Zone1 Abortion Policy Poll

What is your position on abortion policy?

  • It is a Constitutional Right prior to actual birth.

    Votes: 10 23.3%
  • It should be left up to the States.

    Votes: 22 51.2%
  • There should be a federal law regulating all abortions

    Votes: 11 25.6%

  • Total voters
Republicans justices legislating from the bench. Exactly what you guys accused us of doing in the 2000. Projection. Classic.

How is repealing Roe "legislating from the bench"?

What legislation was Roe based on that got countered by the court?
How is repealing Roe "legislating from the bench"?

What legislation was Roe based on that got countered by the court?
If you are truly stupid enough to ask that question, you should know that this decision is just laying the ground work for ultimately the day comes the Supreme's feel confident enough to say abortion is murder. And a Republicans Senate, House and White House will go along. It's one reason why women shouldn't vote Republican ever. That and social security. if you want yours to be there, don't vote GOP
If you are truly stupid enough to ask that question, you should know that this decision is just laying the ground work for ultimately the day comes the Supreme's feel confident enough to say abortion is murder. And a Republicans Senate, House and White House will go along. It's one reason why women shouldn't vote Republican ever. That and social security. if you want yours to be there, don't vote GOP

that will never happen. The support for repealing Roe was to send it back to the States. That united strict constructionists with the pro-life people. The strict constructionists have no desire to see abortion legislated at the federal level, never mind the SC just decreeing it to be murder. Leftists are for more likely to use courts to legislate, look at Obergfell as a perfect example of this.

What you are doing is fear mongering, pure and simple.
that will never happen. The support for repealing Roe was to send it back to the States. That united strict constructionists with the pro-life people. The strict constructionists have no desire to see abortion legislated at the federal level, never mind the SC just decreeing it to be murder. Leftists are for more likely to use courts to legislate, look at Obergfell as a perfect example of this.

What you are doing is fear mongering, pure and simple.
Jon Stewart explains perfectly why you guys don't give a fuck about the constitution.

“If you want to love Trump, love him. Go to the rallies. Buy the sneakers. You want to give him absolute power. You want him to be the leader uber alles, you want them to have the right of kings, you do you, but stop framing it as patriotism because the one thing you cannot say is that Donald Trump following the tradition of the founders,” Stewart said. “He is advocating for complete and total presidential immunity, his words not mine. That is monarchy sh*t, and it’s your right to support it, but just do me a favor for historical accuracy. Next time you want to dress up at the rallies where the right f*cking color colored coats.”

Jon Stewart explains perfectly why you guys don't give a fuck about the constitution.

“If you want to love Trump, love him. Go to the rallies. Buy the sneakers. You want to give him absolute power. You want him to be the leader uber alles, you want them to have the right of kings, you do you, but stop framing it as patriotism because the one thing you cannot say is that Donald Trump following the tradition of the founders,” Stewart said. “He is advocating for complete and total presidential immunity, his words not mine. That is monarchy sh*t, and it’s your right to support it, but just do me a favor for historical accuracy. Next time you want to dress up at the rallies where the right f*cking color colored coats.”

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LOL John Stewart. Another guy hiding behind the clown nose.

Please show me where Trump has done anything to the Constitution, never mind what lefty judges do to it.

No, he isn't. He is saying you have to impeach and remove any president first when they act as President.
On one hand you laugh at bans, on the other you push for them. Talk about doublethink.
Oh, I don't think we should ban guns.

Just make it legal for the victims of gun violence to sue the gunmakers.

After that, they will give every gun buyer a colonoscopy before they sell them a gun.
Oh, I don't think we should ban guns.

Just make it legal for the victims of gun violence to sue the gunmakers.

After that, they will give every gun buyer a colonoscopy before they sell them a gun.

End run. The guns perform as they are designed. they propel a bullet down a tube via explosive combustion.
LOL John Stewart. Another guy hiding behind the clown nose.

Please show me where Trump has done anything to the Constitution, never mind what lefty judges do to it.

No, he isn't. He is saying you have to impeach and remove any president first when they act as President.
Watch the Daily Show Monday with Jon Stewart. He nails you assholes.

7 minutes in Trump lawyer argues President Trump can murder his political adversaries. Unconstitutional

Dictator One Day. That’s how it starts. (and trump supporters seem okay with it)

As president you have to have immunity from crimes Trump says.

Trump talks of jailing journalists and them getting raped in prison

Trump said bring in the troops and shoot protesters in the legs

No 5th amendment. If you rob a store you will be shot leaving the store

Trump supporters saying this country needs a dictator

Stop framing your love of Trump as patriotic.
End run. The guns perform as they are designed. they propel a bullet down a tube via explosive combustion.

People who want to be police are given a psychological test to see if they have the right temperment for the job. Background checks. Interview with friends.

They vet them because it's a lot of power to give a person.

So is a gun.
Watch the Daily Show Monday with Jon Stewart. He nails you assholes.

7 minutes in Trump lawyer argues President Trump can murder his political adversaries. Unconstitutional

Dictator One Day. That’s how it starts. (and trump supporters seem okay with it)

As president you have to have immunity from crimes Trump says.

Trump talks of jailing journalists and them getting raped in prison

Trump said bring in the troops and shoot protesters in the legs

No 5th amendment. If you rob a store you will be shot leaving the store

Trump supporters saying this country needs a dictator

Stop framing your love of Trump as patriotic.

He's a hack for hacks.

What the lawyer was saying is the President ordering the military to strike enemies isn't prosecutable.

But your hyperbole shows just how much you think Trump is going to win in November.
People who want to be police are given a psychological test to see if they have the right temperment for the job. Background checks. Interview with friends.

