Abortion Solutions: Post 'Em Here!

Do you consider abortion to be righteous in some circomstances, or never at all?

What about condoms, are those ok? Because the Pope says no, and if you're actually a catholic, you have to do as the man says.
What if someone wasn't religious and considered abortion not right in any circumstances besides abortions done if the mothers health is at grave risk? Do you think that pro life people are mostly religious or have you met people that don't use religious reasons to explain why they think abortion is wrong
Considering abortions not right isn't the same as wanting them outlawed. Religious people want them outlawed. What about you?

i think that some people that consider abortion not to be right also think it should be outlawed with the exception of if the mothers life is it at risk .I think it really comes down to whether or not Someone thinks the unborn child is a life or not. If you believe it's a life then you would be on the pro life side of the argument . If you don't believe it's a life with the same rights as the other lives in the US then you'd probably fall on the pro choice side
There's no proof that the soul enters the body at conception until someone can show when the fetus is conscious as an individual person.

And everyone is pro-life, what you're referring to is the anti-choice movement.
Why do you reject science with arbitrary distinctions? Science tells us that a new human being is created at conception.
Science tells us that a new human being is created at conception.

It seems that you have a need to rationalize what is wrong as right.

you are no different ... you haven't answered whether you still practice sexual interchange with a partner, is it something you are hiding from. what science says ...
that is up to the woman not you to decide what is right and wrong for her
That was non-responsive.

it is not about what right in your mind but what is right for the person making the choice.

Religiously, many permit or have no opinion on a woman's choices. It even varies among christian denominations.

Abortion is a private medical choice in this and most countries. It is not funded by tax payers and should not be subject to public control.

Right and wrong has to be the woman's decision and her's alone

You don't get to be in the doctor's office at the time and you do not have a say in what is right for her medically, mentally, morally or her situation at the time or of her aspersions for her life, education, job or anything else.

If she is not ready to be a mother or commit to nine months to carry a fetus to term, she should not have to.

Abortions and birth control are as old as human history if not older. It is not for you to decide what is right or wrong for each woman.
Of course it matters what is right and wrong. By your logic Hitler was justified because in his mind he was doing right.

You can't even go on record saying that abortion is wrong.

If it was his body he making the choice for.................

What hitler did, he did to germans as well.

I've seen too many woman that would be killed if they were found to be pregnant, even by rape. I've also know women that kill their own babies during war either because it endangered them or their were not enough resources to care for all the baby and herself or other members of the family.

There are many circumstances when a woman might choose other members of the family over an infant and their reasons are sound for the situation and their own needs.

Not all situation are ideal, we don't live in such world. It really has to be right for the woman. That is the only criteria to judge right or wrong. Every situation is different.

Some women/girls are not mentally or physically able to be a mother or follow instructions during pregnancy. Some are not emotionally ready. For others it might be their work or finances. I'd rather a woman wait till she is ready than for the child to suffer neglect or abuse because the woman is too stressed out and has no support system to help her out.

For some that are not birth control, it fails for many reasons.

Some women choose to wait till their 40's before having children.

You are not the one to decide when it is right or not. Nor is your religion the one to decide for women of other faiths or no faith.

Some states will continue to support clinics and a woman's right to choose. A few might not and make it more difficult for women in those states to get legal abortions. Over the counter and email might become more popular methods in those places. For medical reasons and in the case of rape, abortions will continue. Women might have to go to a different county or state but abortions will remain an option.
It seems that you have a need to rationalize what is wrong as right.

Realistic about the world and some reasons why women sought help to abort. It was not for me to judge them.
I know how foods and herbs can be used to help them. Medicines and invasive methods were hard to come by during wars. I listened to so many stories of women over the years and saw the alternatives that face them.

Can you imagine the irony of women in the US had to travel to the middle east, asia or africa to get an abortion?

As it is, if necessary they can go to canada, or mexico in certain situation, but they should not have to.

Funding should be a state matter to decide but availability should be nation wide.

It has not been federally funded in decades but that seems to be a major objection for some who oppose abortions. Prices vary widely, but certain clinics tried to keep the cost reasonable, in the $500-3500 range. A few places if you look hard enough there is no cost, but they are rare and privately subsidized.

