Abortion. The hill the GOP will die on in 2024.

But she's not wrong.....If the gop is going to pick a moral hill to die on how about the mutilation of existing children through leftist-pushed gender reassignment?

When the freaks come out in protest over that they will meet a chilly reception from the majority of voters.
What you don't seem to get is leftists will MAKE abortion THE ISSUE. They think it is a winner for them. Do you expect the Republican candidate to just not respond? They set the agenda.

So many of you claim you want PRINCIPLED candidates but you expect them to go into hiding on this issue.
You're the one making it an issue. The Supreme Court ruled this is a STATE issue, but you think it is an opportunity to win, so YOU keep bringing it up

Politicians have no right to tell women what to do with their bodies. It is not between the doctor, woman and the local politician.
What you don't seem to get is leftists will MAKE abortion THE ISSUE. They think it is a winner for them. Do you expect the Republican candidate to just not respond? They set the agenda.

So many of you claim you want PRINCIPLED candidates but you expect them to go into hiding on this issue.
Do they want to win or not? For good or bad abortion is a huge loser for the gop nationally, that's just the way it is but yet the gop will let it get in the way of much more pressing issues, you know, like allowing the dems to win....Again.

When SCOTUS killed RvW I said at the time it would be one of those "careful what you wish for" type of things for the right and I've been proven correct.

Take my state in '22, we should have won all but maybe one of the four toss-up districts, we only managed to take one and it was 100% due to the abortion issue. Women came out in droves to punish the gop even though Virginia is a solid abortion state and remains so.

So yeah, keep pounding away at the political albatross of abortion and see where it gets the gop.....In the minority again is where it will get them.

Thousands die, every day, from abortion. More than a million every year.

What tragic causes are you trying to lie about, to claim that they cause more deaths than that?
Heart disease and cancer alone cause more deaths than abortion.
The democrat Left is about to get rolled-back in 2025.
From their MSM propaganda networks
to their university leftist programming centers
to their CRT propaganda teachings in schools
to their "deep state" hold on the government
to their creeping attacks on family values & religious beliefs
to their lawless prosecutors
to their drug culture
to their "great replacement" operation
to their grip on school boards, calling parents “domestic terrorists”
to their tranny bullshit getting little kids butchered
to their warped views of the US military
to their vicious attacks on parental rights
to their voter fraud networks
to their hatred of religions, calling Catholics “domestic terrorists”
to their war on Christmas
to their hatred of the Founding Fathers
to their fake history and racism
to their drag shows in grade schools
to their late term abortions
To the FBI spying on Catholics
to their hatred of Patriotism, the American flag, and THE 4TH OF JULY
We can only hope.

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