Abortion is the reason I hate Democrats

I know a woman who had an abortion, and it ended our friendship, because I didn't know but I said something anti-abortion and she took me off her list of people she was spamming with emails, back before Facebook when people were using emails to spam their friends with garbage.
I'm guessing it was guilt on her part.
She was the girlfriend of my best friend at the time, he pressured her into having the abortion because she had defective hands, and he didn't want a baby with defective hands. So yeah, he was a Nazi, I guess.

Later, my best friend denied it when he found out I knew about the abortion, he lied to my face and said it didn't happen.

After that, he told me he was pro-life (all our friends were pro-life so he felt he had to be pro-life too), but he was glad abortion was legal because so many black women were having abortions, which was keeping down the crime rate.

Any way, this guy isn't my friend anymore.
Wish there was a sad but agree to click.
I know a woman who had an abortion, and it ended our friendship, because I didn't know but I said something anti-abortion and she took me off her list of people she was spamming with emails, back before Facebook when people were using emails to spam their friends with garbage.
One lucky gal.
Why? She got to murder her own child legally? Let's throw a party.
A close friend had an abortion. The whole family was torn to pieces and making it so much worse are nasty, ignorant people like the OP. If you've never had to make that decision, you really don't know what you're talking about. I hope you are never pregnant and have to abort. I can guarantee it would change the way you look at it for yourself although it would not surprise me if you were still judgemental of others.

I've never met someone who had an abortion and didn't regret it.

They don't regret doing it.

They regret having no choice.

Frankly, I doubt you know anyone who has had an abortion. If you did, you wouldn't say something so empty and uncaring.

I don't care what you think kid. You've never held a woman who swears she has heard her baby crying at night. To you abortion is theoretical, to me it's a crises point where guilt and shame drive a stake though a woman's heart. Get back to me when you grow up.

A close friend had an abortion. The whole family was torn to pieces and making it so much worse are nasty, ignorant people like the OP. If you've never had to make that decision, you really don't know what you're talking about. I hope you are never pregnant and have to abort. I can guarantee it would change the way you look at it for yourself although it would not surprise me if you were still judgemental of others.

I've never met someone who had an abortion and didn't regret it.

Because society shames women who have abortions so they keep it to themselves.

Yes. Read doc1's post above. I wasn't going to respond to that part but yes

These people have no clue what its like to be faced with an utterly impossible decision that's not really a decision at all and instead of being able to just say what happened and how horrible is was and is and will be for ever and ever, you have to be careful.

People like doc, blackrook - they know nothing but still they judge you. Throw away friends instead of sitting down, holding her hand and saying "tell me, you can trust me, I'm your friend".

Anyone reading this - You have to do what you have to do but just be careful who you trust.
I'm an equal opportunity hater, though.

I would have hated the people selling slaves in the market, and I would have hated the people buying them.

I would have hated them so much I would have voted for Abraham Lincoln, and if I could fight, I would have joined the army and killed as many of them as I could.
Hate is a strong word and is basically emotional rather than logical. I hate abortion as it is clearly legalized murder of the most innocent. However I do not hate Democrats. I hate abortion.

I have found that many who believe in baby killing are brainwashed drones. Once shown the horror of it they often overcome the leftist propaganda and recognize it for what it is.

Do YOU believe in the death penalty ? Cause i find it odd that most pro lifers are also pro death penalty .
I do not, but your point is meaningless and exposes you as a fool.

Do you think the unborn are the same as a brutal murderer?

I don't consider an unviable fetus to be a person . Just a potential person . But hey, You draw your arbitrary line I draw mine .

Next time you claim to be prolife, be sure to include your asterisk .
And, now I hate you too.

Of course you do. It's the great hypocrisy. Righties are against abortion, yet they hate actual living breathing human beings .
A close friend had an abortion. The whole family was torn to pieces and making it so much worse are nasty, ignorant people like the OP. If you've never had to make that decision, you really don't know what you're talking about. I hope you are never pregnant and have to abort. I can guarantee it would change the way you look at it for yourself although it would not surprise me if you were still judgemental of others.

I've never met someone who had an abortion and didn't regret it.

They don't regret doing it.

They regret having no choice.

Frankly, I doubt you know anyone who has had an abortion. If you did, you wouldn't say something so empty and uncaring.

I don't care what you think kid. You've never held a woman who swears she has heard her baby crying at night. To you abortion is theoretical, to me it's a crises point where guilt and shame drive a stake though a woman's heart. Get back to me when you grow up.

A close friend had an abortion. The whole family was torn to pieces and making it so much worse are nasty, ignorant people like the OP. If you've never had to make that decision, you really don't know what you're talking about. I hope you are never pregnant and have to abort. I can guarantee it would change the way you look at it for yourself although it would not surprise me if you were still judgemental of others.

I've never met someone who had an abortion and didn't regret it.

Because society shames women who have abortions so they keep it to themselves.

Yes. Read doc1's post above. I wasn't going to respond to that part but yes

These people have no clue what its like to be faced with an utterly impossible decision that's not really a decision at all and instead of being able to just say what happened and how horrible is was and is and will be for ever and ever, you have to be careful.

