Abortion Rates Down


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2011
education and birth control keep numbers dropping. After all without sperm there can be no pregnancy. Men are the problem ......... face it. Cut off the dicks of all who hit and run.

“This report confirms what we’ve long known to be true — that increasing people’s access to affordable and effective methods of birth control leads to fewer abortions. The report also shows that restrictive state laws are not responsible for a reduction in abortion. This shouldn’t be up for debate.

“While birth control is basic, preventive health care, the Trump administration’s recent attack on Title X puts access to affordable birth control and other reproductive health care at risk for millions of people, especially people of color, people with low-incomes, and those living in remote or rural areas.

“Planned Parenthood serves 40 percent of Title X patients and provides birth control information and services to over 2 million people each year. We’re committed to offering information and education on the full range of birth control options to help our patients make informed decisions about which contraceptive method is best for them, and we’re proud to offer safe, legal abortion to those who need it.”

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Not killing babies is a good thing. Me not paying for it is also a good thing. But the really good thing is the alternative to needing the medical procedure. It is called BIRTH CONTROL. And it comes in a variety of forms...

The macabre truth about abortion has nothing to do with a woman's health. and everything to do with the exorbitant money made from selling baby parts, including the tissue used in the 12 billion covid vaccines that were given.

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Speaking as a gender fluid natural born male let me just say I'm glad people agree with my right to not have kids at any cost.
So more "little bundles of burden" is a good thing? Are you fuckin' people high?

PP needs to step up their game in the blue goblinvilles.

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