About Stormy Daniels...

If your Trump in the 1990’s...hey...”It’s Good ta be da king!”
WSJ publishing information that alleges Trump had an "encounter" with a porn star named Stormy Daniels in 2006. CNN is trying to push the story and baffled (again) by why Trump supporters don't seem to care about it. (The Stormy Daniels story should be a bigger deal - CNNPolitics). Another CNN article charged hypocrisy that conservatives attacked Bill Clinton but seem to be giving Trump a pass.

As a conservative (but not a die-hard Trump supporter) here is why (roughly in order of importance):

1. Did not happen in the Oval Office (hallways) with a young intern
2. Did not perjure himself under oath
3. Happened 10 years ago
4. Trump supporters already know he has character flaws...he was elected anyway (Side note: Liberals would be much better off thinking hard about WHY Trump was elected and understanding how conservatives in this country feel about globalism, identity politics, national pride, and the "swamp")
5. Stormy Daniels isn't upset about it (consensual)
6. A private issue between DJT and Melania

All this adds up to...who cares? Let's hash out immigration and appoint some more judges.
But none of that makes any sense what so ever, if you were the alleged Moral Majority/Religious Right... It matters not if you are committing Adultery in the Oval office or a hotel room, or out side in the middle of a field....adultery is adultery, no matter where it takes place.....????
Trump never said he was a part of moral majority. Said he is a Christian who raises his kids right.
He ain't no Christian....period..... he's never even asked for forgiveness.... according to him, he's never done anything to ask forgiveness for....

Please stop damaging Christianity by claiming Trump is a Christian... he does not even know what it means to be a Christian.....? Not that it matters what religion he is...morals and ethics do not require a religion....

His kids were NOT raised well....for goodness sake....the only one that seems like she was, is Ivanka and maybe the kid he had with Marla, but even she has problems....

He taught his first 3 kids to Love Money over and above God....

So please spare us all with the "Trump is a Christian, and stop making Christians look bad by saying he is...
I remember the same being asked of Clinton for his actions while president.

To my knowledge, Trump held no office.
So it has nothing at all to do with morals or adultery, but only where it takes place, eh???? WTF

Man oh man, Gumby has come back to life....
the affairs of a private citizen, opposed to the affairs of an elected official?

Guess it only makes a difference depending on their party.

(didn't the left chastise the right for years about sticking their noses into people bedrooms?)
WSJ publishing information that alleges Trump had an "encounter" with a porn star named Stormy Daniels in 2006. CNN is trying to push the story and baffled (again) by why Trump supporters don't seem to care about it. (The Stormy Daniels story should be a bigger deal - CNNPolitics). Another CNN article charged hypocrisy that conservatives attacked Bill Clinton but seem to be giving Trump a pass.

As a conservative (but not a die-hard Trump supporter) here is why (roughly in order of importance):

1. Did not happen in the Oval Office (hallways) with a young intern
2. Did not perjure himself under oath
3. Happened 10 years ago
4. Trump supporters already know he has character flaws...he was elected anyway (Side note: Liberals would be much better off thinking hard about WHY Trump was elected and understanding how conservatives in this country feel about globalism, identity politics, national pride, and the "swamp")
5. Stormy Daniels isn't upset about it (consensual)
6. A private issue between DJT and Melania

All this adds up to...who cares? Let's hash out immigration and appoint some more judges.
But none of that makes any sense what so ever, if you were the alleged Moral Majority/Religious Right... It matters not if you are committing Adultery in the Oval office or a hotel room, or out side in the middle of a field....adultery is adultery, no matter where it takes place.....????
Trump never said he was a part of moral majority. Said he is a Christian who raises his kids right.
He ain't no Christian....period..... he's never even asked for forgiveness.... according to him, he's never done anything to ask forgiveness for....

Please stop damaging Christianity by claiming Trump is a Christian... he does not even know what it means to be a Christian.....? Not that it matters what religion he is...morals and ethics do not require a religion....

His kids were NOT raised well....for goodness sake....the only one that seems like she was, is Ivanka and maybe the kid he had with Marla, but even she has problems....

He taught his first 3 kids to Love Money over and above God....

