Abortion is the reason I hate Democrats

Of all the filthy dirty reasons to hate the Democrats, abortion is the filthiest and dirtiest reason of all.

How can you stand there and tell me you think it's okay to take a pair of scissors and plunge it into the skull of an innocent unborn baby, suck it's brains out with a vacuum, and then crush it's skull with a pair of forceps.

You people are filthy dirty animals.

Well, the first thing is that people who oppose abortion will support the killing of INNOCENT ANIMALS. They have no problem with a cow being killed, a chicken being killed, a rabbit being killed or whatever other animal it is that they're eating tonight.

Second, many of those who are supposedly "pro-life" support wars, they support executions, they support making life for the born kids not so great.

Third, the world's population is too big. The reason abortion was opposed by religious groups in the past was that people needed to have ten kids in order to hope two or three of these might make it to adulthood. Humanity needed every life going in order to survive. We've gone way past that. We don't need humans to survive, in fact we need LESS humans in order to survive. At this rate a big war is going to have to happen just to reduce the population, either that or a massive disease of some kind, but then again we're promoting this and you don't care. Like the use of antibiotics in the very animals that you're eating, which is making antibiotic resistant strains of deadly viruses.

But then again, you'll have your excuses why it's not YOUR fault that this is happening.

Which begs the question, what makes killing a cow OK but not human beings?

Many left wingers in PETA would ask this question because they don't believe man was made in the image of God and, therefore, we are all just glorified animals.

It makes perfect since for an atheist to ask.

So that's all this is, it's about religion and nothing more. Some religious dude says "this isn't right" and the religious say "this isn't right" like good little parrots.

Right, cuz the secular Birth Fairy MUST pass her wand over the fetus as it exists the womb to make it human.

Everyone knows that.

So... your point here is the one where this thing happens that is so complex, therefore it must be a complex God that does this?

Great, then I have a question, who made this complex God?

Or, how about, what about the animals? They go through the same process, and yet you eat the fuckers.
I hate the republican party because they want to destroy science and American leadership across the board.

Don't many Liberals only use science when it suits them?

Not a whole lot of Liberals support racial science, despite the overwhelming evidence of genetic racial disparities.

How come?

Have you ever heard that gay males account for well over half new AIDS and STD cases in the US even though they are under 10% of the population?

No? And you never will hear about this inconvenient scientific fact cuz it's hate speech.
I hate the republican party because they want to destroy science and American leadership across the board.

Don't many Liberals only use science when it suits them?

Not a whole lot of Liberals support racial science, despite the overwhelming evidence of genetic racial disparities.

How come?

Liberals like me use science to keep the United states of America as the most powerful country on this planet...You're right about your last point but not many liberals will agree not because of science but because they believe everyone should be treated with respect no matter what.

People that are less intelligent shouldn't be treated any different then people that are avg.
Of all the filthy dirty reasons to hate the Democrats, abortion is the filthiest and dirtiest reason of all.

How can you stand there and tell me you think it's okay to take a pair of scissors and plunge it into the skull of an innocent unborn baby, suck it's brains out with a vacuum, and then crush it's skull with a pair of forceps.

You people are filthy dirty animals.

Well, the first thing is that people who oppose abortion will support the killing of INNOCENT ANIMALS. They have no problem with a cow being killed, a chicken being killed, a rabbit being killed or whatever other animal it is that they're eating tonight.

Second, many of those who are supposedly "pro-life" support wars, they support executions, they support making life for the born kids not so great.

Third, the world's population is too big. The reason abortion was opposed by religious groups in the past was that people needed to have ten kids in order to hope two or three of these might make it to adulthood. Humanity needed every life going in order to survive. We've gone way past that. We don't need humans to survive, in fact we need LESS humans in order to survive. At this rate a big war is going to have to happen just to reduce the population, either that or a massive disease of some kind, but then again we're promoting this and you don't care. Like the use of antibiotics in the very animals that you're eating, which is making antibiotic resistant strains of deadly viruses.

But then again, you'll have your excuses why it's not YOUR fault that this is happening.

Which begs the question, what makes killing a cow OK but not human beings?

Many left wingers in PETA would ask this question because they don't believe man was made in the image of God and, therefore, we are all just glorified animals.

It makes perfect since for an atheist to ask.

So that's all this is, it's about religion and nothing more. Some religious dude says "this isn't right" and the religious say "this isn't right" like good little parrots.

