Abortion Poll

Under Which Conditions Would You Support A Legal Abortion?

  • Never, under no circumstances

    Votes: 11 14.9%
  • Never, except in cases of rape and incest

    Votes: 3 4.1%
  • Never, except in cases of rape/incest in the first trimester, any time afterward to save the mother

    Votes: 23 31.1%
  • On demand for all, but only in the first trimester. Illegal after that.

    Votes: 9 12.2%
  • On demand for all, but only up to 20 weeks of gestation. Illegal after that.

    Votes: 8 10.8%
  • On demand for all, but only through the second trimester. Illegal after that.

    Votes: 4 5.4%
  • On demand for all, right up to the end of the third trimester

    Votes: 16 21.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Those who are anti-choice are essentially anti-baby as well. It's clear these people don't actually care about babies, they view babies as a punishment for women and their "loose morals".
I don't think that's universally true. But while the SC could overturn Roe, they still have PP v. Casey which held there is a 14th amendment a woman's "autonomy" that may not be unduly burdened. Recent court cases seem to hold there's nothing short of an outright ban on basically first trimester pregnancy that is an undue burden, however.
Majority Of Americans Don't Want Roe v. Wade Overturned With a new conservative Supreme Court justice likely to be seated, only 17 percent of poll respondents say they want the landmark abortion ruling overturned, a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll finds.


Majority Of Americans Don't Want Roe v. Wade Overturned
July 25, 201812:33 PM ET

Protesters spread their dueling messages at a March for Life rally in 2016. Only 17 percent of Americans say they want the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling overturned, a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll finds.

Just 17 percent say they support overturning Roe outright. Another 24 percent say they want Roe kept in place, but they want to see more restrictions on abortion.

Just 17 percent want to keep Roe the way it is; 1 in 5 (21 percent) say they want abortion rights expanded to any circumstance and another 15 percent want Roe kept in place and want some restrictions reduced.

In all, that means 41 percent want Roe either overturned or want to see more restrictions on abortion rights, while 53 percent want Roe either kept as is or have abortion rights expanded.

The poll comes as the U.S. Senate is set to consider President Trump's nomination of federal Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Kavanaugh would replace Anthony Kennedy and would almost certainly be more conservative.
Majority Of Americans Don't Want Roe v. Wade Overturned With a new conservative Supreme Court justice likely to be seated, only 17 percent of poll respondents say they want the landmark abortion ruling overturned, a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll finds.


Majority Of Americans Don't Want Roe v. Wade Overturned
July 25, 201812:33 PM ET

Protesters spread their dueling messages at a March for Life rally in 2016. Only 17 percent of Americans say they want the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling overturned, a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll finds.

Just 17 percent say they support overturning Roe outright. Another 24 percent say they want Roe kept in place, but they want to see more restrictions on abortion.

Just 17 percent want to keep Roe the way it is; 1 in 5 (21 percent) say they want abortion rights expanded to any circumstance and another 15 percent want Roe kept in place and want some restrictions reduced.

In all, that means 41 percent want Roe either overturned or want to see more restrictions on abortion rights, while 53 percent want Roe either kept as is or have abortion rights expanded.

The poll comes as the U.S. Senate is set to consider President Trump's nomination of federal Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Kavanaugh would replace Anthony Kennedy and would almost certainly be more conservative.
/——-/ Well after a lot of digging I found the demographics of the poll . 1,061 random adults with no indication of citizenship, religion, gender or political party. When you take a real poll let us know. Source: NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll of 1,061 U.S. adults conducted July 19 to 22. The margin of error is 3.6 percentage points. “Vol.” indicates a volunteered response
It seems where emotional topics like abortion or gun control are concerned, it does not take long for the discussion to be controlled by extremists. Even level headed people feel pushed to the poles in defense of their positions.

I'd like to illustrate the wide spectrum of opinions, and I thought a poll would be the best way to do that.

Please select the option which comes closest to your feelings about abortion.

Thank you.

Notice that your poll is what should be legal and your OP asks for "feelings" about abortion.

That the law wouldn't dictate that everyone be forced with government guns to follow your "feelings" just isn't part of your world, is it?
Majority Of Americans Don't Want Roe v. Wade Overturned With a new conservative Supreme Court justice likely to be seated, only 17 percent of poll respondents say they want the landmark abortion ruling overturned, a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll finds.


Majority Of Americans Don't Want Roe v. Wade Overturned
July 25, 201812:33 PM ET

Protesters spread their dueling messages at a March for Life rally in 2016. Only 17 percent of Americans say they want the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling overturned, a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll finds.

Just 17 percent say they support overturning Roe outright. Another 24 percent say they want Roe kept in place, but they want to see more restrictions on abortion.

Just 17 percent want to keep Roe the way it is; 1 in 5 (21 percent) say they want abortion rights expanded to any circumstance and another 15 percent want Roe kept in place and want some restrictions reduced.

In all, that means 41 percent want Roe either overturned or want to see more restrictions on abortion rights, while 53 percent want Roe either kept as is or have abortion rights expanded.

The poll comes as the U.S. Senate is set to consider President Trump's nomination of federal Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Kavanaugh would replace Anthony Kennedy and would almost certainly be more conservative.

People have the mistaken belief that overturning Roe v. Wade would make abortion illegal. It wouldn't, it just would move the decision where it Constitutionally belongs, the States. Most States would keep it legal
I would agree that for the most part, abortion in some form is here to stay. I agree with some restrictions on abortion and it is not a religious issue to me but rather a humanitarian one so I can see both sides.
Here is another poll...showing most Americans want to keep abortion leagal in most cases. The lowest support is legal in all or illegal in all cases. That means support for overturning Roe is unlikely to be high.