Hospitals for medical reasons are much more, but depending on insurance might be covered.

I doubt any reasonable woman is a "fan" of abortions, unless they are Lena Dunham type, but it should be an options for them if necessary. A safe legal option.

Right or wrong is for the woman to decide. It is her body.

I don't believe in tattoos or strange implants to look freakish but I'm not about to tell people it is wrong or should be illegal. The body is a individual's to control, not yours. Their body, their choices, their decision.

If a woman wants to get her tubes tied, or man to get vasectomy, they is not up to you to say yea or nay. If a woman take hormones or gets an implant, it is not for you to interfere. If a woman is under a contractual obligation from her work and cannot take time for a pregnancy or pay for work to come to a standstill for them for several months...........

Can you imagine a pro athlete taking nine months off of a multi million dollar contract to have a baby and then to pick up where they left off? To have something like football stop for nine months or more in the beginning or middle of a season till the player is ready to return? Men don't get to do that, nor do some women. Men are lucky if they get a few weeks after their wives give birth. For some women, their bodies don't just bounce back or their might be major complications during or afterwards that could end their carrier.

Some women who don't have family or friends to help them can't afford daycare and pay their basic bills. If they have a minimum pay job daycare is far more than they make.

For some women pregnancy is a danger and doctors might tell them they should never risk getting pregnant.

What ever the reason, it is not for you to decide what is right for them.
With the morning after pill, there shouldn't be
any excuse for an abortion procedure...

our choices carry consequences,
if you can't make responsible choices,
then deal with the consequences
What if someone wasn't religious and considered abortion not right in any circumstances besides abortions done if the mothers health is at grave risk? Do you think that pro life people are mostly religious or have you met people that don't use religious reasons to explain why they think abortion is wrong
Considering abortions not right isn't the same as wanting them outlawed. Religious people want them outlawed. What about you?

i think that some people that consider abortion not to be right also think it should be outlawed with the exception of if the mothers life is it at risk .I think it really comes down to whether or not Someone thinks the unborn child is a life or not. If you believe it's a life then you would be on the pro life side of the argument . If you don't believe it's a life with the same rights as the other lives in the US then you'd probably fall on the pro choice side
There's no proof that the soul enters the body at conception until someone can show when the fetus is conscious as an individual person.

And everyone is pro-life, what you're referring to is the anti-choice movement.
Why do you reject science with arbitrary distinctions? Science tells us that a new human being is created at conception.
Science tells us that a new human being is created at conception.

It seems that you have a need to rationalize what is wrong as right.

you are no different ... you haven't answered whether you still practice sexual interchange with a partner, is it something you are hiding from. what science says ...
You should be focusing on the your people instead of me.

BlackGenocide.org | L.E.A.R.N. Northeast

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That was non-responsive.

it is not about what right in your mind but what is right for the person making the choice.

Religiously, many permit or have no opinion on a woman's choices. It even varies among christian denominations.

Abortion is a private medical choice in this and most countries. It is not funded by tax payers and should not be subject to public control.

Right and wrong has to be the woman's decision and her's alone

You don't get to be in the doctor's office at the time and you do not have a say in what is right for her medically, mentally, morally or her situation at the time or of her aspersions for her life, education, job or anything else.

If she is not ready to be a mother or commit to nine months to carry a fetus to term, she should not have to.

Abortions and birth control are as old as human history if not older. It is not for you to decide what is right or wrong for each woman.
Of course it matters what is right and wrong. By your logic Hitler was justified because in his mind he was doing right.

You can't even go on record saying that abortion is wrong.

If it was his body he making the choice for.................

What hitler did, he did to germans as well.

I've seen too many woman that would be killed if they were found to be pregnant, even by rape. I've also know women that kill their own babies during war either because it endangered them or their were not enough resources to care for all the baby and herself or other members of the family.

There are many circumstances when a woman might choose other members of the family over an infant and their reasons are sound for the situation and their own needs.

