Abortion as Murder.

The Vast majority of Abortions are performed on Younger girls, and the poor. They are carried out for convenience, not because of a risk to the life of the mother.

You mean the poor, uneducated mother who has six kids she can't feed already, but should have 'another' just to make YOU feel better? That kind of convenience?

So It's have the kid or kill it eh. No other options at all.

I see.
Nebraska and Kansas do a pretty good job at, and Dan Patrick out of Texas is giving the state senate fits on his latest bill about it.
A large majority of anti-abortionists think the way they do because of their religion. To say otherwise is not only disingenuous, but wrong.
so what? You think the way you do for your own reasons too. Why is irrelevant.

Because abortion is a personal matter.
so is bashing your kids in the head with a hammer... personal choice. Doesn't mean it should be legal.
And please, don't give me this crap about hitting kids on the head with a hammer BS either.
no. and its not BS
The only country in the western world that gets its knickers in a knot over this is the US,
so what?
and mainly due to uber religious folk. Folk of your ilk in other western countries are either religiou fanatics, or so far on the peripheral of society that they are thought of as the fringe.
again, so fucking what?
The only countries in the Western World where it is illegal are - surprisingly (NOT!) - those where Catholicism is the majority religion such as Ireland and Italy.
do i have to ask again? So fucking what?

Many jurists and scholars - a lot more intelligent than me, and certainly a lot more intelligent than you - have debated on the case.
In the case of the US Roe vs Wade was the deciding factor, whether you like it or not. In most other countries where it is legal, it is not even an issue.
When have I said it wasn't? And again, what the fuck do i care what other countries do? Sorry chief, appeals to percieved authority just ain't gonna cut it. I think for myself, I read, I understand, I form an opinion and I don't need anyone else to tell me what it should be. That said all opinions are not equal, some of them (like mine) are actually right.
She starting rabbiting on about it, so I ran with it...
no, you ran with it before she ever said a word about it.


Because the pro abortion croud ALWAYS wants to make any discussion of abortion about the religion of those who oppose it... so they can falaciously argue freedom FROM religion... which isn't found in the constitution anywhere.

Go back and re read the thread for comprehension. She absolutely brought it up before "I ran with it". Where you are right, is that she wasn't the first on the thread.

As for the religious aspect, well that has a massive influence of the mindset of most anti-abortionists. BTW, I have never met a pro-abortionist, including on this thread....
And I should give a shit about your objection to terminology... why? seriously for the same crowd who calls pro life people "anti choice" to complain about the characterization of their position as "pro abortion" is just some thin skinned BS. You favor abortion rights, you are therfore pro-legal-abortion.
What do you mean by 'botched abortion' as opposed to an 'abortion'...
if you attempt an abortion and end up with a live baby is it successful?

Ok, so now you are going around in circles with a superfluous argument....Time to bow out. When reasonable debate becomes unreasonable, then there is no point continuing..
huh? are you drinking?

seriously dude, are ytou claiming the philly things were 'successful abortions"? Of course they were not, they were botched, and led to murders prosecutors will prosecute for.
The Vast majority of Abortions are performed on Younger girls, and the poor. They are carried out for convenience, not because of a risk to the life of the mother.

You mean the poor, uneducated mother who has six kids she can't feed already, but should have 'another' just to make YOU feel better? That kind of convenience?

So It's have the kid or kill it eh. No other options at all.

I see.

It's not a kid. There are many options, abortion being one of them.

I reckon, we should outlaw abortions. All women who no longer have the option are allowed to drop their offspring at Cesspit, Lisa, Ben, Allie, Charlie's place and they can look after them.

And please, none of this 'Oh what about personal responsibility'. They had the option of abortion and were taking personal responsibility until you took that choice away from them. Now, it's your problem...
so what? You think the way you do for your own reasons too. Why is irrelevant.

Because abortion is a personal matter.
so is bashing your kids in the head with a hammer... personal choice. Doesn't mean it should be legal.no. and its not BSso what?again, so fucking what?do i have to ask again? So fucking what?

Many jurists and scholars - a lot more intelligent than me, and certainly a lot more intelligent than you - have debated on the case.
In the case of the US Roe vs Wade was the deciding factor, whether you like it or not. In most other countries where it is legal, it is not even an issue.
When have I said it wasn't? And again, what the fuck do i care what other countries do? Sorry chief, appeals to percieved authority just ain't gonna cut it. I think for myself, I read, I understand, I form an opinion and I don't need anyone else to tell me what it should be. That said all opinions are not equal, some of them (like mine) are actually right.

