Abortion Rights Proposal


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Ok Americans, wanna be able to get an abortion fine. But during the procedure a little camera will be inserted into the woman's womb with a light so she can see what's being aborted. And she has to look at it.

When you see what's involved and what's going on your position tends to change unless you're an ogre. If it looks like a baby, moves and wiggles like a baby, and reacts in pain like baby, it's a baby not a fetus. And if when you insert the cold metallic probe inside and rip the baby apart so it flows out like goo you might think differently about abortion and start thinking of it for what it is, it's the killing of a baby. Not murder, that's a legal term, but it's absolutely ending the life of another human being.

Oh ya, and it wont be 'abortion' any more it'll be referred to everywhere as 'killing my own child.' When we change terms, people respond differently, why it's called "abortion" in the first place.
I agree. The terminology and the not knowing what is really going on, really shields folks and helps them avoid accepting responsibilities for their act(s).

I think most women who get abortions are already having one of the worst days of their life. So, I don't advocate heckling them as they walk into a clinic. But I do think the more who understand exactly what they are doing, the fewer abortions we're gonna have.

But you can say the same thing about a lot of things. People are really good at rationalizing, selective memory, and all the other ego saving devices. So, to me anyway, the bottom line is that a fetus is a human being who is entitled to protection under our legal system.

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