Not all situation are ideal, we don't live in such world. It really has to be right for the woman. That is the only criteria to judge right or wrong. Every situation is different.

Some women/girls are not mentally or physically able to be a mother or follow instructions during pregnancy. Some are not emotionally ready. For others it might be their work or finances. I'd rather a woman wait till she is ready than for the child to suffer neglect or abuse because the woman is too stressed out and has no support system to help her out.

For some that are not birth control, it fails for many reasons.

Some women choose to wait till their 40's before having children.

You are not the one to decide when it is right or not. Nor is your religion the one to decide for women of other faiths or no faith.

Some states will continue to support clinics and a woman's right to choose. A few might not and make it more difficult for women in those states to get legal abortions. Over the counter and email might become more popular methods in those places. For medical reasons and in the case of rape, abortions will continue. Women might have to go to a different county or state but abortions will remain an option.
It seems that you have a need to rationalize what is wrong as right.

Realistic about the world and some reasons why women sought help to abort. It was not for me to judge them.
I know how foods and herbs can be used to help them. Medicines and invasive methods were hard to come by during wars. I listened to so many stories of women over the years and saw the alternatives that face them.

Can you imagine the irony of women in the US had to travel to the middle east, asia or africa to get an abortion?

As it is, if necessary they can go to canada, or mexico in certain situation, but they should not have to.

Funding should be a state matter to decide but availability should be nation wide.

It has not been federally funded in decades but that seems to be a major objection for some who oppose abortions. Prices vary widely, but certain clinics tried to keep the cost reasonable, in the $500-3500 range. A few places if you look hard enough there is no cost, but they are rare and privately subsidized.

Hospitals for medical reasons are much more, but depending on insurance might be covered.

I doubt any reasonable woman is a "fan" of abortions, unless they are Lena Dunham type, but it should be an options for them if necessary. A safe legal option.

Right or wrong is for the woman to decide. It is her body.

I don't believe in tattoos or strange implants to look freakish but I'm not about to tell people it is wrong or should be illegal. The body is a individual's to control, not yours. Their body, their choices, their decision.

If a woman wants to get her tubes tied, or man to get vasectomy, they is not up to you to say yea or nay. If a woman take hormones or gets an implant, it is not for you to interfere. If a woman is under a contractual obligation from her work and cannot take time for a pregnancy or pay for work to come to a standstill for them for several months...........

Can you imagine a pro athlete taking nine months off of a multi million dollar contract to have a baby and then to pick up where they left off? To have something like football stop for nine months or more in the beginning or middle of a season till the player is ready to return? Men don't get to do that, nor do some women. Men are lucky if they get a few weeks after their wives give birth. For some women, their bodies don't just bounce back or their might be major complications during or afterwards that could end their carrier.

Some women who don't have family or friends to help them can't afford daycare and pay their basic bills. If they have a minimum pay job daycare is far more than they make.

For some women pregnancy is a danger and doctors might tell them they should never risk getting pregnant.

What ever the reason, it is not for you to decide what is right for them.
Who have I told what to do?

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Considering abortions not right isn't the same as wanting them outlawed. Religious people want them outlawed. What about you?

i think that some people that consider abortion not to be right also think it should be outlawed with the exception of if the mothers life is it at risk .I think it really comes down to whether or not Someone thinks the unborn child is a life or not. If you believe it's a life then you would be on the pro life side of the argument . If you don't believe it's a life with the same rights as the other lives in the US then you'd probably fall on the pro choice side
There's no proof that the soul enters the body at conception until someone can show when the fetus is conscious as an individual person.

And everyone is pro-life, what you're referring to is the anti-choice movement.
Why do you reject science with arbitrary distinctions? Science tells us that a new human being is created at conception.
Science tells us that a new human being is created at conception.

It seems that you have a need to rationalize what is wrong as right.

you are no different ... you haven't answered whether you still practice sexual interchange with a partner, is it something you are hiding from. what science says ...
You should be focusing on the your people instead of me.

