about that stalemate in the Iran Nuclear Deal... here's some ideas to get everyone back on track and at ease :


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands

well, the Iran nuclear deal that i proposed on compuserve's old forums[1a][1b], is back at an impasse.

i'd like to inject a little bit of sanity into the current stalemate : the US should end sanctions against the Iranian Revolutionary Guard if and when Iran complies with the terms of the EU, UK, US and Israel in the Iran nuclear deal, and Iran should just accept this deal (or at least not enrich any further nuclear material, as they have a good hand in ballistic and hypersonic missiles too these days), and even refrain from regional and international militant and terror-activities.

i know it's a big ask from both sides, but i'm asking. :)
enjoy your weekend, folks.

[1a] ("keep 'm busy with sanctions until we can figure out how to deal with this")
[1b] (those forums are now defunct if they haven't been revived)

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