Abortion is the reason I hate Democrats

Of all the filthy dirty reasons to hate the Democrats, abortion is the filthiest and dirtiest reason of all.

How can you stand there and tell me you think it's okay to take a pair of scissors and plunge it into the skull of an innocent unborn baby, suck it's brains out with a vacuum, and then crush it's skull with a pair of forceps.

You people are filthy dirty animals.
Yeah, because only democrats have abortions. Not one of the 50,000,000 abortions was performed on a republican woman. :bs1: Then we have gems like Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-TN) who publicly is for an abortion ban, but whose wife has had two abortions, and his mistress had one. Most pro-life women oppose abortion with four exceptions: rape, incest, the life of the mother, and me.

I agree that is not right to say all democrats are pro choice and all republicans are pro life. Actually many pro life oppose abortion with only 1 exception the life of a mother.you may not hear it publically discussed but many oppose abortion even in the case of rape

And when you said "and me" did you mean pro life women oppose abortion for everyone else besides themselves?
Yep. A lot of the social conservatives are of the "do as I say, not as I do" crowd.

You or I have no way or knowing how many pro life people get abortions..to claim that pro lifers get abortions just isn't a statement that has data to prove it right or wrong can we atleast agree on that .

I can speak for myself tho and I am pro life and would never get an abortion
You have no data or way of knowing how many pro choice people get abortions either. I would wager that despite all the sanctimony, anti-abortion rants, and purported moral superiority, there are close to the same numbers of conservative women aborting as there are liberal women.
Of all the filthy dirty reasons to hate the Democrats, abortion is the filthiest and dirtiest reason of all.

How can you stand there and tell me you think it's okay to take a pair of scissors and plunge it into the skull of an innocent unborn baby, suck it's brains out with a vacuum, and then crush it's skull with a pair of forceps.

You people are filthy dirty animals.
Yeah, because only democrats have abortions. Not one of the 50,000,000 abortions was performed on a republican woman. :bs1: Then we have gems like Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-TN) who publicly is for an abortion ban, but whose wife has had two abortions, and his mistress had one. Most pro-life women oppose abortion with four exceptions: rape, incest, the life of the mother, and me.

I agree that is not right to say all democrats are pro choice and all republicans are pro life. Actually many pro life oppose abortion with only 1 exception the life of a mother.you may not hear it publically discussed but many oppose abortion even in the case of rape

And when you said "and me" did you mean pro life women oppose abortion for everyone else besides themselves?
Yep. A lot of the social conservatives are of the "do as I say, not as I do" crowd.

You or I have no way or knowing how many pro life people get abortions..to claim that pro lifers get abortions just isn't a statement that has data to prove it right or wrong can we atleast agree on that .

I can speak for myself tho and I am pro life and would never get an abortion
You have no data or way of knowing how many pro choice people get abortions either. I would wager that despite all the sanctimony, anti-abortion rants, and purported moral superiority, there are close to the same numbers of conservative women aborting as there are liberal women.

Your right I don't have the data or way of knowing how many pro choice people get abortions either.so we agree that no one knows the numbers for either side. But then you said you think there are close to the same numbers of conservative women aborting as there are liberal women... literally contradicting what we just agreed on - no way of knowing numbers and not data either..

You could be right you could be very wrong , we don't have a way of knowing right
I hate the republican party because they want to destroy science and American leadership across the board.

Don't many Liberals only use science when it suits them?

Not a whole lot of Liberals support racial science, despite the overwhelming evidence of genetic racial disparities.

How come?

Have you ever heard that gay males account for well over half new AIDS and STD cases in the US even though they are under 10% of the population?

No? And you never will hear about this inconvenient scientific fact cuz it's hate speech.

That's true, but at least Gays aren't crossing the border by the millions, and having many kids.
Paying taxes kills people. To argue that zygotes are people and at the same time be complicit in fatal military adventures is total hypocrisy. To say one thinks abortion is murder and not be at a clinic stopping it is hypocrisy. 'Feel good' lying to one's self is a psychological problem. Don't be surprised when others find it sick.
Of all the filthy dirty reasons to hate the Democrats, abortion is the filthiest and dirtiest reason of all.

How can you stand there and tell me you think it's okay to take a pair of scissors and plunge it into the skull of an innocent unborn baby, suck it's brains out with a vacuum, and then crush it's skull with a pair of forceps.

You people are filthy dirty animals.

You're an idiot if you don't think Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, Republicans, Conservatives....heck, just about every upright walking human on the planet, wants to end the need for abortions. The ones operating from somewhere other than their most base emotions know that science and education are the only ways to do that.
I hate the republican party because they want to destroy science and American leadership across the board.

Don't many Liberals only use science when it suits them?

Not a whole lot of Liberals support racial science, despite the overwhelming evidence of genetic racial disparities.

How come?

Have you ever heard that gay males account for well over half new AIDS and STD cases in the US even though they are under 10% of the population?

No? And you never will hear about this inconvenient scientific fact cuz it's hate speech.

Got a CDC link that says exactly that?
Democrats have my ridicule for many reasons because they are such dumbasses. Abortion is just one of many.
A close friend had an abortion. The whole family was torn to pieces and making it so much worse are nasty, ignorant people like the OP. If you've never had to make that decision, you really don't know what you're talking about. I hope you are never pregnant and have to abort. I can guarantee it would change the way you look at it for yourself although it would not surprise me if you were still judgemental of others.
I would disassociate myself with any woman who murdered my child. Murder sickens me, but apparently you are fine with it.

