Abortions: Should Women be Allowed to Choose?

At the end of the day,,,correct.....women cannot be forced to take a precious life to birth.

That is why Government is NO DAMN ANSWER.....

Morals only work with those that have a conscience.....Women and Men who abort have no conscience...and are therefore Sociopaths...and thus need to be eliminated from society through castration and shun.....pretty simple when one thinks about it...
She's an Australian National. She has no standing here.

It's a fucking message board. Everyone has a right to express your opinion.

YOU have no standing in the personal lives of others. You cannot inject yourself into my family and tell us what we have to do, but that is what your attempting to do. You want to silence voices who disagree with you, yet YOU want those same people to listen to you.

You have one standard for your behaviour, and a completely different one for everyone else. That's called being a hypocrite.

And don't say your speaking for those who can't - that's what God would do in the Bible, if He wanted to.

What? So, do women asexually reproduce? Or do they have a man in the bedroom with them, who by all rights brings life to the lifeless?

The fate of the child belongs to both the man and the woman! Why does nature require a male and a female to reproduce in most species? Because they have equal roles in procreation.

As for birth control, they have it. In fact I couldn't help but notice an ad about it on TV tonight. "Mirena" a 5 year contraceptive, which the makers suggest can be provided free without the strings attached. Sex ed? You want to talk about sex ed? The one who suggests women should have more rights than men? The one who suggests we eliminate the man from the process of child rearing?


I think you miss the point.

A man's part in the reproductive process lasts all of a few minutes.

A woman's part lasts nine months.

If you divide the "Decision-making" numbers up by time involved, the woman's part is far greater than the man's, therefore, she gets more say.

If you actually do it PRACTICALLY, if she wants it out of her body, it's going out. Period.

The solution that will work best for stopping abortion is to SHUN the women who have babies and get pregnant out of wedlock.....No More Government Money to fund the insanity.....women will quickly turn from such BS....and Private will take care of those that repent....just as they always have.....

As well, to DEMAND the skunk Man who impregnated the woman have a choice.....Marry the women and take care of the child and family.....or be castrated (chemically of course)......

This does not require Government....Only the Will of the Community.....

OMG This is hilarious. What century are you living in? You should join the Amish, or move to Saudi Arabia. Holy Cow! Shun women, castrate men, force people to get married.....:cuckoo:
A fetus is not innocent. It is nothing.

You want to punish women for having sex. You hate women and wish to control them. You are a sick freak.

You are the sick one. You are so wrong in thinking that women are the only ones who control this issue. You want to punish the men who have every intention of raising that child you want to abort. Since when is it all your choice? Without the man, without his sperm, your right to choose would be NOTHING. You are but one half of that child's life, not all of it. So how is it entirely your decision?

Women alone should not be allowed to determine the fate of a child. Hey if she was raped or was the victim of incest perhaps, but otherwise what you are suggesting is infanticide, murder for convenience. If you don't want the child, make sure your man wears his rubbers before you open your legs. But this child should not be held to pay for YOUR irresponsibility, and the man should not have to sit on the sidelines while you proceed to kill his son/daughter.

The self centered attitude women have about this issue is sad.

(My bold)

There are men who want to have custody of the fetus? All well & good - but can the woman be forced to carry the fetus to term? If not, & the man wants the fetus, then he will need to get the woman's permission (through the courts, likely) & recruit or hire a surrogate to carry the fetus to term. (That's assuming that the fetus can be safely "harvested" & implanted in the surrogate - if not, we're off to new legal ground.)

I have heard of cases of the father not wanting the fetus aborted. I don't recall hearing about a father who wanted custody of the fetus. Are there any documented cases where the father petitioned the court to stay the abortion, & take custody of the child when born? Again, I don't recall any. But that's curious in itself - surrogacy has been around for 10-15 years - surely, in all this time, some dissatisfied father would have petitioned the court for a stay of abortion & requested sole custody of the fetus? No?

As for women needing men to reproduce - no, it's quite the opposite. There are apparently biological laboratory tricks that can be played on the ova to cause them to spontaneously become blastocytes, although as I recall they wind up essentially as "daughters" of the woman. Which means that it's men who could be superflous to reproduction. Although I prefer the old-fashioned way myself.

