About Stormy Daniels...

Essential Consultants LLC is public record, and Trumps lawyer (Michael Cohen) is authorized person of that LLC, in which they paid "Peggy Peterson" who is really Stormy Daniels.
So what is your point? If I had his $$$ I would leave a pussy trail as well.
That's not breaking news. It is not a secret that his supporters love the classless, unethical, amoral pig, as it validates their own, similar qualities. Buying prostitutes with a newborn at home? Atta boy!
Snowflakes automatically believe any story attacking Trump. They are the ultimate suckers. That's how they humiliate themselves so often.
I believe this story about Trump because it aligns perfectly with exactly who he is. And you believe it, too. But, being willing to make youreself seem like a retard in order to provide cover for your special little man, you come on this message board and sell your soul and lie and prance and dance.
Who he is? Based on what sources? Oh, biased sources.
No, based on his own words and actions. Come on, stop embarrassing yourselves. You know this doesnt surprise you in the least. You just dont care. That's fine, it doesnt much change my thinking, either.

What surprises me is the lengths you little grunts will go to in order to prpvide cover for your special little man, when:

A) he doesnt really need it


B) he wouldnt piss on any of you, if you were on fire

Is it REALLY worth making yourselves seem retarded?
So what is your point? If I had his $$$ I would leave a pussy trail as well.
That's not breaking news. It is not a secret that his supporters love the classless, unethical, amoral pig, as it validates their own, similar qualities. Buying prostitutes with a newborn at home? Atta boy!
Snowflakes automatically believe any story attacking Trump. They are the ultimate suckers. That's how they humiliate themselves so often.
I believe this story about Trump because it aligns perfectly with exactly who he is. And you believe it, too. But, being willing to make youreself seem like a retard in order to provide cover for your special little man, you come on this message board and sell your soul and lie and prance and dance.
Who he is? Based on what sources? Oh, biased sources.
No, based on his own words and actions. Come on, stop embarrassing yourselves. You know this doesnt surprise you in the least. You just dont care. That's fine, it doesnt much change my thinking, either.

What surprises me is the lengths you little grunts will go to in order to prpvide cover for your special little man, when:

A) he doesnt really need it


B) he wouldnt piss on any of you, if you were on fire

Is it REALLY worth making yourselves seem retarded?
Based on accusations, innuendo, and unnamed sources. Trump is a rich man. Women have thrown pussy at him for years.
Trump is a rich man. Women have thrown pussy at him for years.
Yes, exactly. For money, of course. Seems we agree 100%. And then a hooker comes out and says she was with Trump....and you find it hard to believe? Even after what you just said?

See, that's what I am talking about. This sort of dissonance and self-contradiction makes you seem stupid. You can just admit you do not care and move on, inatead of selling your own soul amd credibity for an amoral fuck who wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. Get Spicey's advice on the matter, if you dont feel like taking my word for it.
Trump is a rich man. Women have thrown pussy at him for years.
Yes, exactly. For money, of course. Seems we agree 100%. And then a hooker comes out and says she was with Trump....and you find it hard to believe? Even after what you just said?

See, that's what I am talking about. This sort of dissonance and self-contradiction makes you seem stupid. You can just admit you do not care and move on, inatead of selling your own soul amd credibity for an amoral fuck who wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. Get Spicey's advice on the matter, if you dont feel like taking my word for it.
So what if she was? Big deal. Business...strictly business. What the hell is a marriage? Ohhhh it’s a contractual agreement ...and then she takes half of everything you fucking own. Pay for it...have a good time...then you both go your separate ways.:FIREdevil:
Trump is a rich man. Women have thrown pussy at him for years.
Yes, exactly. For money, of course. Seems we agree 100%. And then a hooker comes out and says she was with Trump....and you find it hard to believe? Even after what you just said?

See, that's what I am talking about. This sort of dissonance and self-contradiction makes you seem stupid. You can just admit you do not care and move on, inatead of selling your own soul amd credibity for an amoral fuck who wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. Get Spicey's advice on the matter, if you dont feel like taking my word for it.

Technically no he wouldn't piss on them. He'd have one of the Russian hookers do it. And if she were real lucky she'd eventually get paid.
That's not breaking news. It is not a secret that his supporters love the classless, unethical, amoral pig, as it validates their own, similar qualities. Buying prostitutes with a newborn at home? Atta boy!
Snowflakes automatically believe any story attacking Trump. They are the ultimate suckers. That's how they humiliate themselves so often.
I believe this story about Trump because it aligns perfectly with exactly who he is. And you believe it, too. But, being willing to make youreself seem like a retard in order to provide cover for your special little man, you come on this message board and sell your soul and lie and prance and dance.
Who he is? Based on what sources? Oh, biased sources.
No, based on his own words and actions. Come on, stop embarrassing yourselves. You know this doesnt surprise you in the least. You just dont care. That's fine, it doesnt much change my thinking, either.

