Abortions: Should Women be Allowed to Choose?

Wait a second - charged with MURDER? Well how could that be when a fetus is not a baby according to noomi?

Also, how could it be moving and how could this monster "snip their spine" if they are not babies according to noomi?

Former worker testifies that Dr. Kermit Gosnell snipped the spines of moving babies following abortions at Philadelphia clinic - NY Daily News

I think you need to fucking learn how to comprehend what you read. At least you have the reading part down... but still a ways to go. These babies were born alive.
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Wait a second - charged with MURDER? Well how could that be when a fetus is not a baby according to noomi?

Also, how could it be moving and how could this monster "snip their spine" if they are not babies according to noomi?

Former worker testifies that Dr. Kermit Gosnell snipped the spines of moving babies following abortions at Philadelphia clinic - NY Daily News

I think you need to fucking learn how to comprehend what you read. At least you have the reading part down... but still a ways to go. These babies were born alive.

He doesn't care about that. He believes that we don't believe born children are people. Like we want to kill them or something.
Wait a second - charged with MURDER? Well how could that be when a fetus is not a baby according to noomi?

Also, how could it be moving and how could this monster "snip their spine" if they are not babies according to noomi?

Former worker testifies that Dr. Kermit Gosnell snipped the spines of moving babies following abortions at Philadelphia clinic - NY Daily News

I think you need to fucking learn how to comprehend what you read. At least you have the reading part down... but still a ways to go. These babies were born alive.

He doesn't care about that. He believes that we don't believe born children are people. Like we want to kill them or something.

'cause it was your sick, twisted, demented self who matter of factly stated you would have killed those conjoined twins referenced in that other thread, AFTER THEY WERE BORN, because you considered them nothing more than "monstrocities."

Sooooo, yes, a sick fuck like you undoubtedly wants to kill them or "something."

And god only knows what's going on in your sick mind when it comes to the "something."
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Wait a second - charged with MURDER? Well how could that be when a fetus is not a baby according to noomi?

Also, how could it be moving and how could this monster "snip their spine" if they are not babies according to noomi?

Former worker testifies that Dr. Kermit Gosnell snipped the spines of moving babies following abortions at Philadelphia clinic - NY Daily News

I think you need to fucking learn how to comprehend what you read. At least you have the reading part down... but still a ways to go. These babies were born alive.

Born or in the uterus, babies are still alive.
Wait a second - charged with MURDER? Well how could that be when a fetus is not a baby according to noomi?

Also, how could it be moving and how could this monster "snip their spine" if they are not babies according to noomi?

Former worker testifies that Dr. Kermit Gosnell snipped the spines of moving babies following abortions at Philadelphia clinic - NY Daily News

What's messed up is how the story didn't get enough attention by the liberal media when the trial first broke out.

My type? I think you're scared of me Joe. You do have a choice, your ejaculate helped spawn the growth a new life. You obviously do not know your role as a man if you surrender your choices to the one side of a relationship. You are willing to abdicate all of your power just so your woman could end the budding life of a perfectly good human being.

The fact that you cannot refrain from namecalling says a lot about you. Me, my faith and my statements scare you. I honestly hope you are scared of me, for I am not going anywhere. Enjoy!

Guy, you give yourself too much credit. You're a troll, and trolls don't last long. You'll do what most trolls do when I've spanked them enough times. Announce proudly you've put me on ignore.

Point is, and this is the point that you don't get. Once it's in HER body, it's her decision. Period. I don't have any say. Pratically or legally or morally. She's the one who is going to make the decision about whether to have that baby.

Now I would offer to support it. Sure. wouldn't have to take me to court or anything. But the reality- it's her body. It's her decision.

Deal with it.
Wait a second - charged with MURDER? Well how could that be when a fetus is not a baby according to noomi?

Also, how could it be moving and how could this monster "snip their spine" if they are not babies according to noomi?

Former worker testifies that Dr. Kermit Gosnell snipped the spines of moving babies following abortions at Philadelphia clinic - NY Daily News

I got keep asking the question- why aren't the women who went there for the abortions being charged.

