Abortion is murder

Well since Christianity is the dominant religion here it would be odd if Christians were not the majority against ending the selfish taking of a human life. 150 years from now they will look at our society with the same disgust we have for those who condoned slavery.

Idolators are in no position to judge anyone about anything much less determine right from wrong when they can't tell the difference between salvation and death or good from evil. In fact their openly professed dedication to defying divine law by the worship of a false counterfeit image of Jesus is in itself an openly professed dedication to evil..To teach others to do the same is what amounts to murder.

By condemning others for what is not murder by any stretch of the imagination they have only succeeded in condemning themselves for what is murder in the eyes of God.

"Do not judge, or you will be judged. For with the same judgment you pronounce, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." Matthew 7:2

"He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who lives by the sword is bound to die by the sword."
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Let’s be clear about something. Ending or overly restricting legal abortion will not end abortion and may not even significantly reduce the number of abortions. Rather, it will force the practice back under ground to be performed by the back ally butchers who will endanger women’s health and even their lives, and escape any restrictions on late term abortions which may well increase in numbers

I think a good starting point is for everyone to acknowledge:

1. Abortion end a human life.
2. It is wrong to end a human life.

As to your point that changing the law won't end it, you are probably right, but I do believe it would reduce it. It would probably force people behave more responsibly. Raising standards and holding people accountable usually does change behaviors.
As I think that I pointed out, it is not useful to dumb it down to sound bites like "abortion is murder" It's a little more complicated that that.

You state that you believe that ending legal abortion will reduce the number of abortions but you don't know that, and there is, in fact, evidence to the contrary. What we both do know is that ending legal abortion will increase the number of back ally abortions performed by unqualified butchers who will abort late term children and place the mothers life at risk in various ways. Are you not concerned about the woman? Only the fetus which is arguably not yet a human life?

People will be careless and irresponsible about pregnancy regardless of the availability of abortions. Do you actually think that people-women especially-even women who are pro choice-are cavalier about abortion and just think, oh well, I can just have it "taken care of" if I get pregnant? That is an insult to their character and intelligence.

The answer for deceasing abortions lies in the policies that I outlined above in my response to the OP. Prevention of unwanted pregnancies and programs that provide supports to parents who chose to carry a child to term rather than abort. Can you respond to that? Are you really pro-life?
Jake...trying to justify abortion (murder) is a fools errand.

Are you like your buddy Hitler...a eugenicist? Why to hate your own species?

I can justify abortion.

1) there are too many people in this world already.
2) a child born into certain families might have a much higher chance of ending a murderer or criminal to then spend the rest of their live rotting away in prison, hardly a life, is it?
3) 75% of pregnancies end before the mother even knows it exists. This life is fragile and disappears all the time. That's life. Death is a part of life.

But on the other hand those people claim to be "pro-life" often like executions and wars. Hardly a love of life, is it? They don't want a lot of kids born into poverty to have a chance in life, and actually have a chance at a decent life in the first place.
You are a eugenicist. Hitler would be so proud of you.

To a delusional person like yourself, a convicted murderer is no different than an unborn baby.

How does one get so f**ked up?

And note the Liberal meme....another false one....that the world is overcrowded.
Jake...trying to justify abortion (murder) is a fools errand.

Are you like your buddy Hitler...a eugenicist? Why to hate your own species?

I can justify abortion.

1) there are too many people in this world already.
2) a child born into certain families might have a much higher chance of ending a murderer or criminal to then spend the rest of their live rotting away in prison, hardly a life, is it?
3) 75% of pregnancies end before the mother even knows it exists. This life is fragile and disappears all the time. That's life. Death is a part of life.

But on the other hand those people claim to be "pro-life" often like executions and wars. Hardly a love of life, is it? They don't want a lot of kids born into poverty to have a chance in life, and actually have a chance at a decent life in the first place.
You are a eugenicist. Hitler would be so proud of you.

To a delusional person like yourself, a convicted murderer is no different than an unborn baby.

How does one get so f**ked up?

And note the Liberal meme....another false one....that the world is overcrowded.
They are so easily duped by the left elite it is truly amazing to watch. Over population is a myth that only lives on in the minds of fools. America has way too many fools.