What surprises me is the lengths you little grunts will go to in order to prpvide cover for your special little man, when:

A) he doesnt really need it


B) he wouldnt piss on any of you, if you were on fire

Is it REALLY worth making yourselves seem retarded?
Based on accusations, innuendo, and unnamed sources. Trump is a rich man. Women have thrown pussy at him for years.

You know those two things because --- he told you so right?

:rofl: What a rube.
Essential Consultants LLC is public record, and Trumps lawyer (Michael Cohen) is authorized person of that LLC, in which they paid "Peggy Peterson" who is really Stormy Daniels.
So what is your point? If I had his $$$ I would leave a pussy trail as well.
That's not breaking news. It is not a secret that his supporters love the classless, unethical, amoral pig, as it validates their own, similar qualities. Buying prostitutes with a newborn at home? Atta boy!
Snowflakes automatically believe any story attacking Trump. They are the ultimate suckers. That's how they humiliate themselves so often.
I believe this story about Trump because it aligns perfectly with exactly who he is. And you believe it, too. But, being willing to make youreself seem like a retard in order to provide cover for your special little man, you come on this message board and sell your soul and lie and prance and dance.
Who he is? Based on what sources? Oh, biased sources.

His own mouth, for starters. He has already admitted that he has been a whore from the time that the Vietnam war was being fought. He also has admitted to adultery.
Snowflakes automatically believe any story attacking Trump. They are the ultimate suckers. That's how they humiliate themselves so often.
I believe this story about Trump because it aligns perfectly with exactly who he is. And you believe it, too. But, being willing to make youreself seem like a retard in order to provide cover for your special little man, you come on this message board and sell your soul and lie and prance and dance.
Who he is? Based on what sources? Oh, biased sources.
No, based on his own words and actions. Come on, stop embarrassing yourselves. You know this doesnt surprise you in the least. You just dont care. That's fine, it doesnt much change my thinking, either.

What surprises me is the lengths you little grunts will go to in order to prpvide cover for your special little man, when:

A) he doesnt really need it


B) he wouldnt piss on any of you, if you were on fire

Is it REALLY worth making yourselves seem retarded?
Based on accusations, innuendo, and unnamed sources. Trump is a rich man. Women have thrown pussy at him for years.

You know those two things because --- he told you so right?

:rofl: What a rube.
You think Donald J. Trump had a problem getting laid back in the 1990’s? Lol. Your delusional.
I believe this story about Trump because it aligns perfectly with exactly who he is. And you believe it, too. But, being willing to make youreself seem like a retard in order to provide cover for your special little man, you come on this message board and sell your soul and lie and prance and dance.
Who he is? Based on what sources? Oh, biased sources.
No, based on his own words and actions. Come on, stop embarrassing yourselves. You know this doesnt surprise you in the least. You just dont care. That's fine, it doesnt much change my thinking, either.

What surprises me is the lengths you little grunts will go to in order to prpvide cover for your special little man, when:

A) he doesnt really need it


B) he wouldnt piss on any of you, if you were on fire

Is it REALLY worth making yourselves seem retarded?
Based on accusations, innuendo, and unnamed sources. Trump is a rich man. Women have thrown pussy at him for years.

You know those two things because --- he told you so right?

:rofl: What a rube.
You think Donald J. Trump had a problem getting laid back in the 1990’s? Lol. Your delusional.

The 1990s --- oh yeah you mean the time when Rump made up not one but two fake press agents "John Miller" and "John Barron" (real creative there John) to make up fake sexploit rumours for the gossip rags while he was married to Marla? When he didn't even disguise his voice and everybody knew who he really was? Those 1990s?

Hey, between the two of us only one is buying anything Rump dumps and it ain't me, so yeah tell me about "delusional".

Anonymous sources - fake news.
Essential Consultants LLC is public record, and Trumps lawyer (Michael Cohen) is authorized person of that LLC, in which they paid "Peggy Peterson" who is really Stormy Daniels.
So what is your point? If I had his $$$ I would leave a pussy trail as well.
That's not breaking news. It is not a secret that his supporters love the classless, unethical, amoral pig, as it validates their own, similar qualities. Buying prostitutes with a newborn at home? Atta boy!
Snowflakes automatically believe any story attacking Trump. They are the ultimate suckers. That's how they humiliate themselves so often.
I believe this story about Trump because it aligns perfectly with exactly who he is. And you believe it, too. But, being willing to make youreself seem like a retard in order to provide cover for your special little man, you come on this message board and sell your soul and lie and prance and dance.
You mean it aligns perfectly with your bullshit biases and prejudices. Whether it's true doesn't matter to snowflakes. All that matters is whether they would like it to be true.
How great would it be if a Democrat brought Stormy Daniels to the State of the Union?

How great would it be if a Republican did. Along with a statue of parrots fucking of course.

I'd like to see all of the Trump accusers invited also. Perfect payback for that stunt he pulled at the debate with the Clinton accusers.

