Abortions: Should Women be Allowed to Choose?

She's an Australian National. She has no standing here.

It's a fucking message board. Everyone has a right to express your opinion.

YOU have no standing in the personal lives of others. You cannot inject yourself into my family and tell us what we have to do, but that is what your attempting to do. You want to silence voices who disagree with you, yet YOU want those same people to listen to your point of view.

You have one standard for your behaviour, and a completely different one for everyone else. That's called being a hypocrite.

And don't say your speaking for those who can't - that's what God would do in the Bible, if He wanted to.
Who ever that would destroy their own child is a monster. One that I wouldn't want anything to do with.

It is not a child. It is potentially a child. One third of all potential children don't make it. It's called "spontaneous abortion".

What gives YOU the right to tell ME what to do?
And? The same holds true for anything.

What are you trying to say? We should have no laws if abortion is legal?

No. People try to trot out the fact that even if abortions are illegal they'll still happen. Well, that's not a "no, shit" kind of thing. There isn't any activity that has had its incidence reduced to zero by making it illegal. That doesn't mean those activities shouldn't be illegal.

Of course that’s the same reasoning you’ll find from advocates of gun control, that because restrictions and bans won’t work doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be implemented, even if it saves only one life.

And if you believe abortion should be illegal, perhaps you have the courage to at least explain the mechanics of arresting, prosecuting, and imprisoning women and their doctors for the ‘crime’ of abortion.
You aren't married are you?

Wrong......28 years......

Time to stop the insanity and the Wussification of Males in this country...ya think?

I feel sorry for your wife, married to someone who says things like this: "the Wussification of Males." Must be absolute misery.

wihosa said:

Great, You sound like and "Intellectual Statist"...Are you?

Government Rules/Regs/Legislation.....yea that will work....

Oh well...are you just another Big Government Rep who thinks Government works....get a clue ....
You sound like someone who reads, and believes, Ayn Rand. You do realize, as a philosopher she is 3rd rate? As a major intellect among major intellects, she's a pygmy? And she was a bigot and a hypocrite. She's a fairly good story teller, that's about all. Of course, I'm assuming you even know the source of your accusation: Intellectual Statist. It is just as likely you've never read anything but parts of the Bible, those that serve your own purposes, and right wing blogs.

"Beat an Intellectual: Starve an Intellectual: Leave him wallowing in his own shit, and he will be yours forever. But tickle that same Intellectual with an unforeseen hint of Philanthropy and he will want to cut your throat"

Translation for you: The ONLY place soft English Majors have left for spreading tripe are conservative message boards as there are no Liberal Message boards with any intelligence left in the USA.
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Sister, if we had to live in your world of "what if" and "but what about", we'd all be living in plastic bubbles. Our only human interactions would be with plaintiff's attorneys.
Abortion should not be for birth control. Period.
That WILL be the law here sooner or later.
North Dakota ha already passed a law that states a fetus is not eligible for abortion if a heart beat can be detected.
Having not read the entire text of the law, no doubt there are contingencies for health of the mother and viability of the child and of course rape.
Again, you have no standing here. It's none of your business. Worry about Australia.

(My bold)

Why do we want to reject certain ideas? Isn't this a political message board? Noomi expresses an opinion, & we're all big boys & girls, we can evaluate that opinion on its own merits. We don't need - & I don't want - a gatekeeper.

I say, the more opinions, the merrier. The more opinions, the less likely we are to miss something that could have been valuable, or insightful, or even just amusing. (& believe me, with some of the Scheiss on TV, I'm all for anything that's amusing, even in a light-hearted way.)

She's an Australian National. She has no standing here.

True, she is Australian, and at a disadvantage, in that she’s not experienced first-hand the ignorance and stupidity exhibited by you and others of the American social right.
Of course that’s the same reasoning you’ll find from advocates of gun control, that because restrictions and bans won’t work doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be implemented, even if it saves only one life.

Except, and this has been pointed out hundreds of times, you don't actually save any lives, as stricter gun laws lead to an increase in violent crimes.

And if you believe abortion should be illegal, perhaps you have the courage to at least explain the mechanics of arresting, prosecuting, and imprisoning women and their doctors for the ‘crime’ of abortion.

This country had over a hundred years of abortion criminalization laws on record. You act like there isn't a framework already in place that we can follow, or that we'd be in uncharted waters, so to speak.

Who ever that would destroy their own child is a monster. One that I wouldn't want anything to do with.