People like doc, blackrook - they know nothing but still they judge you. Throw away friends instead of sitting down, holding her hand and saying "tell me, you can trust me, I'm your friend".

Anyone reading this - You have to do what you have to do but just be careful who you trust.

I don't judge anyone honey, I simply stated the truth. You don't like it so you attack. I've sat with many of them apparently you've killed a child and feel bad about it. That's all I said that they've all felt.
Hate is a strong word and is basically emotional rather than logical. I hate abortion as it is clearly legalized murder of the most innocent. However I do not hate Democrats. I hate abortion.

I have found that many who believe in baby killing are brainwashed drones. Once shown the horror of it they often overcome the leftist propaganda and recognize it for what it is.

Do YOU believe in the death penalty ? Cause i find it odd that most pro lifers are also pro death penalty .
I do not, but your point is meaningless and exposes you as a fool.

Do you think the unborn are the same as a brutal murderer?

I don't consider an unviable fetus to be a person . Just a potential person . But hey, You draw your arbitrary line I draw mine .

Next time you claim to be prolife, be sure to include your asterisk .
And, now I hate you too.

Of course you do. It's the great hypocrisy. Righties are against abortion, yet they hate actual living breathing human beings .

No, just stupid illiterate ones like you.
A close friend had an abortion. The whole family was torn to pieces and making it so much worse are nasty, ignorant people like the OP. If you've never had to make that decision, you really don't know what you're talking about. I hope you are never pregnant and have to abort. I can guarantee it would change the way you look at it for yourself although it would not surprise me if you were still judgemental of others.

I've never met someone who had an abortion and didn't regret it.

They don't regret doing it.

They regret having no choice.

Frankly, I doubt you know anyone who has had an abortion. If you did, you wouldn't say something so empty and uncaring.

I don't care what you think kid. You've never held a woman who swears she has heard her baby crying at night. To you abortion is theoretical, to me it's a crises point where guilt and shame drive a stake though a woman's heart. Get back to me when you grow up.

A close friend had an abortion. The whole family was torn to pieces and making it so much worse are nasty, ignorant people like the OP. If you've never had to make that decision, you really don't know what you're talking about. I hope you are never pregnant and have to abort. I can guarantee it would change the way you look at it for yourself although it would not surprise me if you were still judgemental of others.

I've never met someone who had an abortion and didn't regret it.

Because society shames women who have abortions so they keep it to themselves.

Yes. Read doc1's post above. I wasn't going to respond to that part but yes

These people have no clue what its like to be faced with an utterly impossible decision that's not really a decision at all and instead of being able to just say what happened and how horrible is was and is and will be for ever and ever, you have to be careful.

People like doc, blackrook - they know nothing but still they judge you. Throw away friends instead of sitting down, holding her hand and saying "tell me, you can trust me, I'm your friend".

Anyone reading this - You have to do what you have to do but just be careful who you trust.
What kind of friend tells you to kill your child. A better friend, and an actual one would help with raising this child.

Who were you helping with this abortion? Her or you?
Of all the filthy dirty reasons to hate the Democrats, abortion is the filthiest and dirtiest reason of all.

How can you stand there and tell me you think it's okay to take a pair of scissors and plunge it into the skull of an innocent unborn baby, suck it's brains out with a vacuum, and then crush it's skull with a pair of forceps.

You people are filthy dirty animals.

Well, the first thing is that people who oppose abortion will support the killing of INNOCENT ANIMALS. They have no problem with a cow being killed, a chicken being killed, a rabbit being killed or whatever other animal it is that they're eating tonight.

Second, many of those who are supposedly "pro-life" support wars, they support executions, they support making life for the born kids not so great.

Third, the world's population is too big. The reason abortion was opposed by religious groups in the past was that people needed to have ten kids in order to hope two or three of these might make it to adulthood. Humanity needed every life going in order to survive. We've gone way past that. We don't need humans to survive, in fact we need LESS humans in order to survive. At this rate a big war is going to have to happen just to reduce the population, either that or a massive disease of some kind, but then again we're promoting this and you don't care. Like the use of antibiotics in the very animals that you're eating, which is making antibiotic resistant strains of deadly viruses.

But then again, you'll have your excuses why it's not YOUR fault that this is happening.
A close friend had an abortion. The whole family was torn to pieces and making it so much worse are nasty, ignorant people like the OP. If you've never had to make that decision, you really don't know what you're talking about. I hope you are never pregnant and have to abort. I can guarantee it would change the way you look at it for yourself although it would not surprise me if you were still judgemental of others.

I've never met someone who had an abortion and didn't regret it.

Run into a lot of people who've had an abortion have you?
Aren't you pro death penalty ?

And that's not what happens in abortion. Except in crazy rare cases .

For the record, I'm in favor of aborting murderous fetus', but not the innocent ones
A close friend had an abortion. The whole family was torn to pieces and making it so much worse are nasty, ignorant people like the OP. If you've never had to make that decision, you really don't know what you're talking about. I hope you are never pregnant and have to abort. I can guarantee it would change the way you look at it for yourself although it would not surprise me if you were still judgemental of others.

I've never met someone who had an abortion and didn't regret it.

They don't regret doing it.

They regret having no choice.

Frankly, I doubt you know anyone who has had an abortion. If you did, you wouldn't say something so empty and uncaring.

I don't care what you think kid. You've never held a woman who swears she has heard her baby crying at night. To you abortion is theoretical, to me it's a crises point where guilt and shame drive a stake though a woman's heart. Get back to me when you grow up.

A close friend had an abortion. The whole family was torn to pieces and making it so much worse are nasty, ignorant people like the OP. If you've never had to make that decision, you really don't know what you're talking about. I hope you are never pregnant and have to abort. I can guarantee it would change the way you look at it for yourself although it would not surprise me if you were still judgemental of others.

I've never met someone who had an abortion and didn't regret it.

Because society shames women who have abortions so they keep it to themselves.

Yes. Read doc1's post above. I wasn't going to respond to that part but yes

These people have no clue what its like to be faced with an utterly impossible decision that's not really a decision at all and instead of being able to just say what happened and how horrible is was and is and will be for ever and ever, you have to be careful.

People like doc, blackrook - they know nothing but still they judge you. Throw away friends instead of sitting down, holding her hand and saying "tell me, you can trust me, I'm your friend".

Anyone reading this - You have to do what you have to do but just be careful who you trust.

I know this lady who's fetus's insides , were on the outside. No way the baby would live more than minutes after being born. Nature can be a real bitch in pregnancy.

Our righty pals would have her go to full term and go thru a dangerous birth just to satisfy their sanctimonious stance .
Of all the filthy dirty reasons to hate the Democrats, abortion is the filthiest and dirtiest reason of all.

How can you stand there and tell me you think it's okay to take a pair of scissors and plunge it into the skull of an innocent unborn baby, suck it's brains out with a vacuum, and then crush it's skull with a pair of forceps.

You people are filthy dirty animals.



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Of all the filthy dirty reasons to hate the Democrats, abortion is the filthiest and dirtiest reason of all.

How can you stand there and tell me you think it's okay to take a pair of scissors and plunge it into the skull of an innocent unborn baby, suck it's brains out with a vacuum, and then crush it's skull with a pair of forceps.

You people are filthy dirty animals.

Well, the first thing is that people who oppose abortion will support the killing of INNOCENT ANIMALS. They have no problem with a cow being killed, a chicken being killed, a rabbit being killed or whatever other animal it is that they're eating tonight.

Second, many of those who are supposedly "pro-life" support wars, they support executions, they support making life for the born kids not so great.

Third, the world's population is too big. The reason abortion was opposed by religious groups in the past was that people needed to have ten kids in order to hope two or three of these might make it to adulthood. Humanity needed every life going in order to survive. We've gone way past that. We don't need humans to survive, in fact we need LESS humans in order to survive. At this rate a big war is going to have to happen just to reduce the population, either that or a massive disease of some kind, but then again we're promoting this and you don't care. Like the use of antibiotics in the very animals that you're eating, which is making antibiotic resistant strains of deadly viruses.

But then again, you'll have your excuses why it's not YOUR fault that this is happening.

Which begs the question, what makes killing a cow OK but not human beings?

Many left wingers in PETA would ask this question because they don't believe man was made in the image of God and, therefore, we are all just glorified animals.

It makes perfect since for an atheist to ask.
A close friend had an abortion. The whole family was torn to pieces and making it so much worse are nasty, ignorant people like the OP. If you've never had to make that decision, you really don't know what you're talking about. I hope you are never pregnant and have to abort. I can guarantee it would change the way you look at it for yourself although it would not surprise me if you were still judgemental of others.

I've never met someone who had an abortion and didn't regret it.

Run into a lot of people who've had an abortion have you?

More than you'd care to know of. Too bad you weren't aborted.
Aren't you pro death penalty ?

And that's not what happens in abortion. Except in crazy rare cases .

For the record, I'm in favor of aborting murderous fetus', but not the innocent ones

How about we give them a little trial and calm it even?

After all , a fetus is constantly assaulting its host mom!
Of all the filthy dirty reasons to hate the Democrats, abortion is the filthiest and dirtiest reason of all.

How can you stand there and tell me you think it's okay to take a pair of scissors and plunge it into the skull of an innocent unborn baby, suck it's brains out with a vacuum, and then crush it's skull with a pair of forceps.

You people are filthy dirty animals.

Well, the first thing is that people who oppose abortion will support the killing of INNOCENT ANIMALS. They have no problem with a cow being killed, a chicken being killed, a rabbit being killed or whatever other animal it is that they're eating tonight.
Easily solved. The woman and the man responsible should have to have a dinner party serving up the dead fetus as the main course to their families. I'm sure that's going to be a good time.
Aren't you pro death penalty ?

And that's not what happens in abortion. Except in crazy rare cases .

For the record, I'm in favor of aborting murderous fetus', but not the innocent ones

How about we give them a little trial and calm it even?

After all , a fetus is constantly assaulting its host mom!
Have you ever met a pregnant woman? They seem really far from being under assault.

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