Zone1 About The Claim Made About the Great Society and Blacks

Blah, blah, blah.

Point is, they were European Colonists and no one invited them.
I guess you have never heard of the Balfour Declaration. It was dated 1917. After winning the First World War the British ruled the area and reiterated their invitation to the Jews to move to what became Israel.

What matters is that the Jews wanted to move there so they did.

No one has invited African Negroes to move to Europe, but they do. With an average IQ of 70 most of them are unemployable, but they move any way.

With their high IQ power the Jews excel everywhere they move.

Where is the Department of Race Realism at any major university.

Just one.

Not even the most right wing, Bible thumping, Talking Snake university has one of those. No academic with these kinds of views could gain tenure. There's a reason for that.
Race realism is a theory, like the theory of evolution and the theory of relativity. There are no college departments for them either.

Most aspects of race realism have been proved right now. With internet access I have proved that Orientals tend to be more intelligent than whites, and much more intelligent than colored people. I have proved that Orientals have lower rates of crime and illegitimacy than whites, and much lower rates than Negroes.

What remains unproven in race realism will be testable when more is learned about human genetics and human evolution.
I guess you have never heard of the Balfour Declaration. It was dated 1917. After winning the First World War the British ruled the area and reiterated their invitation to the Jews to move to what became Israel.

An imperialist move by an imperialist power. The empires are gone, buddy. Cast on the dustbin of history and we are all better off for it.

With their high IQ power the Jews excel everywhere they move.
Except when they get driven out of the place where they live or mass executed...

Race realism is a theory, like the theory of evolution and the theory of relativity. There are no college departments for them either.

No, but there are departments of biology and physics that accept them. No science accepts "Race Realism".

With internet access I have proved that Orientals tend to be more intelligent than whites, and much more intelligent than colored people.
With internet access, I've proven that Bigfoot exists. Wait, there she is.

An imperialist move by an imperialist power. The empires are gone, buddy. Cast on the dustbin of history and we are all better off for it.
When an empire imposes civilization on barbarians it is beneficial.
Except when they get driven out of the place where they live or mass executed...

Again you gloat about the persecution of the most superior demographic on earth. Then you turn around and make excuses for the least civilized demographic.

No, but there are departments of biology and physics that accept them. No science accepts "Race Realism".
Race realism is based on scientific hypotheses. I have proved several on the U.S. Message Board using information available on the internet. Race realism is suppressed by those who fear a rational evaluation of the claims of race realism. They fear this rational evaluation because race realism explains why the response of most Negroes to African independence and the civil rights legislation has been disappointing.
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When an empire imposes civilization on barbarians it is beneficial.

No, Empires only benefit the very few at the top who profit from them. That's why they always fall. The smartest thing America ever did was avoid the stupidity of Empires. (We got a nasty taste in the Philippines, which aged as well as week-old pachero.)

Race realism is based on scientific hypotheses. I have proved several on the U.S. Message Board using information available on the internet. Race realism is suppressed by those who fear a rational evaluation of the claims of race realism. They fear this rational evaluation because race realism explains why the response of most Negroes to African independence and the civil rights legislation has been disappointing.

Uh, guy, again, you can prove that Bigfoot exists using 'information' available on the internet. But oddly, no university has a Department of Cryptozoology. You can find information on the internet "proving" that the bible stories are true, but no university has a Department of Scientific Creationism.

Here's the thing. The guy who believes in Bigfoot is a bit of a crank, but most of them seem like pretty nice guys. (At least they seem to be in those Bigfoot hunting shows where they wander around in the first for an hour at night.) Your belief in Race Realism is kind of rooted in your own hatred and insecurity. Maybe you are a 25 year old edgelord who is rebelling, or maybe you are an old fucker from the South who gets upset the darkies are riding at the front of the bus now.

I really don't care... but you have problems.
No, Empires only benefit the very few at the top who profit from them. That's why they always fall. The smartest thing America ever did was avoid the stupidity of Empires. (We got a nasty taste in the Philippines, which aged as well as week-old pachero.)
European empires brought schools, hospitals, electric power plants, water purification and telephone communication to sub Saharan Africa. All of that is in decline since independence. There has been a revival of cannibalism.
Uh, guy, again, you can prove that Bigfoot exists using 'information' available on the internet. But oddly, no university has a Department of Cryptozoology. You can find information on the internet "proving" that the bible stories are true, but no university has a Department of Scientific Creationism.

Here's the thing. The guy who believes in Bigfoot is a bit of a crank, but most of them seem like pretty nice guys. (At least they seem to be in those Bigfoot hunting shows where they wander around in the first for an hour at night.) Your belief in Race Realism is kind of rooted in your own hatred and insecurity. Maybe you are a 25 year old edgelord who is rebelling, or maybe you are an old fucker from the South who gets upset the darkies are riding at the front of the bus now.

I really don't care... but you have problems.
Your problem is that you are unable or unwilling to analyze evidence you do not wish existed. You are unable to prove your assertions. You claim to be a history major, but you have never indicated any knowledge of history at all. Your hatred of Jews resembles what I have read in Mein Kampf, and is the hatred of someone who has not been able to compete with them.
European empires brought schools, hospitals, electric power plants, water purification and telephone communication to sub Saharan Africa. All of that is in decline since independence. There has been a revival of cannibalism.
Wow, you seem to have this fascination with cannibalism. Are you secretly a vorephiliac?