BlackGenocide.org | L.E.A.R.N. Northeast
You should be focusing on the your people instead of me.

your an idiot, to cowardly to answer the question creating a foil to hide behind is there something you are afraid of.
Last abortion clinic in Kentucky is suing to stay open.
Supreme court has rules in the past that states must allow reasonable access to abortion clinics.
i think that some people that consider abortion not to be right also think it should be outlawed with the exception of if the mothers life is it at risk .I think it really comes down to whether or not Someone thinks the unborn child is a life or not. If you believe it's a life then you would be on the pro life side of the argument . If you don't believe it's a life with the same rights as the other lives in the US then you'd probably fall on the pro choice side
There's no proof that the soul enters the body at conception until someone can show when the fetus is conscious as an individual person.

And everyone is pro-life, what you're referring to is the anti-choice movement.
Why do you reject science with arbitrary distinctions? Science tells us that a new human being is created at conception.
Science tells us that a new human being is created at conception.

It seems that you have a need to rationalize what is wrong as right.

you are no different ... you haven't answered whether you still practice sexual interchange with a partner, is it something you are hiding from. what science says ...
You should be focusing on the your people instead of me.

BlackGenocide.org | L.E.A.R.N. Northeast
You should be focusing on the your people instead of me.

your an idiot, to cowardly to answer the question creating a foil to hide behind is there something you are afraid of.
MLK was pro-life.

Abortion - Pro Life - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights of the Unborn

King Institute Encyclopedia

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Last abortion clinic in Kentucky is suing to stay open.
Supreme court has rules in the past that states must allow reasonable access to abortion clinics.
Is that my fault? Who have I told what to do?

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There's no proof that the soul enters the body at conception until someone can show when the fetus is conscious as an individual person.

And everyone is pro-life, what you're referring to is the anti-choice movement.
Why do you reject science with arbitrary distinctions? Science tells us that a new human being is created at conception.
Science tells us that a new human being is created at conception.

It seems that you have a need to rationalize what is wrong as right.

you are no different ... you haven't answered whether you still practice sexual interchange with a partner, is it something you are hiding from. what science says ...
You should be focusing on the your people instead of me.

BlackGenocide.org | L.E.A.R.N. Northeast
You should be focusing on the your people instead of me.

your an idiot, to cowardly to answer the question creating a foil to hide behind is there something you are afraid of.
MLK was pro-life.

Abortion - Pro Life - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights of the Unborn

King Institute Encyclopedia

he was Baptist, but they permit abortions for the well being of the woman

  • United Church of Christ. ...
  • Unitarian Universalist Association. ...
  • Metropolitan Community Church. ...
  • Presbyterian Church USA. ...
  • Evangelical Lutheran Church. ...
  • Christ Church (Assembly of God) ...
  • United Methodist Church.
permit choice
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Why do you reject science with arbitrary distinctions? Science tells us that a new human being is created at conception.
Science tells us that a new human being is created at conception.

It seems that you have a need to rationalize what is wrong as right.

you are no different ... you haven't answered whether you still practice sexual interchange with a partner, is it something you are hiding from. what science says ...
You should be focusing on the your people instead of me.

BlackGenocide.org | L.E.A.R.N. Northeast
You should be focusing on the your people instead of me.

your an idiot, to cowardly to answer the question creating a foil to hide behind is there something you are afraid of.
MLK was pro-life.

Abortion - Pro Life - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights of the Unborn

King Institute Encyclopedia

he was Baptist

  • United Church of Christ. ...
  • Unitarian Universalist Association. ...
  • Metropolitan Community Church. ...
  • Presbyterian Church USA. ...
  • Evangelical Lutheran Church. ...
  • Christ Church (Assembly of God) ...
  • United Methodist Church.
permit choice
Which one of those are Baptists?

Last edited:
Last abortion clinic in Kentucky is suing to stay open.
Supreme court has rules in the past that states must allow reasonable access to abortion clinics.
Is that my fault? Who have I told what to do?

every time you tell us abortions are "wrong"

it is not your opinion that counts, it is the woman's. Her body, her choice.
Last abortion clinic in Kentucky is suing to stay open.
Supreme court has rules in the past that states must allow reasonable access to abortion clinics.
Is that my fault? Who have I told what to do?

every time you tell us abortions are "wrong"

it is not your opinion that counts, it is the woman's. Her body, her choice.
I don't say abortion is wrong. Abortion is wrong all on its own. Why do you need to rationalize it?
you are no different ... you haven't answered whether you still practice sexual interchange with a partner, is it something you are hiding from. what science says ...
You should be focusing on the your people instead of me.