Is it any wonder the left has such along murderous history, when dupes like this exist. I bet some on the left would love a nuclear war, so as to eliminate millions of human beings. What sick f**ks they are.
Well since Christianity is the dominant religion here it would be odd if Christians were not the majority against ending the selfish taking of a human life. 150 years from now they will look at our society with the same disgust we have for those who condoned slavery.

Idolators are in no position to judge anyone about anything much less determine right from wrong when they can't tell the difference between salvation and death or good from evil. In fact their openly professed dedication to defying divine law by the worship of a false counterfeit image of Jesus is in itself an openly professed dedication to evil..To teach others to do the same is what amounts to murder.

By condemning others for what is not murder by any stretch of the imagination they have only succeeded in condemning themselves for what is murder in the eyes of God. Besides, you are clearly not on point as the comment you are replying to is about why are Christians speaking out against abortion in a land dominated by Christians. Duh, it is a land dominated by Christians. Who would you expect to be speaking out against it? Martians?

"Do not judge, or you will be judged. For with the same judgment you pronounce, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." Matthew 7:2

"He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who lives by the sword is bound to die by the sword."
Who made you God? You are the one who is judging individuals. Not me. I'm judging behaviors. They are two different things. Besides you are off topic anyway. The comment you are responding to was about why it is Christians speaking out against abortion. We live in a land dominated by Christians. Who would you expect to be speaking out against it? Martians?
Jake...trying to justify abortion (murder) is a fools errand.

Are you like your buddy Hitler...a eugenicist? Why to hate your own species?

I can justify abortion.

1) there are too many people in this world already.
2) a child born into certain families might have a much higher chance of ending a murderer or criminal to then spend the rest of their live rotting away in prison, hardly a life, is it?
3) 75% of pregnancies end before the mother even knows it exists. This life is fragile and disappears all the time. That's life. Death is a part of life.

But on the other hand those people claim to be "pro-life" often like executions and wars. Hardly a love of life, is it? They don't want a lot of kids born into poverty to have a chance in life, and actually have a chance at a decent life in the first place.
You are a eugenicist. Hitler would be so proud of you.

To a delusional person like yourself, a convicted murderer is no different than an unborn baby.

How does one get so f**ked up?

And note the Liberal meme....another false one....that the world is overcrowded.
They are so easily duped by the left elite it is truly amazing to watch. Over population is a myth that only lives on in the minds of fools. America has way too many fools.

Is it any wonder the left has such along murderous history, when dupes like this exist. I bet some on the left would love a nuclear war, so as to eliminate millions of human beings. What sick f**ks they are.

Kieren Underwood agrees with you....
"Men have an extraordinary ability to ignore danger—and an alarming willingness to follow the intellectuals of the day, no matter how misguided.
Jake...trying to justify abortion (murder) is a fools errand.

Are you like your buddy Hitler...a eugenicist? Why to hate your own species?

I can justify abortion.

1) there are too many people in this world already.
2) a child born into certain families might have a much higher chance of ending a murderer or criminal to then spend the rest of their live rotting away in prison, hardly a life, is it?
3) 75% of pregnancies end before the mother even knows it exists. This life is fragile and disappears all the time. That's life. Death is a part of life.

But on the other hand those people claim to be "pro-life" often like executions and wars. Hardly a love of life, is it? They don't want a lot of kids born into poverty to have a chance in life, and actually have a chance at a decent life in the first place.
You are a eugenicist. Hitler would be so proud of you.

To a delusional person like yourself, a convicted murderer is no different than an unborn baby.

How does one get so f**ked up?

And note the Liberal meme....another false one....that the world is overcrowded.
They are so easily duped by the left elite it is truly amazing to watch. Over population is a myth that only lives on in the minds of fools. America has way too many fools.

Is it any wonder the left has such along murderous history, when dupes like this exist. I bet some on the left would love a nuclear war, so as to eliminate millions of human beings. What sick f**ks they are.
It's interesting to see what's going on here. I responded to the simplistic and inflammatory OP with ideas as to how unwanted pregnancies and abortion can be reduced through public policy, and why simply banning abortion is not going to work. The OP author must have fled in terror because there has been no response. Neither he nor anyone can deal with it.

