About Stormy Daniels...

Can you imagine how batshit crazy the Trump worshippers would be going if Bill Clinton had been banging a pornstar then paid her off?
Out of curiosity,

how many payoffs did Bill make, between his time as governor and president?


But that doesn’t matter to you, does it?

Why wouldn't it?

Did he pay them off with HIS money. or donations?

Trump has deep pockets...


Government salary.
Can you imagine how batshit crazy the Trump worshippers would be going if Bill Clinton had been banging a pornstar then paid her off?
Out of curiosity,

how many payoffs did Bill make, between his time as governor and president?


But that doesn’t matter to you, does it?

Why wouldn't it?

Did he pay them off with HIS money. or donations?

Trump has deep pockets...


Government salary.

Umm... you do realize that any salary, from any source, becomes the recipient's money, right?

If you work for the gummint --- and the gummint then pays you --- at that point that money ceases to be owned by the gummint.

But if you want to trace monetary genealogy ---- guess where Rump's inherited fortune came from.
Can you imagine how batshit crazy the Trump worshippers would be going if Bill Clinton had been banging a pornstar then paid her off?
Out of curiosity,

how many payoffs did Bill make, between his time as governor and president?


But that doesn’t matter to you, does it?

Why wouldn't it?

Did he pay them off with HIS money. or donations?

Trump has deep pockets...


Government salary.

Umm... you do realize that any salary, from any source, becomes the recipient's money, right?

'howdy folks, this is billy bob Clinton, and my dick got me in trouble, again. Ah want, no, Ah NEED y'all to dig deep, and help me pay off these women making my life a nightmare.

Thanks, y'all'
WSJ publishing information that alleges Trump had an "encounter" with a porn star named Stormy Daniels in 2006. CNN is trying to push the story and baffled (again) by why Trump supporters don't seem to care about it. (The Stormy Daniels story should be a bigger deal - CNNPolitics). Another CNN article charged hypocrisy that conservatives attacked Bill Clinton but seem to be giving Trump a pass.

As a conservative (but not a die-hard Trump supporter) here is why (roughly in order of importance):

1. Did not happen in the Oval Office (hallways) with a young intern
2. Did not perjure himself under oath
3. Happened 10 years ago
4. Trump supporters already know he has character flaws...he was elected anyway (Side note: Liberals would be much better off thinking hard about WHY Trump was elected and understanding how conservatives in this country feel about globalism, identity politics, national pride, and the "swamp")
5. Stormy Daniels isn't upset about it (consensual)
6. A private issue between DJT and Melania

All this adds up to...who cares? Let's hash out immigration and appoint some more judges.
We knew you never cared about Monica. We knew you were not the moral party.
Can you imagine how batshit crazy the Trump worshippers would be going if Bill Clinton had been banging a pornstar then paid her off?
Out of curiosity,

how many payoffs did Bill make, between his time as governor and president?


But that doesn’t matter to you, does it?

Why wouldn't it?

Did he pay them off with HIS money. or donations?

Trump has deep pockets...


Government salary.

Oh, so this is about whose money was used to pay off the pornstar?


Can you imagine how batshit crazy the Trump worshippers would be going if Bill Clinton had been banging a pornstar then paid her off?
Out of curiosity,

how many payoffs did Bill make, between his time as governor and president?


But that doesn’t matter to you, does it?

Why wouldn't it?

Did he pay them off with HIS money. or donations?

Trump has deep pockets...


Government salary.

Umm... you do realize that any salary, from any source, becomes the recipient's money, right?

'howdy folks, this is billy bob Clinton, and my dick got me in trouble, again. Ah want, no, Ah NEED y'all to dig deep, and help me pay off these women making my life a nightmare.

Thanks, y'all'

Pogo's Law wins again. :rock:
Can you imagine how batshit crazy the Trump worshippers would be going if Bill Clinton had been banging a pornstar then paid her off?
Out of curiosity,

how many payoffs did Bill make, between his time as governor and president?


But that doesn’t matter to you, does it?

Why wouldn't it?

Did he pay them off with HIS money. or donations?

Trump has deep pockets...


Government salary.

Oh, so this is about whose money was used to pay off the pornstar?