Right, cuz the secular Birth Fairy MUST pass her wand over the fetus as it exists the womb to make it human.

Everyone knows that.

So... your point here is the one where this thing happens that is so complex, therefore it must be a complex God that does this?

Great, then I have a question, who made this complex God?

Or, how about, what about the animals? They go through the same process, and yet you eat the fuckers.

My apologies. It really is a complex issue. For you see, I know of a few women that gave birth to dogs, so a fetus may not be human after all.
I hate the republican party because they want to destroy science and American leadership across the board.

Don't many Liberals only use science when it suits them?

Not a whole lot of Liberals support racial science, despite the overwhelming evidence of genetic racial disparities.

How come?

Liberals like me use science to keep the United states of America as the most powerful country on this planet...You're right about your last point but not many liberals will agree not because of science but because they believe everyone should be treated with respect no matter what.

People that are less intelligent shouldn't be treated any different then people that are avg.

You strike me as a Science denier and hater of Darwin.

Savages are intermediate states between people and apes:

“It has been asserted that the ear of man alone possesses a lobule; but ‘a rudiment of it is found in the gorilla’ and, as I hear from Prof. Preyer, it is not rarely absent in the negro

-Charles Darwin
Well, the first thing is that people who oppose abortion will support the killing of INNOCENT ANIMALS. They have no problem with a cow being killed, a chicken being killed, a rabbit being killed or whatever other animal it is that they're eating tonight.

Second, many of those who are supposedly "pro-life" support wars, they support executions, they support making life for the born kids not so great.

Third, the world's population is too big. The reason abortion was opposed by religious groups in the past was that people needed to have ten kids in order to hope two or three of these might make it to adulthood. Humanity needed every life going in order to survive. We've gone way past that. We don't need humans to survive, in fact we need LESS humans in order to survive. At this rate a big war is going to have to happen just to reduce the population, either that or a massive disease of some kind, but then again we're promoting this and you don't care. Like the use of antibiotics in the very animals that you're eating, which is making antibiotic resistant strains of deadly viruses.

But then again, you'll have your excuses why it's not YOUR fault that this is happening.

Which begs the question, what makes killing a cow OK but not human beings?

Many left wingers in PETA would ask this question because they don't believe man was made in the image of God and, therefore, we are all just glorified animals.

It makes perfect since for an atheist to ask.

So that's all this is, it's about religion and nothing more. Some religious dude says "this isn't right" and the religious say "this isn't right" like good little parrots.

Right, cuz the secular Birth Fairy MUST pass her wand over the fetus as it exists the womb to make it human.

Everyone knows that.

So... your point here is the one where this thing happens that is so complex, therefore it must be a complex God that does this?

Great, then I have a question, who made this complex God?

Or, how about, what about the animals? They go through the same process, and yet you eat the fuckers.

My apologies. It really is a complex issue. For you see, I know of a few women that gave birth to dogs, so a fetus may not be human after all.

It's a complex discussion and yet your answer is one that isn't even serious. Oh, wonderful.
I hate the republican party because they want to destroy science and American leadership across the board.

Don't many Liberals only use science when it suits them?

Not a whole lot of Liberals support racial science, despite the overwhelming evidence of genetic racial disparities.

How come?

Liberals like me use science to keep the United states of America as the most powerful country on this planet...You're right about your last point but not many liberals will agree not because of science but because they believe everyone should be treated with respect no matter what.

People that are less intelligent shouldn't be treated any different then people that are avg.

How is bringing in loads of Hispanics going to improve our science?
I hate the republican party because they want to destroy science and American leadership across the board.

Don't many Liberals only use science when it suits them?

Not a whole lot of Liberals support racial science, despite the overwhelming evidence of genetic racial disparities.

How come?

Liberals like me use science to keep the United states of America as the most powerful country on this planet...You're right about your last point but not many liberals will agree not because of science but because they believe everyone should be treated with respect no matter what.

People that are less intelligent shouldn't be treated any different then people that are avg.

How do they do that? They denigrate our military, shortchanging them at every opportunity from equipment to facilities and benefits. Yeah, they keep us powerful all right!

I hate the republican party because they want to destroy science and American leadership across the board.

Don't many Liberals only use science when it suits them?

Not a whole lot of Liberals support racial science, despite the overwhelming evidence of genetic racial disparities.

How come?

Liberals like me use science to keep the United states of America as the most powerful country on this planet...You're right about your last point but not many liberals will agree not because of science but because they believe everyone should be treated with respect no matter what.

