Zone1 About The Claim Made About the Great Society and Blacks

Negroes are not the way they are because of what we did to them during the last four centuries. They are the way they are because of what never happened to them. The tribal environment of sub Saharan Africa did not prepare most of them for characteristics civilization needs to thrive. Instead, they were genetically selected for characteristics that cause many of them to earn felony convictions in civilized countries.
Guy, this is the stupidest thing I've heard yet.

It's pretty clear you don't understand how evolution works.
JoeB131, you did not answer these questions because you could not.

I will answer them myself.

Why bother? You are like that nerdy kid who needs affirmation. I mean, if I respected you, I might want to have a conversation, but I really don't.

Seriously, man, the more I read of your posts, the more of a sad little man you seem to be. Life must have been a huge disappointment to you.
Guy, this is the stupidest thing I've heard yet.

It's pretty clear you don't understand how evolution works.
The way evolution works is that innate characteristics that increase the likelihood an organism will survive and reproduce expand in a population of that organism.

Cold climates select genetically for intelligence and monogamy. It takes more intelligence to survive in a cold climate. Women cannot do it without the help of a man.

Civilization selects genetically for intelligence and law obedience. Intelligent men usually prosper and have more children who live to adulthood. Criminals are usually killed at the scene of the crime, they die in custody, or they are executed. The few children some criminals have rarely live to adulthood.

This is the way things have been until comparatively recently. Welfare checks and other anti poverty programs enable the unfit to have more children than intelligent, law abiding people. This is dysgenics. The solution is eugenics.

The environment in sub Saharan Africa did require some intelligence. If it did not Negroes would not have become more intelligent than chimpanzees. Nevertheless, it required less intelligence than cold climates and civilizations.

In a tribal environment all men fight in the wars. The best warriors have more than one wife, and more sons who inherit violent inclinations and abilities.

Moreover, with no government, men are expected to avenge wrongs done to them, their relatives, and their friends. Women do not become involved with men who refuse to do this.

Civilization selects genetically against physical aggressiveness; a tribal environment selects for physical aggressiveness.

Keep in mind that I am describing average differences, rather than absolute categorizes. There are Negroes who intelligent, monogamous, and law abiding, just as there are stupid, promiscuous white criminals.
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The way evolution works is that innate characteristics that increase the likelihood an organism will survive and reproduce expand in a population of that organism.

Cold climates select genetically for intelligence and monogamy.
If that were the case, the Eskimos would be ruling the world right now.

Monogamy isn't even a trait, dude. In fact, the earliest recorded marriage was 2350 BCE. The earliest Homo Sapiens is 233,000 years old. It seems humanity got along without monogamy for the vast majority of its history as a species.

Civilization selects genetically for intelligence and law obedience. Intelligent men usually prosper and have more children who live to adulthood. Criminals are usually killed at the scene of the crime, they die in custody, or they are executed. The few children some criminals have rarely live to adulthood.

This is even more fucking retarded. Again, the earliest recorded laws date back to 2100 BCE. with the code of Ur Nammu. Which means Humanity got along just fine without laws for centuries. Furthermore, the first people to have laws were BROWN people in the Middle East, not white people from Europe.

This is the way things have been until comparatively recently. Welfare checks and other anti poverty programs enable the unfit to have more children than intelligent, law abiding people. This is dysgenics. The solution is eugenics.

No, the solution is to treat the poor decently. Here's the problem with your thinking. Before the New Deal (which you claim you love) 80% of the population, white, black and other, lived below the poverty line. Yet breed they continued to do. The difference is that family planning became part of our society, for white folks, anyway. So did the New Deal reforms that gave working class whites a living wage.

The only thing white people did that was impressive is that they learned how to weaponize gunpowder. that's it. It doesn't make us superior or smarter, just lucky. 1200 years ago, Brown people in the Middle East were the world's most advanced and cultured civilization while white people were living in mud huts looking at Roman Ruins and wondering how they lost it all.
If that were the case, the Eskimos would be ruling the world right now.