European Empires brought misery to the people of Africa, which is why they were glad to throw them out after they sufficiently weakened themselves in the World Wars.

Your problem is that you are unable or unwilling to analyze evidence you do not wish existed. You are unable to prove your assertions. You claim to be a history major, but you have never indicated any knowledge of history at all. Your hatred of Jews resembles what I have read in Mein Kampf, and is the hatred of someone who has not been able to compete with them.
Guy, I have a degree in history. That means a real university thought I had enough knowledge to get one.

Your evidence is all crap that has been debunked and denounced by Academia.

I don't hate the Jews, I just recognize that they have a completely screwed up religion that leads to a screwed up value system.
European Empires brought misery to the people of Africa, which is why they were glad to throw them out after they sufficiently weakened themselves in the World Wars.
Misery existed in sub Saharan Africa before the European empires. It has returned since.
Misery existed in sub Saharan Africa before the European empires. It has returned since.
Depends what you define as misery.

Most of the misery inflicted on Africa was imposed by white people. Do we really want to talk about the Belgian Congo?

Most of the conflict in Africa today is caused by western demand for strategic metals and diamonds. Diamonds particularly, because rich people are hoarding them.
Guy, I have a degree in history. That means a real university thought I had enough knowledge to get one.
What was the immediate cause of the French Revolution? Who wrote Reflections on the Revolution in France? What were the French trying to do when he wrote it? Why didn't they succeed.?
Most of the conflict in Africa today is caused by western demand for strategic metals and diamonds. Diamonds particularly, because rich people are hoarding them.
The Western demand for strategic metals and diamonds gives African Negroes something to sell. No one wants to buy goods manufactured in sub Saharan Africa. All the area has is natural resources.
Your evidence is all crap that has been debunked and denounced by Academia.
It has been denounced, but never disproved. Those who pretend to disagree with it avoid candid, civil debates. They try to suppress what they cannot disprove.
What was the immediate cause of the French Revolution? Who wrote Reflections on the Revolution in France? What were the French trying to do when he wrote it? Why didn't they succeed.?
Off topic and not relevent to this discussion. If you want to start a thread in the History section, I'd be happy to bounce this one around.

It has been denounced, but never disproved. Those who pretend to disagree with it avoid candid, civil debates. They try to suppress what they cannot disprove.
No, it was debunked years ago. Anyone still promoting is just being an asshole, and are treated as such.
Off topic and not relevent to this discussion. If you want to start a thread in the History section, I'd be happy to bounce this one around.

No, it was debunked years ago. Anyone still promoting is just being an asshole, and are treated as such.
I was testing your knowledge of the subject you claim to have majored in.

Race realism asserts that whites and Orientals tend to be considerably more intelligent than Negroes, and that we have lower rates of crime and illegitimacy. When have those assertions been "debunked?"
I was testing your knowledge of the subject you claim to have majored in.
Awesome, I was ignoring you because you are a racist cockroach.
Race realism asserts that whites and Orientals tend to be considerably more intelligent than Negroes, and that we have lower rates of crime and illegitimacy. When have those assertions been "debunked?"

By every university that has rejected the racist writings of your heroes.

Blacks do less well because of 400 years of institutionalized racism.
Awesome, I was ignoring you because you are a racist cockroach.

By every university that has rejected the racist writings of your heroes.

Blacks do less well because of 400 years of institutionalized racism.
then why do they do poorly in countries where they are the majority and black slavery never happened?
then why do they do poorly in countries where they are the majority and black slavery never happened?
I've answered this question about 500 time, and honestly, I'm sick of it.

Point out to me one country in the world where black people lived where white people didn't screw them.

if you can find that country for me, let me know. It doesn't exist.
Awesome, I was ignoring you because you are a racist cockroach.

By every university that has rejected the racist writings of your heroes.

Blacks do less well because of 400 years of institutionalized racism.
Negroes are not the way they are because of what we did to them during the last four centuries. They are the way they are because of what never happened to them. The tribal environment of sub Saharan Africa did not prepare most of them for characteristics civilization needs to thrive. Instead, they were genetically selected for characteristics that cause many of them to earn felony convictions in civilized countries.
What was the immediate cause of the French Revolution? Who wrote Reflections on the Revolution in France? What were the French trying to do when he wrote it? Why didn't they succeed.?
JoeB131, you did not answer these questions because you could not.

I will answer them myself. The immediate cause of the French Revolution was that the French treasury was bankrupt from supporting the United States during the American Revolution. That support enabled the Americans to win, but it did not benefit the French at all.

Edmund Burke wrote Reflections on the Revolution in France. I have read that book several times. Burke's main argument is that there is often wisdom in tradition.

While he wrote Reflections on the Revolution in France the French were trying to develop a representative democracy with a constitutional monarchy.

They did not succeed because they were threatened by invasion from Prussia and Austria. That threat led to the execution of the French king, because he was believed to favor Prussia and Austria, the Reign of Terror, and eventually to the tyranny of Napoleon Bonaparte.

The French revolutionaries were further embittered by the facts that the aristocracy was the richest class in France, it did not do anything useful, and it paid no taxes.

I do not know that because I remember it from college. I did not major in history. I know it because of reading I have done since college.

You do not seem to do much reading, JoeB131. Your opinions are based on what you want to believe. What you want to believe is generated by your malevolent character and personality.

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