BlackGenocide.org | L.E.A.R.N. Northeast
You should be focusing on the your people instead of me.

your an idiot, to cowardly to answer the question creating a foil to hide behind is there something you are afraid of.
MLK was pro-life.

Abortion - Pro Life - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights of the Unborn

King Institute Encyclopedia

he was Baptist

  • United Church of Christ. ...
  • Unitarian Universalist Association. ...
  • Metropolitan Community Church. ...
  • Presbyterian Church USA. ...
  • Evangelical Lutheran Church. ...
  • Christ Church (Assembly of God) ...
  • United Methodist Church.
permit choice
Which one of those are Baptists?

King was Baptist. They allow abortions for rape, incest, the well being of the woman as well as fetal deformity. They are not absolutist against all abortions.
You should be focusing on the your people instead of me.

BlackGenocide.org | L.E.A.R.N. Northeast
You should be focusing on the your people instead of me.

your an idiot, to cowardly to answer the question creating a foil to hide behind is there something you are afraid of.
MLK was pro-life.

Abortion - Pro Life - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights of the Unborn

King Institute Encyclopedia

he was Baptist

  • United Church of Christ. ...
  • Unitarian Universalist Association. ...
  • Metropolitan Community Church. ...
  • Presbyterian Church USA. ...
  • Evangelical Lutheran Church. ...
  • Christ Church (Assembly of God) ...
  • United Methodist Church.
permit choice
Which one of those are Baptists?

King was Baptist. They allow abortions for rape, incest, the well being of the woman as well as fetal deformity. They are not absolutist against all abortions.
I know King was a Baptist. Which one of the religious affiliations you posted were Baptists?
These people are either:
All of the above.

You can' t stop abortion. You can only stop legal abortion, and you won't reduce abortions by making access to contraception difficult. They don't give a fuck about life , only about appeasing the fetus obsessed religious right.

Pence and Ailing Senator Deliver Votes to Block Family Planning Money
The vote set up the measure for a final vote later on Thursday. The measure would return the power to the states to single out abortion providers from receiving Title X money set aside for family planning and related preventive health services for women. Democrats all voted against the bill, as did two Republicans, Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska.
It seems that you are the one who does not care about life. Do you believe abortion is moral?
That is a simplistic and shallow question. There is objective morality and relative morality. Some acts are so egregious that they are, may any objective standard immoral. The morality of others acts must be determined according to individual sensibilities and the evolving standards of society as a whole. I believe that abortion fall into the later category.

Better questions would be:

Is it moral to require a child to come into the world only to have his or her needs for decent housing, nutrition, education and health care take a back seat to tax give giveaways to the very wealthy?

Is it moral to bring a child into the world amidst endless war and a planet that is dying from man made pollution that is knowingly being made worse?

Is it moral to oppose abortion, while also opposing services that can prevent unwanted pregnancies and preserve the health of the woman?

Those acts are objectively immoral , yet these people who oppose abortion, and perhaps you too, are guilty of all of them,
So no abortion in all circumstances?
Rephrase the question in the light of what I have been arguing and I will be glad to answer. As it is you have changed what I have stated.
Do you consider abortion to be righteous in some circomstances, or never at all?

What about condoms, are those ok? Because the Pope says no, and if you're actually a catholic, you have to do as the man says.
What if someone wasn't religious and considered abortion not right in any circumstances besides abortions done if the mothers health is at grave risk? Do you think that pro life people are mostly religious or have you met people that don't use religious reasons to explain why they think abortion is wrong
Considering abortions not right isn't the same as wanting them outlawed. Religious people want them outlawed. What about you?

i think that some people that consider abortion not to be right also think it should be outlawed with the exception of if the mothers life is it at risk .I think it really comes down to whether or not Someone thinks the unborn child is a life or not. If you believe it's a life then you would be on the pro life side of the argument . If you don't believe it's a life with the same rights as the other lives in the US then you'd probably fall on the pro choice side
The people who think that the fetus is a child are a) religious, and b) mistaken.
Do you consider abortion to be righteous in some circomstances, or never at all?

