Zone1 Abortion Policy Poll

What is your position on abortion policy?

  • It is a Constitutional Right prior to actual birth.

    Votes: 10 23.3%
  • It should be left up to the States.

    Votes: 22 51.2%
  • There should be a federal law regulating all abortions

    Votes: 11 25.6%

  • Total voters
Good thing no one is having those...

Usually, a third trimester abortion is performed between 24-30 weeks, on deformed fetuses.

Actually, with the exceptions of rape, incest, deformity or threat to the woman's health, which are the only reason why abortions are performed that late. Not that it matters, H I P A A, bitches. None of your fucking business.

Not at all... I'm just trying to follow rules and not talking about something specifically not allowed by the rules.

Usually, but the new laws don't prevent the scenario I stated, as long as 1 doctor signs off on it.

HIPAA wasn't meant to shield things like I am describing.

Talk about circular "logic"
Usually, but the new laws don't prevent the scenario I stated, as long as 1 doctor signs off on it.

HIPAA wasn't meant to shield things like I am describing.

Talk about circular "logic"
We shouldn't make laws based on "Scenarios"; we should make them based on real-world applications.

No woman is going to go through seven months of pregnancy and decide she didn't want a baby.

If she'd gone that far, she's already set up a nursery and picked out baby names.

The problem with you ghouls is that you want to insert yourself into their most intimate decisions.

Such as the fetal homicide laws that were used to prosecute women (usually women of color) who had miscarriages.
We shouldn't make laws based on "Scenarios"; we should make them based on real-world applications.

No woman is going to go through seven months of pregnancy and decide she didn't want a baby.

If she'd gone that far, she's already set up a nursery and picked out baby names.

The problem with you ghouls is that you want to insert yourself into their most intimate decisions.

Such as the fetal homicide laws that were used to prosecute women (usually women of color) who had miscarriages.

Then why write the laws to allow the scenario in question?
there should always be the option of abortion b4 viability, nationwide.
Why if a majority of the people don't want that? Chances are there will be enough states that do have unrestricted abortion that there will always be that option for those who want it. But I have no problem with people putting some reasonable restriction on abortion on demand if they believe that is the ethical choice.

We can't have it both ways. Either we are a government of the people, by the people, for the people are we are governed by the whims and ideology of a small oligarchy in government. That means some are likely going to be pleased with and some are going to be disappointed or angry with any given policy or law but the brilliance of the U.S. system is that all states do not have to pass the same laws except the mandatory ones implied in the Constitution. And nobody other than those under court order are required to reside in any given state.

I too have an offline life, I just bolt in the ability to carry my smartphone with me that's hooked up to the internet. That way I can keep tabs on jobs, emails, forums etc.. I also notice when a question was posed, the person who it was posed to has since been online, but they either ignored the question or they lack the ability to realise what notification options they have.

I also possess the ability to check up a few posts and I found this -

It looks like a question to me.
That’s cool, you clearly have a considerable amount of time to spend on this (however you ought to consider occasionally disconnecting and enjoying the real world occasionally) . For example yesterday I spent a chunk of the day off line with our dog training group working our dogs, then took one of them for a 3-mile run, spent an hour trying figure out whether or not it was time to bring in hospice for my mom, and yes, probably was on line a little as well. Abortion wasn’t first and foremost in my mind. Being online here, right now, is a welcome break for me and I opt to pick and choose who and what I respond to. I owe no one, including you, a response, validation or acknowledgement of a post unless I choose to.

Your link just brought up the thread. What is the post number of the one you want me to address?

My stance on this is consistent. Abortion is about conflicting rights. At some point the fetus’ rights are going to matter, but that is certainly not at conception.
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That’s cool, you clearly have a considerable amount of time to spend on this (however you ought to consider occasionally disconnecting and enjoying the real world occasionally) . For example yesterday I spent a chunk of the day off line with our dog training group working our dogs, then took one of them for a 3-mile run, spent an hour trying figure out whether or not it was time to bring in hospice for my mom, and yes, probably was on line a little as well. Abortion wasn’t first and foremost in my mind. Being online here, right now, is a welcome break for me and I opt to pick and choose who and what I respond to. I owe no one, including you, a response, validation or acknowledgement of a post unless I choose to.

Your link just brought up the thread. What is the post number of the one you want me to address?

My stance on this is consistent. Abortion is about conflicting rights. At some point the fetus’ rights are going to matter, but that is certainly not at conception.
Damn links, post #148

Yes, we all lead hectic lives. I have a 10 year dog and 2 puppies. Running around yesterday and today between different hospitals as the girlfriends mother had a heart attack. Being self employed means I'm on the tools whilst being the secretary, accountant, quantity surveyor etc.. So I keep my phone on me 24/7, notifications from texts, WhatsApp, emails, the Ring doorbell etc.. My calender contains everything, it's peppered with repeated entries that keeps me organised.