Let's see -- 2006 was it? Could have been derived from some of those "tuitions" to Fraud University...
That's not breaking news. It is not a secret that his supporters love the classless, unethical, amoral pig, as it validates their own, similar qualities. Buying prostitutes with a newborn at home? Atta boy!
Snowflakes automatically believe any story attacking Trump. They are the ultimate suckers. That's how they humiliate themselves so often.

This from one who believes everything Trump says.

I believe the several trusted news sites. You trust Trump.

What are your 'trusted news sites?'


Not Fox, Not Breitbart, Not Rush Limbaugh, Not Donald Trump

As usual a leftie gets it exactly backward

Wow, A trumpette doesn't get it.
I am soooooooo surprised.

I guess you think this porn star stuff is not true.

Please tell me based on what?
Stormy says it is true. We have a money trail.

What the4 fuck do you asshats need?
WSJ publishing information that alleges Trump had an "encounter" with a porn star named Stormy Daniels in 2006. CNN is trying to push the story and baffled (again) by why Trump supporters don't seem to care about it. (The Stormy Daniels story should be a bigger deal - CNNPolitics). Another CNN article charged hypocrisy that conservatives attacked Bill Clinton but seem to be giving Trump a pass.

As a conservative (but not a die-hard Trump supporter) here is why (roughly in order of importance):

1. Did not happen in the Oval Office (hallways) with a young intern
2. Did not perjure himself under oath
3. Happened 10 years ago
4. Trump supporters already know he has character flaws...he was elected anyway (Side note: Liberals would be much better off thinking hard about WHY Trump was elected and understanding how conservatives in this country feel about globalism, identity politics, national pride, and the "swamp")
5. Stormy Daniels isn't upset about it (consensual)
6. A private issue between DJT and Melania

All this adds up to...who cares? Let's hash out immigration and appoint some more judges.
But none of that makes any sense what so ever, if you were the alleged Moral Majority/Religious Right... It matters not if you are committing Adultery in the Oval office or a hotel room, or out side in the middle of a field....adultery is adultery, no matter where it takes place.....????
You know if you the cash Trump does you would pay for it with some pro-wrestling looking chicks.

I never needed to pay for sex.
In any major corporation, if Trump did this shit as CEO of any company he did not own, he would be fired on the spot.
That's not breaking news. It is not a secret that his supporters love the classless, unethical, amoral pig, as it validates their own, similar qualities. Buying prostitutes with a newborn at home? Atta boy!
Snowflakes automatically believe any story attacking Trump. They are the ultimate suckers. That's how they humiliate themselves so often.

This from one who believes everything Trump says.

I believe the several trusted news sites. You trust Trump.

What are your 'trusted news sites?'


Not Fox, Not Breitbart, Not Rush Limbaugh, Not Donald Trump

Those are all fake news outlets.
Only if you have your head stuffed far up Trump's ass.
Only if you have your head stuffed far up Trump's ass.

:blahblah: There you go again. I love it when lefties give themselves a wedgie and blame it on everyone else. Total and complete perennial victims.
Shame on Trump. Shame on his religious supporters.

this simply makes the porn star, one of the 12 women that came out during the campaign in 2016 believable now....

it also gets us closer to the truth on the Dossier salacious parts with the prostitutes...makes it more believable....
this simply makes the porn star, one of the 12 women that came out during the campaign in 2016 believable now....

it also gets us closer to the truth on the Dossier salacious parts with the prostitutes...makes it more believable....

I don’t believe the dossier.

This says more about Trump’s hardcore supporters than it does about Trump.

Anyone who knows anything about the man would know that fucking porn stars while recently married with a newborn at home then lying about it is completely in character.

But it’s amusing to watch the people who would let him get away with shooting someone on 5th Ave twist their rationalizations for their support of their Orange God.

All the people who were on their moral high horse condemning Clinton are now defending an even more immoral man in Trump.
Can you imagine how batshit crazy the Trump worshippers would be going if Bill Clinton had been banging a pornstar then paid her off?
Out of curiosity,

how many payoffs did Bill make, between his time as governor and president?


But that doesn’t matter to you, does it?

Why wouldn't it?

Did he pay them off with HIS money. or donations?

Trump has deep pockets...


Government salary.

Umm... you do realize that any salary, from any source, becomes the recipient's money, right?

If you work for the gummint --- and the gummint then pays you --- at that point that money ceases to be owned by the gummint.

But if you want to trace monetary genealogy ---- guess where Rump's inherited fortune came from.


daddy left Donny billions of dollars?

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