Abortions: Should Women be Allowed to Choose?


You are the sick one. You are so wrong in thinking that women are the only ones who control this issue. You want to punish the men who have every intention of raising that child you want to abort. Since when is it all your choice? Without the man, without his sperm, your right to choose would be NOTHING. You are but one half of that child's life, not all of it. So how is it entirely your decision?

Women alone should not be allowed to determine the fate of a child. Hey if she was raped or was the victim of incest perhaps, but otherwise what you are suggesting is infanticide, murder for convenience. If you don't want the child, make sure your man wears his rubbers before you open your legs. But this child should not be held to pay for YOUR irresponsibility, and the man should not have to sit on the sidelines while you proceed to kill his son/daughter.

The self centered attitude women have about this issue is sad.

Well, you know, they are the ones who have their bodies distorted all out of whack.

I would say the ability to provide sperm is less important to the process to the willingness to provide a womb.

Now, I would like to see Abortions happen less often. The way you get there is to not make stupid laws or try to let anyone but the woman make the decision.

The way to do it is to give the woman options. Better sex education... better social support. Better birth control.
You want to punish the men who have every intention of raising that child you want to abort.

Women are not your brood mares. Get over it.

Men are not toys, no more than women are. You get over it. We don't live in the mythical land of Amazons, men have a say in this too. It's high time you learned that.

no, they really don't.

Their say in anything ends right after they are done saying, "Oh God, Oh God, Oh God...Ahhhhhhh".
First. Several states even NY have laws that if in the case of the murder of a pregnant woman, the defendant can be charged with TWO murders.

That's nice. And totally irrelevant to the issue.

On privacy..If you are so sure that privacy is absolute, by all means, find it in the US Constitution. You can skip the 4th Amendment argument. It doesn't apply.

Amendment IX:

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Amendment X:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Why is it you felt the need to insult those who do not hold the same viewpoint as yourself?

From one of your recent posts ...

No, you ignorant cow. They should as responsible people do and practice birth control.
Jesus Christ!..... You are dense.

Pot. Kettle. Black.

I have an ongoing feud with Noomi that goes way back from this issue. As a foreign national ,she has no business here. Her opinion is irrelevant. So you can stow your false indignation.
Your reason for posting the text of the Ninth Amendment is...?
You cannot make a case based on what the Constitution doesn't say and then assume it means something else. Find the right to privacy and we have an understanding. Until then, there is no such right....
By posting the 10 you are saying what? That in Roe the SCOTUS overstepped it's authority by usurping State's Rights? Well then you'd be correct.
Look, you are arguing just to argue.
Women are not your brood mares. Get over it.

Men are not toys, no more than women are. You get over it. We don't live in the mythical land of Amazons, men have a say in this too. It's high time you learned that.

no, they really don't.

Their say in anything ends right after they are done saying, "Oh God, Oh God, Oh God...Ahhhhhhh".

Wow. So my father had no right to raise me? How stupid can you be? So now you are advocating gender discrimination? I thought you Liberals wanted equality? Hypocrite.

You are the sick one. You are so wrong in thinking that women are the only ones who control this issue. You want to punish the men who have every intention of raising that child you want to abort. Since when is it all your choice? Without the man, without his sperm, your right to choose would be NOTHING. You are but one half of that child's life, not all of it. So how is it entirely your decision?

Women alone should not be allowed to determine the fate of a child. Hey if she was raped or was the victim of incest perhaps, but otherwise what you are suggesting is infanticide, murder for convenience. If you don't want the child, make sure your man wears his rubbers before you open your legs. But this child should not be held to pay for YOUR irresponsibility, and the man should not have to sit on the sidelines while you proceed to kill his son/daughter.

The self centered attitude women have about this issue is sad.

Well, you know, they are the ones who have their bodies distorted all out of whack.

I would say the ability to provide sperm is less important to the process to the willingness to provide a womb.

Now, I would like to see Abortions happen less often. The way you get there is to not make stupid laws or try to let anyone but the woman make the decision.

The way to do it is to give the woman options. Better sex education... better social support. Better birth control.

All of those things are available now.
Oh, I think custody and paternity laws are unfair to men, but that's a separate issue from abortion.

The way I'd run it is

1. Woman says she's pregnant.
2. Man can choose, quickly, to legally accept or decline paternity.
3. Based on that, woman can choose to abort or not.
4. If she gives birth, a man who accepts paternity is the daddy. He pays. If he declined paternity, he doesn't pay, but has zero rights concerning the child.

That's only for single people. In a married couple, married men would automatically be assigned paternity.
Men are not toys, no more than women are. You get over it. We don't live in the mythical land of Amazons, men have a say in this too. It's high time you learned that.

no, they really don't.

Their say in anything ends right after they are done saying, "Oh God, Oh God, Oh God...Ahhhhhhh".
That is bullshit. Fathers have rights as well.

Only IF she decides to have the baby.

And then, they also have responsibilities.