However, you guys a quick to jump all over one thing that was said that is arguably erroneous and is it as an excuse to call liberals stupid, while not dealing with the very real issues that have been raised. Why is that? I asked others this and I will ask you.......are you really pro life or just pro fetus.?
Let’s be clear about something. Ending or overly restricting legal abortion will not end abortion and may not even significantly reduce the number of abortions. Rather, it will force the practice back under ground to be performed by the back ally butchers who will endanger women’s health and even their lives, and escape any restrictions on late term abortions which may well increase in numbers

I think a good starting point is for everyone to acknowledge:

1. Abortion end a human life.
2. It is wrong to end a human life.

As to your point that changing the law won't end it, you are probably right, but I do believe it would reduce it. It would probably force people behave more responsibly. Raising standards and holding people accountable usually does change behaviors.
As I think that I pointed out, it is not useful to dumb it down to sound bites like "abortion is murder" It's a little more complicated that that.

You state that you believe that ending legal abortion will reduce the number of abortions but you don't know that, and there is, in fact, evidence to the contrary. What we both do know is that ending legal abortion will increase the number of back ally abortions performed by unqualified butchers who will abort late term children and place the mothers life at risk in various ways. Are you not concerned about the woman? Only the fetus which is arguably not yet a human life?

People will be careless and irresponsible about pregnancy regardless of the availability of abortions. Do you actually think that people-women especially-even women who are pro choice-are cavalier about abortion and just think, oh well, I can just have it "taken care of" if I get pregnant? That is an insult to their character and intelligence.

The answer for deceasing abortions lies in the policies that I outlined above in my response to the OP. Prevention of unwanted pregnancies and programs that provide supports to parents who chose to carry a child to term rather than abort. Can you respond to that? Are you really pro-life?

The issue concerns the right to privacy, the right of citizens to be free from unwarranted interference from government, where seeking to compel a woman to give birth against her will through force of law violates the right to privacy, only increasing the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.

Indeed, the Framers’ intent in protecting the right to privacy was to allow the people to make decisions concerning personal, private matters, such as whether to have a child or not, in accordance with their own good conscience and good faith, not because they are forced to do so by legislative edict.

Therefore, controversial issues such as abortion can be debated by the people in the context of a free and democratic society without the involvement of government or the courts.

Unfortunately, there are those who have disdain for individual liberty and the privacy rights of others and have sought through the political process to compel women to conform to their subjective, personal beliefs concerning abortion by legislative mandate, in violation of the Constitution, leaving women no other option than to seek relief in the courts, to have those un-Constitutional measures invalidated, and a woman’s right to privacy acknowledged.

Now that the right to privacy is clearly settled, accepted and beyond dispute, as reaffirmed by the Supreme Court this year in Whole Woman’s Health, the debate can now return to its proper venue: our free, democratic, and private society, where the people are at liberty to explore solutions to the problem of abortion that comport with the Constitution and its case law, respecting the right to privacy.
Jake...trying to justify abortion (murder) is a fools errand.

Are you like your buddy Hitler...a eugenicist? Why to hate your own species?
No one is justifying anything. I am making you use proper terminology. Try thinking instead of emoting.
"proper terminology" is a joke...but you are too uninformed or brainwashed to understand.

Terminating a human life as done by abortion, is MURDER. Always has been and always will be. This is proper terminology for you Jake.

Gip ....they voted for a man who endorsed infanticide.....they knew it and they voted for him.
Jake...trying to justify abortion (murder) is a fools errand.

Are you like your buddy Hitler...a eugenicist? Why to hate your own species?

I can justify abortion.

1) there are too many people in this world already.
2) a child born into certain families might have a much higher chance of ending a murderer or criminal to then spend the rest of their live rotting away in prison, hardly a life, is it?
3) 75% of pregnancies end before the mother even knows it exists. This life is fragile and disappears all the time. That's life. Death is a part of life.

But on the other hand those people claim to be "pro-life" often like executions and wars. Hardly a love of life, is it? They don't want a lot of kids born into poverty to have a chance in life, and actually have a chance at a decent life in the first place.
You are a eugenicist. Hitler would be so proud of you.