The girlfriend struggles to remember one task, she's not organised.

Like yourself, it's never ending
Why do you think women who don't want a baby, get pregnant, then go through the hassle of getting an abortion?

Is it poor education, IQ problems, or what?

It's like, I don't want to damage the bumper on my car, so I pick up a hammer and smash the bumper, and then go through the hassle and expense to get the dent pulled out and repainted.

Just don't whack the bumper, just don't get pregnant.
Women get pregnant for a variety of reasons, not always by choice. They also choose to end a pregnancy for a variety of reasons. Poor education can be one aspect, birth control can fail as can relationships that would have provided two parents, life situations can change. I doubt they set out and decide to get pregnant so they can have an abortion.
if it's a law passed in my country it is very my business. You or the government doesn't get to decide that.
If you guys ever get an abortion law passed, it will be ignored.

It's like you people learned not a damned thing from prohibition. You can't take something away from the population that they once enjoyed because a few moral scolds got a law passed.

Despite the best efforts of three Republican Presidents (at least one of whom was a drunk) the country in the 1920s was awash in booze.

Unless you clowns are going to investigate every miscarriage as a homicide (that will go over really well) women will continue to get abortions, and the doctors will just write something else down on the charts. Which is pretty much what they did before Roe.
If you guys ever get an abortion law passed, it will be ignored.

It's like you people learned not a damned thing from prohibition. You can't take something away from the population that they once enjoyed because a few moral scolds got a law passed.

Despite the best efforts of three Republican Presidents (at least one of whom was a drunk) the country in the 1920s was awash in booze.

Unless you clowns are going to investigate every miscarriage as a homicide (that will go over really well) women will continue to get abortions, and the doctors will just write something else down on the charts. Which is pretty much what they did before Roe.

That isn't a reason to not pass laws in and of itself.

You guys keep trying it with firearms, and nicotine, and not calling dudes "ma'am"

Booze and abortion are two different things entirely. The comparison doesn't wash.

Argumentum ad absurdum. Most Pro-lifers are happy with the laws on the books. Only the abortion rights types seem to be on the absolutist warpath these days.
That isn't a reason to not pass laws in and of itself.
Actually, it's a very good reason. Laws should only be passed when there is general consensus this ought to be a law.

You guys keep trying it with firearms, and nicotine, and not calling dudes "ma'am"

Last time I checked, guns and cigarettes are still legal.

Booze and abortion are two different things entirely. The comparison doesn't wash.

Actually, it's a slam dunk. The minute that you guys manage to make abortion illegal, a bunch of clever people will find ways to start smuggling RU-486, setting up clandestine abortion clinics.

For instance, prostitution is illegal in 49 states. That doesn't stop escort agencies, massage parlors, adult book stores, and strip clubs from operating with impunity.

Argumentum ad absurdum. Most Pro-lifers are happy with the laws on the books. Only the abortion rights types seem to be on the absolutist warpath these days.
Actually, it's a very good reason. Laws should only be passed when there is general consensus this ought to be a law.

Last time I checked, guns and cigarettes are still legal.

Actually, it's a slam dunk. The minute that you guys manage to make abortion illegal, a bunch of clever people will find ways to start smuggling RU-486, setting up clandestine abortion clinics.

For instance, prostitution is illegal in 49 states. That doesn't stop escort agencies, massage parlors, adult book stores, and strip clubs from operating with impunity.

There is consensus for abortion restrictions in at least part amongst the majority of the population.

Not due to lack of trying on the part of the left.

That would be illegal.

So give up all laws?
There is consensus for abortion restrictions in at least part amongst the majority of the population.

Not due to lack of trying on the part of the left.

That would be illegal.

So give up all laws?
Yes, the consensus is "Mind your own fucking business".

Please. If we had a vote on it, we'd ban both. Sadly, they are billion dollar industry spreading death and misery, which make them loved by the right wing, who seem to think misery and freedom are the same thing.

Give up on laws that are stupid.
Yes, the consensus is "Mind your own fucking business".

Please. If we had a vote on it, we'd ban both. Sadly, they are billion dollar industry spreading death and misery, which make them loved by the right wing, who seem to think misery and freedom are the same thing.

Give up on laws that are stupid.

No, it isn't. Restrictions after the first trimester or so poll very well.

On one hand you laugh at bans, on the other you push for them. Talk about doublethink.

NYC's gun control laws are stupid and unconstitutional, give up on them?

Laws against gas stoves are stupid, give up on them?

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