Wow. Denser than a black hole if you think all of that stuff justifies a woman's superiority over a man, or the lack of want thereof. If a woman in optimal health and child bearing capability through no fault of a man gets herself pregnant, yes, she should be forced to carry full term, the man should also be found and made to help rear the child. What? You didn't think that little one night stand she had with some random guy she met on the internet would amount to anything? Every egg requires sperm, which is a genetic product exclusive only to the male species of mammalia. For one, I'd rather not have my child born out of a petri dish.

Great, You sound like and "Intellectual Statist"...Are you?

Government Rules/Regs/Legislation.....yea that will work....

Oh well...are you just another Big Government Rep who thinks Government works....get a clue ....
What? So, do women asexually reproduce? Or do they have a man in the bedroom with them, who by all rights brings life to the lifeless?

The fate of the child belongs to both the man and the woman! Why does nature require a male and a female to reproduce in most species? Because they have equal roles in procreation.

As for birth control, they have it. In fact I couldn't help but notice an ad about it on TV tonight. "Mirena" a 5 year contraceptive, which the makers suggest can be provided free without the strings attached. Sex ed? You want to talk about sex ed? The one who suggests women should have more rights than men? The one who suggests we eliminate the man from the process of child rearing?


I think you miss the point.

A man's part in the reproductive process lasts all of a few minutes.

A woman's part lasts nine months.

Nope. The man's sperm is responsible for initiating the cell division, his half of the genetic code plays an equal part to the formation of the child as hers does. His genetic material is right alongside during gestation. I didn't miss anything. I paid attention in Biology class. Apparently all you have are your political biases.
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If you want a woman to bear your children, you should probably try convincing her that you're a good mate. And trust me, raging about how women should be men's brood mares is not the way to go about it.
At the end of the day,,,correct.....women cannot be forced to take a precious life to birth.

That is why Government is NO DAMN ANSWER.....

Morals only work with those that have a conscience.....Women and Men who abort have no conscience...and are therefore Sociopaths...and thus need to be eliminated from society through castration and shun.....pretty simple when one thinks about it...

Pretty juvenile thinking. Until you sit with your spouse and consider whether you have the wherewithal to support and nourish another human being to adulthood especially when you already have the burden of a young family you really shouldn't spout off like that.
Perhaps the question needs to be posed in a more fundamental manner. Who should dominate: Men or Women?

Of course the Intellectually superior would demand they be treated co-equally.....This would of course be the truly Socialist and Utopia World of the Far Left Dreams.....

But you see, the facts are that at any time and at any place....Men can dominate if they choose....after all one is the Poker and one is the Pokee....

How bout this....I catch you even thinking about having sex and a baby out of wedlock little girl...XXXXXXX
Now lets see.....If this is true...the only rights you have little girl are the rights that your dominate Males ALLOW YOU TO HAVE....ya know at a basic level....

But lets add some guns and other weapons....a start on Equalizing the Playing field.....lol

Give us some more female dominant logic little girl....
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Nope. The man's sperm is responsible for initiating the cell division, his half of the genetic code plays an equal part to the formation of the child as hers does. His genetic material is right alongside during gestation. I didn't miss anything. I paid attention in Biology class. Apparently all you have are your political biases.

Guy, I was very right wing until about six years ago, when I realized the only real divisions are not based on sex, race, class or religion, but on the haves and the have nots.

Male ego aside, a baby only happens if a woman decides she wants it to happen. Getting the sperm is the easy part.

Even the ugliest woman can get sperm if she wants it bad enough.

But the reality is, no matter what the laws are, if women want abortions, they are going to get abortions.

Nope. The man's sperm is responsible for initiating the cell division, his half of the genetic code plays an equal part to the formation of the child as hers does. His genetic material is right alongside during gestation. I didn't miss anything. I paid attention in Biology class. Apparently all you have are your political biases.

Guy, I was very right wing until about six years ago, when I realized the only real divisions are not based on sex, race, class or religion, but on the haves and the have nots.

Male ego aside, a baby only happens if a woman decides she wants it to happen. Getting the sperm is the easy part.

Even the ugliest woman can get sperm if she wants it bad enough.

