Abortion. The hill the GOP will die on in 2024.

Even with such limits, you'd still talking about thousands of innocent children beings slaughtered every day.

What level of such gratuitous, murderous savagery do you want sane, decent people to consider acceptable?

Those on then murderous left want to strip Americans of our right to keep and bear arms, on the bullshit premise that decent, law-abiding human beings who own guns are somehow responsible for tens of thousands of deaths every year, even the the overwhelming vast majority of us never have and never will use our guns to harm anyone.

Every abortion kills an innocents human being. Every one. Every one who gets an abortion, or has any willing part in carrying one out, is directly responsible for the murder of an innocent child. Every one.

More people die this way, in a week, than die from any firearm-related causes in a year.

What restrictions would it take to bring the death toll from abortions down to the same level as those that can be attributed to the misuse of firearms? Would those of you on the pro-murder side consider any such level of restriction acceptable?

It is pointless to try to compromise with murderous evil.
Many more die needless, tragic, premature deaths than are aborted. Let's bring those numbers down first.
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Even with such limits, you'd still talking about thousands of innocent children beings slaughtered every day.
What level of such gratuitous, murderous savagery do you want sane, decent people to consider acceptable?

Those on the murderous left want to strip Americans of our right to keep and bear arms, on the bullshit premise that decent, law-abiding human beings who own guns are somehow responsible for tens of thousands of deaths every year, even the the overwhelming vast majority of us never have and never will use our guns to harm anyone.

Every abortion kills an innocents human being. Every one. Every one who gets an abortion, or has any willing part in carrying one out, is directly responsible for the murder of an innocent child. Every one. More people die this way, in a week, than die from any firearm-related causes in a year.

What restrictions would it take to bring the death toll from abortions down to the same level as those that can be attributed to the misuse of firearms? Would those of you on the pro-murder side consider any such level of restriction acceptable? It is pointless to try to compromise with murderous evil.
1. Do not conflate abortion with firearms. They are NOT connected. Firearms are protected by the 2nd Amendment. Abortions are a state issue. Two separate issues.

2. If you are pro-life the best you can do is elect pro-life pols. If you live in a blue state the "die is cast" abortions will be legal. If you live in a red state you may be able to restrict abortions to a degree. The "savagery" of abortions was highlighted by the prosecution of Dr. Gosnell and his many late term "partial birth" abortions.

3. We agree that partial birth abortions are an abomination. However, several states do allow them.

4. If you are a pro-life activist the best you can do is promote pro-life candidates in your state.
Just reading through the posts thus far the gop deserves exactly what they are going to get. It's just a damn shame sane states like Virginia will be be dragged down right along with them.
Making 'right to life' a political issue
"Right to life" is a civil rights issue. Abortion violates civil rights. Human rights are not to be violated, ever. The proper role of governments are to secure rights, not violate rights, nor fund the violation of rights, nor turn a blind eye to the violation of rights.
"Right to life" is a civil rights issue. Abortion violates civil rights. Human rights are not to be violated, ever. The proper role of governments are to secure rights, not violate rights, nor fund the violation of rights, nor turn a blind eye to the violation of rights.
Nobody defends civil rights. Secure them for yourself if you can.

We have right to health care, yet health care facilities are one of the most dangerous places for your health that there is. :omg:

We have a right to be safe on our roadways and in our neighborhoods and homes. Yet criminals and drunk drivers are allowed to run amok there. :omg:

And who protects our kids from the assaults on them on the various social media platforms, or protects them from bullying while in school?

Who protects us from the crooked criminal justice system?

Who protects us from our corrupt educational system?

Who protects us from our own government?

We're on our own here. :(
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Just reading through the posts thus far the gop deserves exactly what they are going to get. It's just a damn shame sane states like Virginia will be be dragged down right along with them.
translate that post.
What will the GOP get?
VA just went GOP, duh....
"Right to life" is a civil rights issue. Abortion violates civil rights. Human rights are not to be violated, ever. The proper role of governments are to secure rights, not violate rights, nor fund the violation of rights, nor turn a blind eye to the violation of rights.
That argument went south by the USSC. Abortion is a state issue. Do try to keep up.
That argument went south by the USSC. Abortion is a state issue. Do try to keep up.
Deplorables control 90% of the land. The Progressives at the Federal level even with Republicans control 90% of the agendas. The tentacles of their dictums reach Red areas. If the agenda was a tree, it seems Republicans in local Red areas can only trim most of them. We keep moving left. Even if there are some localized victories.
LOL! We're trying to get a Convention of States convened.

Do you think 38 states would approve an Abortion Amendment?

About as many states as would approve a repeal of the 2nd Amendment.

The Amendment process was NOT designed to generate a morality compliance......
translate that post.
What will the GOP get?
VA just went GOP, duh....
If the gop does not pull it's head out it's ass on abortion the dems will win in '24....Sure as shit.

Yes, it was a hard fought victory here in Virginia and I'd like to keep it for a while but the dems will paint all the '23 Virginia Senate hopefuls with the same anti-abortion brush to get out the dem vote.

No matter abortion is not even a issue here. The wild-eyed dem bitches will come out in droves.....Mark my words.

Lives in a Blue State​

Voted for Biden
Voted for Trump
Source: C.D.C.
The states with the highest share of women who obtained abortions in 2019 were Democratic-leaning.

Lives in a Blue State​

Voted for Biden
Voted for Trump
Source: C.D.C.
The states with the highest share of women who obtained abortions in 2019 were Democratic-leaning.

You can't comprehend, can you?
Deplorables control 90% of the land. The Progressives at the Federal level even with Republicans control 90% of the agendas. The tentacles of their dictums reach Red areas. If the agenda was a tree, it seems Republicans in local Red areas can only trim most of them. We keep moving left. Even if there are some localized victories.

1. 90% of the land is red dumbass.

2. Gridlock is a good thing.

3. Biden and dems have the power of the Federal government and Executive Orders, those can all be reversed in 2025, or not.
Not only did the democrat Party cheat in the tens of millions column in 2020, but they shutdown the counting in all the swing States where they trailed, and dumped in enought 100% Biden ballots to "win"

WTF is going to be different in 2024

The democrat Party HATES real women!
Yeah we'll outsmart you again, dummy
If the gop does not pull it's head out it's ass on abortion the dems will win in '24....Sure as shit.
Yes, it was a hard fought victory here in Virginia and I'd like to keep it for a while but the dems will paint all the '23 Virginia Senate hopefuls with the same anti-abortion brush to get out the dem vote.
No matter abortion is not even a issue here. The wild-eyed dem bitches will come out in droves.....Mark my words.
OK, I agree with you on abortion. Young voters matter.
VA needs to keep pounding parental rights.

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