Zone1 Abortion is murder and I can't find any way to show otherwise.

Under RvW it was 1st trimester. Thanks to SCOTUS, that is now out the window and nothing was done to replace it.

It really is a very difficult issue as Mississippi learned when it's life begins at conception ran afoul of IVF. Is it still an abortion if a doctor removes a living, fertilized egg and puts it into a nutrient bath like they do for IVF?

Mississippi, Texas, Louisiana and Georgia have the highest rates of infant and maternal deaths in the US. Right up there with third world countries.
I say none of this from a religious standpoint or from a political standpoint. I am simply looking at this from a very stark and realistic point of view.

I have tried to examine abortion, look at others points of view and so on but I honestly see no rational or reasonable way to show abortion is not murdering a human being. There is simply no way that abortion is not murdering a child regardless of how you try to spin it.

First of all, if you have an abortion that means you have a child inside you. If you do not have a child inside you then there is nothing to abort. You can't have abortion before there is a child.

Second, once the egg is fertilized and implanted it's a baby. Sure it's a little blob, but unforseen circumstances aside, if you simply leave that blob alone it will be born in 9 months. Once a fertilized egg is implanted it starts a growth period of many stages lasting 17 to 19 years to become an adult. It doesn't matter if it's 11 days after conception or 3 years after conception, it's still a human being in different growth stages. Aborting it 3 weeks is the same as aborting it at 8 months, you are prematurely stopping the life of the baby before it can be born.

This whole "but it doesn't have a heartbeat" doesn't mean it isn't still a human growing inside its mother that if you simply leave it alone it will be born. How is it any different than if as soon as it's born you say "well it can't talk or even stand up so it isn't a human being so I'll end it's life". The only difference is you're saying it's ok to end the babies life before it has grown it's heart and ending it's life before it can talk, both are just ways to justify ending a babies life.
The question I think is whether or not it's the murder of a being that the law should give a shit about.
I say none of this from a religious standpoint or from a political standpoint. I am simply looking at this from a very stark and realistic point of view.

I have tried to examine abortion, look at others points of view and so on but I honestly see no rational or reasonable way to show abortion is not murdering a human being. There is simply no way that abortion is not murdering a child regardless of how you try to spin it.

First of all, if you have an abortion that means you have a child inside you. If you do not have a child inside you then there is nothing to abort. You can't have abortion before there is a child.

Second, once the egg is fertilized and implanted it's a baby. Sure it's a little blob, but unforseen circumstances aside, if you simply leave that blob alone it will be born in 9 months. Once a fertilized egg is implanted it starts a growth period of many stages lasting 17 to 19 years to become an adult. It doesn't matter if it's 11 days after conception or 3 years after conception, it's still a human being in different growth stages. Aborting it 3 weeks is the same as aborting it at 8 months, you are prematurely stopping the life of the baby before it can be born.

This whole "but it doesn't have a heartbeat" doesn't mean it isn't still a human growing inside its mother that if you simply leave it alone it will be born. How is it any different than if as soon as it's born you say "well it can't talk or even stand up so it isn't a human being so I'll end it's life". The only difference is you're saying it's ok to end the babies life before it has grown it's heart and ending it's life before it can talk, both are just ways to justify ending a babies life.
Paraphrasing Bill Burr:

"I used to be pro-choice but I started thinking and well.. let's just say if....
  • If I dedicated my time to go get all the ingredients to create a cake
  • If I dedicated my time to mix those ingredients to what is known to make a cake
  • If I put those ingredients into the oven that is known to create what is known as a cake

And then YOU come over, open the oven, take the dish out, and throw my baking cake on the ground, shattering the glass and splashing the batter across the kitchen floor... I'd say... :YOU RUINED MY F*CKING CAKE!"

And if you try to say "Well it wasn't a cake yet!" I'll say "WELL IT WOULD HAVE BEEN A CAKE IF YOU HADN'T DONE THE SHIT THAT YOU DID!!!"
I say none of this from a religious standpoint or from a political standpoint. I am simply looking at this from a very stark and realistic point of view.

I have tried to examine abortion, look at others points of view and so on but I honestly see no rational or reasonable way to show abortion is not murdering a human being. There is simply no way that abortion is not murdering a child regardless of how you try to spin it.

First of all, if you have an abortion that means you have a child inside you. If you do not have a child inside you then there is nothing to abort. You can't have abortion before there is a child.

Second, once the egg is fertilized and implanted it's a baby. Sure it's a little blob, but unforseen circumstances aside, if you simply leave that blob alone it will be born in 9 months. Once a fertilized egg is implanted it starts a growth period of many stages lasting 17 to 19 years to become an adult. It doesn't matter if it's 11 days after conception or 3 years after conception, it's still a human being in different growth stages. Aborting it 3 weeks is the same as aborting it at 8 months, you are prematurely stopping the life of the baby before it can be born.

This whole "but it doesn't have a heartbeat" doesn't mean it isn't still a human growing inside its mother that if you simply leave it alone it will be born. How is it any different than if as soon as it's born you say "well it can't talk or even stand up so it isn't a human being so I'll end it's life". The only difference is you're saying it's ok to end the babies life before it has grown it's heart and ending it's life before it can talk, both are just ways to justify ending a babies life.
The result of so-called "pro-life" Republican conservatives abandoning women when they're pregnant and need public assistance, is also murder (pro-death not pro-life). Right-wingers defunding social programs that help single mothers properly raise and support their children., like child daycare programs, school lunch, and after-school programs (As a Latchkey kid, growing up in the 70s and 80s, I benefited from afterschool programs and government-funded YMCA boxing and academic tutoring - it kept me out of trouble, from joining one of the many gangs in Little Havana, where I grew up in Miami, Florida). Single moms might need help with food, housing, healthcare..etc.

You Republicans are the champions of fetuses in strangers' wombs. You're so compassionate and committed to the welfare of embryos and fetuses, but how about the pregnant woman, who is likely young, poor, and here you are using the heavy hand of the government to force her to remain pregnant for nine months and give birth. Where are you when she loses her job due to her pregnancy and can no longer support herself?

Where is your compassion and commitment to life ("pro-life"), when that young pregnant woman of modest means, can't pay her rent or feed herself, due to the cost of pregnancy, or doesn't have access to healthcare, or the ability to pay for child daycare, allowing her to go to work? How about some job training, to equip her to make money and support herself and her baby?

Don't come to me with your holy-roller comments of "she should keep her legs closed", that's easy to say, much more difficult to do in this day and age, in the highly sexualized culture we live in. We live in a secular society, that sexualizes everything for a profit. Promiscuity is also rampant in the church, so imagine how it is in the secular world, where people aren't born again and filled with God's Holy Spirit. Self-righteously, and flippantly telling young women to "keep their legs closed" and abandoning them, after you've forced them to remain pregnant, using government authority. These women could've had an abortion before they had a fetus or even an embryo in their uteruses, by taking a pill a day or two after having sex. They can't even do that in some red states.

These young pregnant women who are often underprivileged, and poor, have to spend a thousand dollars, or more, to travel to another state, where abortion is legal, to get an abortion. Plane fare, hotel, maybe fuel money if they drive..etc. Is their employer going to let them be absent from work, for a few days while they travel to another state to get an abortion? You don't think about this, and you don't care, yet supposedly you're "pro-life". Really, you're pro-life? You know what happens to babies that are raised by mothers who lack resources and don't really want to be mothers? Those babies end up like this:




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Foster Care:

How is that "pro-life"? That's "pro-life"? Too many of you holy rollers lack wisdom. You're not being discipled properly in church. It would help if you had a better pastor.
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