Frankly, this is kind of part of the problem. A woman decides she wants to get a guy the hell out of her life, the last thing you want is to make her have the guy into her business for 20 years.
Oh, I think custody and paternity laws are unfair to men, but that's a separate issue from abortion.

The way I'd run it is

1. Woman says she's pregnant.
2. Man can choose, quickly, to legally accept or decline paternity.
3. Based on that, woman can choose to abort or not.
4. If she gives birth, a man who accepts paternity is the daddy. He pays. If he declined paternity, he doesn't pay, but has zero rights concerning the child.

That's only for single people. In a married couple, married men would automatically be assigned paternity.

Sounds reasonable to me.
Now, I would like to see Abortions happen less often. The way you get there is to not make stupid laws or try to let anyone but the woman make the decision.

The way to do it is to give the woman options. Better sex education... better social support. Better birth control.

All of those things are available now.

No, they aren't.

Now, employers can fire employees if they get pregnant, which based on our previous discussions, you are totally good with.

You are the sick one. You are so wrong in thinking that women are the only ones who control this issue. You want to punish the men who have every intention of raising that child you want to abort. Since when is it all your choice? Without the man, without his sperm, your right to choose would be NOTHING. You are but one half of that child's life, not all of it. So how is it entirely your decision?

Women alone should not be allowed to determine the fate of a child. Hey if she was raped or was the victim of incest perhaps, but otherwise what you are suggesting is infanticide, murder for convenience. If you don't want the child, make sure your man wears his rubbers before you open your legs. But this child should not be held to pay for YOUR irresponsibility, and the man should not have to sit on the sidelines while you proceed to kill his son/daughter.

The self centered attitude women have about this issue is sad.

Well, you know, they are the ones who have their bodies distorted all out of whack.

I would say the ability to provide sperm is less important to the process to the willingness to provide a womb.

Now, I would like to see Abortions happen less often. The way you get there is to not make stupid laws or try to let anyone but the woman make the decision.

The way to do it is to give the woman options. Better sex education... better social support. Better birth control.

What? So, do women asexually reproduce? Or do they have a man in the bedroom with them, who by all rights brings life to the lifeless?

The fate of the child belongs to both the man and the woman! Why does nature require a male and a female to reproduce in most species? Because they have equal roles in procreation.

As for birth control, they have it. In fact I couldn't help but notice an ad about it on TV tonight. "Mirena" a 5 year contraceptive, which the makers suggest can be provided free without the strings attached. Sex ed? You want to talk about sex ed? The one who suggests women should have more rights than men? The one who suggests we eliminate the man from the process of child rearing?

Now, I would like to see Abortions happen less often. The way you get there is to not make stupid laws or try to let anyone but the woman make the decision.

The way to do it is to give the woman options. Better sex education... better social support. Better birth control.

All of those things are available now.

No, they aren't.

Now, employers can fire employees if they get pregnant, which based on our previous discussions, you are totally good with.

Prove it. That would actually be against the law to do. Since you cannot discriminate based on sex, age, religion, race or handicap. Please, link us to that assertion.

And just so you know "no they aren't" does not count.
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The solution that will work best for stopping abortion is to SHUN the women who have babies and get pregnant out of wedlock.....

No More Government Money to fund the insanity.....women will quickly turn from such BS....and Private will take care of those that repent....just as they always have.....

As well, to DEMAND the skunk Man who impregnated the woman have a choice.....Marry the women and take care of the child and family.....or be castrated (chemically of course)......

This does not require Government....Only the Will of the Community.....
No, you ignorant cow. They should as responsible people do and practice birth control.
Jesus Christ!..... You are dense.
That is why the OP's argument is nonsense.

And if birth control fails?
Sister, if we had to live in your world of "what if" and "but what about", we'd all be living in plastic bubbles. Our only human interactions would be with plaintiff's attorneys.
Abortion should not be for birth control. Period.
That WILL be the law here sooner or later.
North Dakota ha already passed a law that states a fetus is not eligible for abortion if a heart beat can be detected.
Having not read the entire text of the law, no doubt there are contingencies for health of the mother and viability of the child and of course rape.
Again, you have no standing here. It's none of your business. Worry about Australia.

(My bold)

Why do we want to reject certain ideas? Isn't this a political message board? Noomi expresses an opinion, & we're all big boys & girls, we can evaluate that opinion on its own merits. We don't need - & I don't want - a gatekeeper.

I say, the more opinions, the merrier. The more opinions, the less likely we are to miss something that could have been valuable, or insightful, or even just amusing. (& believe me, with some of the Scheiss on TV, I'm all for anything that's amusing, even in a light-hearted way.)
Now, I would like to see Abortions happen less often. The way you get there is to not make stupid laws or try to let anyone but the woman make the decision.

The way to do it is to give the woman options. Better sex education... better social support. Better birth control.

All of those things are available now.

No, they aren't.