The ones Gosnell didn't kill, that is?

It seems to me that if I invite someone to a resturant knowing Sammy teh Bull is going to kill them there, I'm as guilty as Sammy.

So why aren't the women being charged?

My type? I think you're scared of me Joe. You do have a choice, your ejaculate helped spawn the growth a new life. You obviously do not know your role as a man if you surrender your choices to the one side of a relationship. You are willing to abdicate all of your power just so your woman could end the budding life of a perfectly good human being.

The fact that you cannot refrain from namecalling says a lot about you. Me, my faith and my statements scare you. I honestly hope you are scared of me, for I am not going anywhere. Enjoy!

Guy, you give yourself too much credit. You're a troll, and trolls don't last long. You'll do what most trolls do when I've spanked them enough times. Announce proudly you've put me on ignore.

Point is, and this is the point that you don't get. Once it's in HER body, it's her decision. Period. I don't have any say. Pratically or legally or morally. She's the one who is going to make the decision about whether to have that baby.

Now I would offer to support it. Sure. wouldn't have to take me to court or anything. But the reality- it's her body. It's her decision.

Deal with it.

Troll huh? So me whipping your backside with truth is "trolling" then? You must exist in a whole different plane of reality. Hey, your dick was inside her body when you two made love to each other, by your premise "her body, her choice" she had dominion over your reproductive organs as well as hers. You're reaching, and failing. Your DNA is inside of that child. You can't sit there with a straight face and tell me you would sit idly by as you watched her kill something that both of you worked to create.


And why would I ignore anyone? Willful ignorance is a sign of cowardice. Even though Mr. Poet has me on his ignore list, I never placed him on mine. And you, despite your..clears throat..opinions, will not be placed there either. I enjoy lively and sometimes outright slugfests when it come to debating on political boards. I give myself adequate credit, because I know I can handle people like you on a regular basis.

Your argument was trashed a while ago though. I see no more point in continuing this discussion with you any further. I am the victor, I have claimed the spoils, and I shall march with my kinsmen towards home.

Have a wonderful day, Joe.

Troll huh? So me whipping your backside with truth is "trolling" then? You must exist in a whole different plane of reality. Hey, your dick was inside her body when you two made love to each other, by your premise "her body, her choice" she had dominion over your reproductive organs as well as hers. You're reaching, and failing. Your DNA is inside of that child. You can't sit there with a straight face and tell me you would sit idly by as you watched her kill something that both of you worked to create.


And why would I ignore anyone? Willful ignorance is a sign of cowardice. Even though Mr. Poet has me on his ignore list, I never placed him on mine. And you, despite your..clears throat..opinions, will not be placed there either. I enjoy lively and sometimes outright slugfests when it come to debating on political boards. I give myself adequate credit, because I know I can handle people like you on a regular basis.

Your argument was trashed a while ago though. I see no more point in continuing this discussion with you any further. I am the victor, I have claimed the spoils, and I shall march with my kinsmen towards home.

Have a wonderful day, Joe.

Guy, you just got spanked. Man up and admit it.

Fact it, if she wants an abortion- SHE'S GETTING AN ABORTION! And if she wants that baby and I don't, SHE'S HAVING THE BABY.

That's the reality. And frankly, we men ought to shut the fuck up about it, because if the baby making was left to us, the birth rate would probably drop to zero. We couldn't hack it.

I think that's the only point I need to address other than your butthurt about being called out as a troll.

Troll huh? So me whipping your backside with truth is "trolling" then? You must exist in a whole different plane of reality. Hey, your dick was inside her body when you two made love to each other, by your premise "her body, her choice" she had dominion over your reproductive organs as well as hers. You're reaching, and failing. Your DNA is inside of that child. You can't sit there with a straight face and tell me you would sit idly by as you watched her kill something that both of you worked to create.


And why would I ignore anyone? Willful ignorance is a sign of cowardice. Even though Mr. Poet has me on his ignore list, I never placed him on mine. And you, despite your..clears throat..opinions, will not be placed there either. I enjoy lively and sometimes outright slugfests when it come to debating on political boards. I give myself adequate credit, because I know I can handle people like you on a regular basis.