Eskimos do have higher IQ averages than American Indians. They have not benefited from the extra effect of civilization, and the population of Eskimos is too small. A large gene pool evolves larger than a small gene pool because there is more scope for beneficial mutations.
Monogamy isn't even a trait, dude. In fact, the earliest recorded marriage was 2350 BCE. The earliest Homo Sapiens is 233,000 years old. It seems humanity got along without monogamy for the vast majority of its history as a species.
Eskimos practiced monogamy. It was only in sub Saharan Africa that the rule was for several sex partners for men and women. In sub Saharan Africa there was no protection against the diseases. They hit randomly. It made sense to have a large number of children with the expectation that some would survive. By having several sex partners one increased the chance that one would have more natural resistance to the diseases than the others.
Eskimos do have higher IQ averages than American Indians. They have not benefited from the extra effect of civilization, and the population of Eskimos is too small. A large gene pool evolves larger than a small gene pool because there is more scope for beneficial mutations.

Oh, come on, guy, have some consistency in your arguments. If Cold Climates made the Ubermensch, the Eskimos would be ruling the world right now.

Instead, what you have is a wheel of history. For 1000 years, Middle Easterners dominated much of the world. White people have had their turn for 500 years, much to the regret of the rest of the world. But we are in decline. Asians are going to get their turn at bat, I guess, but long term, Demographics aren't on their side.
This is even more fucking retarded. Again, the earliest recorded laws date back to 2100 BCE. with the code of Ur Nammu. Which means Humanity got along just fine without laws for centuries. Furthermore, the first people to have laws were BROWN people in the Middle East, not white people from Europe.
You are substantiating my earlier point that without laws men were expected to avenge wrongs done to them, their relatives, and their friends.

Today, when a young ghetto black man is shot he usually knows who shot him, but he does not cooperate with the police in apprehending the shooter. When he gets out of the hospital he kills the man who shot him, the man's friends kill him, his friends kill them, and so it goes. Most black on black homicide is of this nature.

This is more than the customs of the black underclass. It is the working of instincts that made sense in sub Saharan Africa where there was no government, and no laws.
Eskimos practiced monogamy. It was only in sub Saharan Africa that the rule was for several sex partners for men and women. In sub Saharan Africa there was no protection against the diseases. They hit randomly. It made sense to have a large number of children with the expectation that some would survive. By having several sex partners one increased the chance that one would have more natural resistance to the diseases than the others.

As I recall, one of the cooler things about Eskimoes (actually that term is as obsolete as Negro and Oriental) is the whole "Wife Sharing" thing.

In fact, it was not a social stigma for women to get pregnant by men other than their husbands.

In China, all the way up until the People's Republic, polygamy was common. Men could have as many wives as they could afford.

You are substantiating my earlier point that without laws men were expected to avenge wrongs done to them, their relatives, and their friends.
Not really.

Today, when a young ghetto black man is shot he usually knows who shot him, but he does not cooperate with the police in apprehending the shooter. When he gets out of the hospital he kills the man who shot him, the man's friends kill him, his friends kill them, and so it goes. Most black on black homicide is of this nature.

Yeah, guy, not really. Here's the ugly truth. Gang-related homicides only account for about 15% of homicides across the country. Most homicides are domestic disputes.
No, the solution is to treat the poor decently. Here's the problem with your thinking. Before the New Deal (which you claim you love) 80% of the population, white, black and other, lived below the poverty line. Yet breed they continued to do. The difference is that family planning became part of our society, for white folks, anyway. So did the New Deal reforms that gave working class whites a living wage.

The New Deal turned millions of unemployed whites into a hard working, law abiding, tax paying working class.

Because Negroes were genetically selected for different characteristics, the Great Society turned millions of blacks of the working poor into an unemployable underclass, the members of whom often supplement their welfare checks with the gains from criminal activity. The War on Poverty increased black illegitimacy.

From 1966 to 1967 the National Welfare Rights Organization encouraged low income Negroes to quit their jobs and go on welfare.

In China, all the way up until the People's Republic, polygamy was common. Men could have as many wives as they could afford.
Without exception the men in China who could afford to have more than wife were successful merchants and men who passed the Imperial exams. That contributed to the high IQ averages of Chinese.
Yeah, guy, not really. Here's the ugly truth. Gang-related homicides only account for about 15% of homicides across the country. Most homicides are domestic disputes.

BlackCrime 3.jpg
As they should.

Especially when it's done by the people who are supposed to be protecting them.

The New Deal turned millions of unemployed whites into a hard working, law abiding, tax paying working class.

Not really. There's an argument to be made that the New Deal actually made the Great Depression worse. (I personally wouldn't make it, but there it is.) Unemployment was still 17% when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. Then everyone went to work, and blacks migrated to the North to take factory jobs. blacks got a small taste of affluence after that, but when the war ended, they all got fired when those white boys came back from the war. This is what triggered the Civil Rights movement, when black people realized that they could fight a war or work in a factory, just like a white person.

