Abortions: Should Women be Allowed to Choose?

I gave you some rep as a housewarming gift.

Welcome to the boards newcomer. What does it mean to me? I'll tell you. It defies logic to sit there and say "I advocate a woman's right to choose" when one right means the end of a human life, and the other spares her the indignity of it all; the indignity of being seen weighed down by the chains of responsibility. Another thing is the irony that those who are claiming to support abortion are themselves already brought into this world. Hey, that means you too! And no, Elvis does not speak to me, the truth does.

Don't expect me to be so nice next time, because if you continue your logical fallacies, the gloves come off.

Once again, welcome to USMB. Please enjoy your stay.

Is pointing out that I'm a newcomer supposed to have special meaning? Cause it doesn't bother me.

What about married women that have abortions and already have kids? I've known 'em. They already have responsibilities and aren't worried about "being seen weighed down by the chains of responsibility". They gave priority to supporting their children by terminating a pregnancy. 61% of women who terminate a pregnancy already have one or more children. Most of them aren't teenage girls worried about getting caught with their pants down. They're doing what they think is best for their child/ren. http://www.guttmacher.org/pubs/US-Abortion-Patients.pdf

Your point? If I wasn't born, I wouldn't be mourning the loss of not being born. I just wouldn't exist. You're going to get all existential on this?

There's nothing wrong with my logic. You're the one getting philosophical about fetuses that were never even born. If we start counting human beings from pregnancy, where the hell would you even start? Conception? What do we do? Give women pregnancy tests every month just to make sure they don't murder or hurt a human being? It's unreasonable. There's an easy, straight forward line in the sand. Birth. Either you were born and took your first breath or you didn't. It's worked for a really really long time. It ain't broke, don't fix it.

What difference does it make what a person's parents view on abortion is? My mother has had an abortion and holy shit, I actually survived her uterus. :clap2: Do you imagine women that have abortions are out there looking for opportunities to get pregnant just so they can abort unborn baybee's? Does Elvis talk to you?

I gave you some rep as a housewarming gift.

What a passive aggressive ass comment.
What difference does it make what a person's parents view on abortion is? My mother has had an abortion and holy shit, I actually survived her uterus. :clap2: Do you imagine women that have abortions are out there looking for opportunities to get pregnant just so they can abort unborn baybee's? Does Elvis talk to you?

I gave you some rep as a housewarming gift.

What a passive aggressive ass comment.

Oh, so being nice to someone isn't welcome hey?
What a passive aggressive ass comment.

Oh, so being nice to someone isn't welcome hey?

That rep wasn't a green, it was a red, I'll bet. Don't worry. I'll save mine and be nice to you shortly.

Actually, it was a green. Yeah, you really thought I negged him didn't you? Sure must be nice not having to be corrected all the time where you are. But here, you don't get to make assumptions about people.

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If I otherwise demean your family, then yes, I would be. But it was a simple question you refused to answer. If you cannot handle it, please, stop acting like you are the forum police. I know what my interests are, thanks. I have never voted against any of them in my life.

You lost the moment you decided to dodge my question. Go ahead and report me if you like, but I have broken no rule. But the question still remains:

Who says I haven't.... Like I said, I doubt you'll be here that long, so I'll enjoy mocking you while you are.

If your parents had your attitude about abortion, could you honestly say you would be sitting there right now? This isn't a joke, a quip or a wisecrack, it a question. If you cannot answer it, it shows how closed minded people like you are. Spare me your self righteous indignation Joe

Actually, I have no doubt I'd be here, because I was the first born boy in my family and my dad wanted a boy to carry the family name. (All the family who had lived in Germany had been killed in the war.)

My attitude about abortion doesn't reflect what my policy view is. If I fathered a child, I'd take responsiblity for it. But I also know- and here's the part you don't get - it really isn't MY decision to make.

Obviously you acknowledge your father had a choice, as if somehow he could control what gender you were born as. Your abortion arguments have many holes and flaws in them, especially this one. As a man you have one half of the genetic material that goes into making that child. To say it isn't your choice is like saying the child has no choice in whether it lives or dies. That is utterly barbaric, and you know it. By the way, I left the last political forum I was in after being a member for a couple of years. I'll be here, a thorn in your side as your perceive me to be.

Obviously you’re unaware of the fact that the Constitution disagrees with you, as prior to birth a woman’s rights are paramount:

It is an inescapable biological fact that state regulation with respect to the child a woman is carrying will have a far greater impact on the mother's liberty than on the father's. The effect of state regulation on a woman's protected liberty is doubly deserving of scrutiny in such a case, as the State has touched not only upon the private sphere of the family but upon the very bodily integrity of the pregnant woman.

Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 (1992)

You’re entitled to your opinion, however subjective and irrelevant.

And as long as you keep it as only opinion, all is well.

As a fact of law, however, the right to privacy exists, and the state is prohibited from interfering with any person’s decision to have a child, or not, accordingly.
Actually, it was a green. Yeah, you really thought I negged him didn't you? Sure must be nice not having to be corrected all the time where you are. But here, you don't get to make assumptions about people.