To a delusional person like yourself, a convicted murderer is no different than an unborn baby.

How does one get so f**ked up?

And note the Liberal meme....another false one....that the world is overcrowded.
They are so easily duped by the left elite it is truly amazing to watch. Over population is a myth that only lives on in the minds of fools. America has way too many fools.

Is it any wonder the left has such along murderous history, when dupes like this exist. I bet some on the left would love a nuclear war, so as to eliminate millions of human beings. What sick f**ks they are.
It's interesting to see what's going on here. I responded to the simplistic and inflammatory OP with ideas as to how unwanted pregnancies and abortion can be reduced through public policy, and why simply banning abortion is not going to work. The OP author must have fled in terror because there has been no response. Neither he nor anyone can deal with it.

However, you guys a quick to jump all over one thing that was said that is arguably erroneous and is it as an excuse to call liberals stupid, while not dealing with the very real issues that have been raised. Why is that? I asked others this and I will ask you.......are you really pro life or just pro fetus.?
Is a fetus a living thing?
Jake...trying to justify abortion (murder) is a fools errand.

Are you like your buddy Hitler...a eugenicist? Why to hate your own species?
No one is justifying anything. I am making you use proper terminology. Try thinking instead of emoting.
"proper terminology" is a joke...but you are too uninformed or brainwashed to understand.

Terminating a human life as done by abortion, is MURDER. Always has been and always will be. This is proper terminology for you Jake.

Gip ....they voted for a man who endorsed infanticide.....they knew it and they voted for him.
That makes no sense. Run along.
Jake...trying to justify abortion (murder) is a fools errand.

Are you like your buddy Hitler...a eugenicist? Why to hate your own species?
This is as ignorant as it is ridiculous and wrong.

Abortion is not ‘murder’ – as already correctly noted, ‘murder’ is a legal term, subject to a specific definition, in accordance with the law, where abortion as a fact of law is not ‘murder.’
And moronic references to 'Hitler' is acknowledgement on your part that you've lost the argument; that indeed you never had an 'argument' to begin with.
I can justify abortion.

1) there are too many people in this world already.
2) a child born into certain families might have a much higher chance of ending a murderer or criminal to then spend the rest of their live rotting away in prison, hardly a life, is it?
3) 75% of pregnancies end before the mother even knows it exists. This life is fragile and disappears all the time. That's life. Death is a part of life.

But on the other hand those people claim to be "pro-life" often like executions and wars. Hardly a love of life, is it? They don't want a lot of kids born into poverty to have a chance in life, and actually have a chance at a decent life in the first place.
You are a eugenicist. Hitler would be so proud of you.

To a delusional person like yourself, a convicted murderer is no different than an unborn baby.

How does one get so f**ked up?

And note the Liberal meme....another false one....that the world is overcrowded.
They are so easily duped by the left elite it is truly amazing to watch. Over population is a myth that only lives on in the minds of fools. America has way too many fools.

Is it any wonder the left has such along murderous history, when dupes like this exist. I bet some on the left would love a nuclear war, so as to eliminate millions of human beings. What sick f**ks they are.
It's interesting to see what's going on here. I responded to the simplistic and inflammatory OP with ideas as to how unwanted pregnancies and abortion can be reduced through public policy, and why simply banning abortion is not going to work. The OP author must have fled in terror because there has been no response. Neither he nor anyone can deal with it.

However, you guys a quick to jump all over one thing that was said that is arguably erroneous and is it as an excuse to call liberals stupid, while not dealing with the very real issues that have been raised. Why is that? I asked others this and I will ask you.......are you really pro life or just pro fetus.?
Is a fetus a living thing?
The law is the law, guys. Change it if you can. But your feelz does not change accepted definitions.
Jake...trying to justify abortion (murder) is a fools errand.

Are you like your buddy Hitler...a eugenicist? Why to hate your own species?
No one is justifying anything. I am making you use proper terminology. Try thinking instead of emoting.
"proper terminology" is a joke...but you are too uninformed or brainwashed to understand.

Terminating a human life as done by abortion, is MURDER. Always has been and always will be. This is proper terminology for you Jake.
No, your ‘argument’ is a joke – ignorant and devoid of merit.