Plus, that story would bury his actual SOTU speech 6 ft deep. lol
So what is your point? If I had his $$$ I would leave a pussy trail as well.
That's not breaking news. It is not a secret that his supporters love the classless, unethical, amoral pig, as it validates their own, similar qualities. Buying prostitutes with a newborn at home? Atta boy!
Snowflakes automatically believe any story attacking Trump. They are the ultimate suckers. That's how they humiliate themselves so often.

This from one who believes everything Trump says.

I believe the several trusted news sites. You trust Trump.

What are your 'trusted news sites?'


Not Fox, Not Breitbart, Not Rush Limbaugh, Not Donald Trump

As usual a leftie gets it exactly backward
WSJ publishing information that alleges Trump had an "encounter" with a porn star named Stormy Daniels in 2006. CNN is trying to push the story and baffled (again) by why Trump supporters don't seem to care about it. (The Stormy Daniels story should be a bigger deal - CNNPolitics). Another CNN article charged hypocrisy that conservatives attacked Bill Clinton but seem to be giving Trump a pass.

As a conservative (but not a die-hard Trump supporter) here is why (roughly in order of importance):

1. Did not happen in the Oval Office (hallways) with a young intern
2. Did not perjure himself under oath
3. Happened 10 years ago
4. Trump supporters already know he has character flaws...he was elected anyway (Side note: Liberals would be much better off thinking hard about WHY Trump was elected and understanding how conservatives in this country feel about globalism, identity politics, national pride, and the "swamp")
5. Stormy Daniels isn't upset about it (consensual)
6. A private issue between DJT and Melania

All this adds up to...who cares? Let's hash out immigration and appoint some more judges.
But none of that makes any sense what so ever, if you were the alleged Moral Majority/Religious Right... It matters not if you are committing Adultery in the Oval office or a hotel room, or out side in the middle of a field....adultery is adultery, no matter where it takes place.....????
WSJ publishing information that alleges Trump had an "encounter" with a porn star named Stormy Daniels in 2006. CNN is trying to push the story and baffled (again) by why Trump supporters don't seem to care about it. (The Stormy Daniels story should be a bigger deal - CNNPolitics). Another CNN article charged hypocrisy that conservatives attacked Bill Clinton but seem to be giving Trump a pass.

As a conservative (but not a die-hard Trump supporter) here is why (roughly in order of importance):

1. Did not happen in the Oval Office (hallways) with a young intern
2. Did not perjure himself under oath
3. Happened 10 years ago
4. Trump supporters already know he has character flaws...he was elected anyway (Side note: Liberals would be much better off thinking hard about WHY Trump was elected and understanding how conservatives in this country feel about globalism, identity politics, national pride, and the "swamp")
5. Stormy Daniels isn't upset about it (consensual)
6. A private issue between DJT and Melania

All this adds up to...who cares? Let's hash out immigration and appoint some more judges.
But none of that makes any sense what so ever, if you were the alleged Moral Majority/Religious Right... It matters not if you are committing Adultery in the Oval office or a hotel room, or out side in the middle of a field....adultery is adultery, no matter where it takes place.....????
Trump never said he was a part of moral majority. Said he is a Christian who raises his kids right.
It really doesn't matter to those without morals bripat as I have said Clinton was wrong and so was trump in this issue. Hence my lack of respect for.....but hey you could try to deport this American born citizen who has zero respect.
I remember the same being asked of Clinton for his actions while president.

To my knowledge, Trump held no office.
So it has nothing at all to do with morals or adultery, but only where it takes place, eh???? WTF

Man oh man, Gumby has come back to life....
WSJ publishing information that alleges Trump had an "encounter" with a porn star named Stormy Daniels in 2006. CNN is trying to push the story and baffled (again) by why Trump supporters don't seem to care about it. (The Stormy Daniels story should be a bigger deal - CNNPolitics). Another CNN article charged hypocrisy that conservatives attacked Bill Clinton but seem to be giving Trump a pass.

As a conservative (but not a die-hard Trump supporter) here is why (roughly in order of importance):

1. Did not happen in the Oval Office (hallways) with a young intern
2. Did not perjure himself under oath
3. Happened 10 years ago
4. Trump supporters already know he has character flaws...he was elected anyway (Side note: Liberals would be much better off thinking hard about WHY Trump was elected and understanding how conservatives in this country feel about globalism, identity politics, national pride, and the "swamp")
5. Stormy Daniels isn't upset about it (consensual)
6. A private issue between DJT and Melania

All this adds up to...who cares? Let's hash out immigration and appoint some more judges.
But none of that makes any sense what so ever, if you were the alleged Moral Majority/Religious Right... It matters not if you are committing Adultery in the Oval office or a hotel room, or out side in the middle of a field....adultery is adultery, no matter where it takes place.....????
You know if you the cash Trump does you would pay for it with some pro-wrestling looking chicks.

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