Because Negroes were genetically selected for different characteristics, the Great Society turned millions of blacks of the working poor into an unemployable underclass, the members of whom often supplement their welfare checks with the gains from criminal activity. The War on Poverty increased black illegitimacy.

Sweet Evil Jesus, do you hear yourself. Actually, the Great Society reduced the black poverty rate from 55% in 1960 to 17% today. Furthermore, black employment is only at about 6% today. Most blacks... wait for it. have jobs and work hard.

From 1966 to 1967 the National Welfare Rights Organization encouraged low income Negroes to quit their jobs and go on welfare.

And funny thing... no one bought into it, if the NWRO didn't last that long. (It was actually active from 1965 to 1975). It did a lot more than what you say.

Without exception the men in China who could afford to have more than wife were successful merchants and men who passed the Imperial exams. That contributed to the high IQ averages of Chinese.
Wow. WRONG AGAIN. The practice continued until 1949, when the Communists finally outlawed it.
As they should.

Especially when it's done by the people who are supposed to be protecting them.
When a black man is killed by a white man it is nearly always the case that the black man was committing a crime. This is reported nationally.

When a white man is killed by a black man it is nearly always the case that the white man was resisting a crime. Frequently this is not reported by the local news. When it is, the race of the black criminal is not mentioned.
Not really. There's an argument to be made that the New Deal actually made the Great Depression worse. (I personally wouldn't make it, but there it is.) Unemployment was still 17% when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor.
In 1941 the unemployment rate was 9.9%. the GDP growth was 17.7%

As they should.

Especially when it's done by the people who are supposed to be protecting them.

Not really. There's an argument to be made that the New Deal actually made the Great Depression worse. (I personally wouldn't make it, but there it is.) Unemployment was still 17% when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. Then everyone went to work, and blacks migrated to the North to take factory jobs. blacks got a small taste of affluence after that, but when the war ended, they all got fired when those white boys came back from the war. This is what triggered the Civil Rights movement, when black people realized that they could fight a war or work in a factory, just like a white person.

Sweet Evil Jesus, do you hear yourself. Actually, the Great Society reduced the black poverty rate from 55% in 1960 to 17% today. Furthermore, black employment is only at about 6% today. Most blacks... wait for it. have jobs and work hard.
The Great Society reduced black poverty with affirmative action policies and more and more generous welfare checks.
I think you are a bit confused. The Zionists blew in from Europe, and started stealing land almost the minute they got there.
No, they are right and you are wrong ,at least about the land

most people who call themselves Palestinians are not actually Palestinians, but instead descendants of recent immigrants from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Syria, who came to the land in waves of immigration starting in the 19th century and continuing through the period of the British Mandate. .. what is referred to as the 1948 Palestinian expulsion and flight was not ethnic cleansing, but actually a population exchange that resulted from the 1948 Arab–Israeli War.
The way evolution works is that innate characteristics that increase the likelihood an organism will survive and reproduce expand in a population of that organism.

Cold climates select genetically for intelligence and monogamy. It takes more intelligence to survive in a cold climate. Women cannot do it without the help of a man.

Civilization selects genetically for intelligence and law obedience. Intelligent men usually prosper and have more children who live to adulthood. Criminals are usually killed at the scene of the crime, they die in custody, or they are executed. The few children some criminals have rarely live to adulthood.

This is the way things have been until comparatively recently. Welfare checks and other anti poverty programs enable the unfit to have more children than intelligent, law abiding people. This is dysgenics. The solution is eugenics.

The environment in sub Saharan Africa did require some intelligence. If it did not Negroes would not have become more intelligent than chimpanzees. Nevertheless, it required less intelligence than cold climates and civilizations.

In a tribal environment all men fight in the wars. The best warriors have more than one wife, and more sons who inherit violent inclinations and abilities.

Moreover, with no government, men are expected to avenge wrongs done to them, their relatives, and their friends. Women do not become involved with men who refuse to do this.

Civilization selects genetically against physical aggressiveness; a tribal environment selects for physical aggressiveness.

Keep in mind that I am describing average differences, rather than absolute categorizes. There are Negroes who intelligent, monogamous, and law abiding, just as there are stupid, promiscuous white criminals.
At the very least, cold climates select for certain personality traits. More motivated, adventurous people who sought out to improve their lives were the ones who ventured from home.

Most people don’t know this, but many personality traits are inherited - and level of motivation is a big one.

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