And citizens are not required to ‘justify’ the exercising a fundamental right as a ‘prerequisite’ to indeed do so, such as the right to privacy.
Jake...trying to justify abortion (murder) is a fools errand.

Are you like your buddy Hitler...a eugenicist? Why to hate your own species?
No one is justifying anything. I am making you use proper terminology. Try thinking instead of emoting.
"proper terminology" is a joke...but you are too uninformed or brainwashed to understand.

Terminating a human life as done by abortion, is MURDER. Always has been and always will be. This is proper terminology for you Jake.
No, your ‘argument’ is a joke – ignorant and devoid of merit.

And citizens are not required to ‘justify’ the exercising a fundamental right as a ‘prerequisite’ to indeed do so, such as the right to privacy.
gip substitutes feelz for definitions and law.
Let’s be clear about something. Ending or overly restricting legal abortion will not end abortion and may not even significantly reduce the number of abortions. Rather, it will force the practice back under ground to be performed by the back ally butchers who will endanger women’s health and even their lives, and escape any restrictions on late term abortions which may well increase in numbers

I think a good starting point is for everyone to acknowledge:

1. Abortion end a human life.
2. It is wrong to end a human life.

As to your point that changing the law won't end it, you are probably right, but I do believe it would reduce it. It would probably force people behave more responsibly. Raising standards and holding people accountable usually does change behaviors.
As I think that I pointed out, it is not useful to dumb it down to sound bites like "abortion is murder" It's a little more complicated that that.

You state that you believe that ending legal abortion will reduce the number of abortions but you don't know that, and there is, in fact, evidence to the contrary. What we both do know is that ending legal abortion will increase the number of back ally abortions performed by unqualified butchers who will abort late term children and place the mothers life at risk in various ways. Are you not concerned about the woman? Only the fetus which is arguably not yet a human life?

People will be careless and irresponsible about pregnancy regardless of the availability of abortions. Do you actually think that people-women especially-even women who are pro choice-are cavalier about abortion and just think, oh well, I can just have it "taken care of" if I get pregnant? That is an insult to their character and intelligence.

The answer for deceasing abortions lies in the policies that I outlined above in my response to the OP. Prevention of unwanted pregnancies and programs that provide supports to parents who chose to carry a child to term rather than abort. Can you respond to that? Are you really pro-life?

The issue concerns the right to privacy, the right of citizens to be free from unwarranted interference from government, where seeking to compel a woman to give birth against her will through force of law violates the right to privacy, only increasing the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.

Indeed, the Framers’ intent in protecting the right to privacy was to allow the people to make decisions concerning personal, private matters, such as whether to have a child or not, in accordance with their own good conscience and good faith, not because they are forced to do so by legislative edict.

Therefore, controversial issues such as abortion can be debated by the people in the context of a free and democratic society without the involvement of government or the courts.

Unfortunately, there are those who have disdain for individual liberty and the privacy rights of others and have sought through the political process to compel women to conform to their subjective, personal beliefs concerning abortion by legislative mandate, in violation of the Constitution, leaving women no other option than to seek relief in the courts, to have those un-Constitutional measures invalidated, and a woman’s right to privacy acknowledged.

Now that the right to privacy is clearly settled, accepted and beyond dispute, as reaffirmed by the Supreme Court this year in Whole Woman’s Health, the debate can now return to its proper venue: our free, democratic, and private society, where the people are at liberty to explore solutions to the problem of abortion that comport with the Constitution and its case law, respecting the right to privacy.
Thank you!! Well said indeed although I don't doubt that those words of wisdom will fail to penetrate certain thick skulls
Let’s be clear about something. Ending or overly restricting legal abortion will not end abortion and may not even significantly reduce the number of abortions. Rather, it will force the practice back under ground to be performed by the back ally butchers who will endanger women’s health and even their lives, and escape any restrictions on late term abortions which may well increase in numbers

I think a good starting point is for everyone to acknowledge:

1. Abortion end a human life.
2. It is wrong to end a human life.

As to your point that changing the law won't end it, you are probably right, but I do believe it would reduce it. It would probably force people behave more responsibly. Raising standards and holding people accountable usually does change behaviors.
No, a good ‘starting point’ is for everyone to acknowledge the fact that prior to birth, an embryo/fetus is not a ‘person,’ and not entitled to Constitutional protections:

‘After analyzing the usage of "person" in the Constitution, the Court concluded that that word "has application only postnatally." Id., at 157. Commenting on the contingent property interests of the unborn that are generally represented by guardians ad litem, the Court noted: "Perfection of the interests involved, again, has generally been contingent upon live birth. In short, the unborn have never been recognized in the law as persons in the whole sense." Id., at 162. Accordingly, an abortion is not "the termination of life entitled to Fourteenth Amendment protection." Id., at 159. From this holding, there was no dissent, see id., at 173; indeed, no member of the Court has ever questioned this fundamental proposition. Thus, as a matter of federal constitutional law, a developing organism that is not yet a "person" does not have what is sometimes described as a "right to life." [n.2] This has been and, by the Court's holding today, remains a fundamental premise of our constitutional law governing reproductive autonomy.’

Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 (1992)

This is confirmation of the fact that – as indeed a fact of law – abortion is not ‘murder,’ it is not the unlawful taking of a human life, where to refer to abortion as ‘murder’ is ignorant demagoguery.

Abortion may be perceived as the ending of a human life in the context of subjective religious or personal belief, and ‘wrong’ in the context of subjective religious or personal belief, but to seek to make the practice ‘illegal’ through force of law is un-Constitutional, a violation of the right to privacy.
I can justify abortion.

1) there are too many people in this world already.
2) a child born into certain families might have a much higher chance of ending a murderer or criminal to then spend the rest of their live rotting away in prison, hardly a life, is it?
3) 75% of pregnancies end before the mother even knows it exists. This life is fragile and disappears all the time. That's life. Death is a part of life.

But on the other hand those people claim to be "pro-life" often like executions and wars. Hardly a love of life, is it? They don't want a lot of kids born into poverty to have a chance in life, and actually have a chance at a decent life in the first place.
You are a eugenicist. Hitler would be so proud of you.

To a delusional person like yourself, a convicted murderer is no different than an unborn baby.

How does one get so f**ked up?

And note the Liberal meme....another false one....that the world is overcrowded.
They are so easily duped by the left elite it is truly amazing to watch. Over population is a myth that only lives on in the minds of fools. America has way too many fools.

Is it any wonder the left has such along murderous history, when dupes like this exist. I bet some on the left would love a nuclear war, so as to eliminate millions of human beings. What sick f**ks they are.
It's interesting to see what's going on here. I responded to the simplistic and inflammatory OP with ideas as to how unwanted pregnancies and abortion can be reduced through public policy, and why simply banning abortion is not going to work. The OP author must have fled in terror because there has been no response. Neither he nor anyone can deal with it.

However, you guys a quick to jump all over one thing that was said that is arguably erroneous and is it as an excuse to call liberals stupid, while not dealing with the very real issues that have been raised. Why is that? I asked others this and I will ask you.......are you really pro life or just pro fetus.?
Is a fetus a living thing?
Yes it is a living "thing" So is a begonia.. Is that all that you can say in response to my post? Is it laziness or a lack of intellect I wonder.
"After fertilization has taken place a new human being has come into being...[this] is no longer a matter of taste or opinion, it is not a metaphysical contention, it is plain experimental evidence...." - Dr Jerome LeJeune, Professor of Genetics at the University of Descartes, Paris, discoverer of the chromosome pattern of Down's Syndrome, and Nobel Prize Winner

"An individual human life begins at conception when a sperm cell from the father fuses with an egg cell from the mother, to form a new cell, the zygote, the first embryonic stage. The zygote grows and divides into two daughter cells, each of which grows and divides into two grand-daughter cells, and this cell growth/division process continues on, over and over again. The zygote is the start of a biological continuum that automatically grows and develops, passing gradually and sequentially through the stages we call foetus, baby, child, adult, old person and ending eventually in death. The full genetic instructions to guide the development of the continuum, in interaction with its environment, are present in the zygote. Every stage along the continuum is biologically human and each point along the continuum has the full human properties appropriate to that point." - Dr. William Reville, University College Cork, Ireland
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