Abortion | Pew Research Center
Let them cull their own.

It should not be at that level.
It's a line that they cross for sure.
Allowing them to kill innocents for what sake?

The ones who profit from such will profit.
And only reinvest those profits against those who find such activity abhorrent.
It's still just profit to them, and over time it is still a win for them

It's one of their major profit machines. Time to throw a wrench in that particular death machine I think.
For Christ's sake they make money from killing babies!
Here is another poll...showing most Americans want to keep abortion leagal in most cases. The lowest support is legal in all or illegal in all cases. That means support for overturning Roe is unlikely to be high.

Abortion | Pew Research Center

Roe v. Wade should be overturned as the Constitutional abomination that it is. Abortion isn't in the Constitution, therefore it's a State power. But most States won't ban abortions, which is what the left constantly implies
Here is another poll...showing most Americans want to keep abortion leagal in most cases. The lowest support is legal in all or illegal in all cases. That means support for overturning Roe is unlikely to be high.

Abortion | Pew Research Center

Roe v. Wade should be overturned as the Constitutional abomination that it is. Abortion isn't in the Constitution, therefore it's a State power. But most States won't ban abortions, which is what the left constantly implies
Disagree. States dont have rights over my body.
Here is another poll...showing most Americans want to keep abortion leagal in most cases. The lowest support is legal in all or illegal in all cases. That means support for overturning Roe is unlikely to be high.

Abortion | Pew Research Center

Roe v. Wade should be overturned as the Constitutional abomination that it is. Abortion isn't in the Constitution, therefore it's a State power. But most States won't ban abortions, which is what the left constantly implies
Disagree. States dont have rights over my body.
/——-/ States can take your freedom and even kill you with the dearth penalty
I voted on demand up until the 3rd trimester.
I dont believe the unborn are human beings. I also dont believe in the govt forcing a person to go against their will as long as they are not impeding on anothers rights.


Me? Yea, I think that they can have an abortion until they grow ears cuz kids without ears just look funny like.
It seems where emotional topics like abortion or gun control are concerned, it does not take long for the discussion to be controlled by extremists. Even level headed people feel pushed to the poles in defense of their positions.

I'd like to illustrate the wide spectrum of opinions, and I thought a poll would be the best way to do that.

Please select the option which comes closest to your feelings about abortion.

Thank you.

I think you need a specific category..... only in the case of the mother and baby dying if she carries the baby to term, and that is at her discretion. It then becomes a matter of triage, trying to save at least one life vs.losing both.

Other than that, no reason for abortion.
I must say, I am quite shocked to see over one fifth of the poll respondents are okay with abortion on demand all the way up to birth.
Here is another poll...showing most Americans want to keep abortion leagal in most cases. The lowest support is legal in all or illegal in all cases. That means support for overturning Roe is unlikely to be high.

Abortion | Pew Research Center

Roe v. Wade should be overturned as the Constitutional abomination that it is. Abortion isn't in the Constitution, therefore it's a State power. But most States won't ban abortions, which is what the left constantly implies
Disagree. States dont have rights over my body.

We're talking about the Constitution. That's pretty damned obvious if you read the post.

As for owning your body, another leftist double standard. Can a woman chose to put drugs in her body? Gamble with her body? Prostitute her body? Can she sell body limbs? Have a baby for pay? Use her body to work for less than minimum wage?

These leftists standards from you people come and disappear as quickly as they came
Here is another poll...showing most Americans want to keep abortion leagal in most cases. The lowest support is legal in all or illegal in all cases. That means support for overturning Roe is unlikely to be high.

Abortion | Pew Research Center

Roe v. Wade should be overturned as the Constitutional abomination that it is. Abortion isn't in the Constitution, therefore it's a State power. But most States won't ban abortions, which is what the left constantly implies
Disagree. States dont have rights over my body.

We're talking about the Constitution. That's pretty damned obvious if you read the post.

As for owning your body, another leftist double standard. Can a woman chose to put drugs in her body? Gamble with her body? Prostitute her body? Can she sell body limbs? Have a baby for pay? Use her body to work for less than minimum wage?

These leftists standards from you people come and disappear as quickly as they came

In my opinion, if she wants to do1,2 or 3 it is her business unless it effects others. I don’t see legislators inserting themselves in a mans decision to have a vasectomy.
Here is another poll...showing most Americans want to keep abortion leagal in most cases. The lowest support is legal in all or illegal in all cases. That means support for overturning Roe is unlikely to be high.

Abortion | Pew Research Center

Roe v. Wade should be overturned as the Constitutional abomination that it is. Abortion isn't in the Constitution, therefore it's a State power. But most States won't ban abortions, which is what the left constantly implies
Disagree. States dont have rights over my body.

We're talking about the Constitution. That's pretty damned obvious if you read the post.

As for owning your body, another leftist double standard. Can a woman chose to put drugs in her body? Gamble with her body? Prostitute her body? Can she sell body limbs? Have a baby for pay? Use her body to work for less than minimum wage?

These leftists standards from you people come and disappear as quickly as they came

In my opinion, if she wants to do1,2 or 3 it is her business unless it effects others. I don’t see legislators inserting themselves in a mans decision to have a vasectomy.
That’s the nature of the inconsistent conservative and rightwing hypocrisy.

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