Now, employers can fire employees if they get pregnant, which based on our previous discussions, you are totally good with.
That bullshit argument again....Look, it didn't happen. Stop lying.
And if birth control fails?
Sister, if we had to live in your world of "what if" and "but what about", we'd all be living in plastic bubbles. Our only human interactions would be with plaintiff's attorneys.
Abortion should not be for birth control. Period.
That WILL be the law here sooner or later.
North Dakota ha already passed a law that states a fetus is not eligible for abortion if a heart beat can be detected.
Having not read the entire text of the law, no doubt there are contingencies for health of the mother and viability of the child and of course rape.
Again, you have no standing here. It's none of your business. Worry about Australia.

(My bold)

Why do we want to reject certain ideas? Isn't this a political message board? Noomi expresses an opinion, & we're all big boys & girls, we can evaluate that opinion on its own merits. We don't need - & I don't want - a gatekeeper.

I say, the more opinions, the merrier. The more opinions, the less likely we are to miss something that could have been valuable, or insightful, or even just amusing. (& believe me, with some of the Scheiss on TV, I'm all for anything that's amusing, even in a light-hearted way.)

She's an Australian National. She has no standing here.
And no sweetie, I don't want to punish women. I don't want to punish anyone.

Pregnancy is their decision; not mine.

You however seem to want to punish an innocent fetus for something they have nothing to do with.

A fetus is not innocent. It is nothing.

You want to punish women for having sex. You hate women and wish to control them. You are a sick freak.

You are the sick one. You are so wrong in thinking that women are the only ones who control this issue. You want to punish the men who have every intention of raising that child you want to abort. Since when is it all your choice? Without the man, without his sperm, your right to choose would be NOTHING. You are but one half of that child's life, not all of it. So how is it entirely your decision?

Women alone should not be allowed to determine the fate of a child. Hey if she was raped or was the victim of incest perhaps, but otherwise what you are suggesting is infanticide, murder for convenience. If you don't want the child, make sure your man wears his rubbers before you open your legs. But this child should not be held to pay for YOUR irresponsibility, and the man should not have to sit on the sidelines while you proceed to kill his son/daughter.

The self centered attitude women have about this issue is sad.

(My bold)

There are men who want to have custody of the fetus? All well & good - but can the woman be forced to carry the fetus to term? If not, & the man wants the fetus, then he will need to get the woman's permission (through the courts, likely) & recruit or hire a surrogate to carry the fetus to term. (That's assuming that the fetus can be safely "harvested" & implanted in the surrogate - if not, we're off to new legal ground.)

I have heard of cases of the father not wanting the fetus aborted. I don't recall hearing about a father who wanted custody of the fetus. Are there any documented cases where the father petitioned the court to stay the abortion, & take custody of the child when born? Again, I don't recall any. But that's curious in itself - surrogacy has been around for 10-15 years - surely, in all this time, some dissatisfied father would have petitioned the court for a stay of abortion & requested sole custody of the fetus? No?

As for women needing men to reproduce - no, it's quite the opposite. There are apparently biological laboratory tricks that can be played on the ova to cause them to spontaneously become blastocytes, although as I recall they wind up essentially as "daughters" of the woman. Which means that it's men who could be superflous to reproduction. Although I prefer the old-fashioned way myself.
Sister, if we had to live in your world of "what if" and "but what about", we'd all be living in plastic bubbles. Our only human interactions would be with plaintiff's attorneys.
Abortion should not be for birth control. Period.
That WILL be the law here sooner or later.
North Dakota ha already passed a law that states a fetus is not eligible for abortion if a heart beat can be detected.
Having not read the entire text of the law, no doubt there are contingencies for health of the mother and viability of the child and of course rape.
Again, you have no standing here. It's none of your business. Worry about Australia.

(My bold)

Why do we want to reject certain ideas? Isn't this a political message board? Noomi expresses an opinion, & we're all big boys & girls, we can evaluate that opinion on its own merits. We don't need - & I don't want - a gatekeeper.

I say, the more opinions, the merrier. The more opinions, the less likely we are to miss something that could have been valuable, or insightful, or even just amusing. (& believe me, with some of the Scheiss on TV, I'm all for anything that's amusing, even in a light-hearted way.)

She's an Australian National. She has no standing here.

(My bold) (laughing)

OK, she's Australian. So? So is Mel Gibson, & Crocodile Dundee, & the former Mrs. Tom Cruise - her name escapes me, sorry. & their opinions, work, yadda yadda yadda are plastered all over US media. What of it?

I don't care where ideas come from - ideas are the currency on a message board. If they're good ideas, they'll presumably rise. If they're bad ideas, they'll presumably fall. We have a mechanism to take care of that. Noomi - in this case - got a logon & is contributing to the conversation. I don't recall any requirements/caveats about having to be a US citizen, nor member of any other polity, in order to join in the conversation here.
Like it or not women are the only ones who can choose. The real question is are we going to criminalize women who do choose to abort a pregnancy? The criminalizing of abortion will just lead to illegal abortions and women dying from botched ones. Of course for the wealthy they will simply "go on vacation to Europe" while those with lesser means will have to take their chances.

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