So please spare us all with the "Trump is a Christian, and stop making Christians look bad by saying he is...
Liberals certainly are not Christians. Atheists college professors, gay pride parades in front of children, condemn a swath of society to perpetual poverty and welfare.:eusa_pray:
The good news is that with the hypocritical evangelicals whoring for a man who was banging a porn star while married then paying her off to keep quiet, they’ve lost all moral authority to judge anyone else running for political office, ever.
WSJ publishing information that alleges Trump had an "encounter" with a porn star named Stormy Daniels in 2006. CNN is trying to push the story and baffled (again) by why Trump supporters don't seem to care about it. (The Stormy Daniels story should be a bigger deal - CNNPolitics). Another CNN article charged hypocrisy that conservatives attacked Bill Clinton but seem to be giving Trump a pass.

As a conservative (but not a die-hard Trump supporter) here is why (roughly in order of importance):

1. Did not happen in the Oval Office (hallways) with a young intern
2. Did not perjure himself under oath
3. Happened 10 years ago
4. Trump supporters already know he has character flaws...he was elected anyway (Side note: Liberals would be much better off thinking hard about WHY Trump was elected and understanding how conservatives in this country feel about globalism, identity politics, national pride, and the "swamp")
5. Stormy Daniels isn't upset about it (consensual)
6. A private issue between DJT and Melania

All this adds up to...who cares? Let's hash out immigration and appoint some more judges.
But none of that makes any sense what so ever, if you were the alleged Moral Majority/Religious Right... It matters not if you are committing Adultery in the Oval office or a hotel room, or out side in the middle of a field....adultery is adultery, no matter where it takes place.....????
Trump never said he was a part of moral majority. Said he is a Christian who raises his kids right.
He ain't no Christian....period..... he's never even asked for forgiveness.... according to him, he's never done anything to ask forgiveness for....

Please stop damaging Christianity by claiming Trump is a Christian... he does not even know what it means to be a Christian.....? Not that it matters what religion he is...morals and ethics do not require a religion....

His kids were NOT raised well....for goodness sake....the only one that seems like she was, is Ivanka and maybe the kid he had with Marla, but even she has problems....

He taught his first 3 kids to Love Money over and above God....

So please spare us all with the "Trump is a Christian, and stop making Christians look bad by saying he is...
Liberals certainly are not Christians. Atheists college professors, gay pride parades in front of children, condemn a swath of society to perpetual poverty and welfare.:eusa_pray:

Sorry. You don’t get to judge liberals.

You support a man who whores around with porn stars while married.
I remember the same being asked of Clinton for his actions while president.

To my knowledge, Trump held no office.
So it has nothing at all to do with morals or adultery, but only where it takes place, eh???? WTF

Man oh man, Gumby has come back to life....
the affairs of a private citizen, opposed to the affairs of an elected official?

Guess it only makes a difference depending on their party.

(didn't the left chastise the right for years about sticking their noses into people bedrooms?)

So it doesn’t matter how someone behaves in private life?

Good to know.
WSJ publishing information that alleges Trump had an "encounter" with a porn star named Stormy Daniels in 2006. CNN is trying to push the story and baffled (again) by why Trump supporters don't seem to care about it. (The Stormy Daniels story should be a bigger deal - CNNPolitics). Another CNN article charged hypocrisy that conservatives attacked Bill Clinton but seem to be giving Trump a pass.

As a conservative (but not a die-hard Trump supporter) here is why (roughly in order of importance):

1. Did not happen in the Oval Office (hallways) with a young intern
2. Did not perjure himself under oath
3. Happened 10 years ago
4. Trump supporters already know he has character flaws...he was elected anyway (Side note: Liberals would be much better off thinking hard about WHY Trump was elected and understanding how conservatives in this country feel about globalism, identity politics, national pride, and the "swamp")
5. Stormy Daniels isn't upset about it (consensual)
6. A private issue between DJT and Melania

All this adds up to...who cares? Let's hash out immigration and appoint some more judges.
But none of that makes any sense what so ever, if you were the alleged Moral Majority/Religious Right... It matters not if you are committing Adultery in the Oval office or a hotel room, or out side in the middle of a field....adultery is adultery, no matter where it takes place.....????
You know if you the cash Trump does you would pay for it with some pro-wrestling looking chicks.

In English please.
I remember the same being asked of Clinton for his actions while president.

To my knowledge, Trump held no office.
So it has nothing at all to do with morals or adultery, but only where it takes place, eh???? WTF

Man oh man, Gumby has come back to life....
the affairs of a private citizen, opposed to the affairs of an elected official?

Guess it only makes a difference depending on their party.

