Zone1 About The Claim Made About the Great Society and Blacks

Asia is a large continent. It includes Caucasians and Mongoloids. What I mean by "Oriental" are China and nations that learned civilization fro China.
Well, that's kind of stupid, because "Oriental" has also been applied to Indians, Persians, Arabs, and even Egyptians.

People are Asian.
Doesn't appear to be an issue using that reference of Oriental, does it?

It is now politically incorrect to use the word “Oriental,” and the admonition has the force of law: President Obama recently signed a bill prohibiting use of the term in all federal documents. Rep. Grace Meng, the New York congresswoman who sponsored the legislation, exulted that “at long last this insulting and outdated term will be gone for good.”

As an Oriental, I am bemused. Apparently Asians are supposed to feel demeaned if someone refers to us as Orientals. But good luck finding a single Asian American who has ever had the word spat at them in anger. Most Asian Americans have had racist epithets hurled at them at one time or another: Chink, slant eye, gook, Nip, zipperhead. But Oriental isn’t in the canon.

And why should it be? Literally, it means of the Orient or of the East, as opposed to of the Occident or of the West. Last I checked, geographic origin is not a slur. If it were, it would be wrong to label people from Mississippi as Southerners.
A funny thing I noticed is that my Caucasian colleagues, not my Asian colleagues, are most eager to remove Oriental from public discourse.
In my field, the word “Oriental” appears in the title of 17 of the 58 accredited graduate-level schools, 21 of the 33 state associations and eight of the 24 national associations. Though the new federal legislation does not require us to act, it has increased pressure to toe the politically correct line.
Jayne Tsuchiyama is a doctor of acupuncture and Oriental medicine.

No, what discredited Eugenics is that 12 million people were killed, not just that half of them happened to be Jews. The Nazis also killed the disabled, gays, Slavs, Roma, Sinti, religious dissidents, etc.

As far as not having enough Jews to go around... the ones we have cause plenty of problems.

Imagine if there was No Zionist Entity. We could have avoided 80 years of needless conflict.

Not at all.

Honestly, I wish we had EITHER Mayor Daley back, compared to the clown show the last three guys have been.
Because of dysgenics, and because computer technology and automation are eliminating jobs that can be learned by people with IQ's lower than 100, eugenics is more important than ever before.

I do not advocate killing the congenitally unemployable. I advocate sterilizing them and subduing them with a sufficiently harsh criminal justice system. The growth in the prison population has been one of the few social experiments that worked. As the prison population went up, the crime rate went down.

If we keep doing things your way a growing percentage of humans, disproportionally Negro, will be congenitally unemployable.
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That's called Stealing.

It's generally agreed in the modern day that conquering other people's land is wrong. We even fought a world war about that.
The Germans started World War I and World War II. After they were defeated both times they lost land.

On the land the Jews conquered they built an oases of civilization where barbarism had prevailed. This is because the Ashkenazim are biologically superior. For the same reason Jews succeed in the United States.
Doesn't appear to be an issue using that reference of Oriental, does it?
Uh, yeah, actually it does, because a lot of Asians find it offensive.

Because of dysgenics, and because computer technology and automation are eliminating jobs that can be learned by people with IQ's lower than 100, eugenics is more important than ever before.

Quite the contrary, computers make life easier for the stupid. Easier to get information, easier to solve problems.

I do not advocate killing the congenitally unemployable. I advocate sterilizing them and subduing them with a sufficiently harsh criminal justice system. The growth in the prison population has been one of the few social experiments that worked. As the prison population went up, the crime rate went down.
Someone should sterilize you, but I think your personality has already taken care of that.

Crime went down because the Boomers aged out of the "Doing dumb-ass things" age. We all did stupid things when we were teens. Then we got old enough to know better.

We need to
The Germans started World War I and World War II. After they were defeated both times they lost land.

Germany didn't start WWI, and the land they lost wasn't inhabited by Germans.

WWII< Germans were ethnically cleansed. It was a human tragedy.

On the land the Jews conquered they built an oases of civilization where barbarism had prevailed. This is because the Ashkenazim are biologically superior. For the same reason Jews succeed in the United States.

Um, they succeed because they aren't hobbled by ethics like Christians are... until they wear out their welcome.

Funny, apparently not on the west coast according to Jayne Tsuchiyama is a doctor of acupuncture and Oriental medicine.
She's one person. Most Asians don't like being called "Oriental".
She's one person. Most Asians don't like being called "Oriental".
She's speaking for many. Not sure you noticed but she pointed out white people are more uncomfortable with the term than Orientals.

You squirming in your seat, Joey?
Quite the contrary, computers make life easier for the stupid. Easier to get information, easier to solve problems.
That goes to show how little you understand computer technology. Two computer programs that took me two weeks to code enabled my company to fire four clerical workers. Those are the one's I know about. I am sure there were others.

Take a long hard look at the following graph. As the value of manufacturing increases in the United States the number of factory jobs declines. That is because jobs that used to be done by humans are now done by industrial robots. A small number of highly intelligent people designing and coding industrial robots can produce more faster and less expensively than a large number of factory robots.

factoryjobs 2.jpg

ATM machines eliminate jobs for bank tellers. Bar codes eliminate jobs for cashiers.
Racist remarks are more frequently true than false, unless they are directed at Orientals.
Pick a door, there's 3 , behind one is a bomb...speaking of 'more frequently' , it gives no help in determining true or false in a given case.
That's called Stealing.

It's generally agreed in the modern day that conquering other people's land is wrong. We even fought a world war about that.
In May 1967, Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser announced that the Straits of Tiran would again be closed to Israeli vessels. He subsequently mobilized the Egyptian military into defensive lines along the border with Israel[35] and ordered the immediate withdrawal of all UNEF personnel.

Starting a war with the intention of destroying Israel deserves to be punished by losing land.
In May 1967, Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser announced that the Straits of Tiran would again be closed to Israeli vessels. He subsequently mobilized the Egyptian military into defensive lines along the border with Israel[35] and ordered the immediate withdrawal of all UNEF personnel.

Starting a war with the intention of destroying Israel deserves to be punished by losing land.
Except the Zionist squatters struck first in the Six Day War (which has pretty much been going on for 60 years now.)
Except the Zionist squatters struck first in the Six Day War (which has pretty much been going on for 60 years now.)
Israel is a small country. It cannot absorb an invasion the way the Soviet Union and China did during World War II.

When the Israelis know they are going to be invaded they need to hit first and hit hard. That is what they did. Their total victory in six days felt so very good. :yes_text12:

Psalm 129:1-2 Many a time have they afflicted me from my youth, may Israel now say: Many a time have they afflicted me from my youth: yet they have not prevailed against me.


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