Then don't have one... You are the one trying to force your beliefs on someone else...
Yeah...I am against murder. So, I guess to small minded idiots like you, that is forcing my beliefs on others.

WTF is wrong with you?
A close friend had an abortion. The whole family was torn to pieces and making it so much worse are nasty, ignorant people like the OP. If you've never had to make that decision, you really don't know what you're talking about. I hope you are never pregnant and have to abort. I can guarantee it would change the way you look at it for yourself although it would not surprise me if you were still judgemental of others.

I've never met someone who had an abortion and didn't regret it.

They don't regret doing it.

They regret having no choice.

Frankly, I doubt you know anyone who has had an abortion. If you did, you wouldn't say something so empty and uncaring.

I don't care what you think kid. You've never held a woman who swears she has heard her baby crying at night. To you abortion is theoretical, to me it's a crises point where guilt and shame drive a stake though a woman's heart. Get back to me when you grow up.

A close friend had an abortion. The whole family was torn to pieces and making it so much worse are nasty, ignorant people like the OP. If you've never had to make that decision, you really don't know what you're talking about. I hope you are never pregnant and have to abort. I can guarantee it would change the way you look at it for yourself although it would not surprise me if you were still judgemental of others.

I've never met someone who had an abortion and didn't regret it.

Because society shames women who have abortions so they keep it to themselves.

Yes. Read doc1's post above. I wasn't going to respond to that part but yes

These people have no clue what its like to be faced with an utterly impossible decision that's not really a decision at all and instead of being able to just say what happened and how horrible is was and is and will be for ever and ever, you have to be careful.

People like doc, blackrook - they know nothing but still they judge you. Throw away friends instead of sitting down, holding her hand and saying "tell me, you can trust me, I'm your friend".

Anyone reading this - You have to do what you have to do but just be careful who you trust.

I know this lady who's fetus's insides , were on the outside. No way the baby would live more than minutes after being born. Nature can be a real bitch in pregnancy.

Our righty pals would have her go to full term and go thru a dangerous birth just to satisfy their sanctimonious stance .

I know many Dims who need government support and don't seem to be viable outside the womb either.

Should we abort them as well?
I hate the republican party because they want to destroy science and American leadership across the board.

Don't many Liberals only use science when it suits them?

Not a whole lot of Liberals support racial science, despite the overwhelming evidence of genetic racial disparities.

How come?

Have you ever heard that gay males account for well over half new AIDS and STD cases in the US even though they are under 10% of the population?

No? And you never will hear about this inconvenient scientific fact cuz it's hate speech.

Got a CDC link that says exactly that?

Look it up yourself. It's there.
Of all the filthy dirty reasons to hate the Democrats, abortion is the filthiest and dirtiest reason of all.

How can you stand there and tell me you think it's okay to take a pair of scissors and plunge it into the skull of an innocent unborn baby, suck it's brains out with a vacuum, and then crush it's skull with a pair of forceps.

You people are filthy dirty animals.


What is the maximum number of humans the Earth can sustain?
Of all the filthy dirty reasons to hate the Democrats, abortion is the filthiest and dirtiest reason of all.

How can you stand there and tell me you think it's okay to take a pair of scissors and plunge it into the skull of an innocent unborn baby, suck it's brains out with a vacuum, and then crush it's skull with a pair of forceps.

You people are filthy dirty animals.


What is the maximum number of humans the Earth can sustain?
So, that's your argument. Population control. If population control is your goal, you can justify anything.
You didn't answer the question. Would you prefer a straight out extermination of all pro-Israel Christians to put the population and Earth back into balance?
Of all the filthy dirty reasons to hate the Democrats, abortion is the filthiest and dirtiest reason of all.

How can you stand there and tell me you think it's okay to take a pair of scissors and plunge it into the skull of an innocent unborn baby, suck it's brains out with a vacuum, and then crush it's skull with a pair of forceps.

You people are filthy dirty animals.
If someone did that to a baby, it would be murder. Are you are advocating for "cells rights"?
It's not okay to do that. Aren't they suppose to be doing that with care so they can sell the body parts?

How else am I suppose to finish my Frankenbaby?
This guy, blackrook, he doesn't understand math or science. He gets "his" "opinions" from his preacher. All the preacher cares about is having more in the church filling the donation jar.
Of all the filthy dirty reasons to hate the Democrats, abortion is the filthiest and dirtiest reason of all.

We know. You're that invested in being a pervy control freak. It's all you can think about, how the dirty whores are having sex and not being punished for it.

Go pound sand, sicko. A woman's body does not belong to you, your church, or your precious big-government authoritarian state. Grow up and deal with it. Nobody is going to roll over and allow you authoritarian shitstains to trample on basic human liberty.

And if we're making Nazi comparisons, we see that pro-lifers and Nazis hold the same beliefs. The Nazis banned abortion for some, and forced it on some. Just like pro-lifers, Nazis believed that only the all-powerful state was fit to make such decisions.

Liberty. It's all about liberty, so most conservatives aren't capable of understanding.
Any dimocrap that wants an abortion should be given one free of charge.

And $10 from Crime Stop

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