(didn't the left chastise the right for years about sticking their noses into people bedrooms?)

So it doesn’t matter how someone behaves in private life?

Good to know.

I expect higher standards from someone elected to office than a private citizen..
I remember the same being asked of Clinton for his actions while president.

To my knowledge, Trump held no office.
So it has nothing at all to do with morals or adultery, but only where it takes place, eh???? WTF

Man oh man, Gumby has come back to life....
the affairs of a private citizen, opposed to the affairs of an elected official?

Guess it only makes a difference depending on their party.

(didn't the left chastise the right for years about sticking their noses into people bedrooms?)

So it doesn’t matter how someone behaves in private life?

Good to know.

I expect higher standards from someone elected to office than a private citizen..


Because when someone is elected, they become an alter boy, even though in their prior life they were an immoral reprobate.
What’s amazing about Trump’s worshippers is that there is no way most of them would tolerate their loved ones behaving as Trump has, but are willing to rationalize everything Trump does, no matter how bad.

I remember the same being asked of Clinton for his actions while president.

To my knowledge, Trump held no office.
So it has nothing at all to do with morals or adultery, but only where it takes place, eh???? WTF

Man oh man, Gumby has come back to life....
the affairs of a private citizen, opposed to the affairs of an elected official?

Guess it only makes a difference depending on their party.

(didn't the left chastise the right for years about sticking their noses into people bedrooms?)

So it doesn’t matter how someone behaves in private life?

Good to know.

I expect higher standards from someone elected to office than a private citizen..


Because when someone is elected, they become an alter boy, even though in their prior life they were an immoral reprobate.
If they don't respect the office, why should I?
So it has nothing at all to do with morals or adultery, but only where it takes place, eh???? WTF

Man oh man, Gumby has come back to life....
the affairs of a private citizen, opposed to the affairs of an elected official?

Guess it only makes a difference depending on their party.

(didn't the left chastise the right for years about sticking their noses into people bedrooms?)

So it doesn’t matter how someone behaves in private life?

Good to know.

I expect higher standards from someone elected to office than a private citizen..


Because when someone is elected, they become an alter boy, even though in their prior life they were an immoral reprobate.
If they don't respect the office, why should I?

If you aren’t willing to tolerate a lying immoral whore in your private life, why are you willing to tolerate a lying victim immoral whore in your public life?
the affairs of a private citizen, opposed to the affairs of an elected official?

Guess it only makes a difference depending on their party.

(didn't the left chastise the right for years about sticking their noses into people bedrooms?)

So it doesn’t matter how someone behaves in private life?

Good to know.

I expect higher standards from someone elected to office than a private citizen..


Because when someone is elected, they become an alter boy, even though in their prior life they were an immoral reprobate.
If they don't respect the office, why should I?

If you aren’t willing to tolerate a lying immoral whore in your private life, why are you willing to tolerate a lying victim immoral whore in your public life?

either you have no problems with lying whores, you haven't voted for the last 30 years?
So it doesn’t matter how someone behaves in private life?

Good to know.

I expect higher standards from someone elected to office than a private citizen..


Because when someone is elected, they become an alter boy, even though in their prior life they were an immoral reprobate.
If they don't respect the office, why should I?

If you aren’t willing to tolerate a lying immoral whore in your private life, why are you willing to tolerate a lying victim immoral whore in your public life?

either you have no problems with lying whores, you haven't voted for the last 30 years?

Actually, I haven’t, for the most part.

But your convenient rationalization is noted.

It’s hilarious to watch Republicans twist themselves in knots defending their Orange God no matter what he does.
I expect higher standards from someone elected to office than a private citizen..


Because when someone is elected, they become an alter boy, even though in their prior life they were an immoral reprobate.
If they don't respect the office, why should I?

If you aren’t willing to tolerate a lying immoral whore in your private life, why are you willing to tolerate a lying victim immoral whore in your public life?

either you have no problems with lying whores, you haven't voted for the last 30 years?

Actually, I haven’t, for the most part.

But your convenient rationalization is noted.

It’s hilarious to watch Republicans twist themselves in knots defending their Orange God no matter what he does.

Convenient rationalization?

nice twist on what I said,
Can you imagine how batshit crazy the Trump worshippers would be going if Bill Clinton had been banging a pornstar then paid her off?
Out of curiosity,

how many payoffs did Bill make, between his time as governor and president?

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