Zone1 About The Claim Made About the Great Society and Blacks

When a black man is killed by a white man it is nearly always the case that the black man was committing a crime. This is reported nationally.

Actually, it's usually the opposite. It's often a cop or a scared home owner like Zimmerman or that twat who shot the girl who had just been in an accident.

When a white man is killed by a black man it is nearly always the case that the white man was resisting a crime. Frequently this is not reported by the local news. When it is, the race of the black criminal is not mentioned.

The problem here is that the black man is arrested, prosecuted, and jailed when he does this. The white cop is given a two week suspension with pay.

In 1941 the unemployment rate was 9.9%. the GDP growth was 17.7%
Nope, unemployment was still high in December 1941. The war changed things, not the New Deal, which was largely a failure.

The Great Society reduced black poverty with affirmative action policies and more and more generous welfare checks.
Point is, it reduced it.

When did I say that polygyny did not end until 1949?
When you babbled about the Imperial Exam, which pretty much ended when Puyi gave up the throne and the country was thrown into Chaos.

At the very least, cold climates select for certain personality traits. More motivated, adventurous people who sought out to improve their lives were the ones who ventured from home.

Most people don’t know this, but many personality traits are inherited - and level of motivation is a big one.
So you are admitting the Zionist Squatters really aren't from the Levant, but Eastern Europe?
Actually, it's usually the opposite. It's often a cop or a scared home owner like Zimmerman or that twat who shot the girl who had just been in an accident.
You do not know what you are talking about. Trayvon Martin attacked George Zimmerman from behind, threw him on the ground and began punching him in the face. This is what Zimmerman looked like after his encounter with Martin.

This is what George Zimmerman looked like after Trayvon Martin beat him up.

GeorgeZimmerman 3.jpg

GeorgeZimmerman 2.jpg

Zimmerman shot Martin in self defense. There never should have been a trial.
Actually, it's usually the opposite. It's often a cop or a scared home owner like Zimmerman or that twat who shot the girl who had just been in an accident.

The problem here is that the black man is arrested, prosecuted, and jailed when he does this. The white cop is given a two week suspension with pay.

Nope, unemployment was still high in December 1941. The war changed things, not the New Deal, which was largely a failure.

Point is, it reduced it.

When you babbled about the Imperial Exam, which pretty much ended when Puyi gave up the throne and the country was thrown into Chaos.

So you are admitting the Zionist Squatters really aren't from the Levant, but Eastern Europe?
There are no Zionist squatters, you bigot.
Nope, unemployment was still high in December 1941. The war changed things, not the New Deal, which was largely a failure.
Where do you get your statistics from? For someone who pretends to have a degree in history you do not know much history.

You said, "
Unemployment was still 17% when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor.
That is not true. Do a Google search for:
1941 + unemployment
You do not know what you are talking about. Trayvon Martin attacked George Zimmerman from behind, threw him on the ground and began punching him in the face. This is what Zimmerman looked like after his encounter with Martin.

This is what George Zimmerman looked like after Trayvon Martin beat him up.
You mean after he creepily stalked him to his house.

Man, it must suck to be beaten up by a child half your size, but shooting him wasn't the answer.

Where do you get your statistics from? For someone who pretends to have a degree in history you do not know much history.
sorry, man, unemployment was really still pretty high in 1941. The New Deal failed.
You mean after he creepily stalked him to his house.

Man, it must suck to be beaten up by a child half your size, but shooting him wasn't the answer.
Trayvon Martin was 17 or 18 years old at the time and on his school's football team.

George Zimmerman was the watch man for his gated community. He had the responsibility to follow someone in that community he did not recognize.

Once I was in a similar situation. On a week night about 10:00 pm I was riding my bicycle past an office building where I had earlier worked as a security guard. Because I am retrospective I rode my bicycle to the parking lot behind the office building.

Two security guards came out to look at me. I got off of my bicycle, and walked with it to the two security guards. "Excuse me," I began, "Am I trespassing?"

When I was told that I was, I apologized, explained why I was there, and said I would leave immediately. We had a brief, friendly conversation, and I left.