Not sure if it's relevant to the discussion, but I'm a she for the record.

Thanks for clarifying your gender for the record. I'll make sure to refer to you by the correct gender in the future. My apologies, ma'am.
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Actually, it was a green. Yeah, you really thought I negged him didn't you? Sure must be nice not having to be corrected all the time where you are. But here, you don't get to make assumptions about people.

Not sure if it's relevant to the discussion, but I'm a she for the record.

Thanks for clarifying your sexual orientation for the record. I'll make sure to refer to you by the correct gender in the future. My apologies, ma'am.

*cough* Its gender, not orientation, Sir. ;)
Thanks for clarifying your sexual orientation for the record. I'll make sure to refer to you by the correct gender in the future. My apologies, ma'am.

Meh, apology unnecessary seeing as I gave zero indication of my gender. I'm just not used to needing to. I guess I don't usually talk online to strangers.
Oh, so being nice to someone isn't welcome hey?

That rep wasn't a green, it was a red, I'll bet. Don't worry. I'll save mine and be nice to you shortly.

Actually, it was a green. Yeah, you really thought I negged him didn't you? Sure must be nice not having to be corrected all the time where you are. But here, you don't get to make assumptions about people.

Doesn't matter if it was green. It was passive aggressive as shit.
Who says I haven't.... Like I said, I doubt you'll be here that long, so I'll enjoy mocking you while you are.


Actually, I have no doubt I'd be here, because I was the first born boy in my family and my dad wanted a boy to carry the family name. (All the family who had lived in Germany had been killed in the war.)

My attitude about abortion doesn't reflect what my policy view is. If I fathered a child, I'd take responsiblity for it. But I also know- and here's the part you don't get - it really isn't MY decision to make.

Obviously you acknowledge your father had a choice, as if somehow he could control what gender you were born as. Your abortion arguments have many holes and flaws in them, especially this one. As a man you have one half of the genetic material that goes into making that child. To say it isn't your choice is like saying the child has no choice in whether it lives or dies. That is utterly barbaric, and you know it. By the way, I left the last political forum I was in after being a member for a couple of years. I'll be here, a thorn in your side as your perceive me to be.

Obviously you’re unaware of the fact that the Constitution disagrees with you, as prior to birth a woman’s rights are paramount:

It is an inescapable biological fact that state regulation with respect to the child a woman is carrying will have a far greater impact on the mother's liberty than on the father's. The effect of state regulation on a woman's protected liberty is doubly deserving of scrutiny in such a case, as the State has touched not only upon the private sphere of the family but upon the very bodily integrity of the pregnant woman.

Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 (1992)

You’re entitled to your opinion, however subjective and irrelevant.

And as long as you keep it as only opinion, all is well.

As a fact of law, however, the right to privacy exists, and the state is prohibited from interfering with any person’s decision to have a child, or not, accordingly.

Ahh, I'll leave your snide remarks be. My opinions are not subject to your approval or dissent, they are mine. Get off the high horse.

Besides, only the one spousal notice regulation was overturned. The rest of it was upheld. Four other regulations were left intact. Spousal notice should still be required. Women still don't reproduce asexually as these court justices so believed, and the man does play an equal part in conception. There was also a very conspicuous instance of judicial activism as there were two obvious supporters of Roe who voted to strike the spousal notice rule, as did Justice Kennedy (oh yeah that name again) after originally intending a vote to uphold it.

Those two justices:

Justice Blackburn (Author of Roe)


Justice Stevens (joined on multiple affirmative decisions which upheld Roe)

Blackburn by right should have recused himself from the decision. And so should have Stevens for his part in reaffirming other other cases of relevant subject matter. I see this ruling as invalid.

The law is no substitute for biology, and a strict legal interpretation leaves more want than satisfaction. So, do we say, a child is all for the woman, or for the man--or for both? The male's ejaculate transforms the egg inside of the woman's body via fertilization, which in turn triggers the cell meiosis that determines the sex of the child, which furthermore results in the further development of the child, and therefore in so doing, the man has inserted a part of his essence within. He, theretofore should be given the same parity over the fate of the child as the woman.

I do not recognize that case because it cannot overcome a simple biological fact. It takes two to make a baby.
Thanks for clarifying your sexual orientation for the record. I'll make sure to refer to you by the correct gender in the future. My apologies, ma'am.

Meh, apology unnecessary seeing as I gave zero indication of my gender. I'm just not used to needing to. I guess I don't usually talk online to strangers.

Then uh, why did you register in the first place?
That rep wasn't a green, it was a red, I'll bet. Don't worry. I'll save mine and be nice to you shortly.

Actually, it was a green. Yeah, you really thought I negged him didn't you? Sure must be nice not having to be corrected all the time where you are. But here, you don't get to make assumptions about people.

Doesn't matter if it was green. It was passive aggressive as shit.

Cowman having a cow? Get over yourself.

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