Abortion Doctor GUILTY.. Death penalty looms

Wheres the abortion lovers in this thread? Bodey & Ravi where are you?
Even if he got the death penalty he would be dead of natural causes long before he was executed.

There is an automatic appeal. His attorney never put on a defense so there are more than adequate grounds.
I don't know what his afterlife holds for him..

I just am glad that he won't be killing any more babies.
Lilolady must be devastated. She has to find another spine snippper to worship.
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Guilty... well waddya know... the folks in Philly actually decided to nail the little bastard... gotcha! :clap2: I'm not squeemish about Capital Punishment but I say let this (now, formerly) well-to-do bottom-feeder rot in jail for life with no hope of parole and confiscate whatever may be possible of his wealth so that he leaves this world a pauper and a failure as a provider for those (if any) who counted on the revenue from his despicable practices in order to maintain a higher standard of living. Now that's appropriate justice and revenge for those innocents who were murdered after birth.
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They need to put the fucking monster in a filthy cell by himself, with a toilet that doesn't flush, and a 24 hour loop being played of babies crying and given a rusty razor to cut his wrists when he reaches the point of insanity.
They need to put the fucking monster in a filthy cell by himself, with a toilet that doesn't flush, and a 24 hour loop being played of babies crying and given a rusty razor to cut his wrists when he reaches the point of insanity.

That could work....These prisons are just a little to sympathetic on the living conditions for prisoners. He would be away from the general population in comfort. I say give him the death penalty.
Good. I hope he dies at a very old age...after spending the rest of his life in prison.
Good. I hope he dies at a very old age...after spending the rest of his life in prison.

I've not really followed this case besides the surface. Sounds like this guy's a mega creep that should have been busted a long time ago.
Wheres the abortion lovers in this thread? Bodey & Ravi where are you?


“All of us are appalled by the substandard illegal practices”

“All of us are appalled by the substandard illegal practices,” said Vicki Saporta, who as CEO of the National Abortion Federation represents hundreds of U.S. abortion clinics. “But to make the leap to say that’s indicative of the state of abortion care throughout the U.S. is absolutely false.”…

“This was an incredibly horrible situation and when it came to light, he was somehow associated with the abortion community, which he’s not,” said Elizabeth Nash of the Guttmacher Institute, a research group which supports abortion rights.

“The kinds of restrictions that the anti-choice lobby has been trying to put in place for years and years are the exact kinds of restrictions that keep people like Kermit Gosnell in business,” said Ilyse Hogue, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America.

“Peeking at Gosnell’s clinic is like peeking into U.S. history pre-Roe v. Wade.”

?All of us are appalled by the substandard illegal practices? « Hot Air Headlines
Wheres the abortion lovers in this thread? Bodey & Ravi where are you?


“All of us are appalled by the substandard illegal practices”

“All of us are appalled by the substandard illegal practices,” said Vicki Saporta, who as CEO of the National Abortion Federation represents hundreds of U.S. abortion clinics. “But to make the leap to say that’s indicative of the state of abortion care throughout the U.S. is absolutely false.”…

“This was an incredibly horrible situation and when it came to light, he was somehow associated with the abortion community, which he’s not,” said Elizabeth Nash of the Guttmacher Institute, a research group which supports abortion rights.

“The kinds of restrictions that the anti-choice lobby has been trying to put in place for years and years are the exact kinds of restrictions that keep people like Kermit Gosnell in business,” said Ilyse Hogue, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America.

“Peeking at Gosnell’s clinic is like peeking into U.S. history pre-Roe v. Wade.”

?All of us are appalled by the substandard illegal practices? « Hot Air Headlines

Hi Ravi :clap2:
Good. I hope he dies at a very old age...after spending the rest of his life in prison.

I've not really followed this case besides the surface. Sounds like this guy's a mega creep that should have been busted a long time ago.

He's a monster, but there's a whole nest of fucked up and, like you (and most Americans),I haven't followed the story all that closely.

I hope he gets life in solitary and lives to at least 100.

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