That is the way a civilized man behaves in a situation like that. If Trayvon Martin had been civilized, as soon as he noticed that George Zimmerman was following him he would have walked over to Zimmerman and said, "Excuse me. I am Trayvon Martin. I am staying with my father. If you want to verify that, knock on Dad's door. He will explain everything."

If Martin had behaved that way he would still be alive. But no, he was too ghetto for that. He felt dissed, so he attacked Zimmerman from behind.
No, Empires only benefit the very few at the top who profit from them. That's why they always fall. The smartest thing America ever did was avoid the stupidity of Empires. (We got a nasty taste in the Philippines, which aged as well as week-old pachero.)

Uh, guy, again, you can prove that Bigfoot exists using 'information' available on the internet. But oddly, no university has a Department of Cryptozoology. You can find information on the internet "proving" that the bible stories are true, but no university has a Department of Scientific Creationism.

Here's the thing. The guy who believes in Bigfoot is a bit of a crank, but most of them seem like pretty nice guys. (At least they seem to be in those Bigfoot hunting shows where they wander around in the first for an hour at night.) Your belief in Race Realism is kind of rooted in your own hatred and insecurity. Maybe you are a 25 year old edgelord who is rebelling, or maybe you are an old fucker from the South who gets upset the darkies are riding at the front of the bus now.

I really don't care... but you have problems.
YOu are unwittingly spouting the liberal crap about empire.

In Defense of German Colonialism: And How Its Critics Empowered Nazis, Communists, and the Enemies of the West​

by Bruce Gilley

Famed historian and author of the groundbreaking "The Case for Colonialism" demonstrates that, contary to modern presuppositions, German colonialism from its early roots to the mid-twentieth century was overall a force for good in the world where development was encouraged and native governance flourished.

Historian and university professor, Bruce Gilley, delves into the history of German colonialism from its earliest roots through the 20th century, demonstrating that contrary to modern presuppositions, it served as a global force for good—elevating the lives of its subjects and encouraging scientific development while allowing native cultures to flourish within its governance.
Nope, unemployment was still high in December 1941. The war changed things, not the New Deal, which was largely a failure.
When Franklin Roosevelt was elected president in 1932 the unemployment rate was 23.6%. By 1941 this had declined to 9.9%.

Historical US Unemployment Rate by Year

In 1932 the per capita gross domestic product (GDP) in 1996 dollars was $4,901. By 1941 this had grown to $8,612.

Franklin Roosevelt was reelected in 1936 and 1940 because for most Americans life began to improve almost as soon as he was inaugurated in 1933.

Richard Nixon was elected president in 1968 because the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the declaration of the War on Poverty was followed by five years of black ghetto rioting. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was followed by worse riots than the year before. The Open Housing Act of 1968 was followed by the worst riots in American history.

President Nixon was reelected in 1972, even though the War in Vietnam was becoming unpopular, because potential black ghetto rioters knew that Nixon would be much harsher on them than President Johnson had been.

Ronald Reagan was elected in 1980 and reelected in 1984 because of continual increases in black social pathology.
Trayvon Martin was 17 or 18 years old at the time and on his school's football team.

George Zimmerman was the watch man for his gated community. He had the responsibility to follow someone in that community he did not recognize.
1) Check your privilege. You probably wouldn't have been treated so politely if you were black.

2) Zimmerman never identified himself as Neighborhood watch. So all Trayvon knew was some creepy ass looking fat man was following him home.

3) If Zimmerman were good at his job in Neighbhorhood Watch, he'd have known Trayvon lived there.

Not to mention, all the other behavior by Zimmerman the jury never got to hear about, like the cousin he molested, the woman whose leg he broke at a party, or the ex-wife he regularly beat the shit out of.
Point is, it reduced it.
The Great Society reduced black poverty by making welfare more generous and easier to qualify for, and by affirmative action programs. Affirmative action does not create opportunities. It takes them from whites and Orientals who can perform adequately, and gives them to Negroes who do not perform adequately.