See the bolded part? Key word. Note you admit yours is an opinion, not fact. Tell me something I don't know.
no, you ran with it before she ever said a word about it.


Because the pro abortion croud ALWAYS wants to make any discussion of abortion about the religion of those who oppose it... so they can falaciously argue freedom FROM religion... which isn't found in the constitution anywhere.

Go back and re read the thread for comprehension. She absolutely brought it up before "I ran with it". Where you are right, is that she wasn't the first on the thread.

As for the religious aspect, well that has a massive influence of the mindset of most anti-abortionists. BTW, I have never met a pro-abortionist, including on this thread....
And I should give a shit about your objection to terminology... why? seriously for the same crowd who calls pro life people "anti choice" to complain about the characterization of their position as "pro abortion" is just some thin skinned BS. You favor abortion rights, you are therfore pro-legal-abortion.

I favour abortion rights, but not abortion. There is a difference......
ah.. judge, jury and executioner.

it must be so nice to think one's so much more moral than others. :cuckoo:
silliness. I support the prosecution of all murderers. By a court, with a judge and a jury. maybe you'll notice I said they should be PROSECUTED.
ah.. judge, jury and executioner.

it must be so nice to think one's so much more moral than others. :cuckoo:
silliness. I support the prosecution of all murderers. By a court, with a judge and a jury. maybe you'll notice I said they should be PROSECUTED.

and you've been repeatedly told that there is no "murder" unless a statute defines it as murder.

you can't be taken seriously if you keep on saying ridiculous things like that.
Nature neither uses nor requires a knife and a vacuum.

i've never known anyone who had a knife used on them during an abortion.

i have more respect for you than that...

Wtf are you talking about. Unless they are performed very early almost every Abortion involves the use of a Knife.

if they are within the first trimester, there shouldn't be any need for a knife. and repeating that over and over is simply being done for effect.
ah.. judge, jury and executioner.

it must be so nice to think one's so much more moral than others. :cuckoo:
silliness. I support the prosecution of all murderers. By a court, with a judge and a jury. maybe you'll notice I said they should be PROSECUTED.

and you've been repeatedly told that there is no "murder" unless a statute defines it as murder.

you can't be taken seriously if you keep on saying ridiculous things like that.

You see, if Benny had stuck to the first sentence in the op-ed, he might have a point. The doctor in the op-ed is in a lot of trouble. But like a lot of right-wing, Christian whackjobs (of which he might be one), he is treating this bloke as the norm. That is what people who take extreme views do - they take the most extreme example of a situation and treat it as the norm. They think they are 'right'...:lol::lol:
Abortion is not illegal.
still stuck on the falacious argument of nonenforcement?

abortion of unviable fetus' is not illegal.

it's not nonenforcement. it's nonenforcement if there is a law making it illegal that the police don't enforce.

words have meaning. you don't get to make up your own.
false. There is a law on the books. Its called murder, and its unenforced when a viable fetus is killed. There just is simply no way you can interpret the statutes that does no include a viable fetus if we are to give Roe and Casey's viability argument any weight. The states do not have any interest in protecting the lives of non entity, non-persons.
if you attempt an abortion and end up with a live baby is it successful?

Ok, so now you are going around in circles with a superfluous argument....Time to bow out. When reasonable debate becomes unreasonable, then there is no point continuing..
huh? are you drinking?

seriously dude, are ytou claiming the philly things were 'successful abortions"? Of course they were not, they were botched, and led to murders prosecutors will prosecute for.


what a little pissant you are. what are you, twelve?
Nature neither uses nor requires a knife and a vacuum.

i've never known anyone who had a knife used on them during an abortion. does it make you feel like your argument is better if you keep tossing out that imagery? imagery doesn't make a bit of difference, it's just a way of propagandizing and inflaming.

i have more respect for you than that...

and no matter how many times you say it, a zygote is not a baby any more than an egg is a chicken.
scissors? It's not imagary, its factual.
The Vast majority of Abortions are performed on Younger girls, and the poor. They are carried out for convenience, not because of a risk to the life of the mother.

You mean the poor, uneducated mother who has six kids she can't feed already, but should have 'another' just to make YOU feel better? That kind of convenience?
why stop with the unborn? Hammers are cheap and she'll be much better of financuially with one or two. Sorry chief, the financial argument doesn't really "work".

Or the working class high school girl whose not the brightest spark in the world, and will have trouble getting a decent job, but being 15 and having a child just gives her that much 'better' chance at life? That kind of convenience?

Oh, but that's right being ignorant/stupid/too young is no excuse, right?
no, its not.

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