Your argument was trashed a while ago though. I see no more point in continuing this discussion with you any further. I am the victor, I have claimed the spoils, and I shall march with my kinsmen towards home.

Have a wonderful day, Joe.

Guy, you just got spanked. Man up and admit it.

Fact it, if she wants an abortion- SHE'S GETTING AN ABORTION! And if she wants that baby and I don't, SHE'S HAVING THE BABY.

That's the reality. And frankly, we men ought to shut the fuck up about it, because if the baby making was left to us, the birth rate would probably drop to zero. We couldn't hack it.

I think that's the only point I need to address other than your butthurt about being called out as a troll.

Me? Butthurt? My growing rep says otherwise. Take care, once again.
I gave you some rep as a housewarming gift.

Welcome to the boards newcomer. What does it mean to me? I'll tell you. It defies logic to sit there and say "I advocate a woman's right to choose" when one right means the end of a human life, and the other spares her the indignity of it all; the indignity of being seen weighed down by the chains of responsibility. Another thing is the irony that those who are claiming to support abortion are themselves already brought into this world. Hey, that means you too! And no, Elvis does not speak to me, the truth does.

Don't expect me to be so nice next time, because if you continue your logical fallacies, the gloves come off.

Once again, welcome to USMB. Please enjoy your stay.

Is pointing out that I'm a newcomer supposed to have special meaning? Cause it doesn't bother me.

What about married women that have abortions and already have kids? I've known 'em. They already have responsibilities and aren't worried about "being seen weighed down by the chains of responsibility". They gave priority to supporting their children by terminating a pregnancy. 61% of women who terminate a pregnancy already have one or more children. Most of them aren't teenage girls worried about getting caught with their pants down. They're doing what they think is best for their child/ren. http://www.guttmacher.org/pubs/US-Abortion-Patients.pdf

Your point? If I wasn't born, I wouldn't be mourning the loss of not being born. I just wouldn't exist. You're going to get all existential on this?

There's nothing wrong with my logic. You're the one getting philosophical about fetuses that were never even born. If we start counting human beings from pregnancy, where the hell would you even start? Conception? What do we do? Give women pregnancy tests every month just to make sure they don't murder or hurt a human being? It's unreasonable. There's an easy, straight forward line in the sand. Birth. Either you were born and took your first breath or you didn't. It's worked for a really really long time. It ain't broke, don't fix it.

Nobody who is dead "mourns" their own death. That's a piss poor justification for murder.
The woman already gets to choose. There are those who would like to take women's rights away but that won't be happening anytime soon.
Should women be allowed to choose what they do with their bodies? Absolutely.

And they have plenty of options to choose from. Birth control pills, condoms, abstinence and natural sex.

Those are all choices.

Pregnancy isn't a choice; it's the outcome of a decision that had a choice.

And abortions aren't about a woman's body; they're about another body, very much alive, forming within the woman's body. So a woman's "right-to-choose" should be about what the woman does with her body; not the body of an infant she chose to have.

And if we can all agree that every human being is born with the inherent right to live, then abortions are clear violations of this right. As the baby is never consulted with when abortions are decided.

Welcome to the 19th century. So good to have you here, back, um...er.....then.

In your world we can also have these little buggers working in factories by the time they are nine or ten. After all, with this plethora of children being born somebody's got to support them and WE KNOW IT AIN'T GONNA' BE JERKS LIKE YOU.
The woman already gets to choose. There are those who would like to take women's rights away but that won't be happening anytime soon.

Don't be so sure. There have been bigger fallacies in the last 100 years about what could actually happen when the irrational and ignorant get their way.
I do not recognize that case because it cannot overcome a simple biological fact. It takes two to make a baby.

Simple biological fact is the law can't compensate men for the fact that they can't get pregnant. When men get pregnant, they should be the ones that make this decision.


But if the O/P insists on stopping abortion, then all men must stop having sex with women because there is no fail-safe method for birth control. None. But the O/P is too phucking stupid to realize this.

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