People that are less intelligent shouldn't be treated any different then people that are avg.

You strike me as a Science denier and hater of Darwin.

Savages are intermediate states between people and apes:

“It has been asserted that the ear of man alone possesses a lobule; but ‘a rudiment of it is found in the gorilla’ and, as I hear from Prof. Preyer, it is not rarely absent in the negro

-Charles Darwin

I believe in evolution so how the fuck so? Your side is the one that is arguing against it in the science section.
I used to be a democrat and I used to be pro choice.I am sooo grateful that I never had an abortion when I was pro choice.

If other women end up changing sides like I did at anytime in their life and they have had an abortion prior to this .. my heart breaks for them.. knowing what I do now I cannot imagine how hard it would be to live with what I did. it would haunt me my entire life.

People say they won't change sides and I thought that too but I was wrong
A close friend had an abortion. The whole family was torn to pieces and making it so much worse are nasty, ignorant people like the OP. If you've never had to make that decision, you really don't know what you're talking about. I hope you are never pregnant and have to abort. I can guarantee it would change the way you look at it for yourself although it would not surprise me if you were still judgemental of others.

I've never met someone who had an abortion and didn't regret it.

They don't regret doing it.

They regret having no choice.

Frankly, I doubt you know anyone who has had an abortion. If you did, you wouldn't say something so empty and uncaring.

I know four people that had an abortion, all four regret their decision.


Why did they regret their decision? The birth fairy had not come to wave her magic wand over them to make them human yet after they passed out of the birth canal, so why would they regret getting rid of the alien parasite?

A compassionate regressive, too bad liberals have all gone and all that is left are you hateful bastards.

I don't hate people who have abortions, I dislike ignorant the left wing regressives that pile on their ignorance, congrats Votto. You sunk to a new low.
A close friend had an abortion. The whole family was torn to pieces and making it so much worse are nasty, ignorant people like the OP. If you've never had to make that decision, you really don't know what you're talking about. I hope you are never pregnant and have to abort. I can guarantee it would change the way you look at it for yourself although it would not surprise me if you were still judgemental of others.

I've never met someone who had an abortion and didn't regret it.

They don't regret doing it.

They regret having no choice.

Frankly, I doubt you know anyone who has had an abortion. If you did, you wouldn't say something so empty and uncaring.

I know four people that had an abortion, all four regret their decision.


Why did they regret their decision? The birth fairy had not come to wave her magic wand over them to make them human yet after they passed out of the birth canal, so why would they regret getting rid of the alien parasite?
Are you serious.

Yes he is, we need to feel sorry for these ignorant low lifes. The are as dumb as they come and they keep proving how stupid they are in post after post.
A close friend had an abortion. The whole family was torn to pieces and making it so much worse are nasty, ignorant people like the OP. If you've never had to make that decision, you really don't know what you're talking about. I hope you are never pregnant and have to abort. I can guarantee it would change the way you look at it for yourself although it would not surprise me if you were still judgemental of others.

I've never met someone who had an abortion and didn't regret it.

They don't regret doing it.

They regret having no choice.

Frankly, I doubt you know anyone who has had an abortion. If you did, you wouldn't say something so empty and uncaring.

I know four people that had an abortion, all four regret their decision.

Were they all women?

Of all the filthy dirty reasons to hate the Democrats, abortion is the filthiest and dirtiest reason of all.

How can you stand there and tell me you think it's okay to take a pair of scissors and plunge it into the skull of an innocent unborn baby, suck it's brains out with a vacuum, and then crush it's skull with a pair of forceps.

You people are filthy dirty animals.

Well, the first thing is that people who oppose abortion will support the killing of INNOCENT ANIMALS. They have no problem with a cow being killed, a chicken being killed, a rabbit being killed or whatever other animal it is that they're eating tonight.

Second, many of those who are supposedly "pro-life" support wars, they support executions, they support making life for the born kids not so great.

Third, the world's population is too big. The reason abortion was opposed by religious groups in the past was that people needed to have ten kids in order to hope two or three of these might make it to adulthood. Humanity needed every life going in order to survive. We've gone way past that. We don't need humans to survive, in fact we need LESS humans in order to survive. At this rate a big war is going to have to happen just to reduce the population, either that or a massive disease of some kind, but then again we're promoting this and you don't care. Like the use of antibiotics in the very animals that you're eating, which is making antibiotic resistant strains of deadly viruses.