What about condoms, are those ok? Because the Pope says no, and if you're actually a catholic, you have to do as the man says.
What if someone wasn't religious and considered abortion not right in any circumstances besides abortions done if the mothers health is at grave risk? Do you think that pro life people are mostly religious or have you met people that don't use religious reasons to explain why they think abortion is wrong
Considering abortions not right isn't the same as wanting them outlawed. Religious people want them outlawed. What about you?

i think that some people that consider abortion not to be right also think it should be outlawed with the exception of if the mothers life is it at risk .I think it really comes down to whether or not Someone thinks the unborn child is a life or not. If you believe it's a life then you would be on the pro life side of the argument . If you don't believe it's a life with the same rights as the other lives in the US then you'd probably fall on the pro choice side
There's no proof that the soul enters the body at conception until someone can show when the fetus is conscious as an individual person.

And everyone is pro-life, what you're referring to is the anti-choice movement.
Yes there's no way of showing souls.. but their is science to show the process of how babies are made and it shows this is detail. Many pro life people use the scientific process as a way to use facts to explain why they believe life starts at conception.

Other on the pro choice side believe that abortion should be legal up till the time that a baby would be able to live outside the womb.

It's interesting that you think that the pro life people should be called anti choice instead . I would say that both terms apply to the pro life group if someone if part of the pro life group that believes all abortion besides a mothers life at risk should be outlawed. Calling those people anti choice would be correct. Because those people also believe that women should not have the choice and the option under law to kill babies
So it always comes down to this, what are you going to do realistically to stop abortions if you outlaw them? A law only penalizes after the fact, and doesn't prevent the "crime"?
So no abortion in all circumstances?
Rephrase the question in the light of what I have been arguing and I will be glad to answer. As it is you have changed what I have stated.
Do you consider abortion to be righteous in some circomstances, or never at all?

What about condoms, are those ok? Because the Pope says no, and if you're actually a catholic, you have to do as the man says.
Abortion is never righteous. Why do you think it would be?

I have already answered the birth control question. Use it. And have an abortion too. You have free will
Severe deformations, or having a severe medical problem...

Haha, you're against using a condom. What a doucher.
You are making a fringe argument.

Where did I say I was against others using condoms?
You're not openly saying it so as not to be ridiculed again.

Too late. :D
Do you consider abortion to be righteous in some circomstances, or never at all?

What about condoms, are those ok? Because the Pope says no, and if you're actually a catholic, you have to do as the man says.
What if someone wasn't religious and considered abortion not right in any circumstances besides abortions done if the mothers health is at grave risk? Do you think that pro life people are mostly religious or have you met people that don't use religious reasons to explain why they think abortion is wrong
Considering abortions not right isn't the same as wanting them outlawed. Religious people want them outlawed. What about you?

i think that some people that consider abortion not to be right also think it should be outlawed with the exception of if the mothers life is it at risk .I think it really comes down to whether or not Someone thinks the unborn child is a life or not. If you believe it's a life then you would be on the pro life side of the argument . If you don't believe it's a life with the same rights as the other lives in the US then you'd probably fall on the pro choice side
There's no proof that the soul enters the body at conception until someone can show when the fetus is conscious as an individual person.

And everyone is pro-life, what you're referring to is the anti-choice movement.
Why do you reject science with arbitrary distinctions? Science tells us that a new human being is created at conception.
I'm for choice, if you're against abortion, don't have one, it's your choice.
I personally don't believe that a fetus is a person because nobody ever remembers their life in the womb. I see the body as more of a carrying vessel for the lifeforce that makes us conscious, which itself continues after death, likely migrating to another body. Endlessly through time. So an abortion doesn't change anything, the lifeforce will just go to another body, because the aborted body wasn't yet at the stage anyways for the soul to enter it.

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