It is not a child. It is potentially a child. One third of all potential children don't make it. It's called "spontaneous abortion".

Number one, the English language happens to disagree with your assertion that "it" isn't a child. Number two, how is the fact that individuals die naturally a defense of deliberately ending their life?

What gives YOU the right to tell ME what to do?

The fact that you don't live isolated from society. If I believe in child sacrifice, should I get to do that on the basis that you have no right to tell me what to do? Don't worry. I won't expect an answer to that question, for an honest answer will completely destroy this idea that no one has the "right" to tell anyone else what they can or cannot do.
Who ever that would destroy their own child is a monster. One that I wouldn't want anything to do with.

It is not a child. It is potentially a child. One third of all potential children don't make it. It's called "spontaneous abortion".

What gives YOU the right to tell ME what to do?

I have the right to tell you not to kill children, and to prevent you from doing so, should you show an indication that you might.

Anything else?
Nope. The man's sperm is responsible for initiating the cell division, his half of the genetic code plays an equal part to the formation of the child as hers does. His genetic material is right alongside during gestation. I didn't miss anything. I paid attention in Biology class. Apparently all you have are your political biases.

Guy, I was very right wing until about six years ago, when I realized the only real divisions are not based on sex, race, class or religion, but on the haves and the have nots.

Male ego aside, a baby only happens if a woman decides she wants it to happen. Getting the sperm is the easy part.

Even the ugliest woman can get sperm if she wants it bad enough.

But the reality is, no matter what the laws are, if women want abortions, they are going to get abortions.

Oh really? What kind of logic is that? If you are married, the choice belongs to both of you. Not just the woman? Where do you get off thinking that this world should be one sided?

You're lost in your own political world. A baby happens when either the couple (yes couple, not just the woman) agree to have children, or when the the sperm breaches the outer membrane of the egg. A baby can happen when the woman doesn't want it to. Life is uncontrollable, unpredictable. But does the woman have the right to take out her pain on an innocent life?

People like you have no path in life, except for what it shown you through politics and infighting. :nono:

It doesn't matter if the woman is married. If she gets pregnant, she can have an abortion, and it matters not what her husband says.
Who ever that would destroy their own child is a monster. One that I wouldn't want anything to do with.

It is not a child. It is potentially a child. One third of all potential children don't make it. It's called "spontaneous abortion".

What gives YOU the right to tell ME what to do?

I have the right to tell you not to kill children, and to prevent you from doing so, should you show an indication that you might.

Anything else?

Good thing no one is advocating we kill children, then.
Sure you are. Just because you call it something else doesn't change what it is.
That's what totalitarians through the ages have always said. They have always passed laws to make their depraved slaughters "legal".

Doesn't change a thing, in the long run. History still views them as monsters, and they are still called murderers, and in the event they are captured, they are still tried as murderers as well.

So the legality of it really doesn't hold any water, when it comes to human rights violations.
That's what totalitarians through the ages have always said. They have always passed laws to make their depraved slaughters "legal".

Doesn't change a thing, in the long run. History still views them as monsters, and they are still called murderers, and in the event they are captured, they are still tried as murderers as well.

So the legality of it really doesn't hold any water, when it comes to human rights violations.

Women are not tried for having abortions. If abortion was indeed murder, any woman who had an abortion would be charged. But they are not, because abortion is not murder.
Even when abortions were illegal, women weren't arrested or tried for having an abortion. Only the doctors were arrested. But then thousands of women died from botched back-alley abortions. Many more were left infertile, or badly injured. I was reading a blog written by a former emergency room doctor remembering those days. He said that every day women came in who were bleeding out from botched abortions. It made him ill, to see so many lives irrepairably harmed because abortion was not legal. When the Roe V. Wade decision came down, overnight, it all stopped.

I remember the chant from our last pro-choice march when I was 6 months pregnant with my daughter. "Campaign Life your name's a lie. You don't care if women die".
Married to a lucky woman I'm sure. Me? Married 33 years. By the way, I'm a man, a general contractor and I could still twist you like a pretzel. Be careful about the assumptions you make.

Careful now......we southern rednecks do like challenges...but let that pass.....

How is the GC work in your area?.....Sucks really bad in Fl.....no money for development of any kind except RFP gov't crap....

Also...am Corp Intel guy......you give me your name and town and in 3 minutes will give you your SS, Bank acct number, Cars by Vin, net worth, and your wife, parents, kids, and all cell numbers....more than one way to kick a butt,,,,lol

Fair enough.