But then again, you'll have your excuses why it's not YOUR fault that this is happening.

Which begs the question, what makes killing a cow OK but not human beings?

Many left wingers in PETA would ask this question because they don't believe man was made in the image of God and, therefore, we are all just glorified animals.

It makes perfect since for an atheist to ask.

So that's all this is, it's about religion and nothing more. Some religious dude says "this isn't right" and the religious say "this isn't right" like good little parrots.

Are you shallow Hal?
Of all the filthy dirty reasons to hate the Democrats, abortion is the filthiest and dirtiest reason of all.

How can you stand there and tell me you think it's okay to take a pair of scissors and plunge it into the skull of an innocent unborn baby, suck it's brains out with a vacuum, and then crush it's skull with a pair of forceps.

You people are filthy dirty animals.
Yeah, because only democrats have abortions. Not one of the 50,000,000 abortions was performed on a republican woman. :bs1: Then we have gems like Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-TN) who publicly is for an abortion ban, but whose wife has had two abortions, and his mistress had one. Most pro-life women oppose abortion with four exceptions: rape, incest, the life of the mother, and me.
Of all the filthy dirty reasons to hate the Democrats, abortion is the filthiest and dirtiest reason of all.

How can you stand there and tell me you think it's okay to take a pair of scissors and plunge it into the skull of an innocent unborn baby, suck it's brains out with a vacuum, and then crush it's skull with a pair of forceps.

You people are filthy dirty animals.
Yeah, because only democrats have abortions. Not one of the 50,000,000 abortions was performed on a republican woman. :bs1: Then we have gems like Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-TN) who publicly is for an abortion ban, but whose wife has had two abortions, and his mistress had one. Most pro-life women oppose abortion with four exceptions: rape, incest, the life of the mother, and me.

I agree that is not right to say all democrats are pro choice and all republicans are pro life. Actually many pro life oppose abortion with only 1 exception the life of a mother.you may not hear it publically discussed but many oppose abortion even in the case of rape

And when you said "and me" did you mean pro life women oppose abortion for everyone else besides themselves?
Of all the filthy dirty reasons to hate the Democrats, abortion is the filthiest and dirtiest reason of all.

How can you stand there and tell me you think it's okay to take a pair of scissors and plunge it into the skull of an innocent unborn baby, suck it's brains out with a vacuum, and then crush it's skull with a pair of forceps.

You people are filthy dirty animals.
Yeah, because only democrats have abortions. Not one of the 50,000,000 abortions was performed on a republican woman. :bs1: Then we have gems like Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-TN) who publicly is for an abortion ban, but whose wife has had two abortions, and his mistress had one. Most pro-life women oppose abortion with four exceptions: rape, incest, the life of the mother, and me.

I agree that is not right to say all democrats are pro choice and all republicans are pro life. Actually many pro life oppose abortion with only 1 exception the life of a mother.you may not hear it publically discussed but many oppose abortion even in the case of rape

And when you said "and me" did you mean pro life women oppose abortion for everyone else besides themselves?
Yep. A lot of the social conservatives are of the "do as I say, not as I do" crowd.
Of all the filthy dirty reasons to hate the Democrats, abortion is the filthiest and dirtiest reason of all.

How can you stand there and tell me you think it's okay to take a pair of scissors and plunge it into the skull of an innocent unborn baby, suck it's brains out with a vacuum, and then crush it's skull with a pair of forceps.

You people are filthy dirty animals.
Yeah, because only democrats have abortions. Not one of the 50,000,000 abortions was performed on a republican woman. :bs1: Then we have gems like Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-TN) who publicly is for an abortion ban, but whose wife has had two abortions, and his mistress had one. Most pro-life women oppose abortion with four exceptions: rape, incest, the life of the mother, and me.

I agree that is not right to say all democrats are pro choice and all republicans are pro life. Actually many pro life oppose abortion with only 1 exception the life of a mother.you may not hear it publically discussed but many oppose abortion even in the case of rape

And when you said "and me" did you mean pro life women oppose abortion for everyone else besides themselves?
Yep. A lot of the social conservatives are of the "do as I say, not as I do" crowd.

You or I have no way or knowing how many pro life people get abortions..to claim that pro lifers get abortions just isn't a statement that has data to prove it right or wrong can we atleast agree on that .

I can speak for myself tho and I am pro life and would never get an abortion

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