But the reality is, no matter what the laws are, if women want abortions, they are going to get abortions.

And? The same holds true for anything.

Nope. The man's sperm is responsible for initiating the cell division, his half of the genetic code plays an equal part to the formation of the child as hers does. His genetic material is right alongside during gestation. I didn't miss anything. I paid attention in Biology class. Apparently all you have are your political biases.

Guy, I was very right wing until about six years ago, when I realized the only real divisions are not based on sex, race, class or religion, but on the haves and the have nots.

Male ego aside, a baby only happens if a woman decides she wants it to happen. Getting the sperm is the easy part.

Even the ugliest woman can get sperm if she wants it bad enough.

But the reality is, no matter what the laws are, if women want abortions, they are going to get abortions.

And? The same holds true for anything.

What are you trying to say? We should have no laws if abortion is legal?
Guy, I was very right wing until about six years ago, when I realized the only real divisions are not based on sex, race, class or religion, but on the haves and the have nots.

Male ego aside, a baby only happens if a woman decides she wants it to happen. Getting the sperm is the easy part.

Even the ugliest woman can get sperm if she wants it bad enough.

But the reality is, no matter what the laws are, if women want abortions, they are going to get abortions.

And? The same holds true for anything.

What are you trying to say? We should have no laws if abortion is legal?

No. People try to trot out the fact that even if abortions are illegal they'll still happen. Well, that's not a "no, shit" kind of thing. There isn't any activity that has had its incidence reduced to zero by making it illegal. That doesn't mean those activities shouldn't be illegal.
Married to a lucky woman I'm sure. Me? Married 33 years. By the way, I'm a man, a general contractor and I could still twist you like a pretzel. Be careful about the assumptions you make.
Nope. The man's sperm is responsible for initiating the cell division, his half of the genetic code plays an equal part to the formation of the child as hers does. His genetic material is right alongside during gestation. I didn't miss anything. I paid attention in Biology class. Apparently all you have are your political biases.

Guy, I was very right wing until about six years ago, when I realized the only real divisions are not based on sex, race, class or religion, but on the haves and the have nots.

Male ego aside, a baby only happens if a woman decides she wants it to happen. Getting the sperm is the easy part.

Even the ugliest woman can get sperm if she wants it bad enough.

But the reality is, no matter what the laws are, if women want abortions, they are going to get abortions.

Oh really? What kind of logic is that? If you are married, the choice belongs to both of you. Not just the woman? Where do you get off thinking that this world should be one sided?

You're lost in your own political world. A baby happens when either the couple (yes couple, not just the woman) agree to have children, or when the the sperm breaches the outer membrane of the egg. A baby can happen when the woman doesn't want it to. Life is uncontrollable, unpredictable. But does the woman have the right to take out her pain on an innocent life?

People like you have no path in life, except for what it shown you through politics and infighting. :nono:
Married to a lucky woman I'm sure. Me? Married 33 years. By the way, I'm a man, a general contractor and I could still twist you like a pretzel. Be careful about the assumptions you make.

Careful now......we southern rednecks do like challenges...but let that pass.....

How is the GC work in your area?.....Sucks really bad in Fl.....no money for development of any kind except RFP gov't crap....

Also...am Corp Intel guy......you give me your name and town and in 3 minutes will give you your SS, Bank acct number, Cars by Vin, net worth, and your wife, parents, kids, and all cell numbers....more than one way to kick a butt,,,,lol
You aren't married are you?

Wrong......28 years......

Time to stop the insanity and the Wussification of Males in this country...ya think?


wihosa said:

Great, You sound like and "Intellectual Statist"...Are you?

Government Rules/Regs/Legislation.....yea that will work....

Oh well...are you just another Big Government Rep who thinks Government works....get a clue ....
You sound like someone who reads, and believes, Ayn Rand. You do realize, as a philosopher she is 3rd rate? As a major intellect among major intellects, she's a pygmy? And she was a bigot and a hypocrite. She's a fairly good story teller, that's about all. Of course, I'm assuming you even know the source of your accusation: Intellectual Statist. It is just as likely you've never read anything but parts of the Bible, those that serve your own purposes, and right wing blogs.
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