mean people who have LIFE happen to them?

Here's the reality. Back in the day, you got unexpectedly pregnant, you were expected to marry a guy you just weren't all that in to and have decades of unhappy marriage. Because, hey, a woman's place was in the home.

Today, not so much. We just came to the conclusion that hey, just because you find yourself pregnant, that's not a good reason to get married. Not when you are perfectly capable of getting a job and supporting your own kid better than this deadbeat.

Now yeah, ideal world. Babies should come after a carefully considered marriage, and that is how 75% of us are doing it. Of course, half those marriages end in divorce.
Wrong, 50% of births to women under 30 are to single mothers. But yea, everything is cool with all the bastard kids being born. No problems here...


Thank god for that.

The women over 30 having babies are having Down Babies... so it's nice some women are having them when they are healthy enough to do it...
Well look, were know your mother made a mistake having you over 30(but the odds were 1 in 1000 that you would have down syndrome, just bad luck there). But yea, I would agree, women should be pregnant and married or cohabiting before they are 30.
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Wrong, 50% of births to women under 30 are to single mothers. But yea, everything is cool with all the bastard kids being born. No problems here...

Liberals accept the changing structure of the American family and seek to change policies to accommodate the challenges that have grown out of this trend. So many problems in education, social welfare, and healthcare flow out this the trend. Conservative see the solution is to reverse this trend or ignore it. In my opinion, that's just not possible.
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Ok, so lets accept the left's premise homosexuality is genetically predetermined, and there is no environmental component. What if at a future date, we could determine this gene while a fetus is still in the womb. Would those of you on the left support the right of a woman to abort her gay fetus?

Movie about this very idea called "Twilight of the Golds." From 1996 no less. Am the wrong leftist to ask though. Though bisexual myself, I think attraction is absolutely learned/enviromental. And additionally am against abortion except in the case of rape, or health/life of the mother.
Wrong, 50% of births to women under 30 are to single mothers. But yea, everything is cool with all the bastard kids being born. No problems here...

Liberals accept the changing structure of the American family and seek to change policies to accommodate the challenges that have grown out of this trend. So many problems in education, social welfare, and healthcare flow out this the trend. Conservative see the solution is to reverse this trend or ignore it. In my opinion, that's just no possible.

You don't understand how these trends came about...

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