As far as most whites were concerned, this was not an acceptable way to reduce black poverty. This is how the Great Society destroyed the New Deal Coalition that had dominated the United States since 1933.
1) Check your privilege. You probably wouldn't have been treated so politely if you were black.

2) Zimmerman never identified himself as Neighborhood watch. So all Trayvon knew was some creepy ass looking fat man was following him home.

3) If Zimmerman were good at his job in Neighbhorhood Watch, he'd have known Trayvon lived there.

Not to mention, all the other behavior by Zimmerman the jury never got to hear about, like the cousin he molested, the woman whose leg he broke at a party, or the ex-wife he regularly beat the shit out of.
What matters is that Trayvon Martin subjected George Zimmerman to an unprovoked attack.
The Great Society reduced black poverty by making welfare more generous and easier to qualify for, and by affirmative action programs. Affirmative action does not create opportunities. It takes them from whites and Orientals who can perform adequately, and gives them to Negroes who do not perform adequately.

No, affirmative action creates opportunities. In fact, the biggest beneficiaries of AA have been -wait for it - WHITE WOMEN

As far as most whites were concerned, this was not an acceptable way to reduce black poverty. This is how the Great Society destroyed the New Deal Coalition that had dominated the United States since 1933.
Uh, no, guy, the New Deal Coalition included blacks... the problem is, you can't keep putting someone off if they are part of your coalition because someone else in your coalition is a shit-eating bigot.
Not really. It was still much higher than that.

According to the website you linked to, by November 1941 the unemployment rate had declined to 6.8%.

I know you are not used to substantiating your factual assertions with documentation, but you should read your websites before linking to them.
No, affirmative action creates opportunities. In fact, the biggest beneficiaries of AA have been -wait for it - WHITE WOMEN
Affirmative action elevates women to positions where they are not strong enough. It elevates Negroes to positions where they are not intelligent enough.

Affirmative action does not create new jobs. It takes them from those who deserve them, and gives them to those who do not deserve them.
There are no Zionist squatters, you bigot.

I was in the German bookshop today, and it seems to me this Jew hate phenomenon is as old as time itself, and well recognised. For there on display, as a best seller, was a book called “Juden Hass”
When Franklin Roosevelt was elected president in 1932 the unemployment rate was 23.6%. By 1941 this had declined to 9.9%.

Historical US Unemployment Rate by Year

In 1932 the per capita gross domestic product (GDP) in 1996 dollars was $4,901. By 1941 this had grown to $8,612.

Franklin Roosevelt was reelected in 1936 and 1940 because for most Americans life began to improve almost as soon as he was inaugurated in 1933.

Richard Nixon was elected president in 1968 because the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the declaration of the War on Poverty was followed by five years of black ghetto rioting. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was followed by worse riots than the year before. The Open Housing Act of 1968 was followed by the worst riots in American history.

President Nixon was reelected in 1972, even though the War in Vietnam was becoming unpopular, because potential black ghetto rioters knew that Nixon would be much harsher on them than President Johnson had been.

Ronald Reagan was elected in 1980 and reelected in 1984 because of continual increases in black social pathology.
Most of that decline was due to military orders being placed by the warring countries of Europe and Asia. The New Deal simply prolonged the Great Depression.
1) Check your privilege. You probably wouldn't have been treated so politely if you were black.

2) Zimmerman never identified himself as Neighborhood watch. So all Trayvon knew was some creepy ass looking fat man was following him home.

3) If Zimmerman were good at his job in Neighbhorhood Watch, he'd have known Trayvon lived there.

Not to mention, all the other behavior by Zimmerman the jury never got to hear about, like the cousin he molested, the woman whose leg he broke at a party, or the ex-wife he regularly beat the shit out of.
Martin DIDN'T live there and hadn't been visiting his father for very long. For that matter his father wasn't a resident there, his girlfriend was the person leasing the apartment. So, legally the father was a visitor as well.
Most of that decline was due to military orders being placed by the warring countries of Europe and Asia. The New Deal simply prolonged the Great Depression.
The people living in the United States did not think so. That is why Roosevelt was re elected three times.

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