For me personally the last year was great. Worked for a widower with a large life insurance policy payout who wanted her whole house inside and out remodeled. I only have one crew anymore so it was enough to keep us busy all year. Overall it's picking up slowly.
Married to a lucky woman I'm sure. Me? Married 33 years. By the way, I'm a man, a general contractor and I could still twist you like a pretzel. Be careful about the assumptions you make.

Careful now......we southern rednecks do like challenges...but let that pass.....

How is the GC work in your area?.....Sucks really bad in Fl.....no money for development of any kind except RFP gov't crap....

Also...am Corp Intel guy......you give me your name and town and in 3 minutes will give you your SS, Bank acct number, Cars by Vin, net worth, and your wife, parents, kids, and all cell numbers....more than one way to kick a butt,,,,lol

Fair enough.

For me personally the last year was great. Worked for a widower with a large life insurance policy payout who wanted her whole house inside and out remodeled. I only have one crew anymore so it was enough to keep us busy all year. Overall it's picking up slowly.

I service several GC's in Florida. Business is up over last Spring.

Nope. The man's sperm is responsible for initiating the cell division, his half of the genetic code plays an equal part to the formation of the child as hers does. His genetic material is right alongside during gestation. I didn't miss anything. I paid attention in Biology class. Apparently all you have are your political biases.

Guy, I was very right wing until about six years ago, when I realized the only real divisions are not based on sex, race, class or religion, but on the haves and the have nots.

Male ego aside, a baby only happens if a woman decides she wants it to happen. Getting the sperm is the easy part.

Even the ugliest woman can get sperm if she wants it bad enough.

But the reality is, no matter what the laws are, if women want abortions, they are going to get abortions.

And? The same holds true for anything.

True enough.

Here's the difference.

In the case of a rape or a murder, we can have a good chance of getting convictions. We have a good chance people will report it. We have a good chance that people will show up as witnesses.


No Jury would convict.
No one will report them.
No one will be a witness.
In the real world people have to make tough decisions. When my wife became pregnant for the fifth time, even though she was on the pill, it's only 98% effective, we made the decision to abort the pregnancy. Here were our reasons. Our fourth was a very difficult pregnancy with the delivery coming breach. My business was still tenuous, income marginal. We had and still do have a very small house. We didn't have health insurance. We didn't get any public assistance and didn't want to have any. Would my wife survive another pregnancy? Could I raise five children alone?

As agnostics we weren't compelled by myth to have another child regardless of what it would mean for the rest of the children or ourselves.

The fact is, it (we never knew the gender) did not have a conscience, did not have awareness, could not feel. We have not suffered remorse. We carried on with the very hard work of raising our family and happily our fourth is now seventeen and the others have all moved out and are doing well on their own.

Call us what you want but we made the right decision for ourselves and those we had already committed to.
Careful now......we southern rednecks do like challenges...but let that pass.....

How is the GC work in your area?.....Sucks really bad in Fl.....no money for development of any kind except RFP gov't crap....

Also...am Corp Intel guy......you give me your name and town and in 3 minutes will give you your SS, Bank acct number, Cars by Vin, net worth, and your wife, parents, kids, and all cell numbers....more than one way to kick a butt,,,,lol

Fair enough.

For me personally the last year was great. Worked for a widower with a large life insurance policy payout who wanted her whole house inside and out remodeled. I only have one crew anymore so it was enough to keep us busy all year. Overall it's picking up slowly.

I service several GC's in Florida. Business is up over last Spring.

Maybe looking at it from the perspective of Beyond Sucky to a little less Sucky...lol
That is now the Problem....Sucky but better than Really Sucky has become the New Norm.........

Best course of action will be to Kill the Government....It simply cannot be reformed.
It is valueless for Capitalism at this Point....Only good for Crony Socialism and Crony Capitalism.....

Not advocating of course, but were (unmmm) no more than 6 of the Skunks taken out.....the entire flavor of Outrageous Government would quickly and positively turn on a dime....

Further, since half the country Wants Socialism/Liberalism and half the country wants private enterprise and capitalism/conservatism.....No alternative short of civil war can or will work.....better course would be peaceful DIVORCE....no fault.....

NE, Chicago, and Left Coast.....go your way and best of Luck.....
South, Central, and the other Fly Over States....go your way and best of Luck

Ya Think?

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