They vet them because it's a lot of power to give a person.

So is a gun.

And yet Police have high rates of both domestic abuse problems, drinking problems, and suicide attempts.

Any person applying to the police department knows to lie through their teeth about things like that.
He's a hack for hacks.

What the lawyer was saying is the President ordering the military to strike enemies isn't prosecutable.

But your hyperbole shows just how much you think Trump is going to win in November.
They have about 5 other people who try to host TDS and no one is nearly as good as Jon. That's why you hate him. He helped get Obama elected. If only he was around for Hillary.
They have about 5 other people who try to host TDS and no one is nearly as good as Jon. That's why you hate him. He helped get Obama elected. If only he was around for Hillary.

You don't hate a dog for pissing on a fire hydrant, it's just being a dog.
End run. The guns perform as they are designed. they propel a bullet down a tube via explosive combustion.
Hardly an end-run.

We have a gun problem because people who shouldn't have guns get them.

I'll even grant, 99% of gun owners are responsible.

The problem is the gun industry isn't, and happily sell to Joker Holmes or Adam Lanza's crazy mom.

If you hold them liable like any other industry, you will see more responsible behavior.

The Founders never meant for Joker Holmes to have a machine gun.
Hardly an end-run.

We have a gun problem because people who shouldn't have guns get them.

I'll even grant, 99% of gun owners are responsible.

The problem is the gun industry isn't, and happily sell to Joker Holmes or Adam Lanza's crazy mom.

If you hold them liable like any other industry, you will see more responsible behavior.

The Founders never meant for Joker Holmes to have a machine gun.

Their products are working as intended. There isn't a liability issue.
Their products are working as intended. There isn't a liability issue.
No, it's a marketing issue.

Bars can already be found liable for drunk drivers if an investigation proved they kept pouring booze into people who had no business driving.

If a gun seller sells to a person they know is crazy, without doing a proper background check, then they should be held liable when that nut shoots up a theater.

When I got a home loan, I had to provide a ream of documentation even though I had previously gotten three mortgages, all of which I fulfilled. It took 30 days to review all the documents, and the loan processor told me it was quick because I had all my ducks in a row.

When I got my current job, they gave me a piss test, a background check, reviewed my financials, talked to former employers and coworkers, and this was AFTER a current employee who I previously worked with vouched for me.

I am currently in the process of getting my wife legal residency (Even though they've had her asylum claim for the last 7 years, they've done nothing with it.) I've had to submit 200 pages of documentation to prove that this is a legitimate relationship, and not a Green Card wedding.

When I applied for my Illinois FOID card (you know, where we supposedly have tough gun laws), I sent them a picture of myself and $11.00 and filled out a form swearing I wasn't a criminal or had a mental illness. That's it.

Seems that last one has too little scrutiny compared to the other three.
No, it's a marketing issue.

Bars can already be found liable for drunk drivers if an investigation proved they kept pouring booze into people who had no business driving.

If a gun seller sells to a person they know is crazy, without doing a proper background check, then they should be held liable when that nut shoots up a theater.

When I got a home loan, I had to provide a ream of documentation even though I had previously gotten three mortgages, all of which I fulfilled. It took 30 days to review all the documents, and the loan processor told me it was quick because I had all my ducks in a row.

When I got my current job, they gave me a piss test, a background check, reviewed my financials, talked to former employers and coworkers, and this was AFTER a current employee who I previously worked with vouched for me.

I am currently in the process of getting my wife legal residency (Even though they've had her asylum claim for the last 7 years, they've done nothing with it.) I've had to submit 200 pages of documentation to prove that this is a legitimate relationship, and not a Green Card wedding.

When I applied for my Illinois FOID card (you know, where we supposedly have tough gun laws), I sent them a picture of myself and $11.00 and filled out a form swearing I wasn't a criminal or had a mental illness. That's it.

Seems that last one has too little scrutiny compared to the other three.

The seller and the manufacturer are two different entities, by law.
The seller and the manufacturer are two different entities, by law.

And their liability should be considered separately.

You see, when the DC Snipers went on a rampage, the seller and manufacturer were both held liable because they sold to a convicted felon and a minor. Simple precautions would have prevented them from getting the guns they used. (One of which was stolen right off a rack.)

Congress responded by passing a law immunizing sellers and manufacturers from civil liability in most cases. The reckless conduct continues to this day.
And their liability should be considered separately.

You see, when the DC Snipers went on a rampage, the seller and manufacturer were both held liable because they sold to a convicted felon and a minor. Simple precautions would have prevented them from getting the guns they used. (One of which was stolen right off a rack.)

Congress responded by passing a law immunizing sellers and manufacturers from civil liability in most cases. The reckless conduct continues to this day.

why would the manufacturer be liable?

The gun worked as intended, and the manufacturer has not control over who the weapon is sold to.

That law was passed because liability laws were being wrongly applied, as in the case above where the manufacturer had no fault.

Also, they didn't sell the gun, he supposedly stole it according to the story I read.
why would the manufacturer be liable?

The gun worked as intended, and the manufacturer has not control over who the weapon is sold to.

That law was passed because liability laws were being wrongly applied, as in the case above where the manufacturer had no fault.

Also, they didn't sell the gun, he supposedly stole it according to the story I read.
It was intended to murder children?

A car company doesn't sell a car to someone who doesn't have a license and insurance. If they do they are liable for selling it to someone who shouldn't have a car, right?

The manufacturer does have control. They sell to dealers who sell to customers. The lobby